844 resultados para Vegetal oil
The treatment of oil produced water and its implications are continually under investigation and several questions are related to this subject. In the Northeast Region Brazil, the onshore reservoirs are, in its majority, mature oil fields with high production of water. As this oil produced water has high levels of oil, it cannot be directly discarded into the environment because it represents a risk for contamination of soil, water, and groundwater, or even may cause harm to living bodies. Currently, polyelectrolytes that promote the coalescence of the oil droplets are used to remove the dispersed oil phase, enhancing the effectiveness of the flotation process. The non-biodegradability and high cost of polyelectrolytes are limiting factors for its application. On this context, it is necessary to develop studies for the search of more environmentally friendly products to apply in the flotation process. In this work it is proposed the modeling of the flotation process, in a glass column, using surfactants derived from vegetal oils to replace the polyelectrolytes, as well as to obtain a model that represents the experimental data. In addition, it was made a comparative study between the models described in the literature and the one developed in this research. The obtained results showed that the developed model presented high correlation coefficients when fitting the experimental data (R2 > 0.98), thus proving its efficiency in modeling the experimental data.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conduziu-se este trabalho, com o objetivo de avaliar a atividade antioxidante de diferentes extratos de cogumelo Agaricus blazei, bem como a estabilidade oxidativa do óleo de soja adicionado de extrato de cogumelo. O cogumelo seco em estufa a 55ºC e triturado (10 g) fui submetido à extração, à temperatura ambiente, com 100 mL de metanol e metanol:água (1:1) com duração de 6 e 12 horas para ambas as extrações. O extrato de maior atividade antioxidante, conforme o método DPPH, foi aplicado em óleo de soja na concentração de 0,1% de compostos fenólicos totais e, então, submetido ao método do Rancimat e ao teste acelerado em estufa a 60ºC por um período de 16 dias. Amostras de óleo foram retiradas da estufa cada 4 dias e analisadas quanto ao índice de peróxidos e dienos conjugados. Como parâmetros de comparação, foram utilizados os antioxidantes sintéticos BHT (100 mg/kg), TBHQ (50 mg/kg) e o óleo de soja isento de antioxidantes (controle). Os resultados demonstraram que o extrato metanólico:aquoso, com 6 horas de extração, apresentou maior atividade antioxidante. A aplicação desse extrato em óleo de soja proporcionou a seguinte ordem em relação à estabilidade oxidativa: TBHQ > extrato de cogumelo > BHT = óleo de soja (controle). O extrato de cogumelo também foi eficiente em relação à formação de peróxidos e dienos conjugados que, apesar de aumentarem ao longo do tempo, foi menor que o BHT, porém maior que o TBHQ. O extrato de cogumelo apresentou-se efetivo na proteção do óleo, podendo ser considerado um potencial antioxidante natural.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Objetivou-se avaliar a ingestão de matéria seca, o ganho de peso diário, a conversão alimentar, o peso vivo ao abate e o período de confinamento em cordeiros Santa Inês puros e ½Dorset ½Santa Inês, alimentados com dietas isoenergéticas (76,59% de NDT) e isoprotéicas (17,48% de PB) contendo diferentes fontes de óleo vegetal (óleos de soja, canola e linhaça) e uma dieta controle (sem inclusão de óleo vegetal). A relação volumoso:concentrado foi de 30:70 e utilizou-se feno de aveia como volumoso. Realizou-se também um ensaio de digestibilidade, utilizando quatro cordeiros não-castrados, distribuídos em delineamento quadrado latino, avaliando-se ingestão, excreção fecal e digestibilidade total dos nutrientes das rações. A ingestão de matéria seca, expressa em porcentagem do peso vivo, foi menor nos cordeiros que receberam dieta contendo óleo de canola que naqueles que receberam dieta controle. Porém, todas as rações proporcionaram ganhos de peso e conversão alimentar satisfatórios. Os valores de digestibilidade total da matéria seca (76,02%) e matéria orgânica (76,82%) da dieta controle foram superiores aos da dieta contendo óleo de linhaça (72,11% e 72,97%, respectivamente), embora não tenham diferido das dietas contendo óleos de soja (72,94 e 73,71%) e canola (73,45 e 74,25%). A digestibilidade do extrato etéreo foi menor na dieta controle (84,02%), enquanto as demais dietas apresentaram valor médio de 91,98%. Os óleos vegetais reduziram a digestibilidade da matéria seca e da matéria orgânica, não afetando a ingestão e digestão dos demais nutrientes.
An experiment was carried out at Sâo Manuel Experimental Farm, FCA-UNESP, Botucatu-SP, in 1994 and 1995, aiming to determine the biomass production and essential oil yield of mentrasto (Ageratum conyzoides L. - Asteraceae) in different stages of development. The statistical design used was a complete randomized block with 8 replications and 3 treatments (pre-flowering, flowering and post-flowering). The spacing was 70 cm between rows and 50 cm between plants, with 70 plants/parcel. The seedlings were transplanted 40 days after sowing. After harvesting, the fragments (roots, stems, leaves, flowers) and whole plants were washed, separated and weighted. The extractions of essential oil were done by hydrodistillation, using Clevenger apparatus, for two hours. There were statistic differences (Tukey 5%) in fresh weight of all vegetal parts w'hen harvested in different development stages. About essential oil yield, statistic differences were not verified among the treatments.
Brazil produced in 2002/03 season 317.87×106tons of sugar cane stalks and 36.88×106tons of vegetal residues (green leaves, dry leaves and tops) in a planted area of 4.61×106 hectares (ha). These residues have a useful heat of 3,613.14Mcal.t-1. Currently most of this biomass is burned as a pre-harvest practice. The doubt persists in the system type that it must be adopted to pick up, load, transport and unload this biomass at the sugar mill boilers. This study analyzed 22 variables related to operational costs and physical characteristics of these residues in a field situation using a JOHN DEERE® 6850 forage harvester with two different treatments: T1 and T2 (two types of rakes) with 6 repetitions each one. The geographic location of the studied area that belongs to COSTA PINTO MILL (COSAN® Group) is: Latitude 22°40'30S and Longitude 47°36'38W. The adopted methodology was proposed by Ripoli et al. (2002). The obtained results at a 5% level of significance showed that both treatments did not differed significantly between them. Some of the results were, where EBP stands for Oil Equivalent Barrel: Windrowing (T1=US$0.17.EBP-1 and US$9.59.ha-1, T2=US$0.08.EBP-1 and US$4.27.ha-1); Pick up (T1=US$1.31.EBP-1 and US$44.29.ha-1, T2 =US$1.37.EBP-1 and US$48.36.ha-1); Transportation (T1=US$1.27.EBP-1 and US$14,30.ha -1, T2=US$1.33.EBP-1 and US$14,80.ha -1), Unloading at the sugar mill (T1=US$0.30.EBP-1 and US$3.39.ha-1, T2=US$0.32.EBP-1 and US$3.51.ha-1); Total (T1=US$3.05.EBP-1 and US$71.57.ha-1, T2=US$3.10.EBP-1 and US$70.94.ha-1). Confronting the obtained data with the ones in the bibliography, this system revealed itself more expensive than the baling system or the integral harvest system using combines.
ABSTRACT: Hydrogenation of passion fruit (passiflora edulis) seed oil was carried out with a commercial nickel/silica catalyst under different experimental conditions. The influence of reaction parameters (reaction temperature, hydrogen pressure, amount of catalyst, agitation rate and reaction time) on the response variable (iodine value) was studied using a central composite rotatable design and six center points for replication. Under the experimental conditions used, the model response equations for the iodine value showed good agreement with the experimental results.
Residual fibers from palm oil production are a good source of carotene, since they contain more than 5% of the original oil, with about 5000 ppm of carotenoids. As carotenoids are thermosensitive molecules, supercritical CO2 can be used for oil recovery, because this technique employs low temperatures. In this work results of oil extraction experiments from pressed palm oil fibers are shown. Fibers were from AGROPALMA, an industry which is located in Tailândia (Pará, Brazil). Extractions were carried out at 200, 250 and 300 bar and at temperatures of 45 and 55oC. Oil was analyzed by UV/vis spectrophotometry for total carotene determination. Results showed a large increase in extraction rate from 200 to 250 bar and a small variation from 250 to 300 bar. The total amount of carotenes did not increase in the course of extraction at 300 bar, but it showed a large increase at 200 and at 250 bar. Free fatty acids are present in amounts larger than those found in commercial oils.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Amostras de óleo obtido do fruto do Buriti (Mauritia flexuosa L.) foram caracterizadas por espectroscopia de absorção e emissão. O espectro de absorção foi obtido no intervalo de 300 a 2000 nm, enquanto o espectro de emissão foi analisado entre 400 e 800 nm, onde observamos várias bandas. Para melhor entender a complexidade destes espectros, também obtivemos os espectros de absorção e emissão dos componentes majoritários do óleo de Buriti. Correlacionando estes dados, apresentamos uma discussão sobre a origem das bandas observadas.
PURPOSE: To evaluate the effects of andiroba oil on the periodontitis in rats. METHODS: The periodontitis was induced by the placement of cotton ligatures around the cervix of the second upper molars on fifteen rats, and waiting fifty days. The animals were randomly distributed into three groups: saline group, andiroba oil group and meloxican group, differentiated by substance used in the treatment of periodontitis. The groups received the respective substance by gavage for seven days, after the periodontitis induced. It was analyzed the score of inflammatory cells and the measurement from the cemento-enamel junction to the bone crest. RESULTS: The andiroba oil group (p=0.008) and meloxican group (p=0.0347) show a less score of inflammatory cells than saline group, however there weren't difference between them (p=0.2754). Regarding the analysis of measurement from the cemento-enamel junction to the bone crest, there was no difference between groups studied (p=0.3451). CONCLUSION: Andiroba oil decreased the quantity of inflammatory cells, however, it didn't have an effect on the measurement of alveolar bone loss, like the treatment with Meloxican®.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Zootecnia - FCAV