997 resultados para Vcam-1


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Yogi A, Callera GE, Tostes R, Touyz RM. Bradykinin regulates calpain and proinflammatory signaling through TRPM7-sensitive pathways in vascular smooth muscle cells. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol 296: R201-R207, 2009. First published September 17, 2008; doi: 10.1152/ajpregu.90602.2008.-Transient receptor potential melastatin-7 (TRPM7) channels have recently been identified to be regulated by vasoactive agents acting through G protein-coupled receptors in vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMC). However, downstream targets and functional responses remain unclear. We investigated the subcellular localization of TRPM7 in VSMCs and questioned the role of TRPM7 in proinflammatory signaling by bradykinin. VSMCs from Wistar-Kyoto rats were studied. Cell fractionation by sucrose gradient and differential centrifugation demonstrated that in bradykinin-stimulated cells, TRPM7 localized in fractions corresponding to caveolae. Immunofluorescence confocal microscopy revealed that TRPM7 distributes along the cell membrane, that it has a reticular-type intracellular distribution, and that it colocalizes with flotillin-2, a marker of lipid rafts. Bradykinin increased expression of calpain, a TRPM7 target, and stimulated its cytosol/membrane translocation, an effect blocked by 2-APB (TRPM7 inhibitor) and U-73122 (phospholipase C inhibitor), but not by chelerythrine (PKC inhibitor). Expression of proinflammatory mediators VCAM-1 and cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) was time-dependently increased by bradykinin. This effect was blocked by Hoe-140 (B(2) receptor blocker) and 2-APB. Our data demonstrate that in bradykinin-stimulated VSMCs: 1) TRPM7 is upregulated, 2) TRPM7 associates with cholesterol-rich microdomains, and 3) calpain and proinflammatory mediators VCAM-1 and COX2 are regulated, in part, via TRPM7- and phospholipase C-dependent pathways through B2 receptors. These findings identify a novel signaling pathway for bradykinin, which involves TRPM7. Such phenomena may play a role in bradykinin/B(2) receptor-mediated inflammatory responses in vascular cells.


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Early pregnancy factor (EPF) is a secreted protein, present in serum during early pregnancy and essential for maintaining viability of the embryo. It is a homologue of chaperonin 10 (Cpn10) but, unlike Cpn10, it has an extracellular role. EPF has immunosuppressive and growth regulatory properties. Previously we have reported the preparation of recombinant EPF (rEPF) and shown that treatment with rEPF will suppress clinical signs of MBP-EAE in Lewis rats and PLP-EAE in SJL/J mice. In the present study, these findings have been extended to investigate possible mechanisms involved in the action of EPF. Following treatment of mice with rEPF from the day of inoculation, there were fewer infiltrating CD3+ and CD4+ cells in the parenchyma of the spinal cord during the onset of disease and after the initial episode, compared with mice treated with vehicle. Expression of the integrins LFA-1, VLA-4 and Mac-1 and of members of the immunoglobulin superfamily of adhesion molecules ICAM-1 and VCAM-1 was suppressed in the central nervous system (CNS) following rEPF treatment. The expression of PECAM-1 was not affected. To determine if rEPF suppressed T cell activation in the periphery, the delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) reaction of normal BALB/c mice to trinitrochlorobenzene (TNCB) following treatment with rEPF was studied. The results showed that treatment with rEPF suppressed the DTH reaction, demonstrating the ability of EPF to downregulate the cell-mediated immune response. These results indicate that suppression of immunological mechanisms by rEPF plays a major role in the reduction of clinical signs of disease in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE). (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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RESUMO:Aterosclerose é uma das principais causas de morbilidade e mortalidade no mundo ocidental. É responsável, direta ou indiretamente, pela maior percentagem de gastos com a saúde na maioria dos países europeus. A “teoria lipídica” da aterosclerose, que se baseia na dislipidemia como causa primária para a doença vascular tem algumas implicações práticas importantes: permite a definição de linhas de orientação e protocolos simples e ainda estabelece alvos terapêuticos que podem ser atingidos na maior parte dos casos com a atual intervenção farmacológica. A associação da aterosclerose com o sistema imunológico (a “teoria imunológica”), forneceu por sua vez novas formas de explorar os mecanismos envolvidos e abriu novas perspetivas para um conhecimento mais completo da doença. No entanto, levanta dificuldades evidentes no que diz respeito às possibilidades terapêuticas. De todos os intervenientes no processo aterosclerótico (bioquímicos, imunológicos e anatómicos), as lipoproteínas de elevada densidade (HDL) são atualmente reconhecidas como um dos fatores mais importantes na aterogénese. Isto é baseado no reconhecimento das múltiplas propriedades anti-aterogénicas das HDL como por exemplo: a anti-oxidante, a anti-inflamatória e a antitrombótica, bem como o seu importante papel na melhoraria da função endotelial. Atualmente, é consensual que as funções anti-aterogénicas das HDL vão além do seu papel no transporte reverso do colesterol (RCT) e a importância das HDL no processo aterosclerótico baseia-se não apenas no seu papel protetor impedindo a formação da placa de ateroma, mas também na estabilização destas, prevenindo a sua ruptura e, consequentemente o evento trombótico. Como fundamentais no processo aterosclerótico estão reconhecidos dois principais conjuntos de eventos: um caracterizado por alterações no metabolismo das lipoproteínas que resultam em lipoproteínas pró-inflamatórias e pró-oxidantes que interagem com os componentes celulares da parede arterial e que conduzem à formação da placa de ateroma; o outro evento é a resposta imunológica desencadeada contra um novo conjunto de antigénios que por sua vez leva à produção de citoquinas pró-inflamatórias. Dada a complexidade da HDL e das suas múltiplas funções estas lipoproteínas tornaram-se um potencial alvo para a resposta auto-imune, e cujas consequências podem explicar algumas das associações identificados em estudos clínicos e epidemiológicos. Contudo esta interação entre o sistema imunológico e HDL nunca foi exaustivamente estudada. Portanto, pomos a hipótese de que em condições oxidativas e pró-inflamatórias, um aumento do antigénio (HDL) conduz a um consequente acréscimo na produção de anticorpos anti-HDL (aHDL) responsáveis pela alteração quantitativa e / ou qualitativa das HDL. O conceito de que estes anticorpos podem contribuir tanto para a evolução a longo prazo do processo aterosclerótico, como para o desencadeamento de eventos clínicos pode também explicar a heterogeneidade encontrada em cada doente e nos grandes estudos clínicos, no que diz respeito aos fatores de risco e outcomes clínicos. Para além disso, a confirmação desta hipótese pode permitir explicar porque é que as intervenções terapêuticas atualmente em desenvolvimento para aumentar os níveis de HDL, não conseguem mostrar a tão esperada redução do risco vascular. O objetivo geral desta tese foi identificar e caracterizar a resposta humoral contra os componentes da HDL, e avaliar possíveis mecanismos que possam contribuir para a modificação das propriedades anti-aterogénicas das HDL. Para alcançar este objetivo investigou-se: 1) A presença de anticorpos aHDL em doentes com lúpus eritematoso sistémico (SLE) e em doentes com manifestações clínicas de aterosclerose, como os doentes com doença arterial coronária (CAD), acidente vascular cerebral isquémico (IS) e diabetes tipo 2; 2) Os principais alvos antigénicos dentro do complexo das HDL e a associação entre os títulos de anticorpos aHDL e diferentes características clínicas destas doenças; 3) As modificações das funções normais associadas às HDL, em particular da função anti-oxidante e anti-inflamatória; 4) A atividade biológica dos anticorpos aHDL isolados do soro de doentes através de um conjunto de experiências in vitro de inibição da atividade da paraoxonase 1 (PON1) e da expressão de moléculas de adesão em culturas de células endoteliais. Para tal foi necessário estabelecer um método de isolamento dos anticorpos. Os anticorpos aHDL isolados do soro de doentes foram utilizados de forma a identificar as potenciais alterações dos sistemas celulares utilizados; 5) O efeito de fármacos usados no tratamento das dislipidemias, em particular o ácido nicotínico e as estatinas, na variação dos títulos de anticorpos aHDL através de ensaios clínicos randomizados, controlados com placebo e em dupla ocultação. Os métodos utilizados neste trabalho incluíram: técnicas imunológicas (como por exemplo, enzyme-linked immunoabsorbent assay - ELISA, ensaio imunoturbidimetrico e cromatografia de imuno-afinidade) técnicas bioquímicas (tais como a quantificação de atividade enzimática por espectrofotometria e por luminescência), experiências com cultura de células e citometria de fluxo. Os nossos resultados mostram que: 1) A presença de anticorpos aHDL, e mais especificamente anticorpos contra alguns do seus principais componentes como a apolipoproteína A-I (ApoA-I, principal apolipoproteína presente nas HDL) e a PON1 (o enzima que mais contribui para a propriedade anti-oxidante das HDL), quer em doentes com doenças auto-imunes, como o SLE, quer em doentes com manifestações clínicas de aterosclerose, como CAD, IS e diabetes tipo 2. Os doentes apresentaram títulos de anticorpos IgG aHDL, aApoA-I e aPON1 significativamente mais elevados do que controlos saudáveis com a mesma idade e sexo. 2) A correlação positiva estatisticamente significativa entre os títulos de aHDL e aApoA-I e aPON1 sugere que estes sejam dois dos principais alvos antigénicos dentro do complexo das HDL. Os anticorpos encontrados nestes doentes estão associados com a diminuição da atividade da PON1 e a uma redução da capacidade anti-oxidante total (TAC) do soro, um aumento dos biomarcadores de disfunção endotelial (como por exemplo dos metabolitos do óxido nítrico - NO2- e NO3-, as moléculas de adesão vascular e intracelular - VCAM-1 e ICAM-1 e os níveis de 3-nitrotirosina). Nos doentes com SLE os títulos destes estão associados a um aumento do dano cardiovascular e à atividade global da doença avaliados pelas escalas SLICC/ACR DI e BILAG score, respetivamente. Enquanto que nos doentes com diabetes tipo 2 estes anticorpos estão associados com um aumento dos níveis de glicemia em jejum (FGP) e hemoglobina glicada (HbA1c). 3) Após se ter estabelecido um método de isolamento dos anticorpos que permite isolar quantidades significativas de anticorpos do soro de doentes sem perder a sua especificidade, foi identificada a capacidade dos anticorpos isolados do soro de doentes inibirem de uma forma dependente da concentração a atividade da PON1 até um máximo de 70% no caso dos doentes com SLE e ente 7-52% no caso dos anticorpos isolados de doentes com CAD e IS. 4) O efeito anti-inflamatório das HDL na inibição da produção de VCAM-1 induzida por citoquinas (como o TNF-) foi revertido em mais de 80% pelos anticorpos aHDL isolados do soro de doentes. 5) A angiogenesis induzida por HDL através do aumento do fator de crescimento do endotélio vascular (VEGF) foi anulada em 65% pelos anticorpos aHDL isolados do soro de doentes. 6) Os atuais agentes farmacológicos disponíveis para aumentar as concentrações de HDL-C estão associados a um aumento dos títulos de anticorpos.-------- ABSTRACTAtherosclerosis is the major cause of morbidity and mortality in the western world. It is also responsible, directly or indirectly, for the highest percentage of health costs in most European countries. Despite the use of new technologies for the diagnosis of vascular disease and regardless of the major advances in treatment, the atherosclerosis-related clinical burden is still raising. The “lipid theory” of atherogenesis, which identifies dyslipidemia as the primary cause of this vascular disease has some important practical implications: it allows the definition of simple guidelines and establishes therapeutic targets which can be generally met with current pharmacologic intervention. The association between atherosclerosis an the immune system (the immune concept) has in turn provided new ways of exploring the mechanisms involved in this condition and has opened new perspectives in the understanding of the disease. However, it raises obvious difficulties when it comes to treatment options. Of all the players (biochemical, immunological and anatomical) involved in this matter, high-density lipoproteins (HDL) are currently recognised as one of the most important factors in atherogenesis. This is based on the recognition of HDL's multiple anti-atherogenic properties: anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory and antithrombotic, as well as its capacity to improve endothelial function. Nowadays, it is widely recognized that the anti-atherogenic functions of HDL go beyond reverse cholesterol transport (RCT), and the importance of HDL is based not just on its ability to reduce atheroma formation but also on its ability to stabilise plaques, therefore preventing their rupture and ultimately thrombosis. Two main set of events have been recognised as fundamental in atherogenesis: one, characterized by lipoprotein metabolism alterations, resulting in pro-inflammatory and pro-oxidative lipoproteins, which interact with the normal cellular elements of the arterial wall leading to atheroma formation; the other, the immune cellular response towards new sets of antigens which lead to the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines. Given to HDL complexity and multiple functions this lipoprotein has became a potential target for an auto-immune response, the consequences of which may explain some of the association identified in epidemiological and clinical studies, though the interaction between the immune system and HDL has never been thoroughly addressed. Therefore, we hypothesized that under oxidative and pro-inflammatory conditions, the increase in the antigen (HDL) would lead to a consequent increase in the production of anti-HDL (aHDL) antibodies be responsible for quantitative and/or qualitative changes of HDL. The concept that these antibodies may contribute either to the long-term evolution of atherosclerosis or to the triggering of clinical events may also explain the heterogeneity found in individual patients and in large cohorts regarding risk factors and clinical outcomes. Moreover this may be a major breakthrough in understanding why therapeutic interventions that increase HDL levels, failed to show the anticipated reduction in vascular risk. The overall aims of this thesis were to identified and characterize the humoral response towards HDL components and to evaluate the possible mechanisms that may contribute to the modifications of the anti-atherogenic properties of HDL. To achieve this objective we investigated: 1) the presence of aHDL antibodies in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and in patients with atherosclerosis-related clinical events, such as coronary artery disease (CAD), ischemic stroke (IS) and type 2 diabetes; 2) the association between the titres of aHDL antibodies and different clinical features of these diseases; 3) the modifications of the anti-atherogenic properties of HDL; 4) the biologic effect of aHDL antibodies isolated from serum of patients on the anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of HDL; 5) the effect of different pharmacologic treatments for dyslipidemia on the prevalence and activity of aHDL antibodies. The methodologies used in this work included immunologic-related techniques (e.g. enzyme-linked immunoabsorbent assay – ELISA, immunoturbidimetric immunoassay and immunoaffinity chromatography), biochemical techniques (enzymatic assays with quantification by spectrophotometry and luminescence methods), cell culture experiments and flow cytometry. Our results indicate that: 1) The titres of IgG aHDL, anti-apolipoprotein A-I (aApoA-I) and anti-paraoxonase 1 (aPON1) antibodies were higher in patients with SLE, CAD, IS and type 2 diabetes when compared with age and sex matched healthy controls. 2) The antibodies found in these patients were associated with decreased PON1 activity, (the enzyme responsible for most of the anti-oxidant effect of HDL), reduced total anti-oxidant capacity (TAC) of serum and increased biomarkers of endothelial dysfunction (nitric oxide metabolites, adhesion molecules, nitrotyrosine). In patients with SLE the antibody titres were associated with an increase in disease-related cardiovascular damage and activity whereas in patients with type 2 diabetes they were directly related with the fasting glucose plasma (FGP) levels and the glycosylated haemoglobin (HbA1c). 3) The antibodies isolated from serum of our patients, directly inhibited HDL-associated PON1 activity in a dose dependent way ranging from 7 to 52%. 4) The anti-inflammatory effect of HDL, measured by the percentage of inhibition of the cytokine-induced production of vascular adhesion molecules (VCAM-1), was reduced in more than 80% by aHDL antibodies isolated from our patients. 5) The HDL-induced angiogenesis by increasing vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) levels was abrogated in 65% by the antibodies isolated from serum of patients. 6) The current available pharmacologic agents for increasing HDL-C concentrations were associated with an increase in the titres of IgG aApoA-I antibodies. This increase was higher in the extended release niacin when compared to statins probably due to their dampening effect on oxidative stress. In conclusion, aHDL antibodies are present in different pathologic conditions. aHDL antibodies represent a family of self-reacting immunoglobulins, of which ApoA-I and PON1 might be the most relevant targets. These antibodies are biologically active, interfering with the HDL anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties and, consequently, with the atherosclerotic process. The pathogenic potential of these antibodies may lead to the identification of a new biomarker for vascular disease, whilst presenting itself as a novel target for a different treatment approach which may redefine the treatment strategies and clinical trials design for HDL interventions in the future.


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Sickle cell disease (SCD) is a genetic disorder with recessive transmission, caused by the mutation HBB:c.20A>T. It originates hemoglobin S that forms polymers inside the erythrocyte, upon deoxygenation, deforming it and ultimately leading to premature hemolysis. The disease presents with high heterogeneity of clinical manifestations, the most devastating of which, ischemic stroke, occurs in 11% of patients until 20 years of age. In this study, we tried to identify genetic modifiers of risk and episodes of stroke by studying 66 children with SCD, grouped according to the degree of cerebral vasculopathy (Stroke, Risk and Control). Association studies were performed between the three phenotypic groups and hematological and biochemical parameters of patients, as well as with 23 polymorphic regions in genes related to vascular cell adhesion (VCAM-1, THBS-1 and CD36), vascular tonus (NOS3 and ET-1) and inflammation (TNF-α and HMOX-1). Relevant data was collected from patient’s medical records. Known genetic modulators of SCD (beta-globin cluster haplotype and HBA and BCL11A genotypes) and putative genetic modifiers of cerebral vasculopathy were characterized. Differences in their distribution among groups were assessed. VCAM-1 rs1409419 allele C and NOS3 rs207044 allele C were associated to stroke events, while VCAM-1 rs1409419 allele T was found to be protective. Alleles 4a and 4b of NOS3 27 bp VNTR appeared to be respectively associated to stroke risk and protection. HMOX-1 longer STRs seemed to predispose to stroke. Higher hemoglobin F levels were found in Control group, as a result of Senegal haplotype or of BCL11A rs11886868 allele T, and higher lactate dehydrogenase levels, marker of hemolysis, were found in Risk group. Molecular mechanisms underlying the modifier functions of the relevant genetic variants are discussed.


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Este proyecto pretende dilucidar el efecto de infección con Trypanosoma cruzi y dieta hipergrasa/fructosa en la génesis de obesidad e insulino-resistencia y su impacto sobre la aterosclerosis. Esto se abordará en modelos de obesidad in vivo e in vitro, estudiando receptores de inmunidad innata, citocinas/quimiocina, adipocinas y mediadores inflamatorios que participarían en la patogénesis de este proceso, focalizando en tejido graso visceral y adipositos en cultivo celular. Esta investigación avanzaría en el conocimiento de la patogénesis inflamatoria de ateroesclerosis y aportaría bases para sustentar nuevas estrategias terapéuticas destinadas a minimizar las complicaciones cardiovasculares de la obesidad y sus co-morbilidades, entre ellas, la aterosclerosis, una enfermedad devastadora. En el modelo in vivo en ratones machos C57BL/6 salvajes tratados con streptozotocina y alimentados con una dieta hipergrasa/fructosa se inducirá obesidad (IR) y DM2, para: 1- Investigar la influencia de la infección con Trypanosoma cruzi como un potencial factor sinérgico pro-aterogénico. Se evaluará a distintos tiempos post infección, tejido adiposo visceral y repercusiones en aorta y corazón, por histopatología. Se determinará el perfil de lípidos, lipoproteínas y parámetros metabólicos: glucosa/insulina e índice HOMA-IR. Asimismo, se evaluarán ácidos grasos libres y proteínas de fase aguda circulantes como respuesta al proceso inflamatorio. 2- Evaluar la expresión de receptores tipo Toll y scavenger (CD36) en el tejido adiposo visceral y aorta principalmente e identificar los tipos celulares que participan en las lesiones. 3- Determinar las citocinas inflamatorias: TNFalfa, IL1beta, IL12 e IL6 y la quimiocina atractante de monocitos y adipocinas (leptina y adiponectina) en plasma y mediadores inflamatorios:óxido nítrico, especies reactivas del oxígeno y metaloproteasas en adipositos viscerales y aorta. Se cuantificarán moléculas de adhesión intercelular ICAM-1 y VCAM-1. In vitro proponemos: 1- Investigar la influencia de infección con T. cruzi y ácidos grasos saturados/ monoinsaturado y el efecto de LDL oxidadas/agregadas frente a LDL nativas en una línea celular de adipositos. Se estudiará la expresión basal y post-estímulo de receptores innatos tipo Toll y CD 36. 2- Cuantificar adipocinas pro- inflamatorias y antiinflamatorias en sobrenadantes de cultivos frente a estímulos propuestos y la expresión de ICAM-1 y VCAM-1.


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En el modelo experimental in vivo en ratones C57BL/6 wild type tratados con streptozotocina y alimentados con una dieta grasa/fructosa se inducirá obesidad (IR) y DM2, con el propósito de: 1-Investigar la influencia de la infección con Trypanosoma cruzi como un potencial factor sinérgico pro-aterogénico. Se evaluará a distintos tiempos post infección, el tejido adiposo visceral y las repercusiones en aorta y corazón principalmente, por estudios histopatológicos. En plasma, se determinará el perfil de lípidos, lipoproteínas y otros parámetros metabólicos: glucosa e insulina, estos últimos para calcular el índice HOMA-IR, que refleje el grado de insulino- resistencia. Asimismo, se evaluarán ácidos grasos libres y proteínas de fase aguda circulantes como respuesta al proceso inflamatorio. 2- Evaluar la expresión de receptores tipo Toll (TLR 2, 4 y 9) y scavenger clase B (CD36) en el tejido adiposo visceral y aorta principalmente e identificar los tipos celulares que participan en las lesiones vasculares (macrófagos -M-, granulocitos y linfocitos T). 3- Determinar las citocinas inflamatorias: TNF, IL1-, IL12, IL18, IFN e IL6 y la quimiocina atractante de monocitos (CCL2; MCP-1) y adipocinas (leptina, resistina y adiponectina) en plasma y otros mediadores inflamatorios como óxido nítrico, especies reactivas del oxígeno (ROS) y metaloproteasas (MMPs) en tejido adiposo visceral y aorta. Se cuantificarán además las moléculas de adhesión intercelular ICAM-1 y VCAM-1, involucradas en otros modelos de obesidad e insulino-resistencia. En el modelo in vitro 1- Investigar la influencia de la infección con T. cruzi y ácidos grasos saturados y monoinsaturado (C18, oleico) y el efecto de las lipoproteínas de baja densidad (LDL) oxidadas y agregadas frente a LDL nativas (control) en una línea celular de adipositos. Se estudiará la expresión basal y post-estímulo de los receptores innatos tipo Toll y CD 36. 2- Cuantificar las adipocinas pro- inflamatorias (leptina, resistina y MCP-1)y adiponectina (antiinflamatoria) en el sobrenadante de cultivos frente a los estímulos propuestos y la expresión de las moléculas de adhesión ICAM-1 y VCAM-1.


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FUNDAMENTO: O resveratrol protege o sistema cardiovascular por meio de uma série de mecanismos, incluindo atividades antioxidantes e antiplaquetárias. OBJETIVO: Avaliar os possíveis efeitos anti-inflamatórios e antiaterogênicos do resveratrol, utilizando coelhos alimentados com uma dieta hipercolesterolêmica (1% de colesterol). MÉTODOS: Vinte coelhos brancos adultos do sexo masculino foram selecionados e divididos em dois grupos: grupo controle (GC), 10 coelhos; e grupo resveratrol (GR), 10 coelhos. Os animais foram alimentados com uma dieta hipercolesterolêmica por 56 dias. Para a dieta do GR, o resveratrol (2mg/kg peso/dia) foi adicionado do 33º ao 56º dia. RESULTADOS: Não houve diferença significativa entre os grupos no colesterol sérico total, no colesterol HDL, no colesterol LDL e nos triglicerídeos. No GC, 70% apresentaram lesões ateroscleróticas avançadas da aorta (tipos III, IV, V ou VI). Todos os animais do GR apresentaram lesões ateroscleróticas leves da aorta (tipos I ou II) ou não apresentaram lesões. A razão entre a área intimal e a área da camada intimal/medial mostrou-se significativamente menor no GR quando comparada ao GC (p < 0,001). Áreas positivas para moléculas de adesão celular vascular-1 (VCAM-1) foram menores no GR (p = 0,007). As concentrações de proteína quimiotática de monócitos-1 (MCP-1) e de interleucina-6 (IL-6) mostraram-se significativamente menores no GR do que no GC (p = 0,039 e p = 0,015, respectivamente). CONCLUSÃO: O Resveratrol apresentou importantes efeitos antiaterogênicos e anti-inflamatórios em um modelo animal com coelhos alimentados com uma dieta hipercolesterolêmica.


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Eosinophils preferentially accumulate at sites of chronic allergic diseases such as bronchial asthma. The mechanisms by which selective eosinophil migration occurs are not fully understood. However, interactions of cell-surface adhesion molecules on the eosinophil with molecular counterligands on endothelial and epithelial cells, and on extracellular matrix proteins, are likely to be critical during the recruitment process. One possible mechanism for selective eosinophil recruitment involves the alpha4beta 1 (VLA-4) integrin which is not expressed on neutrophils. Correlations have been found between infiltration of eosinophils and endothelial expression of VCAM-1, the ligand for VLA-4, in the lungs of asthmatic individuals as well as in late phase reactions in the lungs, nose and skin. Epithelial and endothelial cells respond to the Th2-type cytokines IL-4 and IL-13 with selective de novo expression of VCAM-1, consistent with the possible role of VCAM-1/VLA-4 interactions in eosinophil influx during allergic inflammation. Both beta 1 and beta 2 integrins on eosinophils exist in a state of partial activation. For example, eosinophils can be maximally activated for adhesion to VCAM-1 or fibronectin after exposure to beta 1 integrin-activating antibodies or divalent cations, conditions that do not necessarily affect the total cell surface expression of beta 1 integrins. In contrast, cytokines like IL-5 prevent beta 1 integrin activation while promoting beta 2 integrin function. Furthermore, ligation of integrins can regulate the effector functions of the cell. For example, eosinophil adhesion via beta 1 and/or beta 2 integrins has been shown to alter a variety of functional responses including degranulation and apoptosis. Thus, integrins appear to be important in mediating eosinophil migration and activation in allergic inflammation. Strategies that interfere with these processes may prove to be useful for treatment of allergic diseases.


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The participation of cell adhesion molecules (CAMs) in the establishment of autoimmune and infectious myocarditis is an important matter of investigation and may have therapeutic implication. Trypanosoma cruzi infection induces a CD8-mediated myocarditis in patients with severe cardiomyopathy and experimental animals. Previously, we have proposed that this predominance of CD8+ T-cells is, at least in part, consequence of the differential expression of CAMs on circulating CD8+ lymphocytes. In the present study we investigated the participation of CAMs in shaping the phenotypic nature of the autoimmune CD4-mediated myosin-induced and the CD8-mediated T. cruzi-elicited myocarditis. We provide evidence that the prevalence of a certain T-cell subset inside the inflamed heart reflects the differential profile of the adhesion molecules VLA-4, LFA-1, and ICAM-1 displayed on a large proportion of this particular T-cell population in peripheral blood during the early phase of inflammation. Further, the expression of VCAM-1, ligand for VLA-4, and ICAM-1, counter-receptor for LFA-1, was up-regulated on vascular endothelium and paralleled the entrance of inflammatory cells into the cardiac tissue. Thus, this up-regulated expression of receptors-counter-receptors that regulate T-cell transmigration through the vascular endothelium may have an important role in the pathogenesis of the early phase of both autoimmune and infectious myocarditis.


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Background: The interaction between lipid disturbances and inflammatory markers is not well known in patients on antiretroviral therapy (ART). As nevirapine (NVP) is associated with a better lipid profile than efavirenz (EFV), we investigated the relationships between lipid profiles, lipoprotein subclasses and inflammatory biomarkers in patients with prolonged viral suppression with either NVP or EFV and no obvious clinical inflammation. Methods: 122 clinically stable HIV-infected patients with HIV-1 RNA <20 copies longer than 6 months on NNRTI therapy were studied. 72 (59%) were on EFV and 50 (41%) on NVP. Any potentially inflammatory co-morbid diseases (concurrent viral hepatitis, diabetes, hypertension, chronic liver or renal diseases), or statin treatment, were exclusion criteria. Inflammatory biomarkers included hsCRP, LpPLA2, sCD40L, IL-6, IL-8, t-PA, MCP-1, p-selectin and VCAM-1. Lipoprotein subclass measures (VLDL, LDL, IDL and HDL particle number and size) were obtained by the use of proton nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Results: 82% were male; median age 45 years. Median CD4 count 550/μL (IQR 324). Median time since HIV diagnosis 96 months (IQR 102) and accumulated time on ART 50 months (IQR 101). Patients on NVP had higher time since HIV diagnosis (126.9 [66.7] vs 91.3 [6.6] months, p=0.008) a prolonged time on ART (89.6 [54.6] vs 62.3 [52.2] months, p=0.01) and were older (47.7 vs 40.7 years, p=0.001) than those on EFV. NVP-treated patients presented increased HDL-c (55.8 [16] vs 48.8 [10.7] mg/dL, p=0.007) and apoA1 levels (153.4 [31.9] vs 141.5 [20.5] mg/dL, p=0.02), and reduced apoB/apoA1 ratio (0.68 [0.1] vs 0.61 [0.1], p=0.003) than EFV-treated patients. No differences in inflammatory markers or lipoprotein subclasses were found between NVP and EFV. In patients with extreme lipid values (less favorable: 75th percentiles of LDL, small/dense LDLp and small HDLp, or more favorable: HDL p75 and apoB/apoA1 ratio p25), no consistent differences in inflammatory biomarkers were found. Conclusions: Patients with prolonged viral suppression on NVP present significantly higher HDL and apoA1 levels and reduced apoB/apoA1 ratios than those on EFV, but no differences were found in lipoprotein particles nor inflammatory biomarkers. Relationships between lipid parameters and inflammatory biomarkers in NNRTItreated patients are complex and do not show a linear relationship in this study.


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Surface molecules of Staphylococcus aureus are involved in the colonization of vascular endothelium which is a crucial primary event in the pathogenesis of infective endocarditis (IE). The ability of these molecules to also launch endothelial procoagulant and proinflammatory responses, which characterize IE, is not known. In the present study we investigated the individual capacities of three prominent S. aureus surface molecules; fibronectin-binding protein A (FnBPA) and B (FnBPB) and clumping factor A (ClfA), to promote bacterial adherence to cultured human endothelial cells (ECs) and to activate phenotypic and functional changes in these ECs. Non-invasive surrogate bacterium Lactococcus lactis, which, by gene transfer, expressed staphylococcal FnBPA, FnBPB or ClfA molecules were used. Infection of ECs increased 50- to 100-fold with FnBPA- or FnBPB-positive recombinant lactococci. This coincided with EC activation, interleukin-8 secretion and surface expression of ICAM-1 and VCAM-1 and concomitant monocyte adhesion. Infection with ClfA-positive lactococci did not activate EC. FnBPA-positive L. lactis also induced a prominent tissue factor-dependent endothelial coagulation response that was intensified by cell-bound monocytes. Thus S. aureus FnBPs, but not ClfA, confer invasiveness and pathogenicity to non-pathogenic L. lactis organisms indicating that bacterium-EC interactions mediated by these adhesins are sufficient to evoke inflammation as well as procoagulant activity at infected endovascular sites.


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Background In addition to its anticoagulant properties, heparin has anti-inflammatory effects, the molecular and mechanistic bases of which are incompletely defined. AIMS The current studies were designed to test the hypothesis that heparin abrogates the expression or function of leucocyte-endothelial adherence molecules which are fundamental to the acute inflammatory response. Methods The effects of heparin on tumour necrosis factor alpha (TNF-¿) induced leucocyte rolling, adhesion, and migration as well as vascular permeability were assessed in rat mesenteric venules using intravital microscopy. Expression of adhesion molecules was quantitated using a double radiolabelled monoclonal antibody (mAb) binding technique in vivo (P-selectin, intercellular cell adhesion molecule type 1 (ICAM-1), and vascular cell adhesion molecule 1 (VCAM-1)) or flow cytometry (CD11a, CD11b, and L-selectin). Ex vivo binding of heparin to neutrophils was assessed by flow cytometry. RESULTS TNF-alpha induced a significant increase in leucocyte rolling, adhesion, and migration, and vascular permeability, coincident with a significant increase in expression of P-selectin, ICAM-1, and VCAM-1. Ex vivo assessment of blood neutrophils showed significant upregulation of CD11a and CD11b and significant downregulation of L-selectin within five hours of TNF-¿ administration. Heparin pretreatment significantly attenuated leucocyte rolling, adhesion, and migration but did not affect expression of cell adhesion molecules or vascular permeability elicited by TNF-¿ administration. Binding of heparin was significantly increased on blood neutrophils obtained five hours after TNF-¿ administration. Preincubation with an anti-CD11b mAb but not with an anti-CD11a or anti-L-selectin antibody significantly diminished heparin binding ex vivo.


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The Staphylococcus aureus fibronectin (Fn) -binding protein A (FnBPA) is involved in bacterium-endothelium interactions which is one of the crucial events leading to infective endocarditis (IE). We previously showed that the sole expression of S. aureus FnBPA was sufficient to confer to non-invasive Lactococcus lactis bacteria the capacity to invade human endothelial cells (ECs) and to launch the typical endothelial proinflammatory and procoagulant responses that characterize IE. In the present study we further questioned whether these bacterium-EC interactions could be reproduced by single or combined FnBPA sub-domains (A, B, C or D) using a large library of truncated FnBPA constructs expressed in L. lactis. Significant invasion of cultured ECs was found for L. lactis expressing the FnBPA subdomains CD (aa 604-877) or A4(+16) (aa 432-559). Moreover, this correlates with the capacity of these fragments to elicit in vitro a marked increase in EC surface expression of both ICAM-1 and VCAM-1 and secretion of the CXCL8 chemokine and finally to induce a tissue factor-dependent endothelial coagulation response. We thus conclude that (sub)domains of the staphylococcal FnBPA molecule that express Fn-binding modules, alone or in combination, are sufficient to evoke an endothelial proinflammatory as well as a procoagulant response and thus account for IE severity.


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Development of Peyer's patches and lymph nodes requires the interaction between CD4+ CD3- IL-7Ralpha+ lymphoid-tissue inducer (LTi) and VCAM-1+ organizer cells. Here we showed that by promoting their survival, enhanced expression of interleukin-7 (IL-7) in transgenic mice resulted in accumulation of LTi cells. With increased IL-7 availability, de novo formation of VCAM-1+ Peyer's patch anlagen occurred along the entire fetal gut resulting in a 5-fold increase in Peyer's patch numbers. IL-7 overexpression also led to formation of multiple organized ectopic lymph nodes and cecal patches. After immunization, ectopic lymph nodes developed normal T cell-dependent B cell responses and germinal centers. Mice overexpressing IL-7 but lacking either RORgamma, a factor required for LTi cell generation, or lymphotoxin alpha1beta2 had neither Peyer's patches nor ectopic lymph nodes. Therefore, by controlling LTi cell numbers, IL-7 can regulate the formation of both normal and ectopic lymphoid organs.


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CD4+CD3- cells are the predominant hematopoietic cells found in mouse fetal intestine. We prove their role as Peyer's patch (PP)-inducing cells by transfer into neonatal PP-deficient mice. To test the requirement of chemokines and adhesion molecules in induction of PP, we studied mice deficient in CXCR5 and/or alpha4beta1 integrin-mediated adhesion. CXCR5-/- mice have CD4+CD3- cells, which are inefficient in inducing PP formation. We show here that CXCR5/CXCL13 signaling activates alpha4beta1 integrin on CD4+CD3- cells. Blocking of beta1 integrin or VCAM-1, the ligand of alpha4beta1 integrin, inhibits PP formation. This study demonstrates the link between chemokine receptors and adhesion molecules that regulates stromal/hematopoietic cell interaction leading to PP formation.