993 resultados para VISUAL PIGMENTS
RPE65 is a retinoid isomerase required for the production of 11-cis-retinal, the chromophore of both cone and rod visual pigments. We recently established an R91W knock-in mouse strain as homologous animal model for patients afflicted by this mutation in RPE65. These mice have impaired vision and can only synthesize minute amounts of 11-cis-retinal. Here, we investigated the consequences of this chromophore insufficiency on cone function and pathophysiology. We found that the R91W mutation caused cone opsin mislocalization and progressive geographic cone atrophy. Remnant visual function was mostly mediated by rods. Ablation of rod opsin corrected the localization of cone opsin and improved cone retinal function. Thus, our analyses indicate that under conditions of limited chromophore supply rods and cones compete for 11-cis-retinal that derives from regeneration pathway(s) which are reliant on RPE65. Due to their higher number and the instability of cone opsin, rods are privileged under this condition while cones suffer chromophore deficiency and degenerate. These findings reinforce the notion that in patients any effective gene therapy with RPE65 needs to target the cone-rich macula directly to locally restore the cones' chromophore supply outside the reach of rods.
Many animal species make use of ultraviolet (UV) light in a number of behaviors, such as feeding and mating. The goldfish (Carassius auratus) is among those with a UV photoreceptor and pronounced UV sensitivity. Little is known, however, about the retinal processing of this input. We addressed this issue by recording intracellularly from second-order neurons in the adult goldfish retina. In order to test whether cone-driven horizontal cells (HCs) receive UV cone inputs, we performed chromatic adaptation experiments with mono- and biphasic HCs. We found no functional evidence of a projection from the UV-sensitive cones to these neurons in adult animals. This suggests that goldfish UV receptors may contact preferentially triphasic HCs, which is at odds with the hypothesis that all cones contact all cone-driven HC types. However, we did find evidence of direct M-cone input to monophasic HCs, favoring the idea that cone-HC contacts are more promiscuous than originally proposed. Together, our results suggest that either UV cones have a more restricted set of post-synaptic partners than the other three cone types, or that the UV input to mono- and biphasic HCs is not very pronounced in adult animals.
The color vision of most platyrrhine primates is determined by alleles at the polymorphic X-linked locus coding for the opsin responsible for the middle- to long-wavelength (M/L) cone photopigment. Females who are heterozygous at the locus have trichromatic vision, whereas homozygous females and all males are dichromatic. This study characterized the opsin alleles in a wild population of the socially monogamous platyrrhine monkey Callicebus brunneus (the brown titi monkey), a primate that an earlier study suggests may possess an unusual number of alleles at this locus and thus may be a subject of special interest in the study of primate color vision. Direct sequencing of regions of the M/L opsin gene using feces-, blood-, and saliva-derived DNA obtained from 14 individuals yielded evidence for the presence of three functionally distinct alleles, corresponding to the most common M/L photopigment variants inferred from a physiological study of cone spectral sensitivity in captive Callicebus. Am. J. Primatol. 73:189-196, 2011. (C) 2010 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
BACKGROUND: The sensory drive hypothesis predicts that divergent sensory adaptation in different habitats may lead to premating isolation upon secondary contact of populations. Speciation by sensory drive has traditionally been treated as a special case of speciation as a byproduct of adaptation to divergent environments in geographically isolated populations. However, if habitats are heterogeneous, local adaptation in the sensory systems may cause the emergence of reproductively isolated species from a single unstructured population. In polychromatic fishes, visual sensitivity might become adapted to local ambient light regimes and the sensitivity might influence female preferences for male nuptial color. In this paper, we investigate the possibility of speciation by sensory drive as a byproduct of divergent visual adaptation within a single initially unstructured population. We use models based on explicit genetic mechanisms for color vision and nuptial coloration. RESULTS: We show that in simulations in which the adaptive evolution of visual pigments and color perception are explicitly modeled, sensory drive can promote speciation along a short selection gradient within a continuous habitat and population. We assumed that color perception evolves to adapt to the modal light environment that individuals experience and that females prefer to mate with males whose nuptial color they are most sensitive to. In our simulations color perception depends on the absorption spectra of an individual's visual pigments. Speciation occurred most frequently when the steepness of the environmental light gradient was intermediate and dispersal distance of offspring was relatively small. In addition, our results predict that mutations that cause large shifts in the wavelength of peak absorption promote speciation, whereas we did not observe speciation when peak absorption evolved by stepwise mutations with small effect. CONCLUSION: The results suggest that speciation can occur where environmental gradients create divergent selection on sensory modalities that are used in mate choice. Evidence for such gradients exists from several animal groups, and from freshwater and marine fishes in particular. The probability of speciation in a continuous population under such conditions may then critically depend on the genetic architecture of perceptual adaptation and female mate choice.
Cellular retinaldehyde-binding protein (CRALBP) is essential for mammalian vision by routing 11-cis-retinoids for the conversion of photobleached opsin molecules into photosensitive visual pigments. The arginine-to-tryptophan missense mutation in position 234 (R234W) in the human gene RLBP1 encoding CRALBP compromises visual pigment regeneration and is associated with Bothnia dystrophy. Here we report the crystal structures of both wild-type human CRALBP and of its mutant R234W as binary complexes complemented with the endogenous ligand 11-cis-retinal, at 3.0 and 1.7 A resolution, respectively. Our structural model of wild-type CRALBP locates R234 to a positively charged cleft at a distance of 15 A from the hydrophobic core sequestering 11-cis-retinal. The R234W structural model reveals burial of W234 and loss of dianion-binding interactions within the cleft with physiological implications for membrane docking. The burial of W234 is accompanied by a cascade of side-chain flips that effect the intrusion of the side-chain of I238 into the ligand-binding cavity. As consequence of the intrusion, R234W displays 5-fold increased resistance to light-induced photoisomerization relative to wild-type CRALBP, indicating tighter binding to 11-cis-retinal. Overall, our results reveal an unanticipated domino-like structural transition causing Bothnia-type retinal dystrophy by the impaired release of 11-cis-retinal from R234W.
Diversification of cone pigment spectral sensitivities during evolution is a prerequisite for the development of color vision. Previous studies have identified two naturally occurring mechanisms that produce variation among vertebrate pigments by red-shifting visual pigment absorbance: addition of hydroxyl groups to the putative chromophore binding pocket and binding of chloride to a putative extracellular loop. In this paper we describe the use of two blue-shifting mechanisms during the evolution of rodent long-wave cone pigments. The mouse green pigment belongs to the long-wave subfamily of cone pigments, but its absorption maximum is 508 nm, similar to that of the rhodopsin subfamily of visual pigments, but blue-shifted 44 nm relative to the human red pigment, its closest homologue. We show that acquisition of a hydroxyl group near the retinylidene Schiff base and loss of the chloride binding site mentioned above fully account for the observed blue shift. These data indicate that the chloride binding site is not a universal attribute of long-wave cone pigments as generally supposed, and that, depending upon location, hydroxyl groups can alter the environment of the chromophore to produce either red or blue shifts.
Sensory rhodopsin II (SRII) is a repellent phototaxis receptor in the archaeon Halobacterium salinarum, similar to visual pigments in its seven-helix structure and linkage of retinal to the protein by a protonated Schiff base in helix G. Asp-73 in helix C is shown by spectroscopic analysis to be a counterion to the protonated Schiff base in the unphotolyzed SRII and to be the proton acceptor from the Schiff base during photoconversion to the receptor signaling state. Coexpression of the genes encoding mutated SRII with Asn substituted for Asp-73 (D73N) and the SRII transducer HtrII in H. salinarum cells results in a 3-fold higher swimming reversal frequency accompanied by demethylation of HtrII in the dark, showing that D73N SRII produces repellent signals in its unphotostimulated state. Analogous constitutive signaling has been shown to be produced by the similar neutral residue substitution of the Schiff base counterion and proton acceptor Glu-113 in human rod rhodopsin. The interpretation for both seven-helix receptors is that light activation of the wild-type protein is caused primarily by photoisomerization-induced transfer of the Schiff base proton on helix G to its primary carboxylate counterion on helix C. Therefore receptor activation by helix C–G salt-bridge disruption in the photoactive site is a general mechanism in retinylidene proteins spanning the vast evolutionary distance between archaea and humans.
The coelacanth, a “living fossil,” lives near the coast of the Comoros archipelago in the Indian Ocean. Living at a depth of about 200 m, the Comoran coelacanth receives only a narrow range of light, at about 480 nm. To detect the entire range of “color” at this depth, the coelacanth appears to use only two closely related paralogous RH1 and RH2 visual pigments with the optimum light sensitivities (λmax) at 478 nm and 485 nm, respectively. The λmax values are shifted about 20 nm toward blue compared with those of the corresponding orthologous pigments. Mutagenesis experiments show that each of these coadapted changes is fully explained by two amino acid replacements.
Molecular investigation of the origin of colour vision has discovered five visual pigment (opsin) genes, all of which are expressed in an agnathan (jawless) fish, the lamprey Geotria australis. Lampreys are extant representatives of an ancient group of vertebrates whose origins are thought to date back to at least the early Cambrian, approximately 540 million years ago [1.]. Phylogenetic analysis has identified the visual pigment opsin genes of G. australis as orthologues of the major classes of vertebrate opsin genes. Therefore, multiple opsin genes must have originated very early in vertebrate evolution, prior to the separation of the jawed and jawless vertebrate lineages, and thereby provided the genetic basis for colour vision in all vertebrate species. The southern hemisphere lamprey Geotria australis (Figure 1A,B) possesses a predominantly cone-based visual system designed for photopic (bright light) vision [2. S.P. Collin, I.C. Potter and C.R. Braekevelt, The ocular morphology of the southern hemisphere lamprey Geotria australis Gray, with special reference to optical specializations and the characterisation and phylogeny of photoreceptor types. Brain Behav. Evol. 54 (1999), pp. 96–111.2. and 3.]. Previous work identified multiple cone types suggesting that the potential for colour vision may have been present in the earliest members of this group. In order to trace the molecular evolution and origins of vertebrate colour vision, we have examined the genetic complement of visual pigment opsins in G. australis.
The eyes of most diurnal reptiles and birds contain coloured retinal filters-oil droplets. Although these filters are widespread, their adaptive advantage remains uncertain. To understand why coloured oil droplets appeared and were retained during evolution, I consider both the benefits and the costs of light filtering in the retina. Oil droplets decrease cone quantum catch and reduce the overlap in sensitivity between spectrally adjacent cones. The reduction of spectral overlap increases the volume occupied by object colours in a cone space, whereas the decrease in quantum catch increases noise, and thus reduces the discriminability of similar colours. The trade-off between these two effects determines the total benefit of oil droplets. Calculations show that coloured oil droplets increase the number of object colours that can be discriminated, and thus are beneficial for colour vision.
Poison frogs in the anuran family Dendrobatidae use bright colors on their bodies to advertise toxicity. The species Dendrobates pumilio Schmidt 1858, the strawberry poison frog, shows extreme polymorphism in color and pattern in Panama. It is known that females of D. pumilio preferentially choose mates of their own color morph. Nevertheless, potential predators must clearly see and recognize all color morphs if the aposermatic signaling system is to function effectively. We examined the ability of conspecifics and a model predator to discriminate a diverse selection of D. pumilio colors from each other and from background colors. Microspectrophotometry of isolated rod and cone photoreceptors of D. pumilio revealed the presence of a trichromatic photopic visual system. A typical tetrachromatic bird system was used for the model predator. Reflectance spectra of frog and background colors were obtained, and discrimination among spectra in natural illuminants was mathematically modeled. The results revealed that both D. pumilio and the model predator discriminate most colors quite well, both from each other and from typical backgrounds, with the predator generally performing somewhat better than the conspecifics. Each color morph displayed at least one color signal that is highly visible against backgrounds to both visual systems. Our results indicate that the colors displayed by the various color morphs of D. pumilio are effective signals both to conspecifics and to a model predator.
Many coral reef fish possess ultraviolet (UV) colour patterns. The behavioural significance of these patterns is poorly understood and experiments on this issue have not been reported for free-living reef fish in their natural environment. The damselfish Pomacentrus amboinensis has UV facial patterns, and spectroradiometric ocular media measurements show that it has the potential for UV vision. To test the potential behavioural significance of the UV patterns, I studied the response of males, in natural territories on the reef and in aquaria, to two conspecific intruders, one presented in a UV-transmitting (UV+) container and the other in a UV-absorbing (UV-) one. Territory owners attacked intruders viewed through UV+ filters significantly more often and for longer than intruders viewed through the UV- filter. In general, the results of the field experiment confirmed those of the laboratory experiment. The results support the hypothesis that P. amboinensis males are sensitive to UV light and that reflectance patterns, which appear in high contrast only in UV, modulate the level of aggressive behaviour. A recent survey showed that many predatory fish may not have UV vision and the use of UV colours in select species of reef fish may therefore serve as a 'private communication channel'. (C) 2004 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Complete vertebrate genome sequencing has revealed a remarkable stability and uniformity in the protein-coding gene set, which at first glance might suggest that gene duplication events are relatively rare. This may be a red herring, or at least a red cichlid, as the Lake Malawi cichlid fishes show rapid and extensive duplication and diversification of their retinal cone photoreceptor opsin genes.
Birds have four spectrally distinct types of single cones that they use for colour vision. It is often desirable to be able to model the spectral sensitivities of the different cone types, which vary considerably between species. However, although there are several mathematical models available for describing the spectral absorption of visual pigments, there is no model describing the spectral absorption of the coloured oil droplets found in three of the four single cone types. In this paper, we describe such a model and illustrate its use in estimating the spectral sensitivities of single cones. Furthermore, we show that the spectral locations of the wavelengths of maximum absorbance (lambda(max)) of the short- (SWS), medium- (MWS) and long- (LWS) wavelength-sensitive visual pigments and the cut-off wavelengths (lambda(cut)) of their respective C-, Y- and R-type oil droplets can be predicted from the lambda(max) of the ultraviolet- (UVS)/violet- ( VS) sensitive visual pigment.
Using in situ spectrometry data and visual system modeling, we investigate whether the colors conferred to the reef-building corals by GFP-like proteins would look colorful not only to humans, but also to fish occupying different ecological niches on the reef. Some GFP-like proteins, most notably fluorescent greens and nonfluorescent chromoproteins, indeed generate intense color signals. An unexpected finding was that fluorescent proteins might also make corals appear less colorful to fish, counterbalancing the effect of absorption by the photosynthetic pigments of the endosymbiotic algae, which might be a form of protection against herbivores. We conclude that GFP-determined coloration of corals may be an important factor in visual ecology of the reef fishes.