976 resultados para VC
En tte de cette chronique est une table, qui occupe les feuillets 1 5. Puis vient (fol. 6) une espce de prologue en vers intitul : L'exorde de ce present livre dont le premier vers est : Affin que tous les faictz de nostre temps ... . Le texte en prose dbute (fol. 7) par : La descripcion des oeuvres recommandables et commemorables gestes de trs cristien roy de France Loys doziesme de ce nom, redige en escript et mise en lumire par moy frre Jehan d'Auton, de l'ordre Sainct Benoist, historiographe du roy nostred. souverain seigneur. Aprs avoir par volumes abregez ostencion faicte des actes gallicanes et ultransmontaines choses encommances la fin de l'an mille quatre cens quatre vingts dix huyt et icelles continues ... et finit (fol. 230) par : ... et puys trs devotement celebra la joyeuse feste de Pasques, sur laquelle mectray paille mon escript, jucques temps, en faisant fin au recit de ce present historial volume contenant les faictz de France de l'an mille cincq cens et ung continuant jucques l'an mille cincq cens et six .
Contient : 1 Coutumes de l'eglise de Nostre Dame d'Amiens ; 2 Coutumes de la prevost de Vymeu ; 3 Coutumes de Moustreul sur la Mer ; 4 Coutumes de Toutencourt ; 5 Coutumes de la chastellenye de Boves ; 6 Coutumes de la seigneurie de Varennes ; 7 Coutumes de la seigneurie de Gayeu ; 8 Coutumes de la seigneurie de St Vallery sur Mer ; 9 Coutumes de la seigneurie de Sompy ; 10 Coutumes du vidam de Gerberoy
Nas economias desenvolvidas, especialmente nos Estados Unidos, a indstria de Private Equity & Venture Capital, que vive o seu segundo ciclo de expanso no Brasil, representa importante fonte de crescimento e dinamizao da atividade econmica, atravs do fomento do empreendedorismo e da inovao tecnolgica. Como tal, o estudo da adaptabilidade deste mecanismo a diferentes ambientes jurdico-institucional merece crescente ateno. A complexidade dos chamados contratos incompletos pelas incertezas e assimetrias de informaes intrnsecas a estas operaes, aliado ao estabelecimento de estruturas de incentivos timas que remunerem e protejam adequadamente tanto o investidor quanto o empreendedor, pode ser um fator limitante da expanso do modelo de PE/VC em determinadas geografias. Estas limitaes seriam maiores nos pases com sistemas legais e instituies menos adaptveis ao modelo norte-americano de PE/VC. O objetivo central deste trabalho estudar modelos de financial contract praticados no Brasil entre fundos de PE/VC e empresas investidas em diferentes estgios de maturao; visando a identificar como, se que existem, condies impeditivas do nosso ambiente jurdico-institucional celebrao de contratos mais eficientes. luz das teorias em financial contracting e das peculiaridades do ambiente jurdico-institucional brasileiro avaliar-se- a adequao das estruturas contratuais mais utilizadas em operaes de PE/VC no Brasil comparadas aos modelos e s estruturas contratuais mais praticados internacionalmente. De posse destes insights, aplicar-se- questionrio junto a operadores da indstria (gestores de fundos de PE/VC) para identificar suas percepes no tocante s limitaes impostas pelo ambiente jurdico-institucional. E se h, na viso deles, um modelo / estrutura de contrato mais recomendado para operaes de PE/VC.
Este trabalho procurou investigar os fatores que influenciam a remunerao dos fundos de Private Equity e Venture Capital (PE/VC) no Brasil. O estudo emprico foi realizado utilizando-se uma amostra de 55 fundos com dados do Primeiro Censo Brasileiro de PE/VC. Os resultados obtidos indicam que organizaes gestoras mais antigas recebem uma remunerao fixa significativamente maior do que as organizaes mais novas. Fundos especializados em empresas de alta tecnologia e em estgios iniciais de desenvolvimento tambm recebem uma compensao fixa maior do que os fundos com foco em empresas de outros setores e em outros estgios de desenvolvimento. Estas evidncias so um misto das premissas derivadas dos modelos de aprendizado e de sinalizao. No foram encontrados resultados significativos que expliquem os fatores que influenciam a sensibilidade da compensao dos gestores ao desempenho dos fundos sob sua administrao. A falta de constatao emprica de algumas das hipteses testadas pode ser um indicativo de que as organizaes gestoras de PE/VC ainda esto em processo de formao de sua reputao no mercado brasileiro.
Analysis of diametrical wear of grinding wheel and roundness errors in the machining of steel VC 131
Due to the high industrial competitiveness, the rigorous laws of environmental protection, the necessary reduction of costs, the mechanical industry sees itself forced to worry more and more with the refinement of your processes and products. In this context, can be mentioned the need to eliminate the roundness errors that appear after the grinding process. This work has the objective of verifying if optimized nozzles for the application of cutting fluid in the grinding process can minimize the formation of the roundness errors and the diametrical wear of grinding wheel in the machining of the steel VC 131 with 60 HRc, when compared to the conventional nozzles. These nozzles were analyzed using two types of grinding wheels and two different cutting fluids. Was verified that the nozzle of 3mm of diameter, integral oil and the CBN grinding wheel, were the best options to obtain smaller roundness errors and the lowest diametrical wears of grinding wheels.
Several kinds of research in road extraction have been carried out in the last 6 years by the Photogrammetry and Computer Vision Research Group (GPF&VC - Grupo de Pesquisa em Fotogrametria e Viso Computacional). Several semi-automatic road extraction methodologies have been developed, including sequential and optimizatin techniques. The GP-F&VC has also been developing fully automatic methodologies for road extraction. This paper presents an overview of the GP-F&VC research in road extraction from digital images, along with examples of results obtained by the developed methodologies.
Ps-graduao em Estudos Lingusticos - IBILCE
Startups contributions on economic growth have been widely realized. However, the funding gap is often a problem limiting startups development. To some extent, VC can be a means to solve this problem. VC is one of the optimal financial intermediaries for startups. Two streams of VC studies are focused in this dissertation: the criteria used by venture capitalists to evaluate startups and the effect of VC on innovation. First, although many criteria have been analyzed, the empirical assessment of the effect of startup reputation on VC funding has not been investigated. However, reputation is usually positively related with firm performance, which may affect VC funding. By analyzing reputation from the generalized visibility dimension and the generalized favorability dimension using a sample of 200 startups founded from 1995 operating in the UK MNT sector, we show that both the two dimensions of reputation have positive influence on the likelihood of receiving VC funding. We also find that management team heterogeneity positively influence the likelihood of receiving VC funding. Second, studies investigating the effect of venture capital on innovation have frequently resorted to patent data. However, innovation is a process leading from invention to successful commercialization, and while patents capture the upstream side of innovative performance, they poorly describe its downstream one. By reflecting the introduction of new products or services trademarks can complete the picture, but empirical studies on trademarking in startups are rare. Analyzing a sample of 192 startups founded from 1996 operating in the UK MNT sector, we find that VC funding has positive effect on the propensity to register trademarks, as well as on the number and breadth of trademarks.
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