988 resultados para Ute Indians


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BACKGROUND: With the globalization of clinical trials, large developing nations have substantially increased their participation in multi-site studies. This participation has raised ethical concerns, among them the fear that local customs, habits and culture are not respected while asking potential participants to take part in study. This knowledge gap is particularly noticeable among Indian subjects, since despite the large number of participants, little is known regarding what factors affect their willingness to participate in clinical trials. METHODS: We conducted a meta-analysis of all studies evaluating the factors and barriers, from the perspective of potential Indian participants, contributing to their participation in clinical trials. We searched both international as well as Indian-specific bibliographic databases, including Pubmed, Cochrane, Openjgate, MedInd, Scirus and Medknow, also performing hand searches and communicating with authors to obtain additional references. We enrolled studies dealing exclusively with the participation of Indians in clinical trials. Data extraction was conducted by three researchers, with disagreement being resolved by consensus. RESULTS: Six qualitative studies and one survey were found evaluating the main themes affecting the participation of Indian subjects. Themes included Personal health benefits, Altruism, Trust in physicians, Source of extra income, Detailed knowledge, Methods for motivating participants as factors favoring, while Mistrust on trial organizations, Concerns about efficacy and safety of trials, Psychological reasons, Trial burden, Loss of confidentiality, Dependency issues, Language as the barriers. CONCLUSION: We identified factors that facilitated and barriers that have negative implications on trial participation decisions in Indian subjects. Due consideration and weightage should be assigned to these factors while planning future trials in India.


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BACKGROUND: With the global expansion of clinical trials and the expectations of the rise of the emerging economies known as BRICs (Brazil, Russia, India and China), the understanding of factors that affect the willingness to participate in clinical trials of patients from those countries assumes a central role in the future of health research. METHODS: We conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis (SRMA) of willingness to participate in clinical trials among Brazilian patients and then we compared it with Indian patients (with results of another SRMA previously conducted by our group) through a system dynamics model. RESULTS: Five studies were included in the SRMA of Brazilian patients. Our main findings are 1) the major motivation for Brazilian patients to participate in clinical trials is altruism, 2) monetary reimbursement is the least important factor motivating Brazilian patients, 3) the major barrier for Brazilian patients to not participate in clinical trials is the fear of side effects, and 4) Brazilian patients are more likely willing to participate in clinical trials than Indians. CONCLUSION: Our study provides important insights for investigators and sponsors for planning trials in Brazil (and India) in the future. Ignoring these results may lead to unnecessary fund/time spending. More studies are needed to validate our results and for better understanding of this poorly studied theme.


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Using new biomarker data from the 2010 pilot round of the Longitudinal Aging Study in India (LASI), we investigate education, gender, and state-level disparities in health. We find that hemoglobin level, a marker for anemia, is lower for respondents with no schooling (0.7 g/dL less in the adjusted model) compared to those with some formal education and is also lower for females than for males (2.0 g/dL less in the adjusted model). In addition, we find that about one third of respondents in our sample aged 45 or older have high C-reaction protein (CRP) levels (>3 mg/L), an indicator of inflammation and a risk factor for cardiovascular disease. We find no evidence of educational or gender differences in CRP, but there are significant state-level disparities, with Kerala residents exhibiting the lowest CRP levels (a mean of 1.96 mg/L compared to 3.28 mg/L in Rajasthan, the state with the highest CRP). We use the Blinder–Oaxaca decomposition approach to explain group-level differences, and find that state-level disparities in CRP are mainly due to heterogeneity in the association of the observed characteristics of respondents with CRP, rather than differences in the distribution of endowments across the sampled state populations.


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Reprint of the 1810 ed. printed by Samuel Wood, New York,


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Reprint of the 1810 ed. printed by Samuel Wood, New York, Reprinted by Ipswich By J. Bush, Tavern-Street


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A plan of part of the lands of the Six Nations Indians, dated January 26, 1833. A note on the plan reads “Part of the lands of the Six Nations Indians as surveyed by order of their Superintendent, John Brant, Esq. Dated at the Mohawk Village, the 29th day of April, 1831. Part of which was returned to the office of the Honourable, the Commissior of Crown Lands, on the 31st Oct. 1831, and now rendered more complete by a continuation of the survey under the same order in 1832, and by information obtained from private practice not connected with my official instructions all of which is most respectfully submitted to the inspection and for the information of His Majesty’s Government by Lewis Burwell, Surveyor”. The map shows the early loyalist land holdings in the Brantford area.


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Explanation of the Land Surrendered to the Crown by the Six Nations Indians for Mr. Dickson: 1 handwritten page explaining the Six Nations surrender of land to the Crown in order to allow the Crown to transfer the land to Mr. Dickson to compensate him for legal fees. [This is not an older document. It was possibly written by the Niagara Historical Society], n.d.


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La Unidad Terap??utica y Educativa (UTE) del Centro Penitenciario de Villabona coordina el proyecto Grundtvig 'Creando espacios para el cambio'. En ??l participan instituciones de Alemania, Austria y Reino Unido. El objetivo es desarrollar espacios educativos en las prisiones, partiendo de la realidad que en ??stas se vive: problemas de salud, convivencia, drogodependencia, subcultura carcelaria, etc. Santiago S??nchez Roza, un interno 'agente de salud' de la UTE, viaj?? en Noviembre de 2007 a Wiesbaden (Alemania) con tres miembros del Equipo Multidisciplinar de la Unidad. All?? comparti?? durante cinco d??as su experiencia. En este art??culo expone su trabajo de promoci??n de la salud dentro de la c??rcel al participar en el taller de salud de la UTE de Villabona y sus impresiones sobre el viaje a Alemania.