997 resultados para User profile
Identificar o perfil sociodemogrfico de pacientes submetidos prostatectomia. Mtodo: estudo quantitativo, transversal e descritivo, realizado na clnica cirrgica de um Hospital Universitrio na cidade de Natal/RN/Brasil, com 50 indivduos em ps-operatrio imediato de prostatectomia. A coleta de dados deu-se com um roteiro de anamnese e exame fsico. Para a anlise estatstica dos dados foi utilizado o Programa Statistical Package for the Social Sciences, verso 16.0. O projeto de pesquisa foi aprovado pelo Comit de tica da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, protocolo n 130/10 CEP/UFRN. Resultados: os homens entrevistados tinham idade mdia de 67,78 anos, 80% tinham companheiros, com nmero de filhos variando de zero a quatro (56%). Concluso: o conhecimento do perfil sociodemogrfico dos pacientes prostatectomizados proporciona um direcionamento das aes de enfermagem frente realidade de vida dessa clientela, uma vez que os pacientes estudados apresentaram perfil similar ao observado em outras cidades brasileiras
Incluye Bibliografa
Ps-graduao em Cincia da Informao - FFC
Coordenao de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior (CAPES)
Fundao de Amparo Pesquisa do Estado de So Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientfico e Tecnolgico (CNPq)
Context-aware computing is currently considered the most promising approach to overcome information overload and to speed up access to relevant information and services. Context-awareness may be derived from many sources, including user profile and preferences, network information, sensor analysis; usually context-awareness relies on the ability of computing devices to interact with the physical world, i.e. with the natural and artificial objects hosted within the "environment. Ideally, context-aware applications should not be intrusive and should be able to react according to users context, with minimum user effort. Context is an application dependent multidimensional space and the location is an important part of it since the very beginning. Location can be used to guide applications, in providing information or functions that are most appropriate for a specific position. Hence location systems play a crucial role. There are several technologies and systems for computing location to a vary degree of accuracy and tailored for specific space model, i.e. indoors or outdoors, structured spaces or unstructured spaces. The research challenge faced by this thesis is related to pedestrian positioning in heterogeneous environments. Particularly, the focus will be on pedestrian identification, localization, orientation and activity recognition. This research was mainly carried out within the mobile and ambient systems workgroup of EPOCH, a 6FP NoE on the application of ICT to Cultural Heritage. Therefore applications in Cultural Heritage sites were the main target of the context-aware services discussed. Cultural Heritage sites are considered significant test-beds in Context-aware computing for many reasons. For example building a smart environment in museums or in protected sites is a challenging task, because localization and tracking are usually based on technologies that are difficult to hide or harmonize within the environment. Therefore it is expected that the experience made with this research may be useful also in domains other than Cultural Heritage. This work presents three different approaches to the pedestrian identification, positioning and tracking: Pedestrian navigation by means of a wearable inertial sensing platform assisted by the vision based tracking system for initial settings an real-time calibration; Pedestrian navigation by means of a wearable inertial sensing platform augmented with GPS measurements; Pedestrian identification and tracking, combining the vision based tracking system with WiFi localization. The proposed localization systems have been mainly used to enhance Cultural Heritage applications in providing information and services depending on the users actual context, in particular depending on the users location.
Background Complementary medicine (CM) is popular in Switzerland. Several CM methods (traditional Chinese medicine/acupuncture, homeopathy, anthroposophic medicine, neural therapy, and herbal medicine) are currently covered by the mandatory basic health insurance when performed by a certified physician. Treatments by non-medical therapists are partially covered by a supplemental and optional health insurance. In this study, we investigated the frequency of CM use including the evolvement over time, the most popular methods, and the user profile. Methods Data of the Swiss Health Surveys 2007 and 2012 were used. In 2007 and 2012, a population of 14,432 and 18,357, respectively, aged 15 years or older answered the written questionnaire. A set of questions queried about the frequency of use of various CM methods within the last 12 months before the survey. Proportions of usage and 95% confidence intervals were calculated for these methods and CM in general. Users and non-users of CM were compared using logistic regression models. Results The most popular methods in 2012 were homeopathy, naturopathy, osteopathy, herbal medicine, and acupuncture. The average number of treatments within the 12 months preceding the survey ranged from 3 for homeopathy to 6 for acupuncture. 25.0% of the population at the age of 15 and older had used at least one CM method in the previous 12 months. People with a chronic illness or a poor self-perceived health status were more likely to use CM. Similar to other countries, women, people of middle age, and those with higher education were more likely to use CM. 59.9% of the adult population had a supplemental health insurance that partly covered CM treatments. Conclusions Usage of CM in Switzerland remained unchanged between 2007 and 2012. The user profile in Switzerland was similar to other countries, such as Germany, United Kingdom, United States or Australia.
Mobile activity recognition focuses on inferring the current activities of a mobile user by leveraging the sensory data that is available on todays smart phones. The state of the art in mobile activity recognition uses traditional classification learning techniques. Thus, the learning process typically involves: i) collection of labelled sensory data that is transferred and collated in a centralised repository; ii) model building where the classification model is trained and tested using the collected data; iii) a model deployment stage where the learnt model is deployed on-board a mobile device for identifying activities based on new sensory data. In this paper, we demonstrate the Mobile Activity Recognition System (MARS) where for the first time the model is built and continuously updated on-board the mobile device itself using data stream mining. The advantages of the on-board approach are that it allows model personalisation and increased privacy as the data is not sent to any external site. Furthermore, when the user or its activity profile changes MARS enables promptly adaptation. MARS has been implemented on the Android platform to demonstrate that it can achieve accurate mobile activity recognition. Moreover, we can show in practise that MARS quickly adapts to user profile changes while at the same time being scalable and efficient in terms of consumption of the device resources.
The deployment of home-based smart health services requires effective and reliable systems for personal and environmental data management. ooperation between Home Area Networks (HAN) and Body Area Networks (BAN) can provide smart systems with ad hoc reasoning information to support health care. This paper details the implementation of an architecture that integrates BAN, HAN and intelligent agents to manage physiological and environmental data to proactively detect risk situations at the digital home. The system monitors dynamic situations and timely adjusts its behavior to detect user risks concerning to health. Thus, this work provides a reasoning framework to infer appropriate solutions in cases of health risk episodes. Proposed smart health monitoring approach integrates complex reasoning according to home environment, user profile and physiological parameters defined by a scalable ontology. As a result, health care demands can be detected to activate adequate internal mechanisms and report public health services for requested actions.
El Proyecto Fin de Carrera, con ttulo, "Interaccin desde dispositivos Android va Bluetooth, con juguete teledirigido, para su uso por personas con discapacidad" pretende completar la primera versin de la aplicacin sobre dispositivo Android para manejar un juguete teledirigido aadiendo nuevas formas de interactuar con el dispositivo Android. Para este caso, el juguete teledirigido es el mismo: el robot esfrico llamado Sphero. Dicho robot posee una interfaz a travs de la cual puede recibir instrucciones, y mediante las cuales, se puede poner en movimiento o iluminarse con diferentes colores. Esta ampliacin facilitar la interaccin del usuario con el dispositivo Android, adems de ampliar la funcionalidad hacia la inversa: recibir los movimientos del robot Sphero en el dispositivo Android cuando es manejado con la mano. Completando la primera versin, como cumplimiento de este Proyecto Fin de Carrera, se han realizado una serie de mandos nuevos, los cuales abarcan desde el manejo del robot por instrucciones de voz, movimientos del dispositivo Android desde el que se ejecuta, describir una trayectoria dibujada previamente en el dispositivo Android, o, realizar una serie de movimientos corregidos mediante la aplicacin gracias a los lmites de movimientos para un usuario concreto que pueden introducirse. Adems, completando lo anteriormente escrito, se ha desarrollado una aplicacin web que registrar todos los datos de uso del juguete, la cual, explota una base de datos que almacena toda interaccin con el juguete. Estos datos estarn asociados a un usuario, debido a que la aplicacin Android debe perfilarse para el uso de un usuario concreto. El perfilado de usuario se ha completado aadiendo una serie de informacin que puede ser til para la persona que analice el comportamiento de una persona con discapacidad que utilice la aplicacin. Por ltimo, se ha realizado un estudio de elementos externos que puedan facilitar la interaccin con los dispositivos Android a personas que sufran alguna discapacidad. ABSTRACT. The Thesis, titled "Interaction from Android devices via Bluetooth, with remote control toy, for use by people with disabilities" project aims to complete the first version of the application on Android device to manage a remote control toy adding new ways of interacting to Android device. For this case, the remote control toy is the same: the spherical robot called Sphero. This robot has an interface through which it can receive instructions, and by means of which can be set in motion or illuminated with different colors. This expansion will facilitate user interaction with the Android device, and extend the functionality to reverse: receiving Sphero robot movements in the Android device when handled by hand. Completing the first version, in fulfillment of this Thesis, there have been a number of new controls, which range from control of robot by voice instructions, movements Android device from which it runs, describe a path drawn previously on your Android device, or perform a series of movements corrected by applying through limits of movement for a particular user can be made. Besides completing the above written, has developed a web application that will record all data on use of the toy, which exploits a database that stores all interaction with the toy. These data will be associated with a user, because the Android application should be outlined for the use of a particular user. The user profile is completed by adding a range of information that can be useful for the person to analyze the behavior of a disabled person to use the application. Finally, a study was made of external elements that can facilitate interaction with Android devices to people who suffer from a disability.
The progressive ageing of population has turned the mild cognitive impairment (MCI) into a prevalent disease suffered by elderly. Consequently, the spatial disorientation has become a significant problem for older people and their caregivers. The ambient-assisted living applications are offering location-based services for empowering elderly to go outside and encouraging a greater independence. Therefore, this paper describes the design and technical evaluation of a location-awareness service enabler aimed at supporting and managing probable wandering situations of a person with MCI. Through the presence capabilities of the IP multimedia subsystem (IMS) architecture, the service will alert patient's contacts if a hazardous situation is detected depending on his location. Furthermore, information about the older person's security areas has been included in the user profile managed by IMS. In doing so, the service enabler introduced contribute to context-awareness paradigm allowing the adaptation and personalization of services depending on user's context and specific conditions or preferences.
Para entender el proyecto de una manera muy simplificada lo podramos resumir de la siguiente forma: Se trata de una aplicacin que permite a los usuarios imputar las horas de las tareas que realizan de una forma sencilla, y que los gestores de estos usuarios, mediante informes ejecutivos, puedan analizar las dedicaciones y costes de los proyectos que stos gestionan. Adems se dispondr de pantallas para administrar todas las entidades que estn implicadas en las imputaciones. Las imputaciones se realizarn agrupndolas por el concepto Parte. Los Partes dividen los meses en grupos de 10 das, as cada usuario tendr que imputar las horas que realiza cada 10 das, enviando a su supervisor el parte para que este pueda revisarlo y analizar los resultados de las imputaciones a travs de los informes. Vamos a resumir las entidades que intervienen en la aplicacin y sus relaciones de la siguiente forma: - Los usuarios tendrn asignados una serie de cargos, los cuales definirn las posibles tareas que podrn realizar categorizadas en los conceptos Proceso y Subproceso. Un ejemplo de esta relacin podra ser el cargo Programador podr realizar tareas de tipo Proceso Desarrollo y tipos de Subproceso Programacin y Pruebas unitarias - Tambin se asignarn a los usuarios los proyectos en los que trabajan. Estos proyectos pertenecern a una unidad (se podra equiparar el concepto unidad por ejemplo a clientes, departamentos, etc). - Tambin se podrn asignar a los usuarios las peticiones concretas de proyectos en los que intervienen. Una peticin podra ser una incidencia detectada en un proyecto, una mejora concreta en un proyecto de mantenimiento, un soporte realizado para arreglar unos datos incorrectos, etc. - A los usuarios se le asignarn unos costes que podrn ser distintos por periodos de tiempo con el fin de conocer el coste exacto de una hora realizada en la fecha en la que fue realizada. - A los usuarios se les asignar un Perfil de usuario. Este perfil de usuario definir los permisos sobre los mdulos disponibles de la herramienta. Habr un permiso por cada entidad, dividindolos en Alta, Baja, Modificacin y Consulta. Adems de estos permisos habr permisos especiales sobre mdulos que no se refieran al manteniendo de entidades pero que s requieran de un permiso especial para poder ejecutarse como por ejemplo poder ejecutar los informes de costes, poder realizar y consultar partes de otros usuarios adems de los propios del usuario, etc. Los perfiles sern dinmicos. Se podrn crear tantos perfiles como se requieran, cada uno con los permisos que se le asignen. - Los usuarios imputarn las horas que realizan categorizando por tarea los siguientes conceptos: Proyecto, Peticin (opcional), Proceso, Subproceso, Descripcin de la tarea y horas invertidas en los das de la decena. La aplicacin permite poder adaptarse a las necesidades de diseo de la organizacin que la utilice y pueden crearse tantas instancias de la aplicacin como se necesiten, compartiendo ono la base de datos entre varias de las instancias, sin necesidad de duplicar el cdigo en el servidor, lo que facilita el mantenimiento de la aplicacin cuando se aaden mejoras y se solucionan incidencias. Tambin facilita el poder vender licencias de uso de la aplicacin a otras entidades teniendo una sola versin de la aplicacin en la nube, lo que hace muy bajo el coste de la venta de licencias aumentando as los beneficios por venta. ABSTRACT To understand the project in a very simplified way we could summarize as follows: Its an application that allows users to charge the hours of tasks that they realize in a easy way, and that the managers of these users, by executive reports, can analyze dedications and costs of projects that they manage. Furthermore screens will be available to manage all entities that are involved in the charge of hours. The charge of hours will be grouped by the concept "Timesheet". The Timesheets divided the months in groups of 10 days, so each user will have to charge the hours every 10 days by sending his supervisor the thimesheet so that it can review it and analyze the results of the charges of hours by reports.Let's summarize the entities involved in the application and their relationships as follows: - Users will be assigned to one or more positions, which define the possible tasks that can perform categorized into concepts Process and Subprocess. An example of this relationship could be the position "Developer" may do tasks of process type "Development" and subprocess types "Programming" and "Unit Testing" - Users will also be assigned to projects in which they work. These projects belongs to a unit (Some possible examples of unit could be customers, departments, ...). - You can also assign users to specific requests for projects thar they are involved. A request could be an issue detected in a project, a concrete improvement in a maintenance project, a support made to fix some incorrect data, ... - Users will be assigned to one or more costs that may be different for periods of time in order to know the exact cost of an hour on the date on which it was made. - Users will be assigned to a User Profile. This user profile define the available permissions on modules of tool. There will be a permission for each entity, dividing them into Insert, Delete, Modify and Read. In addition to these permissions will be special permissions on modules that are not related to maintaining entities but if require special permission to execute such as to execute the cost reports, to make and read Timesheets of others users in addition to themselve user, etc. The profiles will be dynamic. We can create many profiles as we required, each with the permissions that are assigned. - Users charge the hours that they work categorizing per task the following: Project, Request (optional), Process, Subprocess, task description and the hours that they used in the ten days period. The application allows to adapt to the needs of design of the organization that use the application and allows create many instances of the application as needed, yes or not sharing the database among multiple instances without duplicating the code on the server, which facilitates maintenance of the application when improvements are added and incidents are resolved. It also facilitates to sell licenses to use the application to other organizations having a single version of the application in the cloud, making it very low cost from the sale of licenses and increasing profits per sale.
El proyecto ATTOS centra su actividad en el estudio y desarrollo de tcnicas de anlisis de opiniones, enfocado a proporcionar toda la informacin necesaria para que una empresa o una institucin pueda tomar decisiones estratgicas en funcin a la imagen que la sociedad tiene sobre esa empresa, producto o servicio. El objetivo ltimo del proyecto es la interpretacin automtica de estas opiniones, posibilitando as su posterior explotacin. Para ello se estudian parmetros tales como la intensidad de la opinin, ubicacin geogrfica y perfil de usuario, entre otros factores, para facilitar la toma de decisiones. El objetivo general del proyecto se centra en el estudio, desarrollo y experimentacin de tcnicas, recursos y sistemas basados en Tecnologas del Lenguaje Humano (TLH), para conformar una plataforma de monitorizacin de la Web 2.0 que genere informacin sobre tendencias de opinin relacionadas con un tema.
Traditional content-based filtering methods usually utilize text extraction and classification techniques for building user profiles as well as for representations of contents, i.e. item profiles. These methods have some disadvantages e.g. mismatch between user profile terms and item profile terms, leading to low performance. Some of the disadvantages can be overcome by incorporating a common ontology which enables representing both the users' and the items' profiles with concepts taken from the same vocabulary. We propose a new content-based method for filtering and ranking the relevancy of items for users, which utilizes a hierarchical ontology. The method measures the similarity of the user's profile to the items' profiles, considering the existing of mutual concepts in the two profiles, as well as the existence of "related" concepts, according to their position in the ontology. The proposed filtering algorithm computes the similarity between the users' profiles and the items' profiles, and rank-orders the relevant items according to their relevancy to each user. The method is being implemented in ePaper, a personalized electronic newspaper project, utilizing a hierarchical ontology designed specifically for classification of News items. It can, however, be utilized in other domains and extended to other ontologies.