937 resultados para Urban waste-water


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This paper explores the water-energy nexus of Spain and offers calculations for both the energy used in the water sector and the water required to run the energy sector. The article takes a prospective approach, offering evaluations of policy objectives for biofuels and expected renewable energy sources. Approximately 5.8% of total electricity demand in Spain is due to the water sector. Irrigated agriculture is one of the Spanish water sectors that show the largest growth in energy requirements. Searches for more efficient modes of farm water use, urban waste water treatment, and the use of desalinated water must henceforth include the energy component. Furthermore, biofuel production, to the levels targeted for 2020, would have an unbearable impact on the already stressed water resources in Spain. However, growing usage of renewable energy sources is not threatened by water scarcity, but legislative measures in water allocation and water markets will be required to meet the requirements of using these sources. Some of these measures, which are pushed by regional governments, are discussed in concluding sections.


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"Compiled from basic data files of the Connecticut Water Resources Commission."


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Mode of access: Internet.


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At head of title: State of California, the Resources Agency of California, Dept. of Water Resources.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Processes of European integration and growing consumer scrutiny of public services have served to place the spotlight on the traditional French model of public/private interaction in the urban services domain. This article discusses recent debates within France of the institutionalised approach to local public/private partnership, and presents case study evidence from three urban agglomerations of a possible divergence from this approach. Drawing on the work of French academic, Dominique Lorrain, whose historical institutionalist accounts of the French model are perhaps the most comprehensive and best known, the article develops two hypotheses of institutional change, one from the historical institutionalist perspective of institutional stability and persistence, and the other from an explicitly sociological perspective, which emphasises the legitimating benefits of following appropriate rules of conduct. It argues that further studying the French model as an institution offers valuable empirical insight into processes of institutional change and persistence. © 2004 Taylor & Francis Ltd.


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Composites are fast becoming a cost effective option when considering the design of engineering structures in a broad range of applications. If the strength to weight benefits of these material systems can be exploited and challenges in developing lower cost manufacturing methods overcome, then the advanced composite systems will play a bigger role in the diverse range of sectors outside the aerospace industry where they have been used for decades.
This paper presents physical testing results that showcase the advantages of GRP (Glass Reinforced Plastics), such as the ability to endure loading with minimal deformation. The testing involved is a cross comparison of GRP grating vs. GRP encapsulated foam core. Resulting data gained within this paper will then be coupled with design optimization (utilising model simulation) to bring forward layup alterations to meet the specified load classifications involved.


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Nitrate and urban waste water directives have raised the need for a better understanding of coastal systems in European Union. The incorrect application of these directives can lead to important ecological or social penalties. In the paper this problem is addressed to Ria Formosa Coastal Lagoon. Ria Formosa hosts a Natural Park, important ports of the southern Portuguese coast and significant bivalve aquaculture activity. Four major urban waste water treatment plants discharging in the lagoon are considered in this study. Its treatment level must be selected, based on detailed information from a monitoring program and on a good knowledge of the processes determining the fate of the material discharged in the lagoon. In this paper the results of a monitoring program and simulations using a coupled hydrodynamic and water quality / ecological model, MOHID, are used to characterise the system and to understand the processes in Ria Formosa. It is shown that the water residence time in most of the lagoon is quite low, of the order of days, but it can be larger in the upper parts of the channels where land generated water is discharged. The main supply of nutrients to the lagoon comes from the open sea rather than from the urban discharges. For this reason the characteristics and behaviour of the general lagoon contrasts with the behaviour of the upper reaches of the channels where the influence of the waste water treatment plants are high. In this system the bottom mineralization was found to be an important mechanism, and the inclusion of that process in the model was essential to obtain good results.


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Tese dout., Química, Universidade do Algarve, 2005


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A atividade humana e industrial usa a água para as suas atividades do quotidiano. A água é um recurso natural escasso cuja qualidade deve ser protegida, defendida, gerida e tratada em conformidade com o seu uso. Nesse âmbito, a gestão das águas prossegue objetivos de proteção da saúde humana e de preservação, proteção e melhoria da qualidade do ambiente[1]. Desde o final do seculo XIX até aos dias de hoje, verificou-se uma forte evolução nos sistemas de tratamento de águas residuais. Esta evolução foi fundamental para dar resposta às maiores exigências de qualidade do efluente tratado. O sistema de lamas ativadas é um dos processos de tratamento biológico das águas residuais mais usados em todo o mundo. Este trabalho consiste no desenvolvimento do projeto de conceção e dimensionamento de uma Estação de Tratamento de Águas Residuais (ETAR) para servir um pequeno aglomerado de cerca de 3200 habitantes equivalentes (hab.eq.), tendo como objetivo o dimensionamento de todas as etapas de tratamento necessárias ao cumprimento da legislação em vigor para a descarga das águas residuais urbanas no meio recetor. O Decreto-lei nº 152/97[2], relativo ao tratamento de águas residuais urbanas, juntamente com o Decreto-lei nº 149/2004[3] que identifica as zonas sensíveis e de zonas menos sensíveis, permitem que as entidades licenciadoras definam o grau de tratamento que a instalação deve possuir tendo em consideração a classificação do meio onde o efluente tratado é descarregado. O Decreto-Lei n.º 135/2009[1] estabelece o regime de identificação, gestão, monitorização e classificação da qualidade das águas balneares, impondo a qualidade microbiológica da água residual tratada mediante o meio recetor, e portanto conseguindo-se assim definir o tratamento de desinfeção a adotar. Resumidamente, a conceção do tratamento focou as seguintes etapas: tratamento preliminar formado por uma unidade compacta de tamisação, desarenador e desengordurador, tratamento secundário por lamas ativadas em regime de arejamento prolongado constituído por dois reatores com cerca de 400 m3 de volume seguido de um decantador com um diâmetro de 9.5 m, tratamento terciário de desinfeção composto por uma microtamisação seguido de desinfeção UV, e a utilização das operações comuns de espessamento e desidratação das lamas produzidas em excesso pelo tratamento, constituída por com um espessador gravítico com 4.6 m de diâmetro, e um filtro banda para a desidratação.


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A detailed analysis of temporal and spatial trends in nitrogen (N) speciation and phosphorus (P) fractionation in the Wylye, a lowland Chalk sub-catchment of the Hampshire Avon, UK is presented, identifying the sources contributing to nutrient enrichment, and temporal variability in the fractionation of nutrients in transit from headwaters to lower reaches of the river. Samples were collected weekly from ten monitoring stations with daily sampling at three further sites over one year, and monthly inorganic N and total reactive P (TRP) concentrations at three of the ten weekly monitoring stations over a ten year period are also presented. The data indicate significant daily and seasonal variation in nutrient fractionation in the water column, resulting from plant uptake of dissolved organic and inorganic nutrient fractions in the summer months, increased delivery of both N and P from diffuse sources in the autumn to winter period and during high flow events, and lack of dilution of point source discharges to the Wylye from septic tank, small package Sewage Treatment Works (STW) and urban Waste Water Treatment Works (WwTW) during the summer low flow period. Weekly data show that contributing source areas vary along the river with headwater N and P strongly influenced by diffuse inorganic N and particulate P fluxes, and SRP and organic-rich point source contributions from STW and WwTW having a greater influence in the lower reaches. Long-term data show a decrease in TRP concentrations at all three monitoring stations, with the most pronounced decrease occurring downstream from Warminster WwTW, following the introduction of P stripping at the works in 2001. Inorganic N demonstrates no statistically significant change over the ten year period of record in the rural headwaters, but an increase in the lower reaches downstream from the WwTW which may be due to urban expansion in the lower catchment.


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Helianthus tuberosus L. presenta potencial para producir etanol, sustituto de la nafta, y que deberá incorporarse a la misma en un 5% a partir del 2010 en Argentina. Hay antecedentes que señalan que a partir de 50 toneladas de tubérculos pueden obtenerse 4500 l de etanol. En este trabajo se comparó el rendimiento de dos variedades de topinambur regado con agua residual urbana o cloacal (AC) y agua subterránea (AS). El ensayo se realizó en la planta de tratamiento de agua cloacal de Obras Sanitarias Mendoza en el Departamento Tunuyán (33°32’89’’ S y 69°00’80’’ O), Mendoza, Argentina. El potencial para producir bioetanol se estimó a partir de la cantidad de hidratos de carbono fermentables en los tubérculos. El rendimiento de tubérculos presentó diferencias entre los tratamientos de riego, siendo de 177750 kg/ha en AC y de 144000 kg/ha en AS. La estimación del potencial para producir etanol generó un valor de 15000 l de alcohol en las parcelas regadas con AC y 13000 l en las regadas con AS. Para obtener 1 l de alcohol a partir de los tubérculos serían necesarios alrededor de 11 kg, relacionado con un valor de sólidos solubles de 16% en los mismos.


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El aceite de colza es comestible pero también puede utilizarse en la producción de biodiesel. Cuando el destino es el energético, el cultivo puede regarse con aguas residuales urbanas o cloacales. La mayor proporción del uso de éstas en el mundo ocurre en regiones áridas donde otras fuentes de agua son escasas, situación que se plantea en los oasis irrigados de Mendoza. En este trabajo se comparó el rendimiento de un cultivar invernal de colza regado con agua cloacal (AC) y agua subterránea (AS), y su potencial para producir biodiesel. La experiencia se llevó a cabo en una planta de tratamiento de agua cloacal de Obras Sanitarias en el departamento Tunuyán (33° 32’ 89’’ S; 69° 00’ 80’’ O; 859 m snm). El rendimiento de semilla de AC fue significativamente mayor que el de AS (7690 y 3886 kg/ha, respectivamente). La cantidad de biodiesel factible de producir por cada hectárea de cultivo asciende a 2800 kg en el tratamiento AC y a 1400 kg en AS. El uso de aguas residuales urbanas genera un nicho interesante para la producción de biocombustibles, utilizando un recurso hídrico con limitaciones para producir alimentos.


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Helianthus tuberosus L. produce tubérculos ricos en hidratos de carbono fermentables que pueden ser usados para producir etanol. Para el destino energético el cultivo puede ser regado con aguas residuales urbanas. La densidad poblacional en un cultivo de topinambur afecta los parámetros de crecimiento y rendimiento. Se evaluó el efecto de la densidad de plantación sobre el rendimiento de tubérculos. Se compararon 6 tratamientos de densidad, combinando 2 espaciamientos entre hileras (0,70 y 0,80 m) y 3 espaciamientos entre plantas en la hilera (0,30; 0,40 y 0,50 m), generando stands desde las 25.000 a 47.600 plantas/ha. Se presentaron los mayores rendimientos con distancias entre plantas en la hilera de 0,30 ó 0,40 m; no se presentaron diferencias en respuesta a la distancia entre hileras. Los componentes del rendimiento (rendimiento de tubérculos por planta, número de tubérculos por planta y tamaño medio de los tubérculos) respondieron a cambios en la densidad generados por la distancias entre plantas y fueron indiferentes a la variación de distancia entre hileras. La altura de las plantas, el número de tallos principales, el porcentaje de MS y de SS en los tubérculos no se modificaron ante variaciones de densidad.