55 resultados para Upsilon


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High-spin states in Pt-189 have been studied with the in-beam gamma-spectroscopy method via the Yb-176(O-18, 5n) reaction at beam energies of 88 MeV and 95 MeV. A new level scheme of Pt-189 has been established. Rotational bands based on the upsilon i(13/2)(-1), upsilon f(5/2)(p(3/2)) and upsilon i(13/2)(-2)upsilon f(p(3/2)) configurations, as well as several structures with irregular level spacings, have been observed. Properties of rotational bands have been analyzed in the framework of triaxial particle-rotor model. A gamma similar to -30 degrees triaxial shape and a near prolate shape have been proposed to the upsilon i(13/2)(-1) and uf(5/2)(p(3/2)) bands, respectively. Two Delta I=2 transition sequences with similar energies have been observed, and they have been proposed to be associated with the upsilon i(13/2)(-1)upsilon f(5/2)(p(3/2)) configuration. According to the relevant Nilsson orbitals, the bands built on the upsilon i(13/2)(-1)upsilon f(5/2)(p(3/2)) configuration could be interpreted as a pair of pseudo-spin partner.


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The predissociation decay behavior of molecule carbonyl sulfide (OCS) has been investigated by resonance-enhanced multiphoton ionization spectroscopy using the pump-probe technique of dichroic femtosecond lasers in real time. The lifetime of excited OCS around 74 720 cm(-1) by two-photon absorption of 268 nm, corresponding to upsilon(1)=1 of the Rydberg state [(2)Pi(1/2)]4ppi((1)Sigma(+)), is directly determined to be tau(D)=1071+/-11 fs. This picosecond decay process indicates that the excited state is predissociative. The temporal information of dissociation enriches the knowledge of the potential-energy surface of the associative excited state.


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With the aid of thermodynamics of Gibbs, the expression of the spinodal was derived for the polydisperse polymer-solvent system in the framework of Sanchez-Lacombe Lattice Fluid Theory (SLLFT). For convenience, we considered that a model polydisperse polymer contains three sub-components. According to our calculation, the spinodal depends on both weight-average ((M) over bar (w)) and number-average ((M) over bar (n)) molecular weights of the polydisperse polymer, but the z-average molecular weight ((M) over bar (z)) dependence on the spinodal is invisible. The dependence of free volume on composition, temperature, molecular weight, and its distribution results in the effect of (M) over bar (n) on the spinodal. Moreover, it has been found that the effect of changing (M) over bar (w) on the spinodal is much bigger than that of changing (M) over bar (n) and the extrema of the spinodal increases with the rise of the weight-average molecular weight of the polymer in the solutions with upper critical solution temperature (UCST). However, the effect of polydispersity on the spinodal can be neglected for the polymer with a considerably high weight-average molecular weight. A more simple expression of the spinodal for the polydisperse polymer solution in the framework of SLLFT was also derived under the assumption of upsilon(*)=upsilon(1)(*)=upsilon(2)(*) and (1/r(1)(0))-(1/r(2i)(0))-->(1/r(1)(0)).


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Polymer blends of poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) and poly(styrene-co-acrylonitrile) (SAN) with an acrylonitrile content of about 30 wt % were prepared by means of solution-casting and characterized by virtue of pressure-volume-temperature (PVT) dilatometry. The Sanchez-Lacombe (SL) lattice fluid theory was used to calculate the spinodals, the binodals, the Flory-Huggins (FH) interaction parameter, the enthalpy of the mixing, the volume change of the mixing, and the combinatorial and vacancy entropies of the mixing for the PMMA/SAN system. A new volume-combining rule was used to evaluate the close-packed volume per mer, upsilon*, of the PMMA/SAN blends. The calculated results showed that the new and the original volume-combining rules had a slight influence on the FH interaction parameter, the enthalpy of the mixing, and the combinatorial entropy of the mixing. Moreover, the spinodals and the binodals calculated with the SL theory by means of the new volume-combining rule could coincide with the measured data for the PMMA/SAN system with a lower critical solution temperature, whereas those obtained by means of the original one could not.


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C-2 and LaC2+ were studied using Hartree-Fock(HF), B3LYP (Becke 3-paremeter-Lee-Yang-Parr) density functional method, second-order Moller-Plesset perturbation (MP2) and coupled cluster singles and doubles with non-iterative triples(CCSD(T)) methods. The basis set employed was LANL1DZ. Geometries, vibrational frequencies and other quantities were reported. The results showed that for C-2, all the methods performed well for low spin state (singlet), while only HF and B3LYP remained so for high spin state (triplet). For LaC2+, four isomers were presented and fully optimized. The results suggested that linear isomers with C-infinity v and D-infinity h symmetries were predicted to be saddle points on the energy surface for all the methods, while for isomers with C-2 upsilon and C-s symmetries, they were local minima except C-2 upsilon at B3LYP level, and were isoenergetic at HF, MP2 and CCSD(T) levels, near isoenergetic at B3LYP level. From the differences between HOMO and LUMO, it is also known that the isomers with C-2 upsilon and C-s symmetries offer the largest values and therefore correspond to the most stable structure. For La-C bond lengths, B3LYP gives the shortest, the order is B3LYP


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LaC3n+ (n = 0, 1, 2) clusters have been studied using B3LYP (Becke 3-parameter-Lee-Yang-Parr) density functional method. The basis set is Dunning/ Huzinaga valence double zeta for carbon and [2s2p2d] for lanthanum, denoted LANL1DZ. Four isomers are presented for each cluster; two of them are edge binding isomers with C-2 upsilon symmetry, the other two are Linear chains with C-infinity upsilon symmetry. Meanwhile, two spin states for each isomer, that is, singlet and triplet for LaC3+, doublet and quartet for LaC3 and LaC32+, respectively, are also considered. Geometries, vibrational frequencies, infrared intensities, and other quantities are reported and discussed. The results indicate that at some spin states; the C-2 upsilon symmetry isomers are the dominant structures, while for the other spin states, linear isomers are energetically favored. (C) 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.


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We report a study on resonance enhanced multiphoton ionization photoelectron spectroscopy (REMPI-PES) involving the fast predissociative (A) over tilde state of ammonia, using nano- and femtosecond lasers. The multiphoton scheme involves (1 + 1), (2 + 2), (2 + 2) + 1 and (2 + 2) + 2 photon processes. We have found a progression of stretching vibrations nu(1) in the PE spectrum when pumping NH3 (A) over tilde upsilon(2) = 0, 1 and 3 as intermediate states. The stretching vibration intensity distributions in the photoelectron spectrum are calculated by using the Chebychev method of the wavepacket propagation. The femtosecond spectrum shows a similar feature to the nanosecond spectrum. However, high laser power also causes band broadening and shifting effect as well as above threshold multiphoton ionization.


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We present intermediate-resolution HST/STIS spectra of a high- velocity interstellar cloud ((LSR)-L-upsilon = + 80 kms(-1)) towards DI1388, a young star in the Magellanic Bridge located between the Small and Large Magellanic Clouds. The STIS data have a signal-to-noise ratio (S/N) of 20-45 and a spectral resolution of about 6.5 km s(-1) (FWHM), The high-velocity cloud absorption is observed in the lines of C II, O I, Si II, Si III, Si IV and S III. Limits can be placed on the amount of S II and Fe II absorption that is present. An analysis of the relative abundances derived from the observed species, particularly C II and O I, suggests that this high-velocity gas is warm (T-k similar to 10(3)-10(4) K) and predominantly ionized, This hypothesis is supported by the presence of absorption produced by highly ionized species, such as Si IV, This sightline also intercepts two other high-velocity clouds that produce weak absorption features at (LSR)-L-upsilon = + 113 and + 130kms(-1) in the STIS spectra.


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This letter investigates the optimum decision delay and tap-length of the finite-length decision feedback equalizer. First we show that, if the feedback filter (FBF) length N-b is equal to or larger than the channel memory upsilon and the decision delay Delta is smaller than the feedforward filter (FFF) length N-f, then only the first Delta + 1 elements of the FFF can be nonzero. Based on this result we prove that the maximum effective FBF length is equal to the channel memory upsilon, and if N-b greater than or equal to upsilon and N-f is long enough, the optimum decision delay that minimizes the MMSE is N-f - 1.


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Emission lines of Be-like ions are frequently observed in astrophysical plasmas, and many are useful for density and temperature diagnostics. However, accurate atomic data for energy levels, radiative rates (A-values) and effective electron excitation collision strengths ($\Upsilon$) are required for reliable plasma modelling. In general it is reasonably straightforward to calculate energy levels and A- values to a high level of accuracy. By contrast, considerable effort is required to calculate $\Upsilon$, and hence it is not always possible to assess the accuracy of available data. Recently, two independent calculations (adopting the $R$-matrix method) but with different approaches (DARC and ICFT) have appeared for a range of Be-like ions. Therefore, in this work we compare the two sets of $\Upsilon$, highlight the large discrepancies for a significant number of transitions and suggest possible reasons for these.


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We have collected initial evidence that tidal interaction between a late-type star and its close-in, massive planet can lead to a spin-up of the host star. We propose to explore this further by studying a small sample of proper motion pairs in which one of the stars is orbited a Hot Jupiter. We will determine if the gyrochronal age is different for the two stars, which would indicate a tidal spin up of the planet host star. We propose to observe 3 such systems with XMM, and to perform similar Chandra observations of 3 more systems with angular separations


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The possibility of creating baryon asymmetry at the electroweak phase transition in the minimal supersymmetric standard model is considered for the case when right-handed squarks are much lighter than left-handed ones. It is shown that the usual requirement upsilon(T-c)/T-c greater than or similar to 1 for baryogenesis can be satisfied in a range of the parameters of the model, consistent with present experimental bounds.


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We study the existence and multiplicity of positive radial solutions of the Dirichlet problem for the Minkowski-curvature equation { -div(del upsilon/root 1-vertical bar del upsilon vertical bar(2)) in B-R, upsilon=0 on partial derivative B-R,B- where B-R is a ball in R-N (N >= 2). According to the behaviour off = f (r, s) near s = 0, we prove the existence of either one, two or three positive solutions. All results are obtained by reduction to an equivalent non-singular one-dimensional problem, to which variational methods can be applied in a standard way.


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Nous rapportons les résultats d'une étude des désintégrations semileptoniques non-charmées B^+--> êta^(') l^+v et B^0--> pi^- l^+v, mesurés par le détecteur BABAR avec une production d'environ 464 millions de paires de mésons BBbar issues des collisions e^+e^- à la résonance Upsilon(4S). L'analyse reconstruit les événements avec une technique relâchée des neutrinos. Nous obtenons les rapports d'embranchement partiels pour les désintégrations B^+--> êta l^+v et B^0--> pi^- l^+v en trois et douze intervalles de q^2, respectivement, à partir desquels nous extrayons les facteurs de forme f_+(q^2) et les rapports d'embranchement totaux B(B^+--> êta l^+v) = (3.39 +/- 0.46_stat +/- 0.47_syst) x 10^-5 et B(B^0--> pi^- l^+v) = (1.42 +/- 0.05_stat +/- 0.08_syst) x 10^-4. Nous mesurons aussi B(B^+--> êta' l^+v) = (2.43 +/- 0.80_stat +/- 0.34_syst) x 10^-5. Nous obtenons les valeurs de la norme de l'élément |V_ub| de la matrice CKM en utilisant trois calculs différents de la CDQ.


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Από τα τέλη της δεκαετίας του ’40 μέχρι τα τέλη της δεκαετίας του ’70, το κέντρο και τα περίχωρα της Μελβούρνης στέγασαν ένα δυναμικό ελληνικό κινηματογραφικό κύκλωμα τριάντα περίπου διαφορετικών αιθουσών, οι οποίες λειτούργησαν υπό την εποπτεία ενός μικρού αριθμού καθετοποιημένων επιχειρήσεων προβολής/διανομής. Η Dionysos Films ήταν ανάμεσα στις πρώτες ελληνικές εταιρείες προβολής/διανομής που ιδρύθηκαν στην Αυστραλία και που από το 1949 ως το 1956 έδρασε χωρίς σημαντικό ανταγωνισμό, διαμορφώνοντας το πλαίσιο για ένα ελληνικό κινηματογραφικό κύκλωμα της διασποράς που εκτεινόταν από την επαρχιακή και μητροπολιτική Αυστραλία ως τη Νέα Ζηλανδία. Το παρόν άρθρο αναμετρά τη σκιά που έριξε η Dionysos Films (και ο χαρισματικός της ιδιοκτήτης Stathis Raftopoulos) στην ιστορία των κινηματογραφικών εμπειριών των Ελλήνων των Αντιπόδων καθώς και τις επιπτώσεις που έχει αυτή η ανεξερεύνητη πτυχή της αυστραλιανής, αλλά και της ελληνικής κινηματογραφικής ιστορίας, στον τρόπο που αντιλαμβανόμαστε τις εθνικές κινηματογραφίες των δύο χωρών.