916 resultados para United-nations


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In Resolution 1556, the Security Council, with the conflict in Darfur clearly in mind, determined that the ‘situation in Sudan constitutes a threat to international peace and security and to stability in the region’. This article focuses on the response by the United Nations, in particular the Security Council, and the African Union to the Darfur conflict. It begins by exploring the role of peacekeeping operations and regional arrangements or agencies in the overarching architecture of international peace and security. Having laid this frame of reference, it then looks at the modalities of peacekeeping in Darfur. These operations began with the African Union acting in isolation but have transitioned to an increasingly important role being played by the United Nations and a hybrid peacekeeping presence. Finally, this article asks whether, assuming that a legally dispositive conclusion can be drawn that genocide has taken place in Darfur since the outbreak of hostilities there in 2003, there exists a legal justification, or even obligation, for non-compliance by states with the sanctions regime established by Security Council Resolutions 1556 and 1591. This regime of sanctions has played an important part in the Security Council's approach to Darfur but has been, unfortunately, left largely unexamined from the standpoint of international legality.


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Introducción En esta época posterior a la guerra fría y de creciente globalización, el rol de las Naciones Unidas experimenta constantes redefiniciones y desafíos. El señor Kofi Annan, Secretario General, afirmó que las Naciones Unidas se encuentran hoy en una encrucijada, y que el momento es tan trascendente como lo fue el de su fundación, hace sesenta años. Aunque los principios fundamentales de la democracia, los derechos humanos y el estado de derecho siguen siendo universalmente aceptados y se consideran piedra angular del orden mundial, el Secretario General considera, como otros muchos, que ha llegado el momento de rediseñar su estructura básica para combinar el imperativo de la acción con la necesidad de legitimidad". En este contexto, durante la visita oficial del Secretario General a Chile en noviembre del 2003, la Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe (CEPAL) fue anfitriona de la mesa redonda "El contexto global y la renovación de las Naciones Unidas", en la que participaron la señora Tarja Halonen, Presidenta de la República de Finlandia, el señor Ricardo Lagos, Presidente de la República de Chile, y el señor Annan. Entre los invitados a este acto se encontraban miembros del cuerpo diplomático en Santiago de Chile, destacados intelectuales, representantes de la sociedad civil y académicos que enriquecieron el debate con preguntas y comentarios. Los tres líderes analizaron la situación política, económica y social del mundo de hoy en el contexto del actual proceso de reforma de las Naciones Unidas. Disertaron sobre los desafíos del desarrollo, el multilateralismo, la interdependencia de los países y su necesidad de contar con una participación ciudadana creciente y coherente en los planos local, regional y mundial. Uno de los temas centrales fue el poder, y el modo en que las Naciones Unidas pueden canalizarlo y redistribuirlo con el fin de que su ejercicio sea colectivo y civilizado. Aunque es imposible resolver en una mañana o en una sola reunión estos complejos asuntos, que en ocasiones resultan abrumadores, tenemos la esperanza de que este libro proporcione inspiración, conceptos e ideas que permitan alcanzar soluciones eficaces e innovadoras en el futuro. José Luis Machinea Secretario Ejecutivo CEPAL"


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This study captures the significant regional and national knowledge that has been accumulated on measuring violence against women through the interregional project "Enhancing capacities to eradicate violence against women through networking of local knowledge communities". Supported by the United Nations Development Account, this two-year project was coordinated by the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), through its Division for Gender Affairs, and implemented by the five regional commissions of the United Nations, in cooperation with the United Nations Statistical Division and UN-Women. Through the project, more than 30 countries worldwide have been engaged in the development, dissemination and testing of core indicators endorsed by the United Nations Statistical Commission. This process has made a decisive contribution to designing and building consensus around a common methodology to measure and document violence against women. Furthermore, the inclusion of all five regions in piloting the newly-developed tools to measure violence has also ensured that these tools capture a more comprehensive and complex vision of violence as experienced by women across cultures and regions. This report presents an overview of the activities that have taken place in the five regions, and outlines the key outcomes and lessons learned. Through its activities, the interregional project has made the cumulative body of existing knowledge in terms of policies, findings, innovative practices, processes and statistical data available to policymakers, activists and women's organizations. New knowledge was also produced through national studies that examined underexplored sources of data on violence against women. National capacities to collect information on violence against women through official statistics were strengthened through targeted training activities as well as through participation in expert meetings which provided the space for an effective exchange of best practices.


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Introduction The social agenda is long-term in nature, in the sense that poverty alleviation along with a better distribution of income, wealth and opportunities are long-term goals. A sound macroeconomic policy, on the other hand, has to do largely with the consistent management of short-term policy instruments pursuing a sustainable and predictable pace for aggregate economic variables and major prices (wages, inflation, interest rates and exchange rates). In spite of the different arena and rationale in which they play, there are strong links between the two. First and most obvious, macroeconomic adjustment and structural reform are more likely to be sustainable when they are equitable. Second, social intervention —i.e., policies, programmes and reforms aimed at improving social performance in the long run—, needs stable funding which is not always available in view of macroeconomic constraints. Third, macroeconomic instability —especially episodes of recession or hyperinflation— increases poverty and inequality, while restoring macroeconomic equilibrium does not restore previous social balances. Finally, there is no unique macroeconomic policy mix to tackle a given situation, and the policy options may not be neutral from a social standpoint. Monetary, fiscal and exchange rate policies, together with structural reform, have major consequences for the social wellbeing of societies, not only in terms of protection against shocks and crises but also in terms of equity. Many, if not all, of the necessary social policies are of a domestic nature. This report thus concentrates on domestic strategies aimed at maximizing the linkages between consistent macroeconomic policies and social progress. Pursuing them, however, depends to a considerable extent on the international enabling environment in which the global financial system, the unsettled debt crisis and increasing ODA flows play a significant role. Countries operate in a world economy where market players everywhere immediately scrutinize domestic monetary, financial or fiscal policy decisions and the performance of exchange rate regimes of individual countries. Under these conditions, the room for manoeuvre of policymakers has become considerably constrained. Consequently, it is becoming increasingly complex to incorporate the social dimensions into such policy decisions, to the extent that external analysts consider that authorities are sacrificing sound macroeconomic policies. The main message of the report is that the expediency of short-term economic efficiency as embedded in much of the advice on macroeconomic stability needs to be tempered by long-term development objectives. The report starts with a short historical background which describes the ascendancy of macroeconomic policies over social development policies (chapter I). It continues with an evaluation of the relation between macroeconomic consistency and social effort (chapter II), and the importance of sustainable and stable growth for social progress (chapter III). The report then turns to the need for an equity-enhancing growth strategy (chapter IV) and an analysis of the priorities of social policies in an integrated approach to growth (chapter V). The final chapter adds some final institutional remarks.