533 resultados para Unfractionated Heparin


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OBJETIVO: Rever os fatores predisponentes e a evolução em série de casos de trombose venosa profunda dos membros superiores de nossa instituição. MÉTODOS: Cinqüenta e dois pacientes consecutivos, com trombose venosa profunda dos membros superiores (29 homens e 23 mulheres), idade média de 52,3 anos, documentados por mapeamento dúplex (71,1%), flebografia (11,1%) ou clinicamente (15,6%), foram incluídos no presente estudo. RESULTADOS: As manifestações clínicas foram: dor no antebraço (24 casos - 46,1%), dor no braço (27 casos - 51,9%), edema do membro superior (45 casos - 86,5%), dor à compressão do membro superior (36 casos - 70,2%) e dor à movimentação do mesmo (32 casos - 61,7%). Os principais fatores de risco foram: punção ou acesso venoso (20 casos - 39,1%) e câncer (16 casos - 32,6%). As veias envolvidas foram: umeral (n = 18), axilar (n = 27), subclávia (n = 15) e jugular (n = 11). A embolia pulmonar estava inicialmente presente em quatro casos (7,6%). O tratamento inicial foi feito com heparina não-fracionada intravenosa (64,3%), subcutânea (16,7%), ou heparina de baixo peso molecular (17,1%), seguido de varfarina. Doze pacientes morreram antes da alta, em função de causas não relacionadas à embolia pulmonar. Foram acompanhados os 40 pacientes restantes por período de 3 meses a 10 anos, sendo que dois morreram de causas não relacionadas à embolia pulmonar, um paciente desenvolveu seqüelas pós-trombóticas, como edema residual e limitações aos movimentos, e seis ficaram com discretos sintomas residuais (edema e dor). CONCLUSÕES: A trombose venosa profunda dos membros superiores foi mais freqüente em pacientes submetidos a acessos venosos e com neoplasia em atividade. Comparando com dados da literatura, a evolução dos pacientes sob tratamento exclusivo com anticoagulantes foi, no mínimo, similar a outros tratamentos propostos.


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Após cerca de 50 anos de experiência com a heparina e antagonistas da vitamina K (AVK), pesquisas e estudos com novos anticoagulantes vêm evoluindo de forma crescente nos últimos anos. Embora consagrados pelo uso, os anticoagulantes tradicionais têm limitações importantes em termos de controle laboratorial, complicações, efeitos colaterais, interações com medicamentos e dieta. A heparina não fracionada (HNF) tem interação com proteínas plasmáticas e parede vascular, pode desencadear trombocitopenia induzida pela heparina (TIH), só pode ser administrada por via parenteral, exige controle laboratorial pelo teste da tromboplastina parcial ativada (TTPa), pode provocar osteoporose e alopecia quando usada por períodos prolongados e sua produção tem origem biológica. A AVK tem a vantagem de poder ser ministrada por via oral, mas o controle (feito pela razão normatizada internacional) pode ser difícil em alguns casos, já que tem início de ação demorado, janela terapêutica estreita, interação com dieta e grande número de medicamentos, pode provocar necrose de pele em portadores de deficiência de antitrombina e de proteínas C e S, e pode induzir alterações fetais quando usada na gravidez. Na década de 1980, surgiram as heparinas de baixo peso molecular, que foram uma evolução da heparina não fracionada, pois apresentaram maior biodisponibilidade, dosagem por peso corporal, sem necessidade de controle laboratorial, administração por via subcutânea, menor risco de trombocitopenia induzida pela heparina, e eficácia e segurança similares à heparina não fracionada. Na última década surgiram, então, uma série de novos anticoagulantes no mercado, os quais têm apresentado resultados promissores em várias situações de profilaxia e tratamento do tromboembolismo venoso. Nesta revisão, são apresentados as novas heparinas de baixo peso molecular, as heparinas de ultrabaixo peso molecular, os pentassacarídeos, os novos inibidores diretos do fator Xa e inibidores do fator IIa.


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The risk for venous thromboembolism (VTE) in medical patients is high, but risk assessment is rarely performed because there is not yet a good method to identify candidates for prophylaxis. Purpose: To perform a systematic review about VTE risk factors (RFs) in hospitalized medical patients and generate recommendations (RECs) for prophylaxis that can be implemented into practice. Data sources: A multidisciplinary group of experts from 12 Brazilian Medical Societies searched MEDLINE, Cochrane, and LILACS. Study selection: Two experts independently classified the evidence for each RF by its scientific quality in a standardized manner. A risk-assessment algorithm was created based on the results of the review. Data synthesis: Several VTE RFs have enough evidence to support RECs for prophylaxis in hospitalized medical patients (eg, increasing age, heart failure, and stroke). Other factors are considered adjuncts of risk (eg, varices, obesity, and infections). According to the algorithm, hospitalized medical patients ≥40 years-old with decreased mobility, and ≥1 RFs should receive chemoprophylaxis with heparin, provided they don't have contraindications. High prophylactic doses of unfractionated heparin or low-molecular-weight-heparin must be administered and maintained for 6-14 days. Conclusions: A multidisciplinary group generated evidence-based RECs and an easy-to-use algorithm to facilitate VTE prophylaxis in medical patients. © 2007 Rocha et al, publisher and licensee Dove Medical Press Ltd.


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Background: Fondaparinux is considered an agent with a well-established safety and efficacy profile in the treatment of non-ST segment elevation acute coronary syndromes, but when used alone, is associated to a higher incidence of thrombotic complications during invasive coronary procedures, requiring the supplementation of an anti-IIa agent. This study aimed to evaluate the efficacy and safety of percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) in patients with non-ST segment elevation acute coronary syndromes previously treated with fondaparinux. Methods: Prospective, controlled registry enrolling 127 consecutive patients submitted to an early invasive stratification during treatment with fondaparinux, with supplementation of intravenous unfractionated heparin at a dose of 85 U/kg at the time of PCI. Results: The rate of the composite primary endpoint including death, acute myocardial infarction, stroke, stent thrombosis or emergency myocardial revascularization was 3.2%. The cumulative incidence of major bleeding and vascular complications was 3.2%. There were no cases of guidecatheter thrombosis or abrupt vessel closure. Conclusions: PCI in patients with acute coronary syndromes receiving fondaparinux is associated with a low rate of major adverse cardiovascular ischemic events and severe hemorrhagic complications. Supplementation of unfractionated heparin during the invasive procedures eliminates the risk of catheter-related thrombosis.


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Low-molecular-weight heparins (LMWHs) have shown equivalent or superior efficacy and safety to unfractionated heparin as antithrombotic therapy for patients with acute coronary syndromes. Each approved LMWH is a pleotropic biological agent with a unique chemical, biochemical, biophysical and biological profile and displays different pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic profiles. As a result, LMWHs are neither equipotent in preclinical assays nor equivalent in terms of their clinical efficacy and safety. Previously, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) cautioned against using various LMWHs interchangeably, however recently, the FDA approved generic versions of LMWH that have not been tested in large clinical trials. This paper highlights the bio-chemical and pharmacological differences between the LMWH preparations that may result in different clinical outcomes, and also reviews the implications and challenges physicians face when generic versions of the original/innovator agents are approved for clinical use.


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Da der gemeinsame Endpunkt vieler Erkrankungen ein thrombotisches Ereignis ist, spielt eine effiziente Antikoagulation eine zentrale Rolle in der heutigen Medizin. Jedoch sind die gängigen Tests zum Monitoring der Gerinnungshemmung nicht ideal. Neue Tests, wie z.B. die Prothrombinase-induzierte Gerinnungszeit (PiCT), sollen die bestehenden Nachteile ausräumen und somit eine bessere Therapieüberwachung gewährleisten.rnDie vorliegende Arbeit untersucht dieses neue Verfahren beim Monitoring von Heparinen und Heparinoiden im Vergleich zu zwei gängigen anti-Faktor Xa-Aktivität(aXa)-Tests bei Patienten mit unterschiedlichem Thromboserisiko (z.B. Schwangere, Adipöse, Niereninsuffiziente).rnDazu wurde bei 175 Proben von 102 Patienten (53 männlich, 49 weiblich, medianes Alter 64 Jahre) die gerinnungshemmende Aktivität des verabreichten Medikaments (UFH, Enoxaparin, Dalteparin oder Danaparoid) mit zwei chromogenen Assays und dem PiCT-Test gemessen.rnHierbei ließen sich insgesamt Werte von 0 bis 1,36 IE/ml aXa feststellen. Im Vergleich lieferten die aXa-Tests höhere Messwerte als PiCT bei allen Medikamenten außer UFH. Während die Ergebnisse der chromogenen Verfahren insgesamt sehr stark korrelierten (r = 0,86), war die Übereinstimmung mit den PiCT-Ergebnissen schwach bis deutlich (r = 0,40 bzw. r = 0,66). Die Faktoren Schwangerschaft, Adipositas und Niereninsuffizienz zeigten auf die Gesamtergebnisse keinen nennenswerten Einfluss. rnZusammenfassend kann gesagt werden, dass PiCT dennoch ein brauchbarer Test zum Monitoring der Antikoagulation sein könnte. Um den Nutzen des Tests v.a. in Bezug auf seine Aussagekraft bei Komplikationen zu beweisen, sind aber weitere klinische Studien notwendig.rn


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Introduction: The aim of the present work was to verify whether calculating a ratio between clotting times obtained with the sensitive PTT-LA and a less sensitive activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT)-reagent may represent a valuable aPTT-based screening strategy for lupus anticoagulants (LA). Methods: For the pilot study, plasma samples from normal subjects (n = 15) and from patients with LA (n = 10), therapeutic anticoagulation with vitamin K-antagonists (VKA) (n = 15) or unfractionated heparin (n = 15), coagulation factors deficiency (n = 16), and inhibitory antibodies against factor VIII or IX (n = 11) were studied. For the evaluation study, 1553 consecutive plasma samples from nonanticoagulated patients investigated for LA between January 2005 and December 2007 at our institution were studied. Following screening strategies were employed: Pathromtin-SL (aPTT-SL), PTT-LA (aPTT-LA), ratio aPTT-LA/aPTT-SL (aPTT-ratio), and Russell's viper venom (RVV) based LA-Check. LA positive samples were identified by mixing studies and diluted RVV confirmation test (LA-Check/LA-Sure). Results: Pilot study: All screening strategies had a 100% sensitivity, and the aPTT-ratio reached the highest specificity (82%; 95%CI: 74-90%). Within the evaluation study, following sensitivities for LA screening were observed: aPTT-SL 59.0% (95%CI: 57-61%), aPTT-LA 82.1% (95%CI: 80-84%), aPTT-ratio 92.3% (95%CI: 91-94), and LA-Check 83.3% (95%CI: 82-85%). Conclusion: Calculating a ratio between the LA-sensitive PTT-LA and the less sensitive Pathromtin-SL improves the performance of the PTT-LA itself and represents a simple and sensitive aPTT-based integrated strategy for LA screening.


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No data about the use of the pentasaccharide fondaparinux, a highly selective indirect inhibitor of factor Xa, in patients treated with haemodialysis are available. Therefore, we investigated the pharmacokinetics and -dynamics of fondaparinux in 12 patients during haemodialysis. The anti-Xa activity (expressed as fondaparinux equivalent) was monitored, a semiquantitative clotting scale (SQCS) ranging from 0 (no visible traces of coagula) to 3 (complete clotting of the dialysis circuit) was applied, and the digital compression time necessary to achieve haemostasis at the puncture site was determined. After an initial period, when the regular heparin dose was replaced once weekly by fondaparinux, 0.05 mg/kg, the pentasaccharide was administered for nine consecutive haemodialysis sessions. Peak anti-Xa activity increased from 0.61 +/- 0.14 microg/l after the first dose to 0.89 +/- 0.24 microg/l after dose 9 (P < 0.001), whereas predialysis anti-Xa activity steadily rose to 0.32 +/- 0.09 microg/l (P < 0.001). A sufficient but slightly less effective anticoagulation with a mean SQCS of 1.19 +/- 0.71 (n = 121) was obtained by fondaparinux as compared with 0.65 +/- 0.58 (n = 60, P < 0.005) by 4,825 +/- 1,703 U of unfractionated heparin. Mean digital compression time rose slightly during fondaparinux from 23.7 +/- 7.4 minutes to 24.8 +/- 7.5 minutes (P < 0.05) and, more important, six of the 12 patients reported minor bleeding problems during the interdialytic interval. Thus, fondaparinux can be used to prevent circuit clotting during haemodialysis; however, accumulation results in an interdialytic increase of anti-Xa activity. Therefore, fondaparinux should be reserved for patients requiring systemic anticoagulation on the days off dialysis.


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Diabetic patients with acute coronary syndromes (ACSs) are at a high risk for subsequent cardiovascular events but derive, at the same time, greater benefit from evidence-based therapy than non-diabetic individuals. State-of-the-art anti-thrombotic therapy includes a triple anti-platelet combination - aspirin, clopidogrel and glycoprotein (GP) IIb/IIIa receptor inhibitors - and unfractionated heparin or enoxaparin. For low- or medium-risk individuals, a treatment based on aspirin, clopidogrel and bivalirudin is a valuable alternative. Prasugrel, a new and more potent inhibitor of the platelet P2Y(12) receptor, has to be regarded as the most promising anti-thrombotic agent for diabetic patients with ACS. This agent may replace clopidogrel - and possibly GP IIb/IIIa inhibitors - in the future. In addition to aggressive anti-thrombotic therapy, diabetic patients should undergo systematic early invasive angiography if presenting with non-ST-segment elevation ACS, and immediate percutaneous coronary intervention if presenting with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction. Indeed, the benefit derived from these strategies appears to be more pronounced in the diabetic population than in non-diabetic individuals. Despite the benefit, multiple surveys have demonstrated that, in the setting of ACS, diabetic patients receive evidence-based therapy less frequently than non-diabetic counterparts.


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PURPOSE: To retrospectively evaluate the safety and effectiveness of the use of bivalirudin, a direct thrombin antagonist, compared with unfractionated heparin in endovascular aneurysm repair (EVAR). MATERIALS AND METHODS: Between March 1994 and September 2007, 740 consecutive patients (mean age, 75.7 y +/- 7.7; 69 women) underwent elective EVAR for infrarenal abdominal aortic aneurysm. Bivalirudin was used in 98 of these 740 (13.2%) and unfractioned heparin was used in the other 642 (86.8%). Complications were classified according to the Society of Vascular Surgery/International Society for Cardiovascular Surgery criteria. Major bleeding was defined as clinically overt blood loss resulting in a decrease of hemoglobin of more than 3 g/dL, any decrease in hemoglobin of more than 4 g/dL, transfusion of 2 U or more of red blood cells, or intracranial or retroperitoneal hemorrhage. RESULTS: Grade 1 major complications were observed in 161 of 642 patients (25.2%) in the heparin group and 12 of 98 patients (12.2%) in the bivalirudin group (P = .0046), whereas the incidences of grade 3 major complications were not significantly different between groups (P = .57). The rate of total complications was higher in the heparin group than in the bivalirudin group (247 of 642 [38.5%] vs 21 of 98 [21.4%]; P = .001). Major bleeding occurred in 10 of 98 patients (10.2%) receiving bivalirudin and in 91 of 642 patients (14.2%) receiving heparin (P = .34). One of 21 major complications (4.76%) in the bivalirudin group and 12 of 247 major complications (4.86%) in the heparin group were attributable to thrombosis (P = 1.0). CONCLUSIONS: Bivalirudin is a safe and feasible alternative to unfractionated heparin in patients undergoing EVAR.


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AIMS No standardized local thrombolysis regimen exists for the treatment of pulmonary embolism (PE). We retrospectively investigated efficacy and safety of fixed low-dose ultrasound-assisted catheter-directed thrombolysis (USAT) for intermediate- and high-risk PE. METHODS AND RESULTS Fifty-two patients (65 ± 14 years) of whom 14 had high-risk PE (troponin positive in all) and 38 intermediate-risk PE (troponin positive in 91%) were treated with intravenous unfractionated heparin and USAT using 10 mg of recombinant tissue plasminogen activator per device over the course of 15 h. Bilateral USAT was performed in 83% of patients. During 3-month follow-up, two [3.8%; 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.5-13%] patients died (one from cardiogenic shock and one from recurrent PE). Major non-fatal bleeding occurred in two (3.8%; 95% CI, 0.5-13%) patients: one intrathoracic bleeding after cardiopulmonary resuscitation requiring transfusion, one intrapulmonary bleeding requiring lobectomy. Mean pulmonary artery pressure decreased from 37 ± 9 mmHg at baseline to 25 ± 8 mmHg at 15 h (P < 0.001) and cardiac index increased from 2.0 ± 0.7 to 2.7 ± 0.9 L/min/m(2) (P < 0.001). Echocardiographic right-to-left ventricular end-diastolic dimension ratio decreased from 1.42 ± 0.21 at baseline to 1.06 ± 0.23 at 24 h (n = 21; P < 0.001). The greatest haemodynamic benefit from USAT was found in patients with high-risk PE and in those with symptom duration < 14 days. CONCLUSION A standardized catheter intervention approach using fixed low-dose USAT for the treatment of intermediate- and high-risk PE was associated with rapid improvement in haemodynamic parameters and low rates of bleeding complications and mortality.


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BACKGROUND In patients with acute pulmonary embolism, systemic thrombolysis improves right ventricular (RV) dilatation, is associated with major bleeding, and is withheld in many patients at risk. This multicenter randomized, controlled trial investigated whether ultrasound-assisted catheter-directed thrombolysis (USAT) is superior to anticoagulation alone in the reversal of RV dilatation in intermediate-risk patients. METHODS AND RESULTS Fifty-nine patients (63±14 years) with acute main or lower lobe pulmonary embolism and echocardiographic RV to left ventricular dimension (RV/LV) ratio ≥1.0 were randomized to receive unfractionated heparin and an USAT regimen of 10 to 20 mg recombinant tissue plasminogen activator over 15 hours (n=30; USAT group) or unfractionated heparin alone (n=29; heparin group). Primary outcome was the difference in the RV/LV ratio from baseline to 24 hours. Safety outcomes included death, major and minor bleeding, and recurrent venous thromboembolism at 90 days. In the USAT group, the mean RV/LV ratio was reduced from 1.28±0.19 at baseline to 0.99±0.17 at 24 hours (P<0.001); in the heparin group, mean RV/LV ratios were 1.20±0.14 and 1.17±0.20, respectively (P=0.31). The mean decrease in RV/LV ratio from baseline to 24 hours was 0.30±0.20 versus 0.03±0.16 (P<0.001), respectively. At 90 days, there was 1 death (in the heparin group), no major bleeding, 4 minor bleeding episodes (3 in the USAT group and 1 in the heparin group; P=0.61), and no recurrent venous thromboembolism. CONCLUSIONS In patients with pulmonary embolism at intermediate risk, a standardized USAT regimen was superior to anticoagulation with heparin alone in reversing RV dilatation at 24 hours, without an increase in bleeding complications. CLINICAL TRIAL REGISTRATION URL http://www.clinicaltrials.gov. Unique identifier: NCT01166997.