1000 resultados para UCM MODEL


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The phase diagram of the simplest approximation to double-exchange systems, the bosonic double-exchange model with antiferromagnetic (AFM) superexchange coupling, is fully worked out by means of Monte Carlo simulations, large-N expansions, and variational mean-field calculations. We find a rich phase diagram, with no first-order phase transitions. The most surprising finding is the existence of a segmentlike ordered phase at low temperature for intermediate AFM coupling which cannot be detected in neutron-scattering experiments. This is signaled by a maximum (a cusp) in the specific heat. Below the phase transition, only short-range ordering would be found in neutron scattering. Researchers looking for a quantum critical point in manganites should be wary of this possibility. Finite-size scaling estimates of critical exponents are presented, although large scaling corrections are present in the reachable lattice sizes.


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SuperScaling model (SuSA) predictions to neutrino-induced charged-current pi(+) production in the Delta-resonance region are explored under MiniBooNE experimental conditions. The SuSA charged-current pi(+) results are in good agreement with data on neutrino flux-averaged double-differential cross sections. The SuSA model for quasielastic scattering and its extension to the pion production region are used for predictions of charged-current inclusive neutrino-nucleus cross sections. Results are also compared with the T2K experimental data for inclusive scattering.


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Single-molecule manipulation experiments of molecular motors provide essential information about the rate and conformational changes of the steps of the reaction located along the manipulation coordinate. This information is not always sufficient to define a particular kinetic cycle. Recent single-molecule experiments with optical tweezers showed that the DNA unwinding activity of a Phi29 DNA polymerase mutant presents a complex pause behavior, which includes short and long pauses. Here we show that different kinetic models, considering different connections between the active and the pause states, can explain the experimental pause behavior. Both the two independent pause model and the two connected pause model are able to describe the pause behavior of a mutated Phi29 DNA polymerase observed in an optical tweezers single-molecule experiment. For the two independent pause model all parameters are fixed by the observed data, while for the more general two connected pause model there is a range of values of the parameters compatible with the observed data (which can be expressed in terms of two of the rates and their force dependencies). This general model includes models with indirect entry and exit to the long-pause state, and also models with cycling in both directions. Additionally, assuming that detailed balance is verified, which forbids cycling, this reduces the ranges of the values of the parameters (which can then be expressed in terms of one rate and its force dependency). The resulting model interpolates between the independent pause model and the indirect entry and exit to the long-pause state model


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We study theoretically the effect of a new type of blocklike positional disorder on the effective electromagnetic properties of one-dimensional chains of resonant, high-permittivity dielectric particles, where particles are arranged into perfectly well-ordered blocks whose relative position is a random variable. This creates a finite order correlation length that mimics the situation encountered in metamaterials fabricated through self-assembled techniques, whose structures often display short-range order between near neighbors but long-range disorder, due to stacking defects. Using a spectral theory approach combined with a principal component statistical analysis, we study, in the long-wavelength regime, the evolution of the electromagnetic response when the composite filling fraction and the block size are changed. Modifications in key features of the resonant response (amplitude, width, etc.) are investigated, showing a regime transition for a filling fraction around 50%.


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It is shown that a bosonic formulation of the double-exchange model, one of the classical models for magnetism, generates dynamically a gauge-invariant phase in a finite region of the phase diagram. We use analytical methods, Monte Carlo simulations and finite-size scaling analysis. We study the transition line between that region and the paramagnetic phase. The numerical results show that this transition line belongs to the universality class of the antiferromagnetic RP^(2) model. The fact that one can define a universality class for the antiferromagnetic RP^(2) model, different from the one of the O(N) models, is puzzling and somehow contradicts naive expectations about universality.


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We study the phase diagram of the double exchange model, with antiferromagnetic interactions, in a cubic lattice both at zero and finite temperature. There is a rich variety of magnetic phases, combined with regions where phase separation takes place. We identify phases, intrinsic to the cubic lattice, which are stable for realistic values of the interactions and dopings. Some of these phases break chiral symmetry, leading to unusual features.


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In Spain, the companies that are mainly owned by the employees form a part of the Social Economy and offer an alternative business model, which is found in a conventional capitalist economy. The objective of this study is to establish whether there are significant differences in the performance of Employee Owned Firms (EOFs) and more conventionally structured businesses, non-Employee Owned Firms (non-EOFs), due to the inherent differences in the capital-ownership structure. The aim is to establish whether or not a corporate governance structure characterised by the employee participation for both the financial and the informational decision-making aspects can be advocated. The results show differences in favour of the conventional non-EOFs for various indicators measuring economic performance and confirm the different objectives of each business type; however, they provide evidence of significant differences in favour of the EOFs in terms of the efficient use of the capital and labour factors of production, according to the theoretical literature.


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It was recently shown [Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 227201 (2013)] that the critical behavior of the random-field Ising model in three dimensions is ruled by a single universality class. This conclusion was reached only after a proper taming of the large scaling corrections of the model by applying a combined approach of various techniques, coming from the zero-and positive-temperature toolboxes of statistical physics. In the present contribution we provide a detailed description of this combined scheme, explaining in detail the zero-temperature numerical scheme and developing the generalized fluctuation-dissipation formula that allowed us to compute connected and disconnected correlation functions of the model. We discuss the error evolution of our method and we illustrate the infinite limit-size extrapolation of several observables within phenomenological renormalization. We present an extension of the quotients method that allows us to obtain estimates of the critical exponent a of the specific heat of the model via the scaling of the bond energy and we discuss the self-averaging properties of the system and the algorithmic aspects of the maximum-flow algorithm used.


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Optical potentials provide critical input for calculations on a wide variety of nuclear reactions, in particular, for neutrino-nucleus reactions, which are of great interest in the light of the new neutrino oscillation experiments. We present the global relativistic folding optical potential (GRFOP) fits to elastic proton scattering data from C-12 nucleus at energies between 20 and 1040 MeV. We estimate observables, such as the differential cross section, the analyzing power, and the spin rotation parameter, in elastic proton scattering within the relativistic impulse approximation. The new GRFOP potential is employed within the relativistic Green's function model for inclusive quasielastic electron scattering and for (anti) neutrino-nucleus scattering at MiniBooNE kinematics.


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The standard difference model of two-alternative forced-choice (2AFC) tasks implies that performance should be the same when the target is presented in the first or the second interval. Empirical data often show “interval bias” in that percentage correct differs significantly when the signal is presented in the first or the second interval. We present an extension of the standard difference model that accounts for interval bias by incorporating an indifference zone around the null value of the decision variable. Analytical predictions are derived which reveal how interval bias may occur when data generated by the guessing model are analyzed as prescribed by the standard difference model. Parameter estimation methods and goodness-of-fit testing approaches for the guessing model are also developed and presented. A simulation study is included whose results show that the parameters of the guessing model can be estimated accurately. Finally, the guessing model is tested empirically in a 2AFC detection procedure in which guesses were explicitly recorded. The results support the guessing model and indicate that interval bias is not observed when guesses are separated out.


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The tourism industry globally has grown steadily in recent decades, showing a progressive interest oriented toward rural areas due to characteristics of tranquility, nature, biodiversity, traditions and culture. Therefore, such aspects should be preserved and can be leveraged through adequate strategic orientation. Within the framework of global tourism trends community tourism is among the options that arise in the tourism market, and is one that is more likely to grow in the future. In the case of Ecuador, community tourism has become more dynamic over the years since many of the natural reserves in the country are in the hands of indigenous communities. Sustainable tourism in this sense is concerned with the maintenance of ethnic, cultural and biological diversity of the country, and current projects and regulatory laws support its development. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to present a strategy for the integrated management of community tourism following the principles of cooperation and collaboration between stakeholders, this study focuses on the Amazon region of Ecuador, specifically the province of Pastaza, in respect to how community tourism contributes to local development


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A spectral aging test was developed to estimate the photochemical damage of oil, acrylic and gouache paints exposed to permanent lighting. The paints were irradiated at seven different wavelengths in the optical range to control and evaluate their spectral behaviour. To reach this objective, boxes with isolated aging cells were made. In each of box, one LED of a different wavelength and one photodiode were installed. Inside the boxes, the temperature of an exhibit area was recreated through a thermocouple sensor that controlled the temperature using a fan. The heat produced by the LED was dissipated by a thermal radiator. Moreover, to evaluate the exposure time dependence of the irradiation level, the test was performed using two different irradiation levels in ten exposure series. After each series, the spectral reflectance was measured, and the data collected for each paint and wavelength were used to develop a model of damage produced by the interaction between the spectral radiant exposure and the paint.


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This paper provides a new reading of a classical economic relation: the short-run Phillips curve. Our point is that, when dealing with inflation and unemployment, policy-making can be understood as a multicriteria decisionmaking problem. Hence, we use so-called multiobjective programming in connection with a computable general equilibrium (CGE) model to determine the combinations of policy instruments that provide efficient combinations of inflation and unemployment. This approach results in an alternative version of the Phillips curve labelled as efficient Phillips curve. Our aim is to present an application of CGE models to a new area of research that can be especially useful when addressing policy exercises with real data. We apply our methodological proposal within a particular regional economy, Andalusia, in the south of Spain. This tool can give some keys for policy advice and policy implementation in the fight against unemployment and inflation.


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Hollow, cylindrical, prismatic light guides (CPLGs) are optical components that, using total internal reflection (TIR), are able to transmit high-diameter light beams in daylight and artificial lighting applications without relevant losses. It is necessary to study the prism defects of their surfaces to quantify the behavior of these optical components. In this Letter, we analyze a CPLG made of a transparent dielectric material. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and the topographic optical profilometry by absorption in fluids (TOPAF) imaging technique are conducted to determine if there are defects in the corners of the prisms. A model for light guide transmittance that is dependent on prism defects is proposed. Finally, a simulation and an experimental study are carried out to check the validity of the proposed model.


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This paper demonstrates a connection between data envelopment analysis (DEA) and a non-interactive elicitation method to estimate the weights of objectives for decision-makers in a multiple attribute approach. This connection gives rise to a modified DEA model that allows us to estimate not only efficiency measures but also preference weights by radially projecting each unit onto a linear combination of the elements of the payoff matrix (which is obtained by standard multicriteria methods). For users of multiple attribute decision analysis the basic contribution of this paper is a new interpretation in terms of efficiency of the non-interactive methodology employed to estimate weights in a multicriteria approach. We also propose a modified procedure to calculate an efficient payoff matrix and a procedure to estimate weights through a radial projection rather than a distance minimization. For DEA users, we provide a modified DEA procedure to calculate preference weights and efficiency measures that does not depend on any observations in the dataset. This methodology has been applied to an agricultural case study in Spain.