971 resultados para Type 3 secretion system
Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC) causes a characteristic histopathology in intestinal epithelial cells called the attaching and effacing lesion. Although the histopathological lesion is well described the bacterial factors responsible for it are poorly characterized. We have identified four EPEC chromosomal genes whose predicted protein sequences are similar to components of a recently described secretory pathway (type III) responsible for exporting proteins lacking a typical signal sequence. We have designated the genes sepA, sepB, sepC, and sepD (sep, for secretion of E. coli proteins). The predicted Sep polypeptides are similar to the Lcr (low calcium response) and Ysc (yersinia secretion) proteins of Yersinia species and the Mxi (membrane expression of invasion plasmid antigens) and Spa (surface presentation of antigens) regions of Shigella flexneri. Culture supernatants of EPEC strain E2348/69 contain several polypeptides ranging in size from 110 kDa to 19 kDa. Proteins of comparable size were recognized by human convalescent serum from a volunteer experimentally infected with strain E2348/69. A sepB mutant of EPEC secreted only the 110-kDa polypeptide and was defective in the formation of attaching and effacing lesions and protein-tyrosine phosphorylation in tissue culture cells. These phenotypes were restored upon complementation with a plasmid carrying an intact sepB gene. These data suggest that the EPEC Sep proteins are components of a type III secretory apparatus necessary for the export of virulence determinants.
Sterile immunity against malaria can be achieved by the induction of IFNgamma-producing CD8(+) T cells that target infected hepatocytes presenting epitopes of the circumsporozoite protein (CSP). In the present study we evaluate the protective efficacy of a heterologous prime/boost immunization protocol based on the delivery of the CD8(+) epitope of Plasmodium berghei CSP into the MHC class I presentation pathway, by either a type III secretion system of live recombinant Salmonella and/or by direct translocation of a recombinant Bordetella adenylate cyclase toxoid fusion (ACT-CSP) into the cytosol of professional antigen-presenting cells (APCs). A single intraperitoneal application of the recombinant ACT-CSP toxoid, as well as a single oral immunization with the Salmonella vaccine, induced a specific CD8(+) T cell response, which however conferred only a partial protection on mice against a subsequent sporozoite challenge. In contrast, a heterologous prime/boost vaccination with the live Salmonella followed by ACT-CSP led to a significant enhancement of the CSP-specific T cell response and induced complete protection in all vaccinated mice.
Many bacterial pathogens of plants and animals have evolved a specialized protein-secretion system termed type III to deliver bacterial proteins into host cells. These proteins stimulate or interfere with host cellular functions for the pathogen's benefit. The Salmonella typhimurium pathogenicity island 1 encodes one of these systems that mediates this bacterium's ability to enter nonphagocytic cells. Several components of this type III secretion system are organized in a supramolecular structure termed the needle complex. This structure is made of discrete substructures including a base that spans both membranes and a needle-like projection that extends outward from the bacterial surface. We demonstrate here that the type III secretion export apparatus is required for the assembly of the needle substructure but is dispensable for the assembly of the base. We show that the length of the needle segment is determined by the type III secretion associated protein InvJ. We report that InvG, PrgH, and PrgK constitute the base and that PrgI is the main component of the needle of the type III secretion complex. PrgI homologs are present in type III secretion systems from bacteria pathogenic for animals but are absent from bacteria pathogenic for plants. We hypothesize that the needle component may establish the specificity of type III secretion systems in delivering proteins into either plant or animal cells.
Type III secretion systems of Gram-negative bacteria are specific export machineries for virulence factors which allow their translocation to eukaryotic cells. Since they correlate with bacterial pathogenicity, their presence is used as a general indicator of bacterial virulence. By comparing the genetic relationship of the major type III secretion systems we found the family of genes encoding the inner-membrane channel proteins represented by the Yersinia enterocolitica lcrD (synonym yscV) and its homologous genes from other species an ideal component for establishing a general detection approach for type III secretion systems. Based on the genes of the lcrD family we developed gene probes for Gram-negative human, animal and plant pathogens. The probes comprise lcrD from Y. enterocolitica, sepA from enteropathogenic Escherichia coli, invA from Salmonella typhimurium, mxiA from Shigella sonnei, as well as hrcV from Erwinia amylovora. In addition we included as a control probe the flhA gene from E. coli K-12 to validate our approach. FlhA is part of the flagellar export apparatus which shows a high degree of similarity with type III secretions systems, but is not involved in pathogenicity. The probes were evaluated by screening a series of pathogenic as well as non-pathogenic bacteria. The probes detected type III secretion in pathogens where such systems were either known or were expected to be present, whereas no positive hybridization signals could be found in non-pathogenic Gram-negative bacteria. Gram-positive bacteria were devoid of known type III secretion systems. No interference due to the genetic similarity between the type III secretion system and the flagellar export apparatus was observed. However, potential type III secretion systems could be detected in bacteria where no such systems have been described yet. The presented approach provides therefore a useful tool for the assessment of the virulence potential of bacterial isolates of human, animal and plant origin. Moreover, it is a powerful means for a first safety assessment of poorly characterized strains intended to be used in biotechnological applications.
Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli O157:H7 and enteropathogenic E. coli cause a characteristic histopathology in intestinal cells known as attaching and effacing. The attaching and effacing lesion is encoded by the Locus of Enterocyte Effacement (LEE) pathogenicity island, which encodes a type III secretion system, the intimin intestinal colonization factor, and the translocated intimin receptor protein that is translocated from the bacterium to the host epithelial cells. Using lacZ reporter gene fusions, we show that expression of the LEE operons encoding the type III secretion system, translocated intimin receptor, and intimin is regulated by quorum sensing in both enterohemorrhagic E. coli and enteropathogenic E. coli. The luxS gene recently shown to be responsible for production of autoinducer in the Vibrio harveyi and E. coli quorum-sensing systems is responsible for regulation of the LEE operons, as shown by the mutation and complementation of the luxS gene. Regulation of intestinal colonization factors by quorum sensing could play an important role in the pathogenesis of disease caused by these organisms. These results suggest that intestinal colonization by E. coli O157:H7, which has an unusually low infectious dose, could be induced by quorum sensing of signals produced by nonpathogenic E. coli of the normal intestinal flora.
The prgHIJK operon encodes components of the Salmonella typhimurium pathogenicity island 1 type III secretion system (TTSS). Previously, prgH and prgK were shown to be required for formation of the supramolecular type III secretion needle complex (NC) [Kubori, T., et al. (1998) Science 280, 602–605]. This work indicates that all prg operon genes are required for NC formation. PrgH multimerizes into a distinct tetrameric-shaped structure that may be an early intermediate of NC assembly and may provide the structural foundation required for PrgK oligomerization. PrgH and PrgK, in the absence of other TTSS components, oligomerize into ring-shaped structures identical in appearance and size to the base of the NC, indicating that they are likely the major inner membrane structural components required for secretion. PrgI and PrgJ cofractionate with the NC and are secreted into the culture supernatant. NC from prgI and prgJ mutants have an identical morphology to the envelope-spanning (basal body) NC components, but are missing the external needle, indicating that PrgI and PrgJ are required for full NC assembly and are likely components of the external needle. Therefore, PrgI and PrgJ are secreted through the NC basal body, composed in part of PrgH/K and InvG/H rings, to participate in assembly of the more distal components of the NC.
Chlamydia trachomatis has a unique obligate intracellular developmental cycle that ends by the lysis of the cell and/or the extrusion of the bacteria in order to allow for re-infections. While Chlamydia trachomatis infections are often asymptomatic the diagnosis of Chlamydia trachomatis is usually late, occurring after manifestation of persistency. Investigations on the consequences of long-term infections and the molecular mechanisms behind it will reveal light to what extent bacteria can modulate host cell function and what the ultimate fate of host cells after clearance of an infection is. Such studies on the host cell fate could be greatly facilitated if the infected cells become permanently marked during and after the infection. Therefore, this project intends to develop a new genetic tool that would allow permanently labeling of Chlamydia trachomatis host cells. The plan was to generate a Chlamydia trachomatis strain that encodes a recombinant CRE recombinase, fused to a secretory effector function of the Chlamydia type 3 secretion system (T3SS). Upon translocation into the host cell, this recombinant CRE enzyme could then, owing to its site-specific recombination function, switch a reporter gene contained in the host cell genome. To this end, the reporter line carried a membrane-tagged tdTomato (mT) gene flanked by two LoxP sequences followed by a GFP gene. The translocation of the recombinant CRE recombinase into this cell line was designed to trigger the recombination of the LoxP sites whereby the cells would turn from red fluorescence to green as an irreversible label of the infected cells. Successful execution of this mechanism would allow to draw a direct link between Chlamydia trachomatis infection and the subsequent fate of the infected cell.
Les EHEC de sérotype O157:H7 sont des agents zoonotiques d’origine alimentaire ou hydrique. Ce sont des pathogènes émergeants qui causent chez l’humain des épidémies de gastro-entérite aiguë et parfois un syndrome hémolytique-urémique. Les EHEC réussissent leur transmission à l’humain à partir de leur portage commensal chez l’animal en passant par l’étape de survie dans l’environnement. L’endosymbiose microbienne est une des stratégies utilisées par les bactéries pathogènes pour survivre dans les environnements aquatiques. Les amibes sont des protozoaires vivants dans divers écosystèmes et connus pour abriter plusieurs agents pathogènes. Ainsi, les amibes contribueraient à transmettre les EHEC à l'humain. La première partie de mon projet de thèse est centrée sur l'interaction de l’amibe Acanthamoeba castellanii avec les EHEC. Les résultats montrent que la présence de cette amibe prolonge la persistance des EHEC, et ces dernières survivent à leur phagocytose par les amibes. Ces résultats démontrent le potentiel réel des amibes à héberger les EHEC et à contribuer à leur transmission. Cependant, l’absence de Shiga toxines améliore leur taux de survie intra-amibe. Par ailleurs, les Shiga toxines sont partiellement responsables de l’intoxication des amibes par les EHEC. Cette implication des Shiga toxines dans le taux de survie intracellulaire et dans la mortalité des amibes démontre l’intérêt d’utiliser les amibes comme modèle d'interaction hôte/pathogène pour étudier la pathogénicité des EHEC. Durant leur cycle de transmission, les EHEC rencontrent des carences en phosphate inorganique (Pi) dans l’environnement. En utilisant conjointement le système à deux composantes (TCS) PhoB-R et le système Pst (transport spécifique de Pi), les EHEC détectent et répondent à cette variation en Pi en activant le régulon Pho. La relation entre la virulence des EHEC, le PhoB-R-Pst et/ou le Pi environnemental demeure inconnue. La seconde partie de mon projet explore le rôle du régulon Pho (répondant à un stress nutritif de limitation en Pi) dans la virulence des EHEC. L’analyse transcriptomique montre que les EHEC répondent à la carence de Pi par une réaction complexe impliquant non seulement un remodelage du métabolisme général, qui est critique pour sa survie, mais aussi en coordonnant sa réponse de virulence. Dans ces conditions le régulateur PhoB contrôle directement l’expression des gènes du LEE et de l’opéron stx2AB. Ceci est confirmé par l’augmentation de la sécrétion de l’effecteur EspB et de la production et sécrétion de Stx2 en carence en Pi. Par ailleurs, l’activation du régulon Pho augmente la formation de biofilm et réduit la motilité chez les EHEC. Ceci corrèle avec l’induction des gènes régulant la production de curli et la répression de la voie de production d’indole et de biosynthèse du flagelle et du PGA (Polymère β-1,6-N-acétyle-D-glucosamine).
Aeromonas spp. are ubiquitous aquatic organisms, associated with multitude of diseases in several species of animals, including fishes and humans. In the present study, water samples from two ornamental fish culture systems were analyzed for the presence of Aeromonas. Nutrient agar was used for Aeromonas isolation, and colonies (60 No) were identified through biochemical characterization. Seven clusters could be generated based on phenotypic characters, analyzed by the programme NTSYSpc, Version 2.02i, and identified as: Aeromonas caviae (33.3%), A. jandaei (38.3%) and A. veronii biovar sobria (28.3%). The strains isolated produced highly active hydrolytic enzymes, haemolytic activity and slime formation in varying proportions. The isolates were also tested for the enterotoxin genes (act, alt and ast), haemolytic toxins (hlyA and aerA), involved in type 3 secretion system (TTSS: ascV, aexT, aopP, aopO, ascF–ascG, and aopH), and glycerophospholipid-cholesterol acyltransferase (gcat). All isolates were found to be associated with at least one virulent gene. Moreover, they were resistant to frequently used antibiotics for human infections. The study demonstrates the pathogenic potential of Aeromonas, associated with ornamental fish culture systems suggesting the emerging threat to public health
Abstract Background Citrus bacterial canker is a disease that has severe economic impact on citrus industries worldwide and is caused by a few species and pathotypes of Xanthomonas. X. citri subsp. citri strain 306 (XccA306) is a type A (Asiatic) strain with a wide host range, whereas its variant X. citri subsp. citri strain Aw12879 (Xcaw12879, Wellington strain) is restricted to Mexican lime. Results To characterize the mechanism for the differences in host range of XccA and Xcaw, the genome of Xcaw12879 that was completed recently was compared with XccA306 genome. Effectors xopAF and avrGf1 are present in Xcaw12879, but were absent in XccA306. AvrGf1 was shown previously for Xcaw to cause hypersensitive response in Duncan grapefruit. Mutation analysis of xopAF indicates that the gene contributes to Xcaw growth in Mexican lime but does not contribute to the limited host range of Xcaw. RNA-Seq analysis was conducted to compare the expression profiles of Xcaw12879 and XccA306 in Nutrient Broth (NB) medium and XVM2 medium, which induces hrp gene expression. Two hundred ninety two and 281 genes showed differential expression in XVM2 compared to in NB for XccA306 and Xcaw12879, respectively. Twenty-five type 3 secretion system genes were up-regulated in XVM2 for both XccA and Xcaw. Among the 4,370 common genes of Xcaw12879 compared to XccA306, 603 genes in NB and 450 genes in XVM2 conditions were differentially regulated. Xcaw12879 showed higher protease activity than XccA306 whereas Xcaw12879 showed lower pectate lyase activity in comparison to XccA306. Conclusions Comparative genomic analysis of XccA306 and Xcaw12879 identified strain specific genes. Our study indicated that AvrGf1 contributes to the host range limitation of Xcaw12879 whereas XopAF contributes to virulence. Transcriptome analyses of XccA306 and Xcaw12879 presented insights into the expression of the two closely related strains of X. citri subsp. citri. Virulence genes including genes encoding T3SS components and effectors are induced in XVM2 medium. Numerous genes with differential expression in Xcaw12879 and XccA306 were identified. This study provided the foundation to further characterize the mechanisms for virulence and host range of pathotypes of X. citri subsp. citri.
Intestinal dendritic cells (DCs) are believed to sample and present commensal bacteria to the gut-associated immune system to maintain immune homeostasis. How antigen sampling pathways handle intestinal pathogens remains elusive. We present a murine colitogenic Salmonella infection model that is highly dependent on DCs. Conditional DC depletion experiments revealed that intestinal virulence of S. Typhimurium SL1344 DeltainvG mutant lacking a functional type 3 secretion system-1 (DeltainvG)critically required DCs for invasion across the epithelium. The DC-dependency was limited to the early phase of infection when bacteria colocalized with CD11c(+)CX3CR1(+) mucosal DCs. At later stages, the bacteria became associated with other (CD11c(-)CX3CR1(-)) lamina propria cells, DC depletion no longer attenuated the pathology, and a MyD88-dependent mucosal inflammation was initiated. Using bone marrow chimeric mice, we showed that the MyD88 signaling within hematopoietic cells, which are distinct from DCs, was required and sufficient for induction of the colitis. Moreover, MyD88-deficient DCs supported transepithelial uptake of the bacteria and the induction of MyD88-dependent colitis. These results establish that pathogen sampling by DCs is a discrete, and MyD88-independent, step during the initiation of a mucosal innate immune response to bacterial infection in vivo.
Protein sequences from characterized type III secretion (TTS) systems were used as probes in silico to identify several TTS gene homologs in the genome sequence of Brucella suis biovar 1 strain 1330. Four of the genes, named flhB, fliP, fliR, and fliF on the basis of greatest homologies to known flagellar apparatus proteins, were targeted in PCR and hybridization assays to determine their distribution among other Brucella nomen species and biovars. The results indicated that flhB, fliP, fliR and fliF are present in Brucella melitensis, Brucella ovis, and Brucella suis biovars 1, 2 and 3. Similar homologos have been reported previously in Brucella abortus. Using RT-PCR assays, we were unable to detect any expression of these genes. It is not yet known whether the genes are the cryptic remnants of a flagellar system or are actively involved in a process contributing to pathogenicity or previously undetected motility, but they are distributed widely in Brucella and merit further study to determine their role.
Dengue virulence and fitness are important factors that determine disease outcome. However, dengue virus (DENV) molecular biology and pathogenesis are not completely elucidated. New insights on those mechanisms have been facilitated by the development of reverse genetic systems in the past decades. Unfortunately, instability of flavivirus genomes cloned in Escherichia coli has been a major problem in these systems. Here, we describe the development of a complete reverse genetics system, based on the construction of an infectious clone and replicon for a low passage DENV-3 genotype III of a clinical isolate. Both constructs were assembled into a newly designed yeast- E. coli shuttle vector by homologous recombination technique and propagated in yeast to prevent any possible genome instability in E. coli . RNA transcripts derived from the infectious clone are infectious upon transfection into BHK-21 cells even after repeated passages of the plasmid in yeast. Transcript-derived DENV-3 exhibited growth kinetics, focus formation size comparable to original DENV-3 in mosquito C6/36 cell culture. In vitro characterisation of DENV-3 replicon confirmed its identity and ability to replicate transiently in BHK-21 cells. The reverse genetics system reported here is a valuable tool that will facilitate further molecular studies in DENV replication, virus attenuation and pathogenesis.
In a prospective field study conducted from July 2000 to June 2001, adult Aedes aegypti and Ae. albopictus mosquitoes were caught from the municipality of Nova Iguaçu, State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Virus isolation in Ae. albopictus clone C6/36 cell line and a semi-nested reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction detected only dengue virus type 3 in three pools of Ae. aegypti, despite the co-circulation of DEN-1, DEN-2 and DEN-3 serotypes in that area. No viruses were detected in Ae. albopictus mosquitoes. This virological surveillance consists in a sentinel system alerting for dengue outbreaks.