320 resultados para Tutkijan eettiset valinnat


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Abstract: Strategic choices in collective bargaining : comparative case study of the U.S. 1998-2006


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Tutkimus eettiset sijoitusrahastot Suomessa – nykytilan arviointi, on kvalitatiivinen, teorialähtöinen kirjallisuustutkimus, jossa selvitetään eettisten sijoitusrahastojen nykytilannetta Suomessa. Päätavoitteena on selvittää, mitä ja minkälaisia eettiset sijoitusrahastot ovat Suomessa. Alatavoitteena tutkitaan myös eettisten rahastojen kehitystä niin Suomessa kuin kansainvälisestikin. Tutkimuksessa on kartoitettu Suomessa toimivat eettiset sijoitusrahastot ja vertailtu niitä keskenään sekä selvitetty niiden sijoituspolitiikkaa ja toimintaa. Aineistona on käytetty tieteellisen kirjallisuuden lisäksi pankkien ja pankkiiriliikkeiden aineistoja. Tutkimus on tehty kirjallisuuden pohjalta ja tutkimus perustuu kirjallisuuden ja tutkimusaineiston analysointiin sekä siitä tehtäviin johtopäätöksiin. Tutkimuksessa havaittiin, että suomalaiset eettisiksi luokiteltavat rahastot ovat hyvin identtisiä ja niissä näkyy vahva painotus ympäristöön ja ilmastoon. Eettisten rahastojen määrä ja koko on kasvanut nopeasti koko 2000 – luvun ja tutkimuksen tekovaiheessa Suomessa toimii 22 eri eettistä rahastoa ja näiden yhteenlaskettu rahastopääoma on noin 5,8 Mrd. euroa, joka on noin 8 % koko rahastopääomasta (66 Mrd. euroa, (2007)) Suomessa eettinen sijoittaminen on vielä suhteellisen uusi ilmiö ja kansainvälisesti vertailtuna eettinen sijoittaminen on toistaiseksi pientä.


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Ethical problems occurring during the practical training period of Finnish nursing students The present study focused on nursing students adopting the professional code of conduct during their supervised practical training. The study was carried out in two phases. During the first phase, the objective was to survey ethical problems occurring in practical training as well as how these problems are detected and resolved by nursing students and their supervisors at different stages of their studies. In the second phase, the capability of the nursing students about to graduate to detect and resolve ethical problems was described and analyzed. The students’ capacity for self-instruction, independent search for information as well as factors related to teaching of ethics were determined within this phase. Further, an extensive literature review was carried out to complement the study. Thus, the main objective of the thesis was to make suggestions for the development of the teaching of ethics and supervision in nursing studies and in practice. In the first part of the empirical phase (2002–2005), the views of the nursing students (n =18) were clarified with themed open essay questions. Furthermore, the views of the supervising nurses (n = 115) were established by utilizing a series of themed questions and group interviews. During the second phase (2006–2007), the data for the analyses were collected from nursing students in their graduating stage (n = 319) by a national Internet-based questionnaire. The results of the first phase were examined with contentanalysis and those of the second phase both statistically and by using content analysis. Ethical problems occurring during supervised practical training were typically connected to a patient or a client, a member of the nursing staff or to a student, while solutions were connected to preparation and the action to solve the problem in question. Ethical dilemmas were classified as legal, ethical comportment and uncertainty problems as well as personal and institutional ones. The solutions for these problems were further grouped as based on facts, instructor/staff/member/specialist or patient/client/relative. The results showed that although the nursing students about to graduate had detected many ethical problems both independently as well as together with the nursing staff during every practical training period, they were able to resolve only few of them. Ethical problems were most frequently encountered during training in psychiatric nursing. On the grounds of their own impressions, the nursing students stated that their ability to detect and solve ethical problems improved during their training period. The primary factors related to this enhancement of their skills were teaching and the students’ readiness for selfinstruction. Gender, orientation of the studies and age were observed to be the most important among the underlying factors influencing the capability to detect and solve ethical problems as well as to engage in self-instruction. Based on the results obtained, suggestions for development as well as topics for further studies are presented through teaching of professional ethics and supervision during practical training.


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