971 resultados para Tumor Suppressor


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TAT-RasGAP317-326, a peptide corresponding to the 317-326 sequence of p120 RasGAP coupled with a cell-permeable TAT-derived peptide, sensitizes the death response of various tumor cells to several anticancer treatments. We now report that this peptide is also able to increase cell adherence, prevent cell migration and inhibit matrix invasion. This is accompanied by a marked modification of the actin cytoskeleton and focal adhesion redistribution. Interestingly, integrins and the small Rho GTP-binding protein, which are well-characterized proteins modulating actin fibers, adhesion and migration, do not appear to be required for the pro-adhesive properties of TAT-RasGAP317-326. In contrast, deleted in liver cancer-1, a tumor suppressor protein, the expression of which is often deregulated in cancer cells, was found to be required for TAT-RasGAP317-326 to promote cell adherence and inhibit migration. These results show that TAT-RasGAP317-326, besides its ability to favor tumor cell death, hampers cell migration and invasion.


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Natural killer cell lymphoma (NKCL) constitutes a rare and aggressive form of non-Hodgkin lymphoma, and there is little insight into its pathogenesis. Here we show that PRDM1 is a tumor suppressor gene in NKCLs that is inactivated by a combination of monoallelic deletion and promoter CpG island hypermethylation. We observed monoallelic deletion of PRDM1 loci in 8 of 18 (44%) NKCL cases. The other allele showed significant promoter methylation in 12 of 17 (71%) cases. In support of its role as a tumor suppressor gene, the reconstitution of PRDM1 in PRDM1-null NK cell lines led to G2/M cell cycle arrest, increased apoptosis, and a strong negative selection pressure with progressive elimination of PRDM1-expressing cells, which was enhanced when IL-2 concentration is limiting. We observed a progressive increase in PRDM1 expression-in particular, PRDM1α-in normal NK cells in response to IL-2 and in normal NK cells activated with an engineered NK cell target, K562-Cl9-mb21, suggesting its role in NK cell homeostasis. In support of this role, knockdown of PRDM1 by shRNA in normal NK cells resulted in the positive selection of these cells. We identified MYC and 4-1BBL as targets of PRDM1 in NK cells. Disruption of homeostatic control by PRDM1 may be an important pathogenetic mechanism for NKCL.


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Le régulateur transcriptionnel BAP1 est une déubiquitinase nucléaire (DUB) dont le substrat est l’histone H2A modifiée par monoubiquitination au niveau des residus lysines 118 et 119 (K118/K119). Depuis les dernières années, BAP1 emerge comme un gene suppresseur de tumeur majeur. En effet, BAP1 est inactivé dans un plethore de maladies humaines héréditaires et sporadiques. Cependant, malgré l’accumulation significative des connaissances concernant l’occurrence, la pénétrance et l’impact des défauts de BAP1 sur le développement de cancers, ses mécanismes d’action et de régulation restent très peu compris. Cette étude est dédiée à la caractérisation moléculaire et fonctionnelle du complexe multi-protéique de BAP1 et se présente parmi les premiers travaux décrivant sa régulation par des modifications post-traductionnelles. D’abord, nous avons défini la composition du corps du complexe BAP1 ainsi que ses principaux partenaires d’interaction. Ensuite, nous nous sommes spécifiquement intéressés a investiguer d’avantage deux principaux aspects de la régulation de BAP1. Nous avons d’abord décrit l’inter-régulation entre deux composantes majeures du complexe BAP1, soit HCF-1 et OGT. D’une manière très intéressante, nous avons trouvé que le cofacteur HCF-1 est un important régulateur des niveaux protéiques d’OGT. En retour, OGT est requise pour la maturation protéolytique de HCF-1 en promouvant sa protéolyse par O-GlcNAcylation, un processus de régulation très important pour le bon fonctionnement de HCF-1. D’autre part, nous avons découvert un mécanisme unique de régulation de BAP1 médiée par l’ubiquitine ligase atypique UBE2O. en effet, UBE2O se caractérise par le fait qu’il s’agit aussi bien d’une ubiquitine conjuratrice et d’une ubiquitine ligase. UBE2O, multi-monoubiquitine BAP1 au niveau de son domaine NLS et promeut son exclusion du noyau, le séquestrant ainsi dans le cytoplasme. De façon importante, nos travaux ont permis de mettre de l’emphase sur le rôle de l’activité auto-catalytique de chacune de ces enzymes, soit l’activité d’auto-déubiquitination de BAP1 qui est requise pour la maintenance de sa localisation nucléaire ainsi que l’activité d’auto-ubiquitination d’UBE2O impliquée dans son transport nucléo-cytoplasmique. De manière significative, nous avons trouvé que des défauts au niveau de l’auto-déubiquitination de BAP1 due à des mutations associées à certains cancers indiquent l’importance d’une propre regulation de cette déubiquitinase pour les processus associés à la suppression de tumeurs.


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Chromosome microdeletions or duplications are detected in 10-20% of patients with mental impairment and normal karyotypes. A few cases have been reported of mental impairment with microdeletions comprising tumor suppressor genes. By array-CGH we detected 4 mentally impaired individuals carrying de novo microdeletions sharing an overlapping segment of similar to 180 kb in 17p13.1. This segment encompasses 18 genes, including 3 involved in cancer, namely KCTD11/REN, DLG4/PSD95, and GPS2. Furthermore, in 2 of the patients, the deletions also included TP53, the most frequently inactivated gene in human cancers. The 3 tumor suppressor genes KCTD11, DLG4, and GPS2, in addition to the GABARAP gene, have a known or suspected function in neuronal development and are candidates for causing mental impairment in our patients. Among our 4 patients with deletions in 17p13.1, 3 were part of a Brazilian cohort of 300 mentally retarded individuals, suggesting that this segment may be particularly prone to rearrangements and appears to be an important cause (similar to 1%) of mental retardation. Further, the constitutive deletion of tumor suppressor genes in these patients, particularly TP53, probably confers a significantly increased lifetime risk for cancer and warrants careful oncological surveillance of these patients. Constitutional chromosome deletions containing tumor suppressor genes in patients with mental impairment or congenital abnormalities may represent an important mechanism linking abnormal phenotypes with increased risks of cancer. Copyright (C) 2009 S. Karger AG, Basel


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The von Hippel-Lindau tumor suppressor protein (pVHL) suppresses tumor formation by binding the alpha subunits of hypoxia-inducible factors (HIFs) responsible for stimulating tumor angiogenesis and glycolysis, targeting them for ubiquitination and proteasomal destruction. Loss of pVHL leads to the development of sporadic renal cell carcinomas (RCCs). In the present study, we sought to determine whether engineered overexpression of pVHL in tumors other than RCC can inhibit tumor growth, either as a monotherapy, or in combination with antisense HIF-1alpha therapy. Intratumoral injection of subcutaneous EL-4 thymic lymphomas with an expression plasmid encoding pVHL resulted in the downregulation of HIF-1alpha and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF). There was a concomitant reduction in tumor angiogenesis and increased tumor cell apoptosis due in part to downregulation of Bcl-2 expression. VHL therapy resulted in the complete regression of small (0.1 cm diameter) tumors whereas, in contrast, large (0.4 cm diameter) EL-4 tumors were only slowed in their growth. Nevertheless, large tumors completely regressed in response to intratumoral injection of a combination of antisense HIF-1alpha and VHL plasmids. Combination therapy resulted in increased losses of HIF-1alpha, VEGF, and tumor blood vessels, and increased tumor cell apoptosis. These novel results suggest that synergistic therapies that simultaneously block the expression or function of HIF-1alpha, and enhance the expression or function of VHL may be beneficial in the treatment of cancer.


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SMARCB1 is deleted in rhabdoid tumor, an aggressive paediatric malignancy affecting the kidney and CNS. We hypothesized that the oncogenic pathway in rhabdoid tumors involved epigenetic silencing of key cell cycle regulators as a consequence of altered chromatin-remodelling, attributable to loss of SMARCB1, and that this hypothesis if proven could provide a biological rationale for testing epigenetic therapies in this disease. We used an inducible expression system to show that the imprinted cell cycle inhibitor CDKN1C is a downstream target for SMARCB1 and is transcriptionally activated by increased histone H3 and H4 acetylation at the promoter. We also show that CDKN1C expression induces cell cycle arrest, CDKN1C knockdown with siRNA is associated with increased proliferation, and is able to compete against the anti-proliferative effect of restored SMARCB1 expression. The histone deacetylase inhibitor (HDACi), Romidepsin, specifically restored CDKN1C expression in rhabdoid tumor cells through promoter histone H3 and H4 acetylation, recapitulating the effect of SMARCB1 on CDKNIC allelic expression, and induced cell cycle arrest in G401 and STM91-01 rhabdoid tumor cell lines. CDKN1C expression was also shown to be generally absent in clinical specimens of rhabdoid tumor, however CDKN1A and CDKN1B expression persisted. Our observations suggest that maintenance of CDKN1C expression plays a critical role in preventing rhabdoid tumor growth. Significantly, we report for the first time, parallels between the molecular pathways of SMARCB1 restoration and Romidepsin treatment, and demonstrate a biological basis for the further exploration of histone deacetylase inhibitors as relevant therapeutic reagents in the treatment of rhabdoid tumor.


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Bladder carcinoma is one of the most common tumors in the world and, despite the therapy currently available, most of the patients relapse. Better understanding of the factors involved in disease pathogenesis would provide insights for the development of more effective strategies in treatment. Recently, differential miRNA expression profiles in bladder urothelial carcinomas identified miR-100 down-regulation and miR-708 up-regulation among the most common alterations, although the possible influence of these miRNAs in the control of basic mechanisms in bladder tumors has not been addressed. In this context, the present study aimed to evaluate the in vitro effects of miR-100 forced expression and miR-708 inhibition in the bladder carcinoma cell line 5637. Our results showed that overexpression of miR-100 significantly inhibited growth when compared to controls at both times tested (72 and 96 hours, p<0.01) with a maximum effect at 72 hours reducing proliferation in 29.6 %. Conversely, no effects on cell growth were observed after inhibition of miR-708. MiR-100 also reduced colony formation capacity of 5637 cells by 24.4%. No alterations in cell cycle progression or apoptosis induction were observed. The effects of miR-100 on growth and clonogenicity capacity in 5637 cells evince a possible role of this miRNA in bladder carcinoma pathogenesis. Further studies are necessary to corroborate our findings and examine the potential use of this microRNA in future therapeutic interventions.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is the most aggressive of the astrocytic malignancies and the most common intracranial tumor in adults. Although the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) is overexpressed and/or mutated in at least 50% of GBM cases and is required for tumor maintenance in animal models, EGFR inhibitors have thus far failed to deliver significant responses in GBM patients. One inherent resistance mechanism in GBM is the coactivation of multiple receptor tyrosine kinases, which generates redundancy in activation of phosphoinositide-3'-kinase (PI3K) signaling. Here we demonstrate that the phosphatase and tensin homolog deleted on chromosome 10 (PTEN) tumor suppressor is frequently phosphorylated at a conserved tyrosine residue, Y240, in GBM clinical samples. Phosphorylation of Y240 is associated with shortened overall survival and resistance to EGFR inhibitor therapy in GBM patients and plays an active role in mediating resistance to EGFR inhibition in vitro. Y240 phosphorylation can be mediated by both fibroblast growth factor receptors and SRC family kinases (SFKs) but does not affect the ability of PTEN to antagonize PI3K signaling. These findings show that, in addition to genetic loss and mutation of PTEN, its modulation by tyrosine phosphorylation has important implications for the development and treatment of GBM.


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Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, die funktionelle Bedeutung des Drosophila melanogaster tumor suppressor Gens lethal(2)tumorous imaginal discs (l(2)tid) durch die Identifikation von molekularen Partnern der vom Gen kodierten Proteine zu etablieren. Mit dem Screening einer Expressionsbibliothek mittels des Hefe-Di-Hybrid-Systems wurde das Protein Patched (Ptc) als ein neues Tid-bindendes Protein identifiziert. Ptc ist ein Zentralregulator der Hedhehog-Signalkette. Diese ist in der Entwicklung konserviert und in manchen humanen Krebsarten verwickelt. Die Tid/Ptc-Interaktion wurde mittels unabhängigen biochemischen Methoden wie dem GST-pulldown-Test oder der Immunopräzipitation überprüft. Außerdem ergaben funktionelle Studien in tumorosen Imaginalscheiben einen möglichen inhibitorischen Effekt von Tid über die Hh Signaltransduktion.Im letzten Teil dieser Arbeit wurde die Interaktion zwischen Tid und dem E-APC-Protein (Adenomatous polyposis coli) bewiesen. Polakis und seine Gruppe zeigten durch Studien mit dem Hefe-Di-Hybrid-System und in vitro, dass das hTid mit dem APC-Protein interagiert. Um dies auch auf Drosophila-Ebene zu überprüfen, wurden Immunopräzipitation-Studien mit den Drosophila-Gegenstücken durchgeführt. Diese Studien zeigen zum ersten Mal eine direkte Interaktion beider Proteine in vivo.


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Cancer is a multi-step process in which both the activation of oncogenes and the inactivation of tumor suppressor genes alter the normal cellular programs to a state of proliferation and growth. The regulation of a number of tumor suppressor genes and the mechanism underlying the tumor suppression have been intensively studied. Hugl-1 and Hugl-2, the human homologues of Drosophila lgl are shown to be down-regulated in a variety of cancers including breast, colon, lung and melanoma, but the mechanism responsible for loss of expression is not yet known. The regulation of gene expression is influenced by factors inducing or repressing transcription. The present study was focused on the identification and characterization of the active promoters of Hugl-1 and Hugl-2. Further, the regulation of the promoter and functional consequences of this regulation by specific transcription factors was analyzed. Experiments to delineate the function of the mouse homologue of Hugl-2, mgl2 using transgenic mice model were performed. This study shows that the active promoter for both Hugl-1 and Hugl-2 is located 1000bp upstream of transcription start sites. The study also provides first insight into the regulation of Hugl-2 by an important EMT transcriptional regulator, Snail. Direct binding of Snail to four E-boxes present in Hugl-2 promoter region results in repression of Hugl-2 expression. Hugl-1 and Hugl-2 plays pivotal role in establishment and maintenance of cell polarity in a diversity of cell types and organisms. Loss of epithelial cell polarity is a prerequisite for cancer progression and metastasis and is an important step in inducing EMT in cells. Regulation of Hugl-2 by Snail suggests one of the initial events towards loss of epithelial cell polarity during Snail-mediated EMT. Another important finding of this study is the induction of Hugl-2 expression can reverse the Snail-driven EMT. Inducing Hugl-2 in Snail expressing cells results in the re-expression of epithelial markers E-cadherin and Cytokeratin-18. Further, Hugl-2 also reduces the rate of tumor growth, cell migration and induces the epithelial phenotype in 3D culture model in cells expressing Snail. Studies to gain insight into the signaling pathways involved in reversing Snail-mediated EMT revealed that induction of Hugl-2 expression interferes with the activation of extracellular receptor kinase, Erk. Functional aspects of mammalian lgl in vivo was investigated by establishing mgl2 conditional knockout mice. Though disruption of mgl2 gene in hepatic tissues did not alter the growth and development, ubiquitous disruption of mgl2 gene causes embryonic lethality which is evident by the fact that no mgl2-/- mice were born.


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The identification of cellular pathways capable of limiting ischemia/reperfusion (I/R) injury remains a frontier in medicine, and its clinical relevance is urgent. Histidine triad nucleotide binding protein 1 (HINT1) is a tumor suppressor that influences apoptosis. Because apoptotic pathways are a feature of I/R injury, we asked whether Hint1 influences hepatic I/R injury. Hint1(-/-) and C57BL/6 mice were subjected to 70% liver ischemia followed by reperfusion for 3 or 24 hours or to a sham operation. The serum aminotransferase levels, histological lesions, apoptosis, reactive oxygen species, and expression of B cell lymphoma 2-associated X protein (Bax), heme oxygenase 1 (HO-1), interleukin-6 (IL-6), IL-10, tumor necrosis factor-a, Src, nuclear factor kappa B (p65/RelA), and c-Jun were quantified. The responses to toll-like receptor ligands and nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate oxidase activity in Kupffer cells were compared in Hint1(-/-) mice and C57BL/6 mice. After I/R, the levels of serum aminotransferases, parenchymal necrosis, and hepatocellular apoptosis were significantly lower in Hint1(-/-) mice versus control mice. Furthermore, Bax expression decreased more than 2-fold in Hint1(-/-) mice, and the increases in reactive oxygen species and HO-1 expression that were evident in wild-type mice after I/R were absent in Hint1(-/-) mice. The phosphorylation of Src and the nuclear translocation of p65 were increased in Hint1(-/-) mice, whereas the nuclear expression of phosphorylated c-Jun was decreased. The levels of the protective cytokines IL-6 and IL-10 were increased in Hint1(-/-) mice. These effects increased survival after I/R in mice lacking Hint1. Hint1(-/-) Kupffer cells were less activated than control cells after stimulation with lipopolysaccharides. CONCLUSION: The Hint1 protein influences the course of I/R injury, and its ablation in Kupffer cells may limit the extent of the injury.


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Nuclear Factor kappa B (NF-κB) is a key mediator of normal immune response but contributes to aggressive cancer cell phenotypes when aberrantly activated. Here we present evidence that the Inhibitor of Growth 4 (ING4) tumor suppressor negatively regulates NF-κB in breast cancer. We surveyed primary breast tumor samples for ING4 protein expression using tissue microarrays and a newly generated antibody. We found that 34% of tumors expressed undetectable to low levels of the ING4 protein (n = 227). Tumors with low ING4 expression were frequently large in size, high grade, and lymph node positive, suggesting that down-regulation of ING4 may contribute to breast cancer progression. In the same tumor set, we found that low ING4 expression correlated with high levels of nuclear phosphorylated p65/RelA (p-p65), an activated form of NF-κB (p = 0.018). Fifty seven percent of ING4-low/p-p65-high tumors were lymph node-positive, indicating a high metastatic tendency of these tumors. Conversely, ectopic expression of ING4 inhibited p65/RelA phosphorylation in T47D and MCF7 breast cancer cells. In addition, ING4 suppressed PMA-induced cell invasion and NF-κB-target gene expression in T47D cells, indicating that ING4 inhibited NF-κB activity in breast cancer cells. Supportive of the ING4 function in the regulation of NF-κB-target gene expression, we found that ING4 expression levels inversely correlated with the expression of NF-κB-target genes in primary breast tumors by analyzing public gene expression datasets. Moreover, low ING4 expression or high expression of the gene signature composed of a subset of ING4-repressed NF-κB-target genes was associated with reduced disease-free survival in breast cancer patients. Taken together, we conclude that ING4 negatively regulates NF-κB in breast cancer. Consequently, down-regulation of ING4 leads to activation of NF-κB, contributing to tumor progression and reduced disease-free patient survival in breast cancer.