378 resultados para Tumeurs
During the last two decades, endoscopic endonasal approach has completed the minimally invasive skull base surgery armamentarium. Endoscopic endonasal skull base surgery (EESBS) was initially developed in the field of pituitary adenomas, and gained an increasing place for the treatment of a wide variety of skull base pathologies, extending on the midline from crista galli process to the occipitocervical junction and laterally to the parasellar areas and petroclival apex. Until now, most studies are retrospective and lack sufficient methodological quality to confirm whether the endoscopic endonasal pituitary surgery has better results than the microsurgical trans-sphenoidal classical approach. The impressions of the expert teams show a trend toward better results for some pituitary adenomas with the endoscopic endonasal route, in terms of gross total resection rate and probably more comfortable postoperative course for the patient. Excepting intra- and suprasellar pituitary adenomas, EESBS seems useful for selected lesions extending onto the cavernous sinus and Meckel's cave but also for clival pathologies. Nevertheless, this infatuation toward endoscopic endonasal approaches has to be balanced with the critical issue of cerebrospinal fluid leaks, which constitutes actually the main limit of this approach. Through their experience and a review of the literature, the authors aim to present the state of the art of this approach as well as its limits.
PURPOSE: To remind of the absolute necessity for early diagnosis in the presence of ocular signs in children giving rise to possible intraocular tumours. METHOD: Based on our own experience of intraocular tumours in children, together with findings from the literature, diagnostic criteria and methods of treatment are presented. RESULTS: Retinoblastoma is the predominant cause of intraocular tumours in children, representing over 80% of cases under the age of 15 years. Other diseases may give rise to the same initial signs, usually leukocoria, sometimes strabismus, more rarely other atypical signs. Elements taken into account for diagnosis include age, sex, laterality, heredity, size of the globe, clinical aspect of the tumours, presence of calcifications and vitreous seeding. Full fundus examination under general anaesthetic is usually necessary. Biological examination, ultrasonography, computerized tomography and MRI enable an accurate diagnosis to be made in the majority of doubtful cases. The management of retinoblastoma is adapted for each individual case from the wide range of treatments available. Enucleation, radioactive applicators (...), brachytherapy (...), cryo- and photocoagulation represent classical measures. Primary chemotherapy, combined with other treatments such as thermotherapy, has become the treatment of choice in those cases where external beam radiotherapy has been used up to now, or in some instances before enucleation. Enucleation is usually carried out for medullo-epitheliomas, but brachytherapy may offer an alternative. CONCLUSION: Any unexplained ocular sign in children should be considered as a possible retinoblastoma, making an accurate and certain diagnosis imperative. Early treatment may save not only the life but also the vision of patients carrying this highly malignant lesion.
Management of musculoskeletal tumours usually begins with the appearance of a lump or bump, or the onset of unspecific symptoms. A poor initial work-up, a faulty biopsy or an inadequate resection may have a severe impact on the prognosis, including re-interventions, amputation, local recurrence or systemic spread of the disease. The patient with a suspicious lesion should be referred to a "sarcoma centers" where a planned and well-performed diagnostic work-up will allow a precise diagnosis in terms of histology and staging. After a multidisciplinary discussion of the case, an accurate treatment plan is established. Such an approach allows an adequate patient management, often with a positive impact on the survival and functional outcome.
Since 2000 and the commercialisation of the Da Vinci robotic system, indications for robotic surgery are rapidly increasing. Recent publications proved superior functional outcomes with equal oncologic safety in comparison to conventional open surgery. Its field of application may extend to the nasopharynx and skull base surgery. The preliminary results are encouraging. This article reviews the current literature on the role of transoral robotic surgery in head and neck cancer.
Résumé Les tumeurs stromales gastro-intestinales (GISTs) sont des tumeurs de malignité variable du tractus gastro-intestinal d'évolution difficilement prévisible. Plus de 95% d'entre elles expriment les récepteurs KIT (90%) ou PDGFRA (5%), deux récepteurs aux facteurs de croissance à activité tyrosine-kinase. Peu de données existent quant à l'expression éventuelles d'autres récepteurs aux facteurs de croissance dans les GISTs. Buts de l'étude: Les buts de cette étude étaient double: 1-évaluer l'expression de plusieurs récepteurs aux facteurs de croissance, à l'exclusion de KIT et PDGFRA, au sein d'un collectif de GISTs; 2 -voir s'il existait une corrélation entre l'expression d'un ou plusieurs de ces récepteurs, les données anatomo-pathologiques et/ou l'évolution clinique Matériel et méthodes 80 GISTs ont été examinées sur le plan clinique, anatomo-pathologique, immunohistochimique et évolutif. L'immunoexpression des récepteurs aux facteurs de croissance suivants a été examinée: IGF-1r - insulin-like growth factor-1 receptor, FGFr fibroblast growth factor receptor, C-MET - hepatocyte growth factor receptor, TGFßr (type 1) - transforming growth factor beta receptor, type 1, CD105/endogline, RET et NGFr/gp75 (nerve growth factor receptor). Résultats 52.7% des GISTs exprimaient C-MET, 50% CD105iendogline, 36.7% RET, 25% NGFr/gp75, 17.5°Io TGFßr, 7.5% FGFr, et 0% IGF-lr. La présence ou non d'une expression de CD105 et son intensité étaient significativement associées à une évolution défavorable, tant pour les patients présentant une maladie localisée au diagnostic que pour ceux qui étaient métastatiques au diagnostic. L'expression de C-MET était aussi corrélée, mais de façon moins significative; à une évolution défavorable. En analyse multivariée, l'expression de CD105 est un facteur pronostique indépendant défavorable. Conclusion Les GISTs expriment de façon variable des récepteurs aux facteurs de croissance autres que KIT et PDGFRA. Les récepteurs au TGFß, au FGF et à l'IGF sont peu exprimés. L'endogline/CD105 et le récepteur C-MET sont plus fréquemment exprimés et leur expression est associée à une évolution clinique défavorable.
Following 15 years of experimental studies, tumor immunotargeting using monoclonal antibodies directed against tumor associated antigens shows now important monoclonal antibodies directed against tumor associated antigens shows now important clinical developments. This is mainly due to encouraging therapeutic results which have obtained using humanized antibodies such as the anti-CD20 rituximab in follicular B lymphomas and the anti-DrbB2 herceptin in breast carcinomas. Thanks to genetic engineering it is possible to graft variable or hypervariable regions from murine antibodies to human IgG, and even to obtain fully human antibodies by using either transgenic mice containing a large part of the human repertoire of human IgG, or selection of human antibody fragments expressed by phages. Radiolabeling of antibodies played a major role to demonstrate the tumor immunotargeting specificity and remains attractive for the diagnosis by immunoscintigraphy as well as for the treatment by radioimmunotherapy of some cancers. In this review, the current results and the prospects of diagnostic and therapeutic uses of anti-tumor antibodies and their fragments will be described. Concerning diagnosis, 123-iodine or 99m-technetium labeled Fab fragments allowed very demonstrative tumor images but this technique has a limited effect upon the therapeutic attitude. Immuno-PET (positron emission tomography) could enhance the sensitivity of this imaging method. Radio-immunoguided surgery and immunophotodetection are attractive techniques still under evaluation. Concerning therapy, 131-iodine labeled anti-CD20 antibodies gave spectacular results in non-Hodgkin's B lymphomas. In solid tumors which as less radiosensitive, radioimmunotherapy could concern small tumors and need the use of two-steps targeting and/or alpha emitters radioisotopes. Some other strategies will be described such as bispecific antibodies directed against tumors and immune effector cells, some antibody fragments expressed on T cells called T-bodies or some biological studies using intrabodies. Published data and works in progress demonstrate that immunotargeting of tumors will have a growing place in the treatments of cancer patients.