904 resultados para Tubo em "T" de silicone
O autor descreve a glândula odorífera, situada no abdômen do macho de Agylla argentea, do ponto de vista anatômico e histológico. A glândula encontra-se no fundo da cãmara genital de uma grande área glandular da hipoderme de um pincel irradiador. Cada célular possui uma comprida cerda odorífera. O aparêlho copulador é aberto por meio de um acréscimo da pressão no interior da cavidade abdominal. Atrás da parte ventral da câmara genital está situado um grande saco traqueal, que em virtude da pressão aumentada, se enche de ar e se dilata para trás, de modo que a região ventral da câmara genital é expulsa, formando um tubo que se projeta ao ar livre. Êste movimento é facilitado por uma grande dobra anular da parede membranosa da câmara genital. Pela mesma pressão um "corpo piriforme", situado na cavidade genital e possuindo uma cutícula elástica, é dilatado e deformado, dando, em seguida, ao tubo citado a sua forma. Encontramos na extremidade do tubo a glândula e o pincel irradiador, cujas cerdas estão divergindo. O retôrno para o estado de repouso verifica-se como processo automático que se inicia quando a pressão interna diminui e o corpo piriforme volta à sua forma original. É muito provável que a secreção da glândula da asa do macho, já descrita em outro trabalho, evite a reação de fuga da fêmea, enquanto a glândula abdominal estimula a fêmea para a própria cópula.
The radicality of wound debridement is an important feature of the surgical treatment of pressure sores. Several methods such as injection of methylene blue or hydrogen peroxide have been proposed to facilitate and optimise the surgical debridement technique, but none of them proved to be sufficient. We present an innovative modification of the pseudo-tumour technique consisting in the injection of fluid silicone. Vulcanisation of the silicone leads to pressure-sore moulding, permitting a more radical and sterile excision. In a series of 10 paraplegic patients presenting with ischial pressure sores, silicone moulding was used to facilitate debridement. Radical en bloc debridement was achieved in all patients. After a minimal follow-up of 2 years, no complications and recurrences occurred. A three-dimensional (3D) analysis of the silicone prints objectified the pyramidal shape of ischial pressure sores. Our study showed that complete resection without capsular lesion can be easily achieved. Further, it allows the surgeon to analyse the shape and size of the resected defect, which might be helpful to select the appropriate defect coverage technique.
An artificial feeding system was used where citrated bovine blood was offerred to male and female Amblyomma cajennense. Vestiges of blood, sweat, hair and exfoliated skin were used as phago-stimulants placed on the surface of the silicone membrane. The ticks were collected, as engorged nymphs, from naturally infested equines, with the ecdysis occurring in the laboratory. Four hundred ticks were used, 50% being female, at three to four weeks post-ecdysis. Vestiges of blood on the silicone membrane were the most efficient phago-stimulant and the association of vestiges of blood and sweat residue smears yielded better results compared to the other phago-stimulants used
Rhodnius pictipes (Hemiptera, Reduviidae) from Serra Norte, State of Pará, Brazil, aclimatized in an insectary at the Laboratório Nacional e Internacional de Referência em Taxonomia de Triatomíneos, Departamento de Entomologia, Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, were fed through a silicone membrane. In order to know the viability and the efficiency of this membrane compared with insects fed on mice, the number of bloodmeals taken, period of development of the five nymphal instars, longevity of adults, average amount of blood intake in each meal and percent of mortality were observed. A total of 310 insects, were used, comprising 50 nymphs of each instar, as well as 30 male and 30 female adults. Insects fed artificially had reduced minimal and maximal periods of development than the group fed on mice. The largest relative increase of body weight was observed in the 2nd instar followed by the 1st, and the amount of blood ingested increased during the development, to the 5th instar for both groups. There were no significant differences between the groups fed artificially and in vivo according to Tukey's test for p>0.05. The percent of mortality in the 1st instar was 18% for artificially fed and 16% for the group fed on mice; these percentages decreased as insects developed until the 4th instar, without mortality, returning to increase in the 5th instar. R. pictipes was shown to be easily adaptable to artificial feeding, and could be considered as an important and viable experimental model.
We report a tubo-ovarian abscess due to Pasteurella multocida. This zoonotic infection was likely of ascending origin, as Pasteurella was also isolated from vaginal swabs.
No presente trabalho, estudaram-se características associadas à germinação in vitro e ao desenvolvimento in vivo do tubo polínico em seis variedades-copa e de porta-enxertos de macieira como subsídios para o estabelecimento de programas de melhoramento genético. Utilizou-se de pólen de seis cultivares de macieira inoculado em meio de cultura com ágar (10 g.L-1) em água destilada, combinados com concentrações de sacarose (0; 10; 20; 30; 40 e 50%) e ácido bórico (0 e 40 mg.L-1). Para o estudo do desenvolvimento do tubo polínico, realizou-se coleta das flores em quatro períodos (6; 12; 24 e 48 horas após as polinizações) em M9 x Marubakaido e a autofecundação em M9, sendo os tubos polínicos analisados em coloração de azul de anilina acidificada/carmim acético e em fluorescência. A sacarose, em concentrações entre 15% a 25%, pode ser empregada com sucesso para a germinação in vitro de grãos de pólen da macieira. O ácido bórico não teve efeito positivo para esta característica. Na ausência do ácido bórico e na presença de 15% de sacarose, observaram-se os maiores percentuais de germinação: Fuji (51,1%), Imperatriz (31,7%), M.9 (20,8%), Catarina (19,2%), Gala (13,7%) e Marubakaido (6,1%). Quanto ao desenvolvimento do tubo polínico, com 12 horas da polinização, iniciou-se a germinação no pólen, no estigma, no cruzamento M.9 x Marubakaido, e após 24 horas da polinização observou-se 83% de germinação. As técnicas de coloração com azul de anilina acidificada com carmim acético e de visualização em fluorescência foram eficientes na visualização e coloração dos grãos de pólen e do desenvolvimento dos tubos polínicos.
One aim of this study is to determine the impact of water velocity on the uptake of indicator polychlorinated biphenyls (iPCBs) by silicone rubber (SR) and low-density polyethylene (LDPE) passive samplers. A second aim is to assess the efficiency of performance reference compounds (PRCs) to correct for the impact of water velocity. SR and LDPE samplers were spiked with 11 or 12 PRCs and exposed for 6 weeks to four different velocities (in the range of 1.6 to 37.7 cm s−1) in river-like flow conditions using a channel system supplied with river water. A relationship between velocity and the uptakewas found for each iPCB and enables to determine expected changes in the uptake due to velocity variations. For both samplers, velocity increases from 2 to 10 cm s−1, 30 cm s−1 (interpolated data) and 100 cm s−1 (extrapolated data) lead to increases of the uptake which do not exceed a factor of 2, 3 and 4.5, respectively. Results also showed that the influence of velocity decreased with increasing the octanol-water coefficient partition (log Kow) of iPCBs when SR is used whereas the opposite effect was observed for LDPE. Time-weighted average (TWA) concentrations of iPCBs in water were calculated from iPCB uptake and PRC release. These calculations were performed using either a single PRC or all the PRCs. The efficiency of PRCs to correct the impact of velocity was assessed by comparing the TWA concentrations obtained at the four tested velocities. For SR, a good agreement was found among the four TWA concentrations with both methods (average RSD b 10%). Also for LDPE, PRCs offered a good correction of the impact of water velocity (average RSD of about 10 to 20%). These results contribute to the process of acceptance of passive sampling in routine regulatory monitoring programs.
Over the past decade, various implantable devices have been developed to treat diseases that were previously difficult to manage such diabetes, chronic pain, and neurodegenerative disorders. However, translation of these novel technologies into clinical practice is often difficult because fibrotic encapsulation and/or rejection impairs device function after body implantation. Ideally, cells of the host tissue should perceive the surface of the implant being similar to the normal extracellular matrix. Here, we developed an innovative approach to provide implant surfaces with adhesive protein micropatterns. The patterns were designed to promote adhesion of fibroblasts and macrophages by simultaneously suppressing fibrogenic activation of both cell types. In a rat model, subcutaneously implanted silicone pads provided with the novel micropatterns caused 6-fold lower formation of inflammatory giant cells compared with clinical grade, uncoated, or collagen-coated silicone implants. We further show that micropatterning of implants resulted in 2-3-fold reduced numbers of pro-fibrotic myofibroblast by inhibiting their mechanical activation. Our novel approach allows controlled cell attachment to implant surfaces, representing a critical advance for enhanced biointegration of implantable medical devices.
Ressonância magnética de mamas de pacientes com próteses mamárias de silicone foi realizada utilizando-se parâmetros técnicos predeterminados, comparando-se bobina de superfície dedicada às mamas e bobina de corpo no mesmo grupo. Foram comparadas 43 próteses mamárias do tipo gel de silicone em 24 pacientes. Observou-se que a relação sinal-ruído obtida pela bobina de superfície foi maior que a obtida pela bobina de corpo. Dobras do elastômero foram identificadas com igual resolução pelas bobinas de superfície e de corpo em cerca de 82% à direita e 95% à esquerda. Apenas em cerca de 5% dos casos as dobras foram visibilizadas utilizando-se exclusivamente a bobina de superfície específica para mamas. Demonstrou-se que o sinal do "linguine" encontrado nas próteses é visto pelos dois métodos praticamente igual. Houve apenas um caso em que o sinal do "linguine" foi visto pela bobina de superfície e não pela bobina de corpo. Evidenciou-se também que boceladuras ou deformidade de contornos podem ser avaliadas com alta concordância, utilizando-se tanto a bobina de superfície quanto a bobina de corpo. Concluiu-se que, embora a qualidade da imagem seja melhor com o uso da bobina de superfície, próteses mamárias também poderão ser avaliadas pela bobina de corpo na ausência de uma bobina específica para mamas, com o mesmo resultado diagnóstico.
OBJETIVO: Reduzir a dose de radiação e aumentar a vida útil do tubo de raios X em exames de tomografia computadorizada. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Foram avaliados exames de crânio, abdome superior e tórax. Foi verificado se a técnica utilizada poderia ser alterada, foram sugeridos novos protocolos, e feitas comparações de qualidade da imagem, dose de radiação e aquecimento do tubo de raios X. RESULTADOS: Uma redução no mAs pôde ser feita sem comprometer a qualidade do diagnóstico, proporcionando redução de até 20% na dose média dos exames de crânio em adultos e de até 45% em crianças com idade de 0 a 6 meses; pacientes com menos de 50 kg tiveram redução de aproximadamente 37% na dose média de radiação para os exames de abdome superior; para o exame de tórax de rotina a redução chegou a 54%. O aquecimento do tubo de raios X para os exames de crânio, abdome superior e tórax teve redução estimada em aproximadamente 13%, 23% e 41%, respectivamente. CONCLUSÃO: Uma alteração nos protocolos dos exames descritos acarretará diminuição significativa na dose de radiação e aumento na vida útil do tubo de raios X, sem comprometer o diagnóstico.
A flow cell assembled on the original geometry of a graphite tube to achieve permanent chemical modifier is proposed. The graphite tube operates as the working electrode. A stainless steel tube, positioned downstream from the working electrode, was used as the auxiliary electrode. The potential value applied on the graphite electrode was measured against a micro reference electrode (Ag/AgCl) inserted into the auxiliary electrode. Palladium solutions in acetate buffer (100 mmol L-1, pH = 4.8), flowing at 0.5 mL min-1 for 60 min was used to perform the electrochemical modification. A mercury solution (1 ng) was used to evaluate the performance of the permanent palladium modifier.
Alexander Borodin (1833-1887) is a singularity in the history of science. Whereas other scientists may have kept lifelong interests in some artistic field, he was unique in pursuing with great success two parallel careers in both chemistry and music, managing to excell in both to the end of his life. Although he considered himself primarily a chemist, present-day appreciation of his powerful music has greatly surpassed interest for his chemistry. This article treats the life and the unusual double career of the Russian chemist-musician.
A tubular electrochemical flow-cell for iridium deposition on the inner surface of pyrolytic graphite tube for permanent chemical modification is proposed. A transversal heated graphite tube was used as working electrode, a cylindrical piece of graphite inserted into the graphite tube as auxiliary electrode, and a micro Ag/AgCl(sat) as reference electrode. Iridium solution in 1.0 mol L-1 HCl, flowing at 0.55 mL min-1 for 60 min was used to perform the electrochemical modification. The applied potential to the flow-cell was - 0.700 V vs Ag/AgCl. Scanning electron microscopy images were taken for thermal and electrochemical modified graphite surface in order to evaluate the iridium distribution. Selenium hydride trapping was used to verify the performance of the proposed permanent chemical modifier.