70 resultados para Triterpenoids
本论文由三章组成。第一、二章分别报道钩藤、蹄叶橐吾的化学成分研究工作。从两种药用植物中共分离和鉴定了37 个化合物,其中有1 组6 个新的骨架相似的鞘糖脂类同系物及5 个新的倍半萜类化合物。第三章概述了艾里莫芬烷内酯类化合物的研究进展。 第一章报道钩藤(Uncaria rhynchophylla)带钩茎枝乙醇提取物的化学成分。采用正、反相硅胶柱层析等分离方法,运用NMR、MS 等波谱技术共分离鉴定得到22 个化合物,分属于五环三萜类化合物、鞘糖脂类化合物等,其中有1 组6个新的鞘糖脂类化合物同系物,另外有7 个化合物首次从该植物中分离得到。 第二章报道蹄叶橐吾(Ligularia fischeri)根部乙醇提取物化学成分的分离纯化和结构鉴定。通过正、反相硅胶柱层析等分离纯化和MS、NMR 等波谱解析,共分离鉴定得到18 个化合物,其中5 个是新化合物。它们的结构分别确定为3β-acetyl-6β, 8α, 10β-trihydroxyeremophila-7(11)-en-8, 12-olide (23), 3β-acetyl-8β,10β-dihydroxy-6β-(2-methylbutyryloxy)-eremophilenolide (24), 3β-acetyl-6β, 10β-dihydroxyeremophila-7(11), 8(9)-dien-8, 12-olide (25), 3β-acetyl-6β, 10β-dihydroxyeremophila- 7(11), 8(9)-dien-8, 12-olide (26), (3aR, 4R, 5S, 7aS)-2-acetyl-7ahydroxy-3a, 4, 5, 6, 7, 7a-hexahydro-1H-inden-5-yl acetate (27)。这5 个化合物经体外生物活性测试,结果表明化合物23 具有抑制酪氨酸磷酸酯酶的活性, 其IC50 值为1.30 μg/ml。 第三章概述了近二十年来艾里莫芬烷内酯类化合物的研究进展,包括其结构及药理活性两个方面,列举了从23 种植物中分到的114 个艾里莫芬烷内酯类化合物,同时也对其主要生物活性进行了总结。 This dissertation consists of three chapters. The first and second chapters elaborate the phytochemical investigation of Uncaria rhynchophylla and Ligularia fischeri. Thirty-seven compounds, including six new ones, were isolated and identified by spectroscopic methods and X-ray diffraction experiments. The third chapter is a review on the study progress of Eremophilanolides. The first chapter focus on the isolation and identification of chemical constituents from Uncaria rhynchophylla. Twenty-two compounds were isolated from the roots of U. rhynchophylla by repeat column chromatography over normal and reversed phase silica gel. Those compounds mainly belonged pentacyclic triterpenoids and sphingolipids. Among them, a series homologues of six sphingolipids were new compounds and seven compounds were firstly reported in this plant. The second chapter is about the phytochemical investigation of L. fischeri. Eighteen compounds were isolated and identified. Among them, four new erem-ophilanolides and a new dinoreremophilane derivative were characterized as 3β-acetyl-6β, 8α, 10β-trihydroxyeremophila-7(11)-en-8, 12-olide (23), 3β-acetyl-8β, 10β-dihydroxy-6β-(2-methylbutyryloxy)-eremophilenolide (24), 3β-acetyl-6β, 10β-dihydroxyeremophila-7(11), 8(9)-dien-8,12-olide (25), 3β-acetyl-6β, 10α-dihydroxyeremophila- 7(11), 8(9)-dien-8,12-olide (26), (3aR,4R,5S,7aS)-2-acetyl-7a-hydroxy-3a, 4, 5, 6,7, 7a-hexahydro-1H-inden-5-yl acetate (27) by spectroscopic analysis and confirmed by X-ray crystallography analysis. It was revealed that compound 23 has the ability to inhabit the PTP1B in vivo. And its IC50 is 1.30 μg/ml. The third part is a review on the study progress of Eremophilanolides.
本学位论文首先报道了为解决低极性化合物的电喷雾质谱(ESI-MS)分析难题而建立的一种衍生化分析方法;然后从色谱-质谱联用分析、分离纯化和结构鉴定等方面分别报道了几种中藏药材的活性成分研究。论文由下述六章组成: 第一章报道了盐酸羟胺衍生化方法在电喷雾质谱 (ESI-MS) 分析中的应用。该方法利用盐酸羟胺和羰基成肟的快速反应,建立了针对三萜酮等含酮或醛羰基低极性化合物的ESI-MS 信号增强技术。此方法不仅可应用于增强羰基化合物的ESI-MS 质谱信号,还可检测化合物中羰基的个数以及辨别涉及羰基官能团的同分异构体。此外,通过简单的氧化反应,还可将该方法拓展到三萜醇、甾醇等含羟基的低极性化合物,增强它们的ESI-MS 信号。对比已报道的相关ESI-MS 增强质谱信号的衍生化方法,此方法有经济、实用、快速和简便的显著特点。 第二章是关于野生羌活及其栽培品种化学成分的色谱-质谱联用分析。对不同产地野生羌活生长过程中活性成分的动态变化、野生羌活不同形态部位和人工栽培羌活中的活性成分含量进行了HPLC 定量分析。结果表明主要活性成分羌活醇和异欧前胡素都随生长期存在规律性变化,羌活不同形态部位中的活性成分含量也有明显不同。这些实验结果有些较好地印证了传统中医的用药理论,有些也对羌活的传统使用方法提出了新的建议。 第三章介绍了几种传统中藏药材的色谱-质谱联用及串联质谱分析。通过GC-MS 方法,从藏药材长花党参挥发油中共分离鉴定出45 个化合物;利用HPLC方法测定了该藏药材中的主要化学成分——木犀草素的含量(0.7%);利用串联质谱技术,对西番莲和射干中的主要成分进行了快速鉴定,从西番莲中鉴定了4个黄酮碳苷;从不同产地的射干和川射干中鉴定了8 个主要异黄酮成分,其中包括一个未见报道的化合物。 第四章的内容为藏药材石莲叶点地梅的活性成分研究。从植物石莲叶点地梅(Androsace integra (Maxim.) Hand.-Mazz.) 乙醇提取物的正丁醇萃取部分共分离和鉴定了6 个化合物,利用MS 和NMR 等现代波谱学技术阐明了它们的结构:其中包括4 个三萜类化合物:分别是androsacin (1)、 ardisiacrispin A (2) 、saxifragifolin A (3) 和20(29)-lupen-3-one (4);一个神经酰胺:4-羟基-Δ8,9(Z)-鞘氨醇-2'-羟基正二十四碳酸酰胺(5);一个甾体类化合物:胡萝卜苷(6)。化合物1为新的13,28-epoxy-oleanane 型三萜皂苷,在其结构表征的过程中,采用LC-MS 进行糖分析,获得了值得推广的好结果。通过活性筛选发现化合物1~3 对HepG2肝癌细胞表现出不同程度的抑制活性,其中化合物2 活性最好,其IG50 为1.65μg/mL。 第五章是关于一些传统中藏药材的农药活性筛选。利用Syngenta 公司的活性筛选平台对68 种传统中藏药材醇提物进行了抗菌和除草的生物源农药活性筛选。结果表明所筛选的68 种植物提取物中,共有14 种样品表现出明显的除草/杀虫活性,其中水母雪莲花、松萝和茯神木等植物提取物还具有多种生物活性。活性成分还有待进一步追踪分离、纯化和结构鉴定。 第六章为文献综述,概述了羌活药材的研究进展。对羌活属及药用羌活植物从分类学、本草学、品质评价、人工栽培、化学成分及药理作用等方面进行了文献归纳和总结。 In this dissertation, an electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI-MS) signal enhancement method, as well as the work of bioactive components study, HPLC-MS/MS application, bioassay screening, chromatograph separation and structure identification of the metabolites in several medicinal herbs have been reported. First chapter expounded a rapid, simple ESI-MS sensitivity enhancement method for detecting carbonyl groups in natural products has been developed by using hydroxylamine hydrochloride (NH2OH·HCl) as a derivatization reagent. We use the oxime formed during the derivatization reactions and its Beckmann rearrangement intermediates as a means of detecting the carbonyl groups originally present in these triterpenoids. In comparison with other derivatization methods in the literature, this method is simple, specific and can be used to detect carbonyl groups in triterpenoids which have low polarity and are poorly or non-ionizable. Moreover, it can also be used to detect hydroxyl groups by using the Dess-Martin periodinane (DMP) to convert primary and secondary hydroxyls into carbonyl groups. Chapter 2 reported an HPLC-MS method for analyzing the main bioactive compounds in both wild and cultured Notopterygium incisum. The results indicated that the main bioactive compounds varied through different seasons regularly, and in different commercial parts of this herb the content of these compounds also differed from each other. The quantitative analysis results showed that in the traditional commercial parts, the content of main chemical constitutes in Silkworm Notopterygium, Bamboo Notopterygium and Irregular-nodal Notopterygium are higher than that in Striped Notopterygium. This result is tally with the traditionally concept that the quality of Notopterygium, Bamboo Notopterygium and Irregular-nodal Notopterygium are better than that of Striped Notopterygium, which means that the quality of rhizomes is better than main roots. The chemical constituents of cultured N. incisum is reported for the first time in this dissertation and the analysis results showed some growth curves of chemical constituents in this plant, but still left some questions unanswered. Chapter 3 discussed the GC/LC-MS analysis of the traditional Chinese medicines Codonopsis thalictrifolis, Passiflora incarnate, Belamcanda chinensis and Passiflora incarnate. The main constituent, luteolin was isolated and identified from the traditional Tibet medicine of C. thalictrifolis. The quantitative analysis by HPLC has revealed that the content of luteolin in this herb is 0.7%. GC-MS was employed to analyzed chemical constituents of the essential oil from the flower of C. thalictrifolis. More than 60 peaks were detected and 45 of them were identified by comparing their spectra with that of the standards in the database and literatures. ESI-MS/MS was used to analyze the n-butanol extract of Passiflora incarnate. Based on the information of pseudo molecular ions and fragment ions of the glycosides, four major flavone-C-glycosides have been detected and identified as 7-methoxyluteolin-6-C-β-D-glucopyranoside, vitexin, swertisin and orientin. The isoflavone compounds in theextracts of three samples of B. chinensis collected in Gansu, Sichuan and Hunan, and the extract of Iris tectorum collected in Sichuan were analyzed by using TOF-HRMS and IT-MS. From the extracts of these herbs, a new isoflavone, identified as 5’,5,6,7-tetrahydroxy-3’4’-dimethoxyl isoflavon, and 7 known ones have been identified by analyzing the fragmentation patterns and their molecular formulas given by HRMS and the tandem mass spectrometry acquired by IT-MS. Chapter 4 elucidated the isolation and identification of a new triterpene saponin, androsacin (1), along with five known compounds (2-6) were isolated from the whole plants of Androsace integra (Maxim.) Hand.-Mazz., an herb used in traditional Chinese and Tibetan medicine. The chemical structure of the new compound was established as 3β-O-{β-D-glucopyranosyl-(1→4)-O-β-D-xylopyranosyl-(1→2)-O-β-D-glucopyranosyl-(1→4)-[O-β-D-glucopyranosyl-(1→2)]-α-L-arabinopyranosyl}-16α-hydroxy-13β,28-epoxy-olean-30-al by analyzing its MS, 1D- and 2D-NMR spectra. Compound 2 was cytotoxic toward HepG2 cancer cell with the GI50 value of 1.65 μg/mL. Chapter 5 described the biogenic pesticide activity screening of 68 traditional Chinese and Tibetan medicine extractions. The intention of this study is to explore bioactive natural compounds from these traditional medicinal herbs for biogenic insecticides use. Based on Syngenta’s bioassay, 14 extractions of these traditional medicines showed pesticide activities, and some of them had multi-activities on antibacterial and insecticidal. Chapter 6 is a review on the chemical and bioactivity research progress of Notopterygium incisum and N. forbesii.
Twenty-four compounds including eight steroids (1-8), nine triterpenoids (9-16, 24), three flavonoids (20-22), and four benzenecarboxylic derivatives (17-19, 23) were isolated and identified from stems and twigs of medicinal mangrove plant Sonneratia caseolaris. The structures of the isolated compounds were determined by extensive analysis of their spectroscopic data. Among these metabolites, compounds 1, 4-20 and 22-24 were isolated and identified for the first time from S. caseolaris. In the in vitro cytotoxic assay against SMMC-7721 human hepatoma cells, compound 21 (3',4',5,7-tetrahydroxyflavone) exhibited significant activity with IC50 2.8 mu g/mL, while oleanolic acid (14), 3,3'-di-O-methyl ether ellagic acid (18), and 3,3',4-O-tri-O-methyl ether ellagic acid (19) showed weak activity. None of these compounds displayed significant antibacterial activites.
Among marine bacteria isolated from the cytotoxic sponge Hymeniacidon perleve, one strain NJ6-3-1 classified as Pseudomonas sp. showed both cytotoxic and antimicrobial activities. Fatty acid analysis indicated that the bacterial strain consists mainly of C16:1, C16:0, C18:1, C18:0, C15:0, C14:0. One unusual 9,10-cyclopropane-C17:0 fatty acid and C26:0 also constitute major components, as well as the existence of squalene, the precursor of triterpenoids. The major metabolites in the culture broth were identified as alkaloids, including diketopiperazines and indole compounds, namely 3,6-diisopropylpiperazine-2,5-dione, 3-benzyl-3-isopropylpiperazine-2,5-dione, 3,6-bis-(2-methylpropyl)-piperazine-2,5-dione, indole-3-carboxaldehyde, indole-3-carboxylic acid methyl ester, indole-3-ethanol, and quinazoline-2,4-dione.
Eleven known compounds were isolated from the roots of Euphorbia wallichii for the first time. They were elucidated to be three triterpenoids, β-amyrin (1), β-amyrin acetate (2) and 3β-acetoxy-lupenol (3), one nor-triterpene peroxide baccatin (4), two caffeic esters (5a, 5b), palmitic acid-2,3-dihydroxypropanenyl ester (6), palmitic acid (7), scopoletin (8), β-sitosterol (9) and daucosterol (10) on the basis of spectral methods. Among them, compound 5a, 5b were reported firstly in the spurge family. And the NMR assignments of compounds 5a and 5b were given for the first time.
Hopanoids are pentacyclic triterpenoids that are thought to be bacterial surrogates for eukaryotic sterols, such as cholesterol, acting to stabilize membranes and to regulate their fluidity and permeability. To date, very few studies have evaluated the role of hopanoids in bacterial physiology. The synthesis of hopanoids depends on the enzyme squalene-hopene cyclase (Shc), which converts the linear squalene into the basic hopene structure. Deletion of the 2 genes encoding Shc enzymes in Burkholderia cenocepacia K56-2, BCAM2831 and BCAS0167, resulted in a strain that was unable to produce hopanoids, as demonstrated by gas chromatography and mass spectrometry. Complementation of the Delta shc mutant with only BCAM2831 was sufficient to restore hopanoid production to wild-type levels, while introducing a copy of BCAS0167 alone into the Delta shc mutant produced only very small amounts of the hopanoid peak. The Delta shc mutant grew as well as the wild type in medium buffered to pH 7 and demonstrated no defect in its ability to survive and replicate within macrophages, despite transmission electron microscopy (TEM) revealing defects in the organization of the cell envelope. The Delta shc mutant displayed increased sensitivity to low pH, detergent, and various antibiotics, including polymyxin B and erythromycin. Loss of hopanoid production also resulted in severe defects in both swimming and swarming motility. This suggests that hopanoid production plays an important role in the physiology of B. cenocepacia.
Ethanol extracts of four propolis samples (E1-E4) from Manaus (Brazilian Amazon) were analysed by HPLC/DAD/ESI-MS/MS and GC/EIMS. The major constituents of E2 and E4 were analysed by NMR ((1)H and (13)C) and ESI/MS/MS. The main constituents of E2 and E4 are polyprenylated benzophenones: 7-epi-nemorosone, 7-epi-clusianone (major E4 constituents), xanthochymol and gambogenone (major E2 constituents), making up a chemical profile so far unreported for Brazilian propolis. Aristhophenone, methyl insigninone, 18-ethyloxy-17-hydroxy-17,18-dihydroscrobiculatone B, and derivatives of dimethyl weddellianone A and B, propolones, and a scrobiculatone derivative, were detected as minor constituents. Triterpenoids (beta-amyrins, beta-amyrenone, lupeol and lupenone) were ubiquitous and predominant in El and E3. The extracts E2 and E4 were highly active against the cariogenic bacteria Streptococcus mitis, Streptococcus mutans and Streptococcus salivarius. E2 was more active than E4, probably due to a higher content of 2-epi-nemorosone, while the latter was richer in di-hydroxylated compounds. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
This paper describes a chemotaxonomic analysis of a database of triterpenoid compounds from the Celastraceae family using principal component analysis (PCA). The numbers of occurrences of thirty types of triterpene skeleton in different tribes of the family were used as variables. The study shows that PCA applied to chemical data can contribute to an intrafamilial classification of Celastraceae, once some questionable taxa affinity was observed, from chemotaxonomic inferences about genera and they are in agreement with the phylogeny previously proposed. The inclusion of Hippocrateaceae within Celastraceae is supported by the triterpene chemistry.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
A família Apiaceae (Umbelliferae), também denominada de pioneira das praias, é capaz de habitar locais de alto teor de salinidade, além de suportar a ação dos ventos e das ondas. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo o estudo da anatomia foliar e radicular e analisar constituintes químicos das folhas e do sistema radicular, caracterizando grupos químicos biologicamente ativos presentes nesses órgãos que permitam aplicações farmacológicas. O material foi coletado na região de Proteção Ambiental Iguape, Cananéia, Peruíbe. As folhas são dorsiventrais, com epiderme unisseriada, bordo regular, parênquima paliçádico com duas a três camadas e parênquima lacunoso com oito e nove camadas de células. É anfiestomática, apresentando grandes câmaras subestomáticas com maior incidência de estômatos na epiderme abaxial. O feixe vascular é colateral apresentando células de esclerênquima em forma de meia lua ao redor do xilema e do floema. O pecíolo apresenta contorno irregular, está envolvido por colênquima em toda sua extensão e apresenta grande quantidade de canais secretores entre os feixes vasculares. O rizoma apresenta contorno irregular com variação de 10 a 15 camadas de células de parênquima constituindo o córtex. O cilindro central é constituído por feixes colaterais delimitados pela endoderme. O periciclo é sinuoso e envolve totalmente os feixes vasculares. Sob a epiderme há uma faixa contínua de colênquima. A medula é constituída de células de parênquima de parede fina. H. umbellata apresentou triterpenos, saponinas, flavonóides, compostos poliacetilênicos e leucoceramidas. Folhas e rizomas apresentaram constituintes químicos semelhantes, com diferenças apenas na intensidade dos picos, o que denota diferença quantitativa entre as substâncias presentes. O rendimento do extrato do rizoma é menor que o rendimento das folhas.
Five different morphological types of Maytenus ilicifolia of the same age and harvested under the same conditions showed distinct accumulations of some friedo-nor-oleananes. A rapid, sensitive and reliable reverse-phase HPLC method (employing an external standard) was used for the determination of the cytotoxic triterpenoids, 20alpha-hydroxymaytenin, 22beta-hydroxymaytenin, maytenin, celastrol and pristimerin in each of the five types. Well resolved peaks with good detection response and linearity in the range 1.0-100 mug/mL were obtained. Copyright (C) 2002 John Wiley Sons, Ltd.
Drimys angustifolia Miers. (Winteraceae) is a Brazilian medicinal plant used as analgesic, antiulcer and anti-inflammatory without studies to assure its efficacy and safety Leaf and stem bark extracts were evaluated to determine the antiulcer, analgesic, antiinflammatory and antioxidant activities. Preliminary toxic effects and qualitative phytochemical profile were also performed. The antiulcer activity was detected in both extracts. Administration of the leaf extract at 250 mg/kg inhibited total lesion area by 76.50% (p < 0.01 in ethanol/HCl method), while carbenoxolone at 250 mg/kg reduced lesions by 69.48%. Stem bark extract (250 mg/kg) inhibited lesion by 81.42%, while carbenoxolone by 74.10%. Similar effects were observed in the ethanol-induced ulcer method, but no activity was observed in piroxican model. The effects involve nitric oxide in gastric protection, since the L-NAME treatment reversed the protection given by the extracts. Antioxidant effects suggest an involvement against oxidative stress. In the pain (writhing, tail-flick and hot-plate tests) and inflammation (carrageenan-induced paw edema) models, the extracts did not present any effect. The phytochemical studies demonstrated that both extracts contain flavonoids, saponins, glycosilated triterpenoids, fixed acids, cyanogenic glycosides, quinones, tannins, xanthone and steroidal aglycones. Toxicological studies showed that the extracts are safe at the effective antiulcer doses. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V.. All rights reserved.