132 resultados para Trim


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A study of fishing crafts was conducted in some coastal states of Nigeria to elucidate findings on the existing crafts as the baseline for further developments. Based on the technical designs, three types of fishing crafts were identified; planked, dug-out and half dug-out canoes. The planked canoes have the largest cubic number and dug-out canoes the least. At loadwater line, the ratio of freeboard to draft was 2 : 1 for planked canoes, indicating reserved buoyancy. Trim of planked canoe is by stern; the beam-length ratio for dug-out canoes showed high drag. Most of the sea-going canoes have U-shaped bottom hull profile capable of withstanding the rigours of surf landing and displayed good stability against longitudinal water wave. Gunwale and thwarts provided respectively the longitudinal and transverse strength of planked and half dug-out canoes. With its characteristics 'weight low down' construction, planked canoe represent the climax of small scale fishing crafts developments in Nigerian coastal waters. It's only draw back is durability. Further improvement in this canoe should be aimed at increasing the hull size and stiffness, water tightness of deck by coating, caulking, fastening, increasing level of motorization and installation of deck working equipments. Experimental design and use of fibre glass, aluminium and ferrocement hulls, together with improved planked canoe is highly advocated


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Este trabalho de mestrado estudou a ilha de Martin Vaz e cinco montes submarinos da Cadeia Vitória-Trindade Columbia, Dogaressa, Davis, Jaseur e Montague. Martin Vaz é um conjunto de ilhas formado pela ilha principal - Martin Vaz, duas ilhotas íngremes e inacessíveis - a Ilha do Norte e a Ilha do Sul além de vários rochedos menores, como o Rochedo Agulha, espalhados a 48 km a leste de Trindade, perfazendo uma área total de 0,3 km. Martin Vaz, assim como os montes submarinos, pertencem a chamada Cadeia Vitória-Trindade, estão inseridos em um contexto tectônico regional cujo trend W-E sugere representar o track da pluma mantélica de Trindade quando da passagem da Placa Sul Americana sobre ela desde o Terciário (CROUGH et al., 1980; OCONNOR & DUNCAN, 1990, GIBSON et at., 1997). A petrografia das amostras de Martin Vaz indica haver basanitos parcialmente alteradas, melanocráticas, textura afanítica, porosas, apresentando vesículas em torno de 1,0-5,0 milímetros. Apresenta fenocristais de piroxênio além de alguns fenocristais de olivina verde-oliva translúcido variando de 1,0-3,0 milímetros. A ilha principal apresenta também diques e necks fonolíticos apresentando matriz microlítica alterada, orientada, de cor verde apresentando minerais ripiformes de cor branca (feldspato alcalino) e outros de cor violácea (titanoaugita) além de pequenos opacos. Pequenos fenocristais de aegerina-augita fortemente pleocroica, alguns apresentando geminação simples, por vezes zonado, apresenta extinção variando de c ∧ α ou X = 23 a 33 (medida de 10 grãos). Biotita laranja amarronzada com textura poiquilítica (1,0 mm), minúsculos cristais euédricos de titanita (raros), além de cristais pseudohexagonais isotrópicos alterados de analcita e carbonatos. As amostras utilizadas neste trabalho de mestrado possuem valor mínimo de 33.91 % SiO2 (TRIM-01D) e máximo de 52,2 (MVA-01) variando de ultrabásicas a básicas. Através da análise dos óxidos SiO2 e MgO é possível distinguir dois grupos de rochas para Martin Vaz: um ultramáfico magnesiano (<42% SiO2 e >7% MgO) e um básico (>45% SiO2) e, para os montes submarinos, dois grupos: um ultramáfico magnesiano (>9% MgO <42% SiO2) e um básico (>45% SiO2 e com valores de MgO em torno de 4%). As análises de Ar-Ar para as quatro amostras de Martin Vaz apresentam idades para o derrame de basanito variando de 320366 Ka (MVA-10) à 623127 Ka (MVA-04). A única amostra datada representando do dique de fonólito é a MVA-05B e obteve idade de 64984 Ka, indicando ser contemporânea ao derrame basanítico.


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The paper communicates the results of field trials conducted with a dismantlable insulated galvanised iron container designed and fabricated by the first two authors in their laboratory. Different varieties of fishes and different types of packing, namely, fresh iced, chilled iced and frozen were employed in the transportation experiments which were conducted from Kakinada to Howrah, Kakinada to New Delhi and Paradeep to Howrah. In all the experiments the container performed exceedingly well and has still remained in very trim condition.


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Robustness enhancement for Shock Control Bumps (SCBs) on transonic wings is an ongoing topic because most designs provide drag savings only in a relatively small band of the airfoil polar. In this paper, different bump shapes are examined with CFD methods which are validated first by comparison with wind tunnel results. An evaluation method is introduced allowing the robustness assessment of a certain design with little computational effort. Shape optimizations are performed to trim SCB designs to maximum performance on the one hand and maximum robustness on the other hand. The results are analysed and different and parameters influencing the robustness are suggested. Copyright © 2012 by Klemens Nuebler.


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The electron emission yields from the interaction of slow highly charged ions (SHCI) He2+, O2+ and Ne2+ with clean Si surface are measured separately. It is found that electron emission yield gamma increases proportionally to projectile kinetic energy E-p/M-p, ranging from 0.75 keV/u to 10.5 keV/u (i.e. 3.8 x 10(5) m/s <= v(p) <= 1.42 x 10(6) m/s), and it is higher for heavy ions (O2+ and Ne2+) than for light ion (He2+). For O2+ and Ne2+, gamma increases with Z(p) decreasing in our energy range, and it shows quite different from the result for higher projectile kinetic energy. After calculating the stopping power by using TRIM 2006, it is found that the fraction of secondary electrons induced by recoil atoms increases significantly at lower projectile energy, thereby leads to the differences in gamma for heavy ions O2+ and Ne2+ between lower and higher projectile kinetic energy.


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The Super-FRS (Super FRagment Separator) is a part of FAIR (Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research), which will be constructed at GSI, Germany by 17 countries. The Super-FRS comprises 24 superferric dipole magnets. The 2D and 3D magnetic field simulations of the prototype magnet are described in this paper. A passive trim slot and four chamfered removable poles are used to satisfy the required field homogeneity which is better than +/-3 x 10(-4) at 1.6 T, 0.8 T and 0.16 T in a wide elliptical useable aperture of 380 mm x 140 mm. Measurement results at various field levels are shown in this paper as well. It can be seen from the comparison of calculation and measurement results that the magnetic designs of the magnet fulfils the requirements.


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本文以TEM为测量手段,研究了室温下3.02MeV的He离子辐照固溶处理和固溶冷轧处理的两种316L不狙钢中的内部氦泡空间排列及分布与深度的关系,辐照剂量分别为5.46 * 10~(17)He/cm~2和5.14 * 10~(17)He/cm~2。TEM试样是采用了一种特殊的横截面技术制成的。这种方法可以方便地从一个样品中获得整个投影射程上的全部信息。对TEM照片的测量得到了He泡直径数密度及体积肿胀随粒子λ射深度的分布。TEM研究表明:He主要以He泡形式存在于基体中。He泡直径分布在1到4nm间,He泡数密度高达10~(17)-10~(18)no./cm~3,He泡肿胀约为0.4%;He泡直径数密度及He泡肿胀随深度的变化而变化。也就是说,He泡直径数密度及He泡肿胀随剂量的增加而增大;TEM照片中观察到了He泡连通;固溶冷轧样中的He泡直径数密度及He泡肿胀比固溶处理样中的要小; He泡数密度及肿胀分布与用TRIM-86程序计算得到的注He浓度及位移损伤分布基本相一致。另外,用SEM观察辐照样品表面形貌时,表面未见有任何发泡产生


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用51.4 MeV的碳离子,在500 ℃的温度下辐照了两个316L不锈钢样品,峰剂量分别达到34dpa(3.15 * 10~(17) ions/cm~2)和124dpa(1.14 * 10~(18) ions/cm~2)。通过扫描电子显微镜(SEM)和透射电子显微镜(TEM)观察了离子入射面的形貌和横截面试样中的空洞肿胀。提出了用SEM观测空洞肿胀的新方法并在原理上论证了通过SEM观测来推测空洞肿胀及空洞大小分布的可行性。得出了空洞面积肿胀在数值上等于体积肿胀的结论,并推导了由SEM观测的空洞切口大小分布计算空洞大小分布的公式。通过横截面试样的扫描电镜照片,测量了横截面空洞切口直径和面积肿胀随离子注入深度的变化关系;通过横截面试样的透射电镜照片,测量了样品内部的空洞大小分布。用TRIM计算机程序计算了位移损伤分布,并将它与空洞面积肿胀在深度方向上的分布进行了比较


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本论文通过对kb,kr,方法的讨论,纠正了以前的等时场计算方法中存在的1‰的误差.理论和实际情况符合得很好.编制了HIRFL SSC SFC等时场优化程序,以及SSC二维场构造程序,在计算机上进行了SSC模拟优化.优化结果表明,上述程序在理论上可以自洽.


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Monolithic capillary columns for affinity chromatography were prepared by an in situ polymerization procedure using glycidyl methacrylate (GMA) as a monomer and trimethylolpropane trimethacrylate (TRIM) and ethylene dimethacrylate (EDMA) as cross-linkers, respectively. Scanning electron microscopy was applied to characterize the morphology of the end of monolithic capillary and mercury intrusion porosimetry to characterize the polymer rod prepared within the confines of a stainless steel column with 50 mm x 4.6 mm i.d. under the same polymerization condition. Obvious differences in the porous properties between the TRIM- and EDMA-based monoliths could be observed. Moreover, the mechanical stability of these two monolithic capillary columns was compared by testing the reproducibility of the column performance. The rod prepared with GMA and TRIM proved to be mechanically more stable than that prepared with GMA and EDMA. Protein A was immobilized on the monolithic rod for affinity chromatography and the experiments were performed on a capillary electrophoresis instrument, using its pressure system as the driving force. Non-specific adsorption was not observed on the TRIM-based affinity column, as proved with bovine serum albumin (BSA) as a test protein. The affinity column prepared with GMA and TRIM was then applied to determine the hIgG concentration in human serum. The correlative coefficient of the calibration curve reached 0.9942. The amount of adsorbed hIgG was unaffected by the flow rate of the loading buffer, which makes this method suitable for fast determination of biomacromolecules in microliter samples. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V All rights reserved.


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The receptor deleted in colorectal cancer (DCC) directs dynamic polarizing activities in animals toward its extracellular ligand netrin. How DCC polarizes toward netrin is poorly understood. By performing live-cell imaging of the DCC orthologue UNC-40 during anchor cell invasion in Caenorhabditis elegans, we have found that UNC-40 clusters, recruits F-actin effectors, and generates F-actin in the absence of UNC-6 (netrin). Time-lapse analyses revealed that UNC-40 clusters assemble, disassemble, and reform at periodic intervals in different regions of the cell membrane. This oscillatory behavior indicates that UNC-40 clusters through a mechanism involving interlinked positive (formation) and negative (disassembly) feedback. We show that endogenous UNC-6 and ectopically provided UNC-6 orient and stabilize UNC-40 clustering. Furthermore, the UNC-40-binding protein MADD-2 (a TRIM family protein) promotes ligand-independent clustering and robust UNC-40 polarization toward UNC-6. Together, our data suggest that UNC-6 (netrin) directs polarized responses by stabilizing UNC-40 clustering. We propose that ligand-independent UNC-40 clustering provides a robust and adaptable mechanism to polarize toward netrin.


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This paper describes the use of the Euler equations for the generation and testing of tabular aerodynamic models for flight dynamics analysis. Maneuvers for the AGARD Standard Dynamics Model sharp leading-edge wind-tunnel geometry are considered as a test case. Wind-tunnel data is first used to validate the prediction of static and dynamic coefficients at both low and high angles, featuring complex vortical flow, with good agreement obtained at low to moderate angles of attack. Then the generation of aerodynamic tables is described based on a data fusion approach. Time-optimal maneuvers are generated based on these tables, including level flight trim, pull-ups at constant and varying incidence, and level and 90 degrees turns. The maneuver definition includes the aircraft states and also the control deflections to achieve the motion. The main point of the paper is then to assess the validity of the aerodynamic tables which were used to define the maneuvers. This is done by replaying them, including the control surface motions, through the time accurate computational fluid dynamics code. The resulting forces and moments are compared with the tabular values to assess the presence of inadequately modeled dynamic or unsteady effects. The agreement between the tables and the replay is demonstrated for slow maneuvers. Increasing rate maneuvers show discrepancies which are ascribed to vortical flow hysteresis at the higher rate motions. The framework is suitable for application to more complex viscous flow models, and is powerful for the assessment of the validity of aerodynamics models of the type currently used for studies of flight dynamics.


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A comparative study of different polymeric formats for the targeting of corticosteroids, focusing on the use of bulk monolith and precipitation polymerisation strategies, was performed and the effect on recognition behaviour was studied. Hydrocortisone-17-butyrate was selected as the template and methacrylic acid as the functional monomer, following 1H NMR investigation of the pre-polymerisation mixture. Three different cross-linkers were tested, ranging from moderate to highly hydrophobic. The synthesised bulk and precipitated imprinted polymers were physically characterised by nitrogen sorption and evaluated by means of HPLC and frontal chromatography against a range of template analogues. While some degree of selectivity for the template was achieved for all tested polymers, the ones based on the tri-functional cross-linking monomer TRIM exhibited the longest retention for all corticosteroids, especially in the precipitated format, which suggested 31 broader group selectivity.


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Static timing analysis provides the basis for setting the clock period of a microprocessor core, based on its worst-case critical path. However, depending on the design, this critical path is not always excited and therefore dynamic timing margins exist that can theoretically be exploited for the benefit of better speed or lower power consumption (through voltage scaling). This paper introduces predictive instruction-based dynamic clock adjustment as a technique to trim dynamic timing margins in pipelined microprocessors. To this end, we exploit the different timing requirements for individual instructions during the dynamically varying program execution flow without the need for complex circuit-level measures to detect and correct timing violations. We provide a design flow to extract the dynamic timing information for the design using post-layout dynamic timing analysis and we integrate the results into a custom cycle-accurate simulator. This simulator allows annotation of individual instructions with their impact on timing (in each pipeline stage) and rapidly derives the overall code execution time for complex benchmarks. The design methodology is illustrated at the microarchitecture level, demonstrating the performance and power gains possible on a 6-stage OpenRISC in-order general purpose processor core in a 28nm CMOS technology. We show that employing instruction-dependent dynamic clock adjustment leads on average to an increase in operating speed by 38% or to a reduction in power consumption by 24%, compared to traditional synchronous clocking, which at all times has to respect the worst-case timing identified through static timing analysis.