997 resultados para Trial justice


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While the justice system assumes adulthood is reached by the age of 18 and given the increase in the number of juveniles being tried within adult court, it is imperative to understand whether young people are as criminally culpable for their actions as adults and where differences may lie in the maturity of young people and their adult counterparts. Psychological maturity was assessed in order to gain a better understanding of culpability and responsibility in at-risk young people, 18-year-olds and 25-year-olds to determine where psychosocial maturity levels and the propensity to make antisocial decisions differ and, if so, how. At-risk young people and 18-year-olds differed from 25-year-olds in psychological maturity levels, instigating implications for future research and the trial of young people as adults.


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This article analyses the sentencing judgment issued on 11 January 2007 bythe Ethiopian Federal High Court in the case of Mengistu Hailemariam andhis co-accused who had been tried, among others, on charges of genocide andcrimes against humanity. This was the first African trial where an entire regimewas brought to justice before a national court for atrocities committed while inpower. Twenty-five of the 55 accused found guilty, including Mengistu, were triedin absentia (Mengistu remains in exile in Zimbabwe). The trial took 12 years,making it one of the longest ever trials for genocide. In December 2006, Mengistuwas convicted by majority vote of genocide and crimes against humanity pursuant toArticle 281of the1957 Ethiopian Penal Code, which includes ‘political groups’amongthe groups protected against genocide. A dissenting judge took the position that theaccused should have been convicted of aggravated homicide because the relevant part of the provision had been repealed. A few weeks later, the Court, by majority,sentenced the top tier of the accused to life imprisonment, taking into accountcertain extenuating circumstances. If not for these, the death penalty would havebeen imposed. In addition to ensuring some accountability, the judgmentis important for providing an official and detailed account of what happenedin those years in Ethiopia under Mengistu’s reign. Given that in Ethiopia there areno official gazettes where court judgments are published, it is unlikely that the publicwill be able to read the judgment and thus become aware of what had happened.In addition to analysing the reasoning of the court, this article also looks intothe prevailing political circumstances in the country and reflects upon the trialand the reception that this important decision has had, and will receive, in thewider community.


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I argue that there are unconsidered complexities to police legitimacy and use examples from my study of police–public consultation forums in Edinburgh, Scotland to illustrate. I make a number of conceptual and methodological critiques by drawing upon Steven Lukes’ social theory on power to show how legitimacy can be a product of authority relations as much as it is a cause of authority relations. This view finds support from systems-justification theory. I also tackle Beetham’s conception of legitimacy and argue that there is evidence from police studies that the police breach his key antecedents to legitimacy without incurring the expected consequences. Furthermore, I take an original methodological approach to studying police legitimacy which reveals additional insights. For instance, Bottoms and Tankebe suggest legitimacy addresses multiple ‘audiences’; I would also add that it addresses multiple recipients as legitimacy is shown to vary among officers and positions of rank.


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Record book of justice of the peace Eldad Taylor, covering cases of debt, libel, rape, profanity, assault, breach of contract and theft. Each entry gives a full statement of the case and its settlement, including decisions of referees, costs, damages, appeals, etc.


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"August 1991."


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Introduction: The thirteenth juror.--Scottsboro.--Mooney and Billings.--Wobblies, communists and a wealthy Jew: Centralia. Gastonia. Angelo Herndon. Leo Frank.--The pictures in our heads: Sacco-Vanzetti. Baldwin v. Bridge. Harlan and Bell Counties, Kentucky.--On the other hand: McNamara. Herrin, Illinois. Haywood-Moyer & Pettibone. The Sweet case in Detroit. Greco and Carillo. C.E. Mitchell.


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Mistaken eyewitness identifications of innocent lead to more false convictions in the United States than any other cause. In response to concerns about the reliability of eyewitness evidence, the National Institute of Justice (NIJ) in 1999 published a Guide for the gathering and preservation of eyewitness evidence by law enforcement personnel. Previous research has shown that eyewitness identifications are more accurate when obtained using procedures recommended in the NIJ Guide. This experiment assessed whether informing jurors about the Guide can improve their ability to discriminate between eyewitness identifications likely to be accurate and those likely to be inaccurate and, if so, how to most effectively provide jurors with such information. ^ Seven hundred sixteen U.S. citizens who reported for criminal jury duty participated. Half of the participant jurors read a summary of an armed robbery trial in which the police followed the NIJ Guide when obtaining an eyewitness identification of the defendant. The other half read about an identical case in which the police did not follow the Guide. Jurors received information about the Guide from a court-appointed expert witness, one of the attorneys in the case, the trial judge, the judge in combination with one of the attorneys, or from no one (in the control groups). Jurors then rendered a verdict in the case and answered questions about the evidence in the case. ^ When an expert witness or the judge (either alone or in combination with one of the attorneys) informed jurors about the Guide, the jurors voted to convict defendants likely to be guilty and to acquit defendants likely to be innocent more often than did uninformed jurors assigned to a control group. These data suggest that informing jurors about the NIJ Guide using expert testimony or instructions from a judge will improve the quality and accuracy of jurors' verdict decisions in cases involving eyewitness identification evidence. However, more research is needed to determine whether the judge will remain an effective source of information about the Guide in a longer, more detailed trial scenario and to learn more about the underlying psychological processes governing the effects observed in this experiment. ^


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There is a place where a Canadian citizen can be sent to 30 days detention, by someone who is not a judge, without being represented by counsel, and without having a meaningful right to appeal. It is the summary trial system of the Canadian Armed Forces. This thesis analyses that system and suggests reforms. It is aimed at those who have an interest in improving the administration of military justice at the unit level but want to sufficiently understand the issues before doing so. Through a classic legal approach with elements of legal history and comparative law, this study begins by setting military justice in the Canadian legal firmament. The introductory chapter also explains fundamental concepts, first and foremost the broader notion of discipline, for which summary trial is one of the last maintaining tools. Chapter II describes the current system. An overview of its historical background is first given. Then, each procedural step is demystified, from investigation until review. Chapter III identifies potential breaches of the Charter, highlighting those that put the system at greater constitutional risk: the lack of judicial independence, the absence of hearing transcript, the lack of legal representation and the disparity of treatment between ranks. Alternatives adopted in the Canadian Armed Forces and in foreign jurisdictions, from both common law and civil law traditions, in addressing similar challenges are reviewed in Chapter IV. Chapter V analyses whether the breaches could nevertheless be justified in a free and democratic society. Its conclusion is that, considering the availability of reasonable alternatives, it would be hard to convince a court that the current system is a legitimate impairment of the individual’s legal rights. The conclusion Chapter presents options to address current challenges. First, the approach of ‘depenalization’ taken by the Government in recent Bill C-71 is analysed and criticised. The ‘judicialization’ approach is advocated through a series of 16 recommendations designed not only to strengthen the constitutionality of the system but also to improve the administration of military justice in furtherance of service members’ legal rights.


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Invoking Justice, a performative work of dance-theater, is a social commentary, both on the failure of the American justice system to balance the scales, and on our individual and collective failings to balance our communities, and ourselves, while recognizing our inherent unity and interconnectedness. The show was performed on March 10th and 11th, 2016 in the Clarice Smith Performing Arts Center, at the University of Maryland, College Park. This document is a survey of the creative process through which this project was realized and serves as a record of the many obstacles and successes that one might encounter in directing a work of dance-theater.


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Les médias n’offrent pas une réflexion objective des évènements et de la société. Ils emploient plutôt des cadres afin de construire la nouvelle. Les journaux suivent un style de contenu axé sur le marché, ce qui résulte entre autres en la construction d’une « histoire » pouvant mieux rejoindre leurs lectorats. Bien que des études sur la représentation des crimes et criminels dans les médias soient nombreuses, celles portant sur la représentation du système judiciaire sont plutôt rares. Ce mémoire cherche à comprendre comment les médias ont présenté le système judiciaire lors des procédures intentées contre Guy Turcotte, un procès durant lequel le système judiciaire a été fortement discuté et critiqué. Cette affaire judiciaire a été reprise par plusieurs politiciens pour proposer des réformes populistes misant sur des modifications de notre système de justice ou visant une plus grande sévérité face à ce type de crime. Le présent mémoire cherche à vérifier si les médias ont contribué à ce populisme pénal en utilisant des stratégies populistes lors de la présentation de l’affaire judiciaire. De manière plus précise, le mémoire décrit comment les aspects judiciaires et légaux sont représentés dans les médias, et ce, grâce à des analyses quantitatives et qualitatives effectuées sur 239 articles publiés entre 2009 et 2012 dans le Journal de Montréal (JM) et La Presse (LP). Ces journaux sont reconnus pour avoir des lignes éditoriales différentes et un lectorat distinct. Le mémoire analyse le contenu des articles de journaux et cherche à différencier les stratégies de présentation utilisées par les médias selon la période judiciaire (avant, pendant ou après procès) et le type de journal. Le contenu des articles est analysé à travers le prisme des théories sur les stratégies de populisme pénal retrouvées dans les discours politiques. Ces analyses mettent en lumière la présence de stratégies telles que l’emploi d’émotion, les simplifications excessives, le discrédit des experts et la polarisation, lesquelles sont davantage mises de l’avant dans le Journal de Montréal et en l’absence de nouvelles informations (durant la période après le procès). Les analyses révèlent également que les médias ont parfois recours à des stratégies que l’on qualifie d’anti-populistes, comme ce fut le cas pour La Presse, qui a proposé une couverture médiatique de cette affaire qui rompt avec plusieurs des stratégies associées au populisme pénal.


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Les médias n’offrent pas une réflexion objective des évènements et de la société. Ils emploient plutôt des cadres afin de construire la nouvelle. Les journaux suivent un style de contenu axé sur le marché, ce qui résulte entre autres en la construction d’une « histoire » pouvant mieux rejoindre leurs lectorats. Bien que des études sur la représentation des crimes et criminels dans les médias soient nombreuses, celles portant sur la représentation du système judiciaire sont plutôt rares. Ce mémoire cherche à comprendre comment les médias ont présenté le système judiciaire lors des procédures intentées contre Guy Turcotte, un procès durant lequel le système judiciaire a été fortement discuté et critiqué. Cette affaire judiciaire a été reprise par plusieurs politiciens pour proposer des réformes populistes misant sur des modifications de notre système de justice ou visant une plus grande sévérité face à ce type de crime. Le présent mémoire cherche à vérifier si les médias ont contribué à ce populisme pénal en utilisant des stratégies populistes lors de la présentation de l’affaire judiciaire. De manière plus précise, le mémoire décrit comment les aspects judiciaires et légaux sont représentés dans les médias, et ce, grâce à des analyses quantitatives et qualitatives effectuées sur 239 articles publiés entre 2009 et 2012 dans le Journal de Montréal (JM) et La Presse (LP). Ces journaux sont reconnus pour avoir des lignes éditoriales différentes et un lectorat distinct. Le mémoire analyse le contenu des articles de journaux et cherche à différencier les stratégies de présentation utilisées par les médias selon la période judiciaire (avant, pendant ou après procès) et le type de journal. Le contenu des articles est analysé à travers le prisme des théories sur les stratégies de populisme pénal retrouvées dans les discours politiques. Ces analyses mettent en lumière la présence de stratégies telles que l’emploi d’émotion, les simplifications excessives, le discrédit des experts et la polarisation, lesquelles sont davantage mises de l’avant dans le Journal de Montréal et en l’absence de nouvelles informations (durant la période après le procès). Les analyses révèlent également que les médias ont parfois recours à des stratégies que l’on qualifie d’anti-populistes, comme ce fut le cas pour La Presse, qui a proposé une couverture médiatique de cette affaire qui rompt avec plusieurs des stratégies associées au populisme pénal.