922 resultados para Tree planting


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Tree planting is one of the most physically demanding occupations in Canada and as a result, tree planters are at an elevated risk of injury, specifically at the wrist. Wrist injuries develop on account of the highly repetitive nature of the job, as well as other musculoskeletal risk factors including non-neutral wrist postures and high impact forces sustained at the wrist during shovel-ground impact. As a result, wrist brace use has become common among planters, in an effort to limit deviated wrist postures while also providing enhanced stability at the wrist. The external stability provided by a wrist brace is thought to reduce the muscular effort required to provide stiffness at the wrist during shovel-ground impact. Since these prospective benefits have not been formally investigated, the purpose of this study was to determine the effect of a wrist brace on wrist posture, muscle activity, and joint rotational stiffness about the wrist joint (for two degrees of freedom: flexion/extension and ulnar/radial deviation). We hypothesized that the brace would promote more neutrally aligned wrist angles, and that muscle activity and joint rotational stiffness would also decrease when participants wore the brace. Fourteen tree planters with at least one season of experience were recruited to complete two planting conditions in a laboratory setting: one condition while wearing the brace (with brace, WB) and one condition without the brace (no brace, NB). The results from this study showed that at shovel-ground impact muscle activity trended towards increasing in three muscles when participants wore the brace. Additionally, wrist angles improved about the flexion/extension axis of rotation while increasing in deviation about the ulnar/radial axis of rotation when participants wore the brace. Joint rotational stiffness increased when participants wore the wrist brace. Participants from this study indicated difficulty gripping the shovel due to the bulk of the wrist brace, and this feature is discussed with possible suggestions for future iterations of design. In addition to grip diameter this analysis also prompts the suggestion that hand length and experience should also be considered in the design of tree planting tools, specifically an ergonomic aid such as a wrist brace.


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This study aims at understanding the need for decentralized power generation systems and to explore the potential, feasibility and environmental implications of biomass gasifier-based electricity generation systems for village electrification. Electricity needs of villages are in the range of 5–20 kW depending on the size of the village. Decentralized power generation systems are desirable for low load village situations as the cost of power transmission lines is reduced and transmission and distribution losses are minimised. A biomass gasifier-based electricity generation system is one of the feasible options; the technology is readily available and has already been field tested. To meet the lighting and stationary power needs of 500,000 villages in India the land required is only 16 Mha compared to over 100 Mha of degraded land available for tree planting. In fact all the 95 Mt of woody biomass required for gasification could be obtained through biomass conservation programmes such as biogas and improved cook stoves. Thus dedication of land for energy plantations may not be required. A shift to a biomass gasifier-based power generation system leads to local benefits such as village self reliance, local employment and skill generation and promotion of in situ plant diversity plus global benefits like no net CO2 emission (as sustainable biomass harvests are possible) and a reduction in CO2 emissions (when used to substitute thermal power and diesel in irrigation pump sets).


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Este trabalho objetivou traçar um percurso analítico da base institucional e material da gestão da arborização na cidade do Rio de Janeiro, visando a adoção de procedimentos para a quantificação do carbono armazenado nas árvores na malha urbana para possibilitar o conhecimento sobre o arboreto e o estabelecimento de objetivos quantificáveis, reportáveis e verificáveis de redução de emissões de gases de efeito estufa. Com a instituição da obrigatoriedade em nível nacional da metas de redução das emissões de gases de efeito estufa, através da Lei n 12.187/09, o município do Rio de Janeiro oficializou legalmente, com a Lei Muncipal n 5.248/11, o compromisso de adoção de medidas e programas de incentivo para reduzir as emissões de gases de efeito estufa na cidade. Entretanto, a única ação de mitigação controlada pelo município, com procedimentos regulamentados, é a compensação de emissões nas construções através do plantio de árvores. O acompanhamento da execução dos plantios de árvores, exigidos no licenciamento das construções é a atual forma de estabelecer objetivos quantificáveis, reportáveis e verificáveis de redução de emissões antrópicas de gases de efeito estufa no Município. De forma específica, foi realizada uma análise dos recursos institucionais e materiais disponíveis e potenciais à disposição do sistema de planejamento e gestão ambiental do município, com a proposição de criar um sistema de banco de dados (SGBD) da arborização urbana. O banco de dados estruturado ao longo da pesquisa, foi utilizado em um sistema de informação geográfico (SIG), onde foi possível realizar um estudo exploratório da estimativa de estoque de carbono em árvores em logradouros. A investigação desta pesquisa teve dupla expectativa: contribuir para a eficácia das ações de manejo e controle do arboreto urbano, com base no monitoramento contínuo dos serviços ambientais das árvores; e consolidar critérios analíticos habilitados para quantificar as alterações de fitomassa do arboreto urbano, em uma proposta de um plano de arborização para a cidade, até agora inexistente, que foi delineado ao final do trabalho, que seguramente irá garantir significativos benefícios ambientais, econômicos e sociais à sociedade.


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On formal credit markets, access to formal credit and reasonable credit terms of smallholder farmers
in rural sub-Saharan Africa is limited due to adverse selection. Financial institutions operating in
rural areas often cannot distinguish between borrowers (farmers) that are creditworthy and those that
are not, thus, allocate limited resource to agriculture to reduce credit risk. In the presence of limited business quality signaling by smallholder farmers, financial institutions shall demand for collateral and/or offer unfavorable contract terms. Moreover, agricultural productivity of rural sub-Saharan
Africa, dominated by subsistence or small-scale farmers, is also negatively impacted by the adverse
effect of climate change. A strategy that may make the farming practices of smallholder farmer’s
climate resilient and profitable may also improve smallholder farmer's access to formal credit. This
study investigates to what extent participating in ecosystem and extension services (EES) programs
signals business quality of smallholders, thus granting them credit accessibility. We collected data
on 210 smallholder farmers in 2013, comprising farmers that receive payments for ecosystem
services (PES) and farm management training from the International Small Group Tree Planting
Program (TIST) Kenya to test the aforementioned theory empirically. We use game theory,
particularly a screening and sorting model, to illustrate the prospects for farmers with EES to access
formal credit and to improve their credit terms given that they receive PES and banking services
training. Furthermore, the PES’ long term duration (10 – 30 years) generates stable cash-flow which
may be perceived as collateral substitute. Results suggest that smallholder farmers in the TIST
program were less likely to be credit constraint compared to non-TIST farmers. Distance to market,
education, livestock and farm income are factors that determine access to credit from microfinance
institutions in rural Kenya. Amongst farmers that have obtained loans, those keeping business records
enjoy more favorable formal credit conditions. These farmers were observed to pay ca. 5 percent less
interest rate in microfinance charges. For TIST farmers, this type of farm management practices may
be attributed to the banking services and other training they receive within the program. While the
availability of classical collateral (farmlands) and PES may reduce interest rate, the latter was found
to be statistically insignificant. This research underlines the importance of an effective extension
services in rural areas of developing countries and the need to improve gains from conservation
agriculture and ensuing PES. The benefits associated with EES and PES may encompass agricultural


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The likelihood of smallholder farmers not participating in agroforestry agri-environmental schemes and payments for ecosystem services (PES) may be due to limited farmland endowment and formal credit constraints. These deficits may lead to an ‘exclusive club’ of successful farmers, which are not necessarily poor, enjoying the benefits of agri-environmental schemes and PES although agrienvironmental schemes and PES have been devised as a means of fostering rural sustainable development and improving the livelihood of poor smallholder farmers. Smallholder farmers in parts of rural Kenya continue to enroll in ‘The International Small Group Tree Planting Programme’ (TIST), an agri-environmental scheme, promoting agroforestry, carbon sequestration and conservation agriculture (CA). The question remains if these farmers are really poor? This study examines factors that determine the participation of smallholder farmers in TIST in parts of rural Kenya. We use survey data compiled in 2013 on 210 randomly selected smallholder farmers from Embu, Meru and Nanyuki communities; the sample consists of TIST and non-TIST members. A random utility model and logit regression were used to test a set of non-monetary and monetary factors that influence participation in the TIST. The utility function is conceptualized to give non-monetary factors, particularly the common medium of communication in rural areas – formal and informal – a central role. Furthermore, we investigate other factors (incl. credit accessibility and interest rate) that reveal the nature of farmers participating in TIST. The findings suggest that spread of information via formal and informal networks is a major driver of participation in the TIST program. Furthermore, variables such credit constrains, age and labour supply positively correlate with TIST participation, while for education the opposite is true. It is important to mention that these correlations, although somewhat consistent, were all found to be weak. The results indicate that participation in the TIST program is not influenced by farm size; therefore we argue that the TIST scheme is NOT an ‘exclusive club’ comprising wealthy and successful farmers. Older farmers’ being more likely to join the TIST is an argument for their long- rather than widely assumed short-term planning horizon and a new contribution to the literature. Given the importance of poverty alleviation and climate smart agriculture in developing countries, sustainable policy should strengthening the social and human capital as well as informal networks in rural areas. Extension services should effectively communicate benefits to less educated and credit constrained farmers.


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Activities of SOMB got off to an impactful start with ‘Shramdhan’ programme on world Environment Day. SOMB members actively participated in a campus cleaning drive at Lakeside Campus. Members also organised a tree planting programme on this day and planted few fruit trees at the marine sciences campus. We also had couple of high profile faculty members delivering lectures to SOMB community. This included Dr. Pattanathu Rahman, Sr. Lecturer and Programme Leader of Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering Group at Teeside University, UK; Dr. Dr.Velerie Vasilakov, Vladivostok State University, Russia; Dr. Sunil Kumar George, Research Scientist, Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine, Winston Salem, NC, USA and Prof. Kalliathe Padmanabhan, Department of Biochemistry, Michigan State University, USA.


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El projecte té per finalitat la implantació d’un cultiu d’arbres de fusta d’alt valor econòmic en uns terrenys que actualment estan ocupats per prats de pastura abandonats. L’objectiu prioritari que es proposa és augmentar el rendiment de la finca objecte d’estudi. Per assolir-lo es projectarà la realització d’una plantació sostenible de noguers híbrids (Juglans regia×nigra) i cirerers (Prunus avium), en la que s’aplicaran les més avançades tècniques de cultiu i una eficient metodologia que permetrà obtenir fusta noble en cicles productius curts, sempre de forma respectuosa amb el medi ambient


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Hunting foxes with hounds has been a countryside pursuit in Britain since the 17th Century, but its effect nationally on habitat management is little understood by the general public. A survey questionnaire was distributed to 163 mounted fox hunts of England and Wales to quantify their management practices in woodland and other habitat. Ninety-two hunts (56%), covering 75,514 km(2), returned details on woodland management motivated by the improvement of their sport. The management details were verified via on-site visits for a sample of 200 woodlands. Following verification, the area of woodlands containing the management was conservatively estimated at 24,053 (+/- 2241) ha, comprising 5.9% of woodland area within the whole of the area hunted by the 92 hunts. Management techniques included: tree planting, coppicing, felling, ride and perimeter management. A case study in five hunt countries in southern England examined, through the use of botanical survey and butterfly counts, the consequences of the hunt management on woodland ground flora and butterflies. Managed areas had, within the last 5 years, been coppiced and rides had been cleared. Vegetation cover in managed and unmanaged sites averaged 86% and 64%, respectively, and managed areas held on average 4 more plant species and a higher plant diversity than unmanaged areas (Shannon index of diversity: 2.25 vs. 1.95). Both the average number of butterfly species (2.2 vs. 0.3) and individuals counted (4.6 vs. 0.3) were higher in the managed than unmanaged sites.


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A research has been conducted over methodological issues concerning the Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB) by determining an appropriate measurement (direct and indirect) of constructs and selection of a plausible scaling techniques (unipolar and bipolar) of constructs: attitude, subjective norm, perceived behavioural control and intention that are important in explaining farm level tree planting in Pakistan. Unipolar scoring of beliefs showed higher correlation among the constructs of TPB than bipolar scaling technique. Both direct and indirect methods yielded significant results in explaining intention to perform farm forestry except the belief based measure of perceived behavioural control, which were analysed as statistically non-significant. A need to examine more carefully the scoring of perceived behavioural control (PBC) has been expressed


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Rapidly increasing population densities in Malawi have put a huge strain on the existing agricultural land and the surrounding woodland. Smallholder agriculture is the dominant economic activity of Malawi’s rural population and many farmers have been forced to cultivate marginal lands with less fertile soils, making conditions much more difficult to grow crops. Natural woodland is under increasing pressure from the opening of new lands for cultivation and the increased demand for firewood, timber and other woody resources, with rural households historically obtaining most of their complementary inputs and saleable commodities from nearby areas of forest (Arnold, 1997a). Despite this increasing pressure, woodlands are not being cleared indiscriminately; selected indigenous species are left standing in fields and around households. These are joined by exotic species that are planted and maintained. These trees provide products and services that are vital, yielding food, firewood, building materials and medicine, replenishing soil fertility and protecting against soil erosion. Following a Boserupian approach, this study attempts to establish the reality of a trajectory of enhanced on-farm tree planting and management as population pressure mounts and as part of a more general process of agricultural intensification. The study examines the combination of factors (social, economic, political and environmental) that either stimulate or discourage on-farm tree planting on smallholdings in Malawi, highlighting how woodland resource use changes over a gradient of land use intensity. This study gives a detailed insight into the way that tree planting and management in the smallholder farming system in Malawi works and identifies a trend of increased tree planting/management alongside an increase in agricultural intensification. However, there is no single ‘path’ of intensification; the link between agricultural change and tree planting is complex and there are many trajectories of intensification that a farmer may follow, dependent on his/her social or economic circumstances. The study recommends that agroforestry interventions give rigorous consideration to the needs of the local community, and the suitability of trees to address those needs, before embarking on programmes that advocate tree planting and management as a panacea.


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An evaluation of a surviving stretch of the Abbot's Way, in the Somerset Levels and Moors, was undertaken to assess the consequences of the previous management regime and inform future management of the site. The scheduled site appeared to have been dewatered and desiccated as a consequence of tree planting and the effects of a deep, adjacent drainage ditch during the previous decade. The evaluation considered the condition of the Neolithic timbers and associated palaeoenvironmental record from three trenches and, where possible, compared the results with those obtained form the 1974 excavation (Girling, 1976). The results of this analysis suggest that the hydrological consequences of tree planting and colonization had a detrimental effect on both the condition of the timbers and insect remains. However, pollen and plant macro-fossils survived well although there was modern contamination. A trench opened outside the scheduled area. where the ground was waterlogged and supported a wet acid grassland flora, revealed similar problems of survival and condition. This almost certainly reflects a period of peat extraction and an associated seasonally fluctuating water table in the 1950s and 1960s; in fact pollen survived better in the scheduled dewatered area. These results are compared with those recovered from the Sweet Track which was evaluated in 1996. Both sites have been subject to recent tree growth but the Sweet Track has been positively managed in terms of hydrology. The most notable difference between the two sites is that insects and wood survived better at the Sweet Track sites than at the Abbot's Way. Insects seem to be a more sensitive indicator of site desiccation than plant remains. It is recommended that any programme of management of wetland for archaeology should avoid deliberate tree planting and natural scrub and woodland generation. It should also take into account past as well as present land use.


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A arborização urbana em calçadas é fundamental para manutenção da qualidade de vida, proporcionando conforto aos habitantes das cidades. Contudo, existem problemas causados principalmente pela falta de planejamento na implantação e no manejo da arborização. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi a criação de um banco de dados relacional para auxiliar no cadastro informatizado, na avaliação e no manejo da arborização de vias públicas. Apresenta resultados sobre a valoração de indivíduos cadastrados, cálculo da diversidade entre os bairros, introdução de fotos digitais e relatórios para manejo em interface amigável, podendo servir de instrumento à manutenção da arborização e de vetor de comunicação para educação ambiental.


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An experiment was conducted on guava trees Psidium guajava L. (cv. Paluma) grown in the Experimental Citrus Culture Station of Bebedouro, SP, on dystrophic, acid Typical Hapludox in order to assess the effects of application of increasing lime doses to the soil on the quality of guava fruits on the basis of the physicochemical changes observed in the fruits after harvesting. The treatments consisted of increasing lime doses applied before planting, considering 0, 1.85, 3.79, 5.56 and 7.41 t ha(-1), applied in August 1999. Leaf calcium content was assessed at flowering time. After fruit harvesting, calcium content in the pulp, total weight, transverse diameter, length, pulp weight, % pulp, Brix degrees (degrees Brix), titratable acidity, and fruit ratio were determined. Loss of fruit fresh mass, firmness and color were determined daily during a period of 8 days of storage. Lime application to an acid Red Latosol before guava tree planting did not affect the physical characteristics of the fruits but provided a lower loss of fresh matter and greater fruit firmness when the fruits presented Ca levels close to 0.99 g kg(-1). It is important to conduct new studies of the effects of liming on guava fruit quality under different edaphic-climatic conditions and on different guava tree genotypes. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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As the space and the city are objects of desires, interests, seduction, sedition, appropriations, battles, victories, defeats, require to be analyzed historically. This research investigates and discusses the construction of public spaces in Jardim do Seridó City, backwoods of Rio Rio Grande do Norte, in the first decades of twentieth century, when the municipality was chaired by Heráclio Pires Fernandes, who ruled from 1917 to 1930 and was graduated from the University of Pharmacy of Recife, where he contacted the architectural, political and artistic influences circulating in the capital of Pernambuco. In the first decades of the twentieth century, the space of Jardim earns statements and practices, against the discourse of modernity, which sought to justify the title of Veneza Seridoense . At the time, the city had undergone several transformations in its public spaces through the construction of the Butchery, the Market, the Public Roads connecting the city to other urban centers, the building of the Bridge of the Pedra Lavrada Farm, the Elementary School Antônio de Azevedo , the creation of the Music Band Euterpe Jardinense , the Literary and Recreative Guild, the pavilion, the paving, tree planting, lighting, streets naming and listing of the annual painting of households, the arrival of automobiles, mail and telegraph. The construction of these new sceneries and the arrival of equipments generated impacts in the daily life of the population and were received differentiated ways by individuals involved in the process, which shows the tension between old and new, the relationship between history and space


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)