955 resultados para Transporte rodoviario - Brasil
Trata dos serviços à gestão democrática dos serviços de transporte coletivo urbano. Considera a necessidade de abordagem multidisciplinar integrando à teoria das organizações as contribuições da sociologia urbana, das políticas sociais e de estudos dos transportes urbanos. Descreve os princípios norteadores para uma gestão democrática. Divide os desafios em dois grupos: os voltados para mudanças na estrutura administrativa e aquelas referentes a mudanças de métodos e meios de gestão. Destaca na conclusão a necessiadade de encontrar fórmulas novas e criatuvas para os problemas de gestão de serviços púlicos
o presente trabalho é um estudo de caso que visa aplicar uma metodologia alternativa de mensuração de benefícios, na análise de viabilidade econômica de investimentos em áreas com baixo nivel de atividade econômica. A área de estudo está localizada no planalto norte de Santa Catarina, mais especificamente no munícipio de Itaiópo lis, e a metodologia aplicada foi proposta por Joseph S. We1ss, em estudo anterior, e baseia-se na mensuração dos excedentes dos produtores e dos consumidores • . Procurar-se-á discutir o contexto teórico que envolve os princípios da análise de viabilidade econômica através da seleção de alguns pontos controversos na literatura, além da descrição da metodologia adotada e respectiva discussão de seus parâmetros. Os resultados obtidos serao comparados com a9ueles co!!, seguidos através da análise de viabilidade econômica baseada na metodologia de redução dos custos operacionais, realizada anteriormente na mesma área.
O presente trabalho tem como objetivo a sistematização das janelas de oportunidade de financiamento de elaboração e implementação dos Planos de Mobilidade Urbana, atualmente geridas pelo Ministério das Cidades. Para tanto, foi primeiramente realizado um diagnóstico da Mobilidade Urbana no Brasil, desenvolvido o conceito de Plano de Mobilidade Urbana, bem como identificadas as janelas de oportunidade de financiamento. Em seguida, o trabalho descreve em detalhes cada uma das janelas de oportunidade identificadas, para então sistematizá-las e analisá-las comparativamente.
Regulatory reform in the brazilian railway sector and concession valuation: a preliminary assessment
Trabalho apresentado na 4th Conference on the Regulation of Infrastructures
Trabalho apresentado no Law and Society Annual Conference, 2015
Escola de Direito do Rio de Janeiro da Fundação Getulio Vargas
Pós-graduação em Geografia - IGCE
Avaliação de procedimentos no manejo pré-abate de bovinos e bubalinos no Pantanal Sul Mato-Grossense
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Pós-graduação em Saúde Coletiva - FMB
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Through a detailed study of each component, the structural part and various technologies for highway weighing scales, a project was developed in order to implement a modern system of axle weighing in a company pursuing to expand its cargo door capacity, which was restricted to weighing and inspection of the maximum load of each vehicle, and especially to extinguish the number of notifications that the company has been suffering, by having their transportation logistics vehicles caught traveling with poorly distributed load per axle, what it caused damage to roads and vehicles and denigrated the company image in terms of marketing. To achieve these results, the project went through a study of all relevant national legislation, seeking to put the company always in agreement. Moreover, it had investments and its physical space available for its implementation. The payback of such investments would be about less than three years
The work consists of the historical city of Guaratinguetá, as well as data on their quality of life, economic development and population, transportation in Brazil and the transportation system of the city serving as a basis to support the development of the urban network. The urban fabric of the city was raised with plants of the city in different years, documents obtained by the Museum and Hall of Frei Galvão Guaratinguetá well to check the form of land use and growth drivers of the city over time. We studied also the main access roads to the city by focusing on an approach that has been the subject of a proposed urban intervention. A direct interview was performed and recorded with one of those responsible for planning the urban fabric of the city in order to gather information on the historical development, the future possibilities of interventions in the urban as well as problems encountered and other curiosities. Through the study it was observed that the urban grid Guaratinguetá developing a planned since 1970 and that the highlights of most cities in the Paraíba Valley. The work is grounded in concepts of sustainable city and also in quantitative and qualitative data from sectors responsible
The main goal of this thesis is to describe in details the development and manufacturing of hydraulic fittings for application in truck's cabin tilting lines, covering all of the pre-project, drawing, quotation and supplying processes. This development was planned due to Eaton Corporation - Hydraulics Group's interest in competing on this market with this kind of application. Company's standard procedures were executed until the final supplying stage could be reached. Moreover, the year in which this project was conducted was ruled by a crisis in the automotive segment and new opportunities had to be pursued and developed. Eaton's USA, India and China (facilities located in Aurora, Pune and Shanghai, respectively) engineering team offered all the support in order for this project to come true. As a result there are new part numbers in the company's portfolio, which now offers new fittings and a new type of adapter that was unknown prior to the project. This way Eaton has conquered even more space with this cabin tilting application and the customers (OEMs) have an alternative and homologated supplier to purchase from. Financially speaking, the project's sales income may vary from US$800,000.00 to US$1,300,000.00 worth during the following supplying years