966 resultados para Transporte através da membrana


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A via de administração oral é a forma favorita de administração de fármacos em função das vantagens que apresenta, dentre elas destacam-se: a adesão do paciente, conveniência e praticidade. Em função disto, a maioria dos medicamentos comercializados encontra-se disponível na forma farmacêutica de administração oral, entretanto, o sucesso de um tratamento medicamentoso por esta via requer que a absorção gastrointestinal do fármaco seja suficiente para assegurar a sua disponibilidade no local de ação (VOLPE, 2010). No entanto, a absorção do fármaco no trato gastrointestinal é complexa e pode ser influenciada por vários fatores, os quais têm impacto sobre a dissolução, solubilidade e permeabilidade do fármaco. Com o intuito de aumentar a biodisponibilidade de fármacos, que possuem absorção dificultada pela via oral, a via de administração pela mucosa bucal vem sendo uma alternativa na atualidade farmacêutica. Esta mucosa é um tecido não queratinizado, altamente vascularizado e apresenta poucas enzimas metabolizadoras. Tais características possibilitam boa absorção de fármacos sem que ocorra a metabolização pré-sistêmica, ou efeito de primeira passagem, somando-se ao fato desta apresentar fácil acessibilidade para a administração de fármacos (VRIES, M. E et al., 1991; NIELSEN, H. M &RASSING, M. R, 1999). Nesse sentido, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a permeabilidade dos fármacos antirretrovirais (lamivudina e estavudina) por meio de modelo ex vivo em segmentos da mucosa bucal de suínos, com emprego de câmaras de difusão do tipo células de Franz. Para avaliação da permeabilidade bucal dos fármacos antirretrovirais, lamivudina e estavudina, e dos marcadores para transporte transcelular (metoprolol) e paracelular (fluoresceína sódica), empregou-se método ex-vivo, em células de Franz, com segmento de mucosa bucal de suíno ( a 37ºC, meio Ringer- Krebs- HEPES, pH 7,4), e Franz posterior análise das concentrações das substâncias permeadas (fármacos e marcadores) por cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência. Os resultados obtidos, por meio do protocolo desenvolvido, demonstram que o transporte através da via paracelular (marcador fluoresceína) foi mais expressivo que o transporte transcelular (marcador metoprolol), o que provavelmente se deve ao fato dos espaços intercelulares da mucosa bucal serem mais frouxos do que aqueles observados na mucosa intestinal (junções íntimas). Quanto à lamivudina e estavudina, os resultados de permeabilidade indicaram que estes fármacos permearam por mecanismo semelhante ao do metoprolol, isto é, por via transcelular.


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O estudo dos diferentes fenômenos de separação tem sido cada vez mais importante para os diferentes ramos da indústria e ciência. Devido à grande capacidade computacional atual, é possível modelar e analisar os fenômenos cromatográficos a nível microscópico. Os modelos de rede vêm sendo cada vez mais utilizados, para representar processos de separação por cromatografia, pois através destes pode-se representar os aspectos topológicos e morfológicos dos diferentes materiais adsorventes disponíveis no mercado. Neste trabalho visamos o desenvolvimento de um modelo de rede tridimensional para representação de uma coluna cromatográfica, a nível microscópico, onde serão modelados os fenômenos de adsorção, dessorção e dispersão axial através de um método estocástico. Também foram utilizadas diferentes abordagens com relação ao impedimento estérico Os resultados obtidos foram comparados a resultados experimentais. Depois é utilizado um modelo de rede bidimensional para representar um sistema de adsorção do tipo batelada, mantendo-se a modelagem dos fenômenos de adsorção e dessorção, e comparados a sistemas reais posteriormente. Em ambos os sistemas modelados foram analisada as constantes de equilíbrio, parâmetro fundamental nos sistemas de adsorção, e por fim foram obtidas e analisadas isotermas de adsorção. Foi possível concluir que, para os modelos de rede, os fenômenos de adsorção e dessorção bastam para obter perfis de saída similares aos vistos experimentalmente, e que o fenômeno da dispersão axial influência menos que os fenômenos cinéticos em questão


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Este trabalho discute a aplicação de modelos de Pesquisa Operacional como base para o gerenciamento de operações e análise de tecnologias em empresa de transporte de carga. Inicialmente, busca-se contextualizar o escopo deste trabalho dentro do ambiente competitivo atual a fim de que sejam percebidas as conexões entre os sistemas de operações vigentes e os modelos apresentados. Também é feita uma discussão preliminar do conceito de logística, visto que este enseja uma série de acepções para o termo. Em seguida é apresentada uma revisão de algumas ferramentas de modelagem que usualmente são aplicadas a problemas de suprimento, distribuição e transbordo de produtos. Com base nesta revisão é proposta uma abordagem hierarquizada para o tratamento de problemas de logística. Um estudo de caso realizado em uma empresa de transporte de carga busca então aplicar algumas ferramentas de Pesquisa Operacional nos diversos níveis de gerenciamento de operações. Por fim, o trabalho verifica as potencialidades do uso de uma abordagem hierarquizada e a importância da adoção de modelos em empresas de transporte de carga como forma de alavancagem da sua competividade frente as novas exigências do mercado.


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At a time of changes on the territory during the 19th century, the political and socioeconomic elites of the province and later State of Rio Grande do Norte evolved a discourse in order to justify the permanence of Natal as a city holding a status of capital. In this work we analyze the means employed by the ruling classes to impose their wish to raise Natal to an outstanding position among the existing cities by intervening on the territory during a period of one hundred years (1820-1920). During that time, which was characterized by changing commercial flows and technological development, the elites interventions were essentially directed to the implementation of modes of transportation, especially the railway. We try to understand the reinforcement of Natal as a capital city not only in political and administrative terms, but mainly in a commercial and symbolic manner, through the discourse and interventions undertaken by the local administrative elites, who stimulated the creation of a set of relations on the territory that also imprinted visible marks in the capital s urban fabric. These interventions were based upon the establishment of an infrastructure for exporting the State s production, firstly through and despite the Potengi River, and later on by the construction of railways. Although the project of Natal s hegemony had been outlined before the establishment of the railway network, in both cases the ultimate objective was to reinforce and develop the capital city as a commercial urban center to the detriment of other cities


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Spatial-temporal dynamics of zooplankton in the Caravelas river estuary (Bahia, Brazil). The survey was conducted in order to describe the zooplankton community of the estuary Caravelas (Bahia, Brazil), to quantify and relate the patterns of horizontal and vertical transport with the type of tide (neap and spring) and tidal phase (flood and ebb). Zooplankton samples were collected with the aid of a suction pump (300L), filtered in plankton nets (300μm) and fixed in saline formalin 4%. Samples were collected at a fixed point (A1), near the mouth of the estuary, with samples taken at neap tides and spring tides during the dry and rainy seasons. Samples were collected for 13 hours, at intervals of 1 hour in 3 depths: surface, middle and bottom. Simultaneous collection of biological, we measured the current velocity, temperature and salinity of the water through CTD. In the laboratory, samples were selected for analysis in estereomicroscope, with 25 groups identified, with Copepoda getting the highest number of species. The 168 samples obtained from temporal samples were subsampled and processed on equipment ZooScan, with the aid of software ZooProcess at the end were generated 458.997 vingnettes. 8 taxa were identified automatically, with 16 classified as a semi-automatic. The group Copepoda, despite the limited taxonomic refinement ZooScan, obtained 2 genera and 1 species identified automatically. Among the seasons dry and wet groups Brachyura (zoea), Chaetognatha, and the Calanoid copepods (others), Temora spp., Oithona spp. and Euterpina acutifrons were those who had higher frequency of occurrence, appearing in more than 70% of the samples. Copepoda group showed the largest percentage of relative abundance in both seasons. There was no seasonal variation of total zooplankton, with an average density of 7826±4219 org.m-3 in the dry season, and 7959±3675 org.m-3 in the rainy season, neither between the types and phases of the tides, but seasonal differences were significant recorded for the main zooplankton groups. Vertical stratification was seen for the major zooplankton groups (Brachyura, Chaetognatha, Calanoida (other), Oithona spp, Temora spp. e Euterpina acutifrons). The scale of this stratification varied with the type (square or tide) and tidal phase (flood or ebb). The instantaneous transport was more influenced by current velocity, with higher values observed in spring tides to the total zooplankton, however, there was a variation of this pattern depending on the zooplankton group. According to the data import and export of total zooplankton, the outflow of organisms of the estuary was higher than the input. The results suggest that the estuary of Caravelas may influence the dynamics of organic matter to the adjacent coast, with possible consequences in National Marine Park of Abrolhos


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Neste trabalho é apresentado um estudo teórico da base neutro e bipolaron e estados excitados de moléculas a partir de polímeros isoeletrônicos compostos pelo Poliacetileno, Poliazina e Poliazoeteno. Os resultados obtidos, utilizando metodologia DFT e ab initio, revelam que uma boa descrição dos defeitos pode ser importante na investigação da transição isolante-metal de polímeros quase-unidimensional indicando um comportamento metálico em torno do nível de Fermi, como mecanismo de condutividade dos polímeros. Este resultado é consistente com dados experimentais e não faz menção a metodologia Su-Schrieffer-Heeger (SSH). E mais, os resultados são consistentes com características importantes como nanodispositivo e podem ser resumidos como: (i) poderia ser usado como retificador molecular uni-direcional com uma geometria conformacional com vantagem de pequeno acoplamento, (ii) a função de Green de não-equilíbrio presente na simulação poderia corrigir de tal maneira os Poliacetileno, Poliazina e Poliazoeteno sem corrente de porta, (iii) com base nas propriedades das ligações tipo, pode ser utilizada para projetar dispositivos com aplicações em eletrônica molecular.


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This study aimed to simulate and evaluate the sediment transport in Upper Basin Stream Cachoeirinha in Rio Claro, SP, and compare the results with previous studies performed in the same basin. The modeling software used in this study was Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT), which is a very comprehensive tool that discusses many physical processes. In this work, the hydrosedimentological processes were treated, aiming to understand the sediment production and transport. The Basin Stream Cachoeirinha has an area with predominantly agricultural use, especially sugar cane. The database for inclusion in software was constructed from the following elements: climatic, topographical, soil type and use and land cover of the area, also including the parameters of Modified Universal Soil Loss Equation (MUSLE). The analysis was conducted for a period of 16 years (1994-2010), which is the range of data available from CEAPLA. The results were analyzed in terms of annual runoff and sediment yield. The average sediment delivery in the simulation was 0.94 t/ha/year, while the maximum annual contribution was 7.28 t/ha/year


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia de Produção - FEB


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Pós-graduação em Geociências e Meio Ambiente - IGCE


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O conhecimento do desempenho das reanálises e dos erros associados a elas apresenta um papel fundamental na compreensão dos processos físicos que ocorrem na atmosfera. Este trabalho tem por objetivo documentar as principais características da precipitação associada à Zona de Convergência do Atlântico Sul (ZCAS), baseado em seis conjuntos de reanálises atmosféricas (MERRA, ERA-Interim, ERA-40, NCEP 1, NCEP 2 e NCEP CFSR) e cinco conjuntos de produtos observados de precipitação (SALDAS, CPC, CMAP, GPCP e GLDAS). Através destes dados também foi analisado o transporte de umidade sobre a região da ZCAS, para os anos de 1979 a 2007. Em resumo, este trabalho evidencia o avanço das novas reanálises na tentativa de representar de forma mais adequada a variável precipitação acumulada. Os diagramas de Taylor mostram que os produtos de precipitação estão bem correlacionados com o ponto de referência (CPC), com coeficientes entre 0,6 e 0,9. Somente a reanálise do NCEP CFSR possui correlações próximas as dos produtos de precipitação. Os conjuntos mais antigos de reanálises apresentam correlações menores, abaixo de 0,6. O Oceano Atlântico é a fonte principal do fluxo de umidade para a direção da ZCAS, que diminui na direção do continente. Na Região SE do Brasil, a topografia tem um papel importante para a convergência de umidade. Já na parte noroeste da ZCAS, este fator deve estar associado a processos termodinâmicos.


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A quantificação do material sólido transportado (transporte sólido) ao longo de um curso de água é extremamente importante nas mais variadas áreas da engenharia fluvial. O transporte sólido em rios de montanha dá-se maioritariamente por arrastamento no fundo, através de deslizamento, rolamento e saltação dos sedimentos. Ao longo dos tempos foram desenvolvidas várias fórmulas para estimar o transporte sólido por arrastamento, contudo, devido à complexidade dos processos de transporte de sedimentos, bem como a variabilidade espacial e temporal, a previsão de taxas de transporte não foi conseguida exclusivamente através de investigação teórica. Para obter um melhor conhecimento sobre os processos de transporte sólido por arrastamento em rios de montanha, torna-se necessário monitorizá-los com maior precisão possível. Com os avanços na electrónica, novos métodos tecnológicos foram desenvolvidos para resolver a problemática da quantificação do transporte sólido, em detrimento dos atuais métodos tradicionais, que se baseiam na recolha de amostras em campo, para posterior correlação. O objetivo principal da presente dissertação foi o desenvolvimento de um equipamento capaz de estimar/monitorizar continuamente o transporte sólido por arrastamento em rios de montanha, que utilizasse tecnologia de baixo custo. Este equipamento dispõe de um sensor piezolelétrico que realizará medições à vibração causada pelo embate dos sedimentos sobre uma chapa metálica. A energia do sinal resultante dos impactos reverterá em peso. A metodologia usada para a obtenção das medições foi a realização de ensaios laboratoriais, tendo sido dado especial destaque à influência da variação do caudal, bem como da forma dos sedimentos, na intensidade do sinal adquirido.


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At a time of changes on the territory during the 19th century, the political and socioeconomic elites of the province and later State of Rio Grande do Norte evolved a discourse in order to justify the permanence of Natal as a city holding a status of capital. In this work we analyze the means employed by the ruling classes to impose their wish to raise Natal to an outstanding position among the existing cities by intervening on the territory during a period of one hundred years (1820-1920). During that time, which was characterized by changing commercial flows and technological development, the elites interventions were essentially directed to the implementation of modes of transportation, especially the railway. We try to understand the reinforcement of Natal as a capital city not only in political and administrative terms, but mainly in a commercial and symbolic manner, through the discourse and interventions undertaken by the local administrative elites, who stimulated the creation of a set of relations on the territory that also imprinted visible marks in the capital s urban fabric. These interventions were based upon the establishment of an infrastructure for exporting the State s production, firstly through and despite the Potengi River, and later on by the construction of railways. Although the project of Natal s hegemony had been outlined before the establishment of the railway network, in both cases the ultimate objective was to reinforce and develop the capital city as a commercial urban center to the detriment of other cities


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Spatial-temporal dynamics of zooplankton in the Caravelas river estuary (Bahia, Brazil). The survey was conducted in order to describe the zooplankton community of the estuary Caravelas (Bahia, Brazil), to quantify and relate the patterns of horizontal and vertical transport with the type of tide (neap and spring) and tidal phase (flood and ebb). Zooplankton samples were collected with the aid of a suction pump (300L), filtered in plankton nets (300μm) and fixed in saline formalin 4%. Samples were collected at a fixed point (A1), near the mouth of the estuary, with samples taken at neap tides and spring tides during the dry and rainy seasons. Samples were collected for 13 hours, at intervals of 1 hour in 3 depths: surface, middle and bottom. Simultaneous collection of biological, we measured the current velocity, temperature and salinity of the water through CTD. In the laboratory, samples were selected for analysis in estereomicroscope, with 25 groups identified, with Copepoda getting the highest number of species. The 168 samples obtained from temporal samples were subsampled and processed on equipment ZooScan, with the aid of software ZooProcess at the end were generated 458.997 vingnettes. 8 taxa were identified automatically, with 16 classified as a semi-automatic. The group Copepoda, despite the limited taxonomic refinement ZooScan, obtained 2 genera and 1 species identified automatically. Among the seasons dry and wet groups Brachyura (zoea), Chaetognatha, and the Calanoid copepods (others), Temora spp., Oithona spp. and Euterpina acutifrons were those who had higher frequency of occurrence, appearing in more than 70% of the samples. Copepoda group showed the largest percentage of relative abundance in both seasons. There was no seasonal variation of total zooplankton, with an average density of 7826±4219 org.m-3 in the dry season, and 7959±3675 org.m-3 in the rainy season, neither between the types and phases of the tides, but seasonal differences were significant recorded for the main zooplankton groups. Vertical stratification was seen for the major zooplankton groups (Brachyura, Chaetognatha, Calanoida (other), Oithona spp, Temora spp. e Euterpina acutifrons). The scale of this stratification varied with the type (square or tide) and tidal phase (flood or ebb). The instantaneous transport was more influenced by current velocity, with higher values observed in spring tides to the total zooplankton, however, there was a variation of this pattern depending on the zooplankton group. According to the data import and export of total zooplankton, the outflow of organisms of the estuary was higher than the input. The results suggest that the estuary of Caravelas may influence the dynamics of organic matter to the adjacent coast, with possible consequences in National Marine Park of Abrolhos


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At a time of changes on the territory during the 19th century, the political and socioeconomic elites of the province and later State of Rio Grande do Norte evolved a discourse in order to justify the permanence of Natal as a city holding a status of capital. In this work we analyze the means employed by the ruling classes to impose their wish to raise Natal to an outstanding position among the existing cities by intervening on the territory during a period of one hundred years (1820-1920). During that time, which was characterized by changing commercial flows and technological development, the elites interventions were essentially directed to the implementation of modes of transportation, especially the railway. We try to understand the reinforcement of Natal as a capital city not only in political and administrative terms, but mainly in a commercial and symbolic manner, through the discourse and interventions undertaken by the local administrative elites, who stimulated the creation of a set of relations on the territory that also imprinted visible marks in the capital s urban fabric. These interventions were based upon the establishment of an infrastructure for exporting the State s production, firstly through and despite the Potengi River, and later on by the construction of railways. Although the project of Natal s hegemony had been outlined before the establishment of the railway network, in both cases the ultimate objective was to reinforce and develop the capital city as a commercial urban center to the detriment of other cities


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Spatial-temporal dynamics of zooplankton in the Caravelas river estuary (Bahia, Brazil). The survey was conducted in order to describe the zooplankton community of the estuary Caravelas (Bahia, Brazil), to quantify and relate the patterns of horizontal and vertical transport with the type of tide (neap and spring) and tidal phase (flood and ebb). Zooplankton samples were collected with the aid of a suction pump (300L), filtered in plankton nets (300μm) and fixed in saline formalin 4%. Samples were collected at a fixed point (A1), near the mouth of the estuary, with samples taken at neap tides and spring tides during the dry and rainy seasons. Samples were collected for 13 hours, at intervals of 1 hour in 3 depths: surface, middle and bottom. Simultaneous collection of biological, we measured the current velocity, temperature and salinity of the water through CTD. In the laboratory, samples were selected for analysis in estereomicroscope, with 25 groups identified, with Copepoda getting the highest number of species. The 168 samples obtained from temporal samples were subsampled and processed on equipment ZooScan, with the aid of software ZooProcess at the end were generated 458.997 vingnettes. 8 taxa were identified automatically, with 16 classified as a semi-automatic. The group Copepoda, despite the limited taxonomic refinement ZooScan, obtained 2 genera and 1 species identified automatically. Among the seasons dry and wet groups Brachyura (zoea), Chaetognatha, and the Calanoid copepods (others), Temora spp., Oithona spp. and Euterpina acutifrons were those who had higher frequency of occurrence, appearing in more than 70% of the samples. Copepoda group showed the largest percentage of relative abundance in both seasons. There was no seasonal variation of total zooplankton, with an average density of 7826±4219 org.m-3 in the dry season, and 7959±3675 org.m-3 in the rainy season, neither between the types and phases of the tides, but seasonal differences were significant recorded for the main zooplankton groups. Vertical stratification was seen for the major zooplankton groups (Brachyura, Chaetognatha, Calanoida (other), Oithona spp, Temora spp. e Euterpina acutifrons). The scale of this stratification varied with the type (square or tide) and tidal phase (flood or ebb). The instantaneous transport was more influenced by current velocity, with higher values observed in spring tides to the total zooplankton, however, there was a variation of this pattern depending on the zooplankton group. According to the data import and export of total zooplankton, the outflow of organisms of the estuary was higher than the input. The results suggest that the estuary of Caravelas may influence the dynamics of organic matter to the adjacent coast, with possible consequences in National Marine Park of Abrolhos