803 resultados para Transmission systems


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We report the impact of longitudinal signal power profile on the transmission performance of coherently-detected 112 Gb/s m-ary polarization multiplexed quadrature amplitude modulation system after compensation of deterministic nonlinear fibre impairments. Performance improvements up to 0.6 dB (Q(eff)) are reported for a non-uniform transmission link power profile. Further investigation reveals that the evolution of the transmission performance with power profile management is fully consistent with the parametric amplification of the amplified spontaneous emission by the signal through four-wave mixing. In particular, for a non-dispersion managed system, a single-step increment of 4 dB in the amplifier gain, with respect to a uniform gain profile, at similar to 2/3(rd) of the total reach considerably improves the transmission performance for all the formats studied. In contrary a negative-step profile, emulating a failure (gain decrease or loss increase), significantly degrades the bit-error rate.


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A method of all-optical passive quasi-regeneration in transoceanic 40 Gbit/s return-to-zero transmission systems with strong dispersion management was described. The use of in-line nonlinear optical loop mirrors (NOLM) by the method was demonstrated. The quasi-regeneration of signals performed by NOLMs was found to improve the systems's performance.


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All-optical passive regeneration in 40 Gbit/s-based wavelength-division-multiplexed (WDM) dispersion-managed return-to-zero (RZ) transmission system was discussed. In-line nonlinear optical loop mirrors (NOLM) were used. A feasibility of 300 GHz-spaced two channel unlimited transmission and 150 GHz-spaced two channel 25000 km transmission over the standard fiber were found.


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We report for the first time on the limitations in the operational power range of few-mode fiber based transmission systems, employing 28Gbaud quadrature phase shift keying transponders, over 1,600km. It is demonstrated that if an additional mode is used on a preexisting few-mode transmission link, and allowed to optimize its performance, it will have a significant impact on the pre-existing mode. In particular, we show that for low mode coupling strengths (weak coupling regime), the newly added variable power mode does not considerably impact the fixed power existing mode, with performance penalties less than 2dB (in Q-factor). On the other hand, as mode coupling strength is increased (strong coupling regime), the individual launch power optimization significantly degrades the system performance, with penalties up to ∼6dB. Our results further suggest that mutual power optimization, of both fixed power and variable power modes, reduces power allocation related penalties to less than 3dB, for any given coupling strength, for both high and low differential mode delays. © 2013 Optical Society of America.


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Applying direct error counting, we assess the performance of 20 Gbit/s wavelength-division multiplexing return-to-zero differential phase-shift keying (RZ-DPSK) transmission at 0.4 bit/(s Hz) spectral efficiency for application on installed non-zero dispersion-shifted fibre based transoceanic submarine systems. The impact of the pulse duty cycle on the system performance is investigated and the reliability of the existing theoretical approaches to the BER estimation for the RZ-DPSK format is discussed.


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Timing jitter is a major factor limiting the performance of any high-speed, long-haul data transmission system. It arises from a number of reasons, such as interaction with accumulated spontaneous emission, inter-symbol interference (ISI), electrostriction etc. Some effects causing timing jitter can be reduced by means of non-linear filtering, using, for example, a nonlinear optical loop mirror (NOLM) [1]. The NOLM has been shown to reduce the timing jitter by suppressing the ASE and by stabilising the pulse duration [2, 3]. In this paper, we investigate the dynamics of timing jitter in a 2R regenerated system, nonlinearly guided by NOLMs at bit rates of 10, 20, 40, and 80- Gbit/s. Transmission performance of an equivalent non-regenerated (generic) system is taken as a reference.


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We derive rigorously the Fokker-Planck equation that governs the statistics of soliton parameters in optical transmission lines in the presence of additive amplifier spontaneous emission. We demonstrate that these statistics are generally non-Gaussian. We present exact marginal probability-density functions for soliton parameters for some cases. A WKB approach is applied to describe the tails of the probability-density functions. © 2005 Optical Society of America.


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We show, using nonlinearity management, that the optimal performance in high-bit-rate dispersion-managed fiber systems with hybrid amplification is achieved for a specific amplifier spacing that is different from the asymptotically vanishing length corresponding to ideally distributed amplification [Opt. Lett. 15, 1064 (1990)]. In particular, we prove the existence of a nontrivial optimal span length for 40-Gbit/s wavelength-division transmission systems with Raman-erbium-doped fiber amplification. Optimal amplifier lengths are obtained for several dispersion maps based on commonly used transmission fibers. © 2005 Optical Society of America.


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This thesis presents the experimental investigation into two novel techniques which can be incorporated into current optical systems. These techniques have the capability to improve the performance of transmission and the recovery of the transmitted signal at the receiver. The experimental objectives are described and the results for each technique are presented in two sections: The first experimental section is on work related to Ultra-long Raman Fibre lasers (ULRFLs). The fibre lasers have become an important research topic in recent years due to the significant improvement they give over lumped Raman amplification and their potential use in the development of system with large bandwidths and very low losses. The experiments involved the use of ASK and DPSK modulation types over a distance of 240km and DPSK over a distance of 320km. These results are compared to the current state of-the-art and against other types of ultra-long transmission amplification techniques. The second technique investigated involves asymmetrical, or offset, filtering. This technique is important because it deals with the strong filtering regimes that are a part of optical systems and networks in modern high-speed communications. It allows the improvement of the received signal by offsetting the central frequency of a filter after the output of a Delay Line Interferometer (DLI), which induces significant improvement in BER and/or Qvalues at the receiver and therefore an increase in signal quality. The experimental results are then concluded against the objectives of the experimental work and potential future work discussed.


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Nonlinearity management in transmission lines with periodic dispersion compensation and hybrid Raman-Erbium doped fiber amplification is studied both analytically and numerically. Different transmission/compensating fiber pairs are considered, with particular focus on the SMF/DCF case. © 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We examine reduction of phase jitter by use of in-line Butterworth filters in soliton systems in the context of differential phase-shift-keying coding. We also demonstrate numerically that the use of a Butterworth filter in a return-to-zero differential phase-shift-keying system can reduce continuum background radiation.


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We review the nonlinear channel capacity of optical fiber communication systems using both linear and nonlinear amplifiers. We show that the capacity of a nonlinear transmission system employing linear optical amplifiers can be enhanced by over 300% by using all optical regeneration. © OSA 2013.