875 resultados para Transgene Mäuse, Endocannabinoid-System, CRH, Depression, Angst, Tiermodell, Stress, HPA Achse


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In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde Neuroglobin (Ngb), ein evolutiv altes und in Metazoen konserviertes respiratorisches Protein, funktionell untersucht. Mittels des induzierbaren Tet on / Tet off Systems wurde Ngb ektopisch in der murinen Leber und im Gehirn überexprimiert. Die Transkriptome von Leber und Gehirnregionen Ngb-transgener Mäuse wurden mittels Microarrays und RNA-Seq im Vergleich zum Wildtyp analysiert, um Auswirkungen der Ngb-Überexpression zu ermitteln. Die Transkriptom-Analyse in Leber und Gehirn zeigte eine nur geringe Anzahl differenziell regulierter Gene und Stoffwechselwege nach Ngb-Überexpression. Ngb transgene Mäuse wurden CCl4-induziertem ROS-Stress ausgesetzt und die Leberfunktion untersucht. Zudem wurden primäre Hepatozyten-Kulturen etabliert und in diesen in vitro die extrinsische Apoptose induziert. Die Stressversuche zeigten: (i) Die Ngb-Überexpression hat keine protektive Wirkung in der Leber in vivo. (ii) In Leberzellen in vitro hingegen verminderte eine Ngb-Überexpression effizient die Aktivierung der apoptotischen Kaskade. Eine protektive Wirkung von Ngb ist vermutlich von betrachtetem Gewebe und dem verwendeten Stressor abhängig und keine generelle, selektierte Funktion des Proteins.rnWeiterhin wurde eine Ngb-KnockOut-Mauslinie mit einem LacZ-KnockIn-Genotyp etabliert. Hierbei zeigten die KO-Mäuse keinen offensichtlichen Phänotyp in ihrer Entwicklung, Fortpflanzung und Retina-Funktion. Unter Verwendung des LacZ-Knockin-Konstrukts konnten kontrovers diskutierte Ngb-Expressionsorte im adulten Mausgehirn (Hippocampus, Cortex und Cerebellum) sowie in Testes experimentell bestätigt werden. Parallel wurden öffentlich verfügbare RNA-Seq Datensätze ausgewertet, um die regionale Ngb-Expression systematisch ohne Antikörper-assoziierte Spezifitätsprobleme zu charakterisieren. Eine basale Ngb-Expression (RPKM: ~1-5) wurde im Hippocampus, Cortex und Cerebellum, sowie in Retina und Testes ermittelt. Eine 20-40fach höhere, starke Expression (RPKM: ~160) wurde im Hypothalamus bzw. im Hirnstamm nachgewiesen. Die „digitale“ Expressionsuntersuchung wurde mittels qRT-PCR und Western Blot bestätigt. Dieses Expressionsprofil von Ngb in der Maus weist auf eine besondere funktionelle Bedeutung von Ngb im Hypothalamus hin. Eine Funktion von Ngb in der Sauerstoffversorgung der Retina und eine generelle Funktion von Ngb in der Protektion von Neuronen sind mit dem beobachteten Expressionsspektrum weniger gut vereinbar.


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GABA(A) receptors are the major ionotropic inhibitory neurotransmitter receptors. The endocannabinoid system is a lipid signaling network that modulates different brain functions. Here we show a direct molecular interaction between the two systems. The endocannabinoid 2-arachidonoyl glycerol (2-AG) potentiates GABA(A) receptors at low concentrations of GABA. Two residues of the receptor located in the transmembrane segment M4 of β(2) confer 2-AG binding. 2-AG acts in a superadditive fashion with the neurosteroid 3α, 21-dihydroxy-5α-pregnan-20-one (THDOC) and modulates δ-subunit-containing receptors, known to be located extrasynaptically and to respond to neurosteroids. 2-AG inhibits motility in CB(1)/CB(2) cannabinoid receptor double-KO, whereas β(2)-KO mice show hypermotility. The identification of a functional binding site for 2-AG in the GABA(A) receptor may have far-reaching consequences for the study of locomotion and sedation.


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Endocannabinoids are arachidonic acid-derived endogenous lipids that activate the endocannabinoid system which plays a major role in health and disease. The primary endocannabinoids are anandamide (AEA, N-arachidonoylethanolamine) and 2-arachidonoyl glycerol. While their biosynthesis and metabolism have been studied in detail, it remains unclear how endocannabinoids are transported across the cell membrane. In this review, we critically discuss the different models of endocannabinoid trafficking, focusing on AEA cellular uptake which is best studied. The evolution of the current knowledge obtained with different AEA transport inhibitors is reviewed and the confusions caused by the lack of their specificity discussed. A comparative summary of the most important AEA uptake inhibitors and the studies involving their use is provided. Based on a comprehensive literature analysis, we propose a model of facilitated AEA membrane transport followed by intracellular shuttling and sequestration. We conclude that novel and more specific probes will be essential to identify the missing targets involved in endocannabinoid membrane transport.


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-06


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Post-concussion syndrome (PCS) is a controversial constellation of cognitive, emotional, and physical symptoms that some patients experience following a mild traumatic brain injury or concussion. PCS-like symptoms are commonly found in individuals with depression, pain, and stress, as well as healthy individuals. This study investigated the base rate of PCS symptoms in a healthy sample of 96 participants and examined the relationship between these symptoms, depression, and sample demographics. PCS symptoms were assessed using the British-Columbia Post-Concussion Symptom Inventory. Depression was measured using the Beck Depression Inventory II. Results demonstrated that: The base rate of PCS was very high; there was a strong positive relationship between depression and PCS; and demographic characteristics were not related to PCS in this sample. These findings are broadly consistent with literature suggesting a significant role for non-neurological factors in the expression of PCS symptomatology. This study adds to the growing body of literature that calls for caution in the clinical interpretation of results from PCS symptom inventories.


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DASS-21 has been validated in a number of populations such as Hispanic adults, American, British and Australian. The findings show that the DASS-21 is psychometrically sound with good reliability and validity. It is clear from the literature that the DASS-21 is a well established instrument for measuring depression, anxiety and stress in the Western world. Nonetheless, the lack of appropriate validation amongst Asian populations continues to pose concerns over the use of DASS-21 in Asian samples. Cultural variation may influence the individual’s experience and emotional expression. Thus, when researchers and practitioners employ Western-based assessments with Asian populations by directly translating them without an appropriate validation, the process can be challenging. In summary, we have conducted a series of rigorous statistical tests and minimised any potential confounds from the demographic information. The advantages of this revised DASS-18 stress scale are twofold. First, the revised DASS-18 stress scale possessed fewer items, which resulted in a cleaner factorial structure. Second, it also had a smaller inter-factor correlation. With these justifications, the revised DASS-18 stress scale is potentially more suitable for the Asian populations.


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Addiction is a devastating disorder that affects 15.3 million people worldwide. While prevalent, few effective treatments exist. Orexin receptors have been proposed as a potential target for anti-craving medications. Orexins, also known as hypocretins, are neuropeptides produced in neurons of the lateral and dorsomedial hypothalamus and perifornical area, which project widely throughout the brain. The absence of orexins in rodents and humans leads to narcolepsy. However, orexins also have an established role in reward seeking. This review will discuss some of the original studies describing the roles of the orexins in reward seeking as well as specific works that were presented at the 2013 International Narcotics Research Conference. Orexin signalling can promote drug-induced plasticity of glutamatergic synapses onto dopamine neurons of the ventral tegmental area (VTA), a brain region implicated in motivated behaviour. Additional evidence suggests that orexin signalling can also promote drug seeking by initiating an endocannabinoid-mediated synaptic depression of GABAergic inputs to the VTA, and thereby disinhibiting dopaminergic neurons. Orexin neurons co-express the inhibitory opioid peptide dynorphin. It has been proposed that orexin in the VTA may not mediate reward per se, but rather occludes the ‘anti-reward’ effects of dynorphin. Finally, orexin signalling in the prefrontal cortex and the central amygdala is implicated in reinstatement of reward seeking. This review will highlight recent work describing the role of orexin signalling in cellular processes underlying addiction-related behaviours and propose novel hypotheses for the mechanisms by which orexin signalling may impart drug seeking.


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Alcohol addiction is a debilitating disorder producing maladaptive changes in the brain, leading drinkers to become more sensitive to stress and anxiety. These changes are key factors contributing to alcohol craving and maintaining a persistent vulnerability to relapse. Serotonin (5-Hydroxytryptamine, 5-HT) is a monoamine neurotransmitter widely expressed in the central nervous system where it plays an important role in the regulation of mood. The serotonin system has been extensively implicated in the regulation of stress and anxiety, as well as the reinforcing properties of all of the major classes of drugs of abuse, including alcohol. Dysregulation within the 5-HT system has been postulated to underlie the negative mood states associated with alcohol use disorders. This review will describe the serotonergic (5-HTergic) neuroplastic changes observed in animal models throughout the alcohol addiction cycle, from prenatal to adulthood exposure. The first section will focus on alcohol-induced 5-HTergic neuroadaptations in offspring prenatally exposed to alcohol and the consequences on the regulation of stress/anxiety. The second section will compare alterations in 5-HT signalling induced by acute or chronic alcohol exposure during adulthood and following alcohol withdrawal, highlighting the impact on the regulation of stress/anxiety signalling pathways. The third section will outline 5-HTergic neuroadaptations observed in various genetically-selected ethanol preferring rat lines. Finally, we will discuss the pharmacological manipulation of the 5-HTergic system on ethanol- and anxiety/stress-related behaviours demonstrated by clinical trials, with an emphasis on current and potential treatments.


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Background: Type-1 cannabinoid receptors (CB1R) are enriched in the hypothalamus, particularly in the ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus (VMH) that participates in homeostatic and behavioral functions including food intake. Although CB1R activation modulates excitatory and inhibitory synaptic transmission in the brain, CB1R contribution to the molecular architecture of the excitatory and inhibitory synaptic terminals in the VMH is not known. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the precise subcellular distribution of CB1R in the VMH to better understand the modulation exerted by the endocannabinoid system on the complex brain circuitries converging into this nucleus. Methodology/Principal Findings: Light and electron microscopy techniques were used to analyze CB1R distribution in the VMH of CB1R-WT, CB1R-KO and conditional mutant mice bearing a selective deletion of CB1R in cortical glutamatergic (Glu-CB1R-KO) or GABAergic neurons (GABA-CB1R-KO). At light microscopy, CB1R immunolabeling was observed in the VMH of CB1R-WT and Glu-CB1R-KO animals, being remarkably reduced in GABA-CB1R-KO mice. In the electron microscope, CB1R appeared in membranes of both glutamatergic and GABAergic terminals/preterminals. There was no significant difference in the percentage of CB1R immunopositive profiles and CB1R density in terminals making asymmetric or symmetric synapses in CB1R-WT mice. Furthermore, the proportion of CB1R immunopositive terminals/preterminals in CB1R-WT and Glu-CB1R-KO mice was reduced in GABA-CB1R-KO mutants. CB1R density was similar in all animal conditions. Finally, the percentage of CB1R labeled boutons making asymmetric synapses slightly decreased in Glu-CB1R-KO mutants relative to CB1R-WT mice, indicating that CB1R was distributed in cortical and subcortical excitatory synaptic terminals. Conclusions/Significance: Our anatomical results support the idea that the VMH is a relevant hub candidate in the endocannabinoid-mediated modulation of the excitatory and inhibitory neurotransmission of cortical and subcortical pathways regulating essential hypothalamic functions for the individual's survival such as the feeding behavior.


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356 p. : il., graf. Nota: Contiene versión resumida en inglés p.237-256 con el título “Subcellular architecture of the endocannabinoid system in the mouse ventromedial nucleus of the hypothalamus”


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Analisar a associação recíproca entre fatores de risco cardiometabólico, níveis de adipocitocinas (leptina e adiponectina de alto peso molecular), endocanabinoides (anandamida [AEA] e 2-araquidonoilglicerol [2-AG]), compostos canabimiméticos (N-oleoiletanolamina [OEA] e N-palmitoiletanolamina [PEA]) e polimorfismos em genes codificadores de componentes do sistema endocanabinoide (enzima de degradação de endocanabinoides FAAH [gene FAAH] e receptor endocanabinoide CB1 [gene CNR1]) e do receptor PPAR-α [gene PPARA], em indivíduos com diferentes graus de adiposidade. Duzentos indivíduos, entre 18 e 60 anos, com diferentes graus de índice de massa corporal (IMC) compuseram a amostra, dividida em dois grupos: cem eutróficos (IMC < 25 kg/m2) e 100 obesos (IMC ≥ 30 kg/m2), com 50 homens e 50 mulheres em cada grupo. Os obesos ficaram assim distribuídos: grau 1, com IMC < 35 kg/m2 (n=54), 27 homens e 27 mulheres; grau 2, com IMC < 40 kg/m2 (n=32), 16 homens e 16 mulheres e grau 3, com IMC ≥ 40 kg/m2 (n=14), 7 homens e 7 mulheres. Todos os indivíduos foram recrutados entre funcionários, estudantes e residentes do Hospital Universitário Pedro Ernesto, bem como voluntários do quadro da Polícia Militar do Estado do Rio de Janeiro e selecionados com base em amostra de conveniência. Todos foram avaliados por parâmetros antropométricos, determinação da pressão arterial, análises laboratoriais e genotipagem, para determinar seu perfil metabólico, níveis de endocanabinoides e adipocitocinas e rastreamento dos polimorfismos FAAH 385C>A, CNR1 3813A>G e PPARA 484C>G. Foram excluídos do estudo aqueles com história de comorbidades crônicas, doenças inflamatórias agudas, dependência de drogas de qualquer natureza e em uso de medicação nos dez dias anteriores à entrada no estudo. A atividade inflamatória, avaliada pela proteína C reativa ultrassensível (PCRUS), acompanhou o grau de resistência insulínica. Os níveis de PEA se associaram negativamente com a adiposidade visceral e resistência insulínica, sugerindo um melhor perfil metabólico, enquanto que os níveis de 2-AG se associaram positivamente com a PCRUS, apontando para piora nesse perfil. Os polimorfismos estudados não se associaram com o fenótipo obeso ou insulinorresistente. A presença do alelo 3813G no gene CNR1 mostrou associação independente com níveis reduzidos de adiponectina em obesos, sugerindo pior perfil metabólico nesse grupo. A presença do alelo 484G no gene PPARA, associando-se com níveis mais elevados de IMC e LDL-colesterol nos eutróficos pode indicar maior predisposição desses indivíduos para o desenvolvimento de obesidade e dislipidemia aterosclerótica. O genótipo homozigoto AA na posição 385 do gene FAAH e os níveis de PCRUS foram as principais associações, diretas e independentes, com os níveis de AEA, indicando claramente disfunção da enzima de degradação da AEA e, possivelmente, contribuindo para um perfil cardiometabólico mais vulnerável em portadores dessa variante genética.


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Cannabinoid CB1 receptors peripherally modulate energy metabolism. Here, we investigated the role of CB1 receptors in the expression of glucose/pyruvate/tricarboxylic acid (TCA) metabolism in rat abdominal muscle. Dihydrolipoamide dehydrogenase (DLD), a flavoprotein component (E3) of alpha-ketoacid dehydrogenase complexes with diaphorase activity in mitochondria, was specifically analyzed. After assessing the effectiveness of the CB1 receptor antagonist AM251 (3 mg kg(-1), 14 days) on food intake and body weight, we could identified seven key enzymes from either glycolytic pathway or TCA cycle-regulated by both diet and CB1 receptor activity-through comprehensive proteomic approaches involving two-dimensional electrophoresis and MALDI-TOF/LC-ESI trap mass spectrometry. These enzymes were glucose 6-phosphate isomerase (GPI), triosephosphate isomerase (TPI), enolase (Eno3), lactate dehydrogenase (LDHa), glyoxalase-1 (Glo1) and the mitochondrial DLD, whose expressions were modified by AM251 in hypercaloric diet-induced obesity. Specifically, AM251 blocked high-carbohydrate diet (HCD)-induced expression of GPI, TPI, Eno3 and LDHa, suggesting a down-regulation of glucose/pyruvate/lactate pathways under glucose availability. AM251 reversed the HCD-inhibited expression of Glo1 and DLD in the muscle, and the DLD and CB1 receptor expression in the mitochondrial fraction. Interestingly, we identified the presence of CB1 receptors at the membrane of striate muscle mitochondria. DLD over-expression was confirmed in muscle of CB1-/- mice. AM251 increased the pyruvate dehydrogenase and glutathione reductase activity in C2C12 myotubes, and the diaphorase/oxidative activity in the mitochondria fraction. These results indicated an up-regulation of methylglyoxal and TCA cycle activity. Findings suggest that CB1 receptors in muscle modulate glucose/pyruvate/lactate pathways and mitochondrial oxidative activity by targeting DLD.


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The hippocampus, being sensitive to stress and glucocorticoids, plays significant roles in certain types of learning and memory. Therefore, the hippocampus is probably involved in the increasing drug use, drug seeking, and relapse caused by stress. We have studied the effect of stress with morphine on synaptic plasticity in the CA1 region of the hippocampus in vivo and on a delayed-escape paradigm of the Morris water maze. Our results reveal that acute stress enables long-term depression (LTD) induction by low-frequency stimulation (LFS) but acute morphine causes synaptic potentiation. Remarkably, exposure to an acute stressor reverses the effect of morphine from synaptic potentiation ( similar to 20%) to synaptic depression ( similar to 40%), precluding further LTD induction by LFS. The synaptic depression caused by stress with morphine is blocked either by the glucocorticoid receptor antagonist RU38486 or by the NMDA-receptor antagonist D-APV. Chronic morphine attenuates the ability of acute morphine to cause synaptic potentiation, and stress to enable LTD induction, but not the ability of stress in tandem with morphine to cause synaptic depression. Furthermore, corticosterone with morphine during the initial phase of drug use promotes later delayed-escape behavior, as indicated by the morphine-reinforced longer latencies to escape, leading to persistent morphine-seeking after withdrawal. These results suggest that hippocampal synaptic plasticity may play a significant role in the effects of stress or glucocorticoids on opiate addiction.


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Background: The endocannabinoid system is known to play a role in regulating myocardial contractility, but the influence of cannabinoid receptor 1 (CB1) deficiency on chronic heart failure (CHF) remains unclear. In this study we attempted to investigate the effect of CB1 deficiency on CHF induced by pressure overload and the possible mechanisms involved. Methods and results: A CHF model was created by transverse aortic constriction (TAC) in both CB1 knockout mice and wild-type mice. CB1 knockout mice showed a marked increase of mortality due to CHF from 4 to 8 weeks after TAC (p = 0.021). Five weeks after TAC, in contrast to wild-type mice, CB1 knockout mice had a higher left ventricular (LV) end-diastolic pressure, lower rate of LV pressure change (± dp/dt max), lower LV contractility index, and a larger heart weight to body weight ratio and lung weight to body weight ratio compared with wild-type mice (all p < 0.05-0.001). Phosphorylation of the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) and mitogen-activated protein kinases (P38 and ERK) was higher in CB1 knockout mice than that in wild-type mice. In cultured neonatal rat cardiomyocytes, a CB1 agonist reduced cAMP production stimulated by isoproterenol or forskolin, and suppressed phosphorylation of the EGFR, P38, and ERK, while the inhibitory effect of a CB1 agonist on EGFR phosphorylation was abrogated by CB1 knockdown. Conclusion: These findings indicate that cannabinoid receptor 1 inactivation promotes cardiac remodeling by enhancing the activity of the epidermal growth factor receptor and mitogen-activated protein kinases. © 2012 Elsevier Ireland Ltd.


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Marijuana smokers and animals treated with ?9-tetrahydrocannabinol, THC, the principal component of marijuana, show alterations of sperm morphology suggesting a role for cannabinoids in sperm differentiation and/or maturation. Since the cannabinoid receptor 1 (CNR1) activation appears to play a pivotal role in spermiogenesis, the developmental stage where DNA is remodeled, we hypothesized that CNR1 receptors might also influence chromatin quality in sperm. We used Cnr1 null mutant (Cnr1-/-) mice to study the possible role of endocannabinoids on sperm chromatin during spermiogenesis. We demonstrated that CNR1 activation regulated chromatin remodeling of spermatids by either increasing Tnp2 levels or enhancing histone displacement. Comparative analysis of WT, Cnr1+/- and Cnr1-/- animals suggested the possible occurrence of haploinsufficiency for Tnp2 turnover control by CNR1, while histone displacement was disrupted to a lesser extent. Further, flow cytometry analysis demonstrated that the genetic loss of Cnr1 decreased sperm chromatin quality and was associated with sperm DNA fragmentation. This damage increased during epididymal transit, from caput to cauda. Collectively, our results show that the expression/activity of CNR1 controls the physiological alterations of DNA structure during spermiogenic maturation and epididymal transit. Given the deleterious effects of sperm DNA damage on male fertility, we suggest that the reproductive function of marijuana users may also be impaired by deregulation of the endogenous endocannabinoid system.