993 resultados para Transesterification reactions


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Alkyl aluminium alkoxides have been used as initiators for the ring opening polymerisation of ε-caprolactone and δ-valerolactone. The effect of the reaction solvent on the kinetics of the polymerisation of ε-caprolactone has been studied. The rate of polymerisation was found to be faster in solvents of lower polarity and donor nature such as toluene. In general solvents of higher polarity resulted in a decreased rate of polymerisation. However solvents such as THF or DMF with a lone pair of electrons capable of forming a complex with the aluminium centre slowed the polymerisation further. The size of the monomer also proved to be an important factor in the kinetics of the reaction. The six membered ring, δ-valerolactone has less ring strain than the seven membered ring ε-caprolactone and thus the polymerisation of δ-valerolactone is slower than the corresponding polymerisation of ε-caprolactone. Both the alkoxide and alkyl group structures have an effect on the polymerisation. In general bulkier alkoxide groups provide greater steric hindrance around the active site at the beginning of the reaction. This causes an induction or a build up period that is related to the both the steric hindrance and also the electronic effects provided by the alkoxide group. The alkyl group structure has an effect throughout the polymerisation because it remains adjacent to the active centre. The number of alkoxide groups on the aluminium centre is also important, using a dialkoxide as an initiator yields polymers with molecular weights approximately half that of the corresponding reactions using a mono alkoxide. Transesterification reactions have also been found to occur after most of the monomer has been consumed. These transesterification reactions are exaggerated as temperature increases. A method of producing tri-block co-polymers has also been developed. A di-hydroxy functional pre-polymer, PHBV, was reacted with an aluminium alkyl to form a di-alkoxide macroinitiator which was subsequently used as an initiator for the polymerisation of ε-caprolactone to form an ABA type tri-block co-polymer. The molecular weight and other properties were predictable from the initial monomer/initiator ratios.


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Azidoprofen {2-(4-azidophenyl)propionic acid; AZP}, an azido-substituted arylalkanoic acid, was investigated as a model soft drug candidate for a potential topical non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agent (NSAIA). Reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) methods were developed for the assay of AZP, a series of ester analogues and their· degradation products. 1H-NMR spectroscopy was also employed as an analytical method in selected cases. Reduction of the azido-group to the corresponding amine has been proposed as a potential detoxification mechanism for compounds bearing this substituent. An in vitro assay to measure the susceptibility of azides towards reduction was developed using dithiothreitol as a model reducing agent. The rate of reduction of AZP was found to be base-dependent, hence supporting the postulated mechanism of thiol-mediated reduction via nucleophilic attack by the thiolate anion. Prodrugs may enhance topical bioavailability through the manipulation of physico-chemical properties of the parent drug. A series of ester derivatives of AZP were investigated for their susceptibility to chemical and enzymatic hydrolysis, which regenerates the parent acid. Use of alcoholic cosolvents with differing alkyl functions to that of the ester resulted in transesterification reactions, which were found to be enzyme-mediated. The skin penetration of AZP was assessed using an in vitro hairless mouse skin model, and silastic membrane in some cases. The rate of permeation of AZP was found to be a similar magnitude to that of the well established NSAIA ibuprofen. Penetration rates were dependent on the vehicle pH and drug concentration when solutions were employed. In contrast, flux was independent of pH when suspension formulations were used. Pretreatment of the skin with various enhancer regimes, including oleic acid and azone in propylene glycol, promoted the penetration of AZP. An intense IR absorption due to the azide group serves as a highly diagnostic marker, enabling azido compounds to be detected in the outer layers of the· stratum corneum following their application to skin, using attenuated total reflectance Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (ATR-FTIR). This novel application enabled a non-invasive examination of the percutaneous penetration enhancement of a model azido compound in vivo in man, in the presence of the enhancer oleic acid.


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Biodiesel is a renewable substitute fuel for petroleum diesel fuel which is made from nontoxic, biodegradable, renewable sources such as refined and used vegetable oils and animal fats. Biodiesel is produced by transesterification in which oil or fat is reacted with a monohydric alcohol in the presence of a catalyst. The process of transesterification is affected by the mode of reaction, molar ratio of alcohol to oil, type of alcohol, nature and amount of catalysts, reaction time, and temperature. Various studies have been carried out using different oils as the raw material and different alcohols (methanol, ethanol, butanol), as well as different catalysts, notably homogeneous ones such as sodium hydroxide, potassium hydroxide, sulfuric acid, and supercritical fluids or enzymes such as lipases. Recent research has focused on the application of heterogeneous catalysts to produce biodiesel, because of their environmental and economic advantages. This paper reviews the literature regarding both catalytic and noncatalytic production of biodiesel. Advantages and disadvantages of different methods and catalysts used are discussed. We also discuss the importance of developing a single catalyst for both esterification and transesterification reactions.


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O crescente consumo de energia, bem como a possibilidade de esgotamento dos recursos não renováveis, tem fomentado a busca de fontes de energia alternativas. O biodiesel é um biocombustível obtido a partir de fontes renováveis e a sua utilização permite reduzir as emissões de gases com efeito de estufa. Nos últimos anos tem-se produzido biodiesel a partir de óleos alimentares usados (OAU), sendo que com esta aplicação valoriza-se um resíduo e simultaneamente produz-se um combustível “verde”. O biodiesel é produzido através das reações de transesterificação e/ou esterificação entre triglicerídeos e/ou ácidos gordos livres e um álcool, na presença de um catalisador. O rendimento do processo está estritamente relacionado com o tipo de catalisador e as condições que este opera. O principal objetivo do presente trabalho consistiu na avaliação do efeito de alguns parâmetros operacionais no desempenho de uma lípase imobilizada (Novozyme® 435), nomeadamente: (i) índice de acidez do óleo, (ii) razão mássica de enzima/óleo e (iii) método regeneração da enzima com vista à sua reutilização. Também foi objeto de estudo do presente trabalho a produção em contínuo, num (bior)reator tubular de leito fixo, de ésteres metílicos de ácidos gordos (FAME) usando a referida enzima. Registou-se um aumento rendimento em com o incremento do índice de acidez do óleo usado, o que indicia que a enzima catalisa simultaneamente as reações de esterificação e transesterificação. Relativamente à razão mássica de enzima/óleo, dentro da gama testada verificou-se um aumento do rendimento em FAME com a concentração da enzima em meio reacional. Dos vários solventes testados, a aplicação de solvente tert-butanol na regeneração (com incubação) da enzima foi o que melhores resultados teve. Finalmente, os resultados obtidos no ensaio de produção de FAME num biorreator contínuo são motivadores, criando expectativas de uma possível aplicação industrial no futuro.


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A modificação estrutural de óleos e gorduras é uma das principais áreas de interesse de pesquisa em diferentes setores industriais. No caso da indústria de alimentos, a interesterificação é empregada para melhorar propriedades nutricionais e funcionais, em que se obtêm compostos diferentes dos que lhes deram origem. As lipases microbianas são os biocatalisadores mais utilizados industrialmente, por serem mais estáveis, específicas e com propriedades bem mais diversificadas que as lipases de outras fontes. Este trabalho objetivou, primeiramente, a caracterização da gordura da pele de frango (GPF) e sua comparação com óleo de soja, como referência, visando a utilização de GPF em reações de interesterificação. Para isto foram caracterizados quanto aos índices de rancidez hidrolítica e oxidativa, bem como de matéria insaponificável, índices de saponificação, refração e iodo. Foi realizado ainda o fracionamento e perfil de ácidos graxos destes lipídios e suas frações, com o cálculo de seus índices nutricionais. Foi verificado que a GPF apresentou qualidade satisfatória devido aos baixos índices de acidez (0,65 g ácido oleico.100 g -1 ), peróxido (2,14 meq.kg-1 ), p-anisidina (0,70 unidades de absorvância.g-1 ), além de fonte de ácidos graxos mono-insaturados (40%), sendo fonte promissora para estudos de interesterificação. Em um segundo momento o objetivo foi produzir lipídios modificados ricos em ácidos graxos essenciais a partir da gordura da pele de frango e ácidos graxos ramificados, utilizando lipase sn-1,3 específica e interesterificação do tipo acidólise. Foram estudados os fatores concentração de enzima, adição de água, proporção de substratos e tempo, segundo um planejamento experimental fatorial completo 2 4 . As separações analíticas foram executadas em placas de cromatografia de camada delgada, sendo as frações posteriormente extraídas, ressuspensas e injetadas no cromatógrafo a gás. Foi verificado que a adição de água ao meio reacional apresentou efeito significativo (p<0,05) para todos ácidos graxos avaliados dos triacilgliceróis, sendo que para o ácido essencial linoleico (C18:2) o efeito do tempo de reação também foi significativo, sendo verificado que quanto maior o tempo de reação, menor a quantidade de água a ser adicionada. Em um terceiro momento, o objetivo foi produzir éster fenólico a partir do DHCA, além de realizar reações de transesterificação deste éster com tricaprilina. Para a reação de transesterificação, foi utilizado um delineamento composto central rotacional (DCCR) variando a quantidade de enzima, tempo de reação e temperatura sobre a resposta (%) dos reagentes consumidos. A lipase Novozym® 435 de Candida antarctica foi utilizada como catalisador de todas reações. Foi verificado que a maior produção de éster (50%) ocorreu em oito dias. Nas reações de transesterificação, as relações molares em que houve maior consumo do éster produzido foram 1:5 e 1:10, sendo obtidos 21,1% e 29,6% de residual de dihidrocafeato de octila, respectivamente em 24 h. Foi observado que em altas temperaturas e tempo superior a 26 h, houve o menor residual de dihidrocafeato de octila (18,2%). Foram identificados três diferentes compostos fenólicos, contendo em sua estrutura dihidrocafeato de octila e ácido caprílico.


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TiO2 nanofibers with different crystal phases have been discovered to be efficient catalysts for the transesterification of alcohols with dimethyl carbonate to produce corresponding methyl carbonates. Advantages of this catalytic system include excellent selectivity (>99%), general suitability to alcohols, reusability and ease of preparation and separation of fibrous catalysts. Activities of TiO2 catalysts were found to correlate with their crystal phases which results in different absorption abilities and activation energies on the catalyst surfaces. The kinetic isotope effect (KIE) investigation identified the rate-determining step, and the isotope labeling of oxygen-18 of benzyl alcohol clearly demonstrated the reaction pathway. Finally, the transesterification mechanism of alcohols with dimethyl carbonate catalyzed by TiO2 nanofibers was proposed, in which the alcohol released the proton to form benzyl alcoholic anion, and subsequently the anion attacks the carbonyl carbon of dimethyl carbonate to produce the target product of benzyl methyl carbonate.


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The transesterification of methyl salicylate with phenol has been studied in vapour phase over solid acid catalysts such as ZrO2, MoO3 and SO42- or Mo(VI) ions modified zirconia. The catalytic materials were prepared and characterized for their total surface acidity, BET surface area and powder XRD patterns. The effect of mole-ratio of the reactants, catalyst bed temperature, catalyst weight, flow-rate of reactants, WHSV and time-on-stream on the conversion (%) of phenol and selectivity (%) of salol has been investigated. A good yield (up to 70%) of salol with 90% selectivity was observed when the reactions were carried out at a catalyst bed temperature of 200 degrees C and flow-rate of 10 mL/h in presence of Mo(VI)/ZrO2 as catalyst. The results have been interpreted based on the variation of acidic properties and powder XRD phases of zirconia on incorporation of SO42- or Mo(VI) ions. The effect of poisoning of acid sites of SO42- or Mo(VI) ions modified zirconia on total surface acidity, powder XRD phases and catalytic activity was also studied. Possible reaction mechanisms for the formation of salol and diphenyl ether over acid sites are proposed.


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Protein TrwC is the conjugative relaxase responsible for DNA processing in plasmid R388 bacterial conjugation. TrwC has two catalytic tyrosines, Y18 and Y26, both able to carry out cleavage reactions using unmodified oligonucleotide substrates. Suicide substrates containing a 30-Sphosphorothiolate linkage at the cleavage site displaced TrwC reaction towards covalent adducts and thereby enabled intermediate steps in relaxase reactions to be investigated. Two distinct covalent TrwC–oligonucleotide complexes could be separated from noncovalently bound protein by SDS–PAGE. As observed by mass spectrometry, one complex contained a single, cleaved oligonucleotide bound to Y18, whereas the other contained two cleaved oligonucleotides, bound to Y18 and Y26. Analysis of the cleavage reaction using suicide substrates and Y18F or Y26F mutants showed that efficient Y26 cleavage only occurs after Y18 cleavage. Strand-transfer reactions carried out with the isolated Y18–DNA complex allowed the assignment of specific roles to each tyrosine. Thus, only Y18 was used for initiation. Y26 was specifically used in the second transesterification that leads to strand transfer, thus catalyzing the termination reaction that occurs in the recipient cell.


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B3LYP/6-31 + G(d) calculations were employed to investigate the mechanism of the transesterification reaction between a model monoglyceride and the methoxide and ethoxide anions. The gas-phase results reveal that both reactions have essentially the same activation energy (5.9 kcal mol(-1)) for decomposition of the key tetrahedral intermediate. Solvent effects were included by means of both microsolvation and the polarizable continuum solvation model CPCM. Both solvent approaches reduce the activation energy, however, only the microsolvation model is able to introduce some differentiation between methanol and ethanol, yielding a lower activation energy for decomposition of the tetrahedral intermediate in the reaction with methanol (1.1 kcal mol(-1)) than for the corresponding reaction with ethanol (2.8 kcal mol(-1)), in line with experimental evidences. Analysis of the individual energy components within the CPCM approach reveals that electrostatic interactions are the main contribution to stabilization of the transition state. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The heterogeneously catalyzed transesterification reaction for the production of biodiesel from triglycerides was investigated for reaction mechanism and kinetic constants. Three elementary reaction mechanisms Eley-Rideal (ER), Langmuir-Hinshelwood-Hougen-Watson (LHHW), and Hattori with assumptions, such as quasi-steady-state conditions for the surface species and methanol adsorption, and surface reactions as the rate-determining steps were applied to predict the catalyst surface coverage and the bulk concentration using a multiscale simulation framework. The rate expression based on methanol adsorption as the rate limiting in LHHW elementary mechanism has been found to be statistically the most reliable representation of the experimental data using hydrotalcite catalyst with different formulations. © 2011 American Chemical Society.


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The one-dimensional propagation of a combustion wave through a premixed solid fuel for two-stage kinetics is studied. We re-examine the analysis of a single reaction travelling-wave and extend it to the case of two-stage reactions. We derive an expression for the travelling wave speed in the limit of large activation energy for both reactions. The analysis shows that when both reactions are exothermic, the wave structure is similar to the single reaction case. However, when the second reaction is endothermic, the wave structure can be significantly different from single reaction case. In particular, as might be expected, a travelling wave does not necessarily exist in this case. We establish conditions in the limiting large activation energy limit for the non-existence, and for monotonicity of the temperature profile in the travelling wave.


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Published accounts of behavioural interventions for grief have relied on exposure and habituation to grief cues as the primary strategy. Such an approach is excessively narrow, since it does not adequately confront the challenges that are posed by a bereavement. Many people cope with a bereavement by themselves, and for those, intervention may well be counterproductive. A cognitive-behavioural intervention, following models for depression/anxiety, can assist vulnerable individuals obtain a more rapid or complete adjustment. The proposed approach differs from dynamic treatments by placing less emphasis on defensive behavior, insight, and interpretation and more emphasis on training of coping skills.


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Despite the severe challenges which are posed by the loss of a close friend or relative, bereavement has a relatively benign outcome in most cases. While the majority of patients cope with bereavement, a significant minority develop problems. A behavioural approach may help the bereaved avoid adverse grief reactions.