98 resultados para Transdisciplinaridade,


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Esta dissertação aborda os processos de significação em estados ampliados de consciência desde de uma perspectiva transdisciplinar holística em um estudo de caso com crianças de uma escola pública de Porto Alegre, no Rio Grande do Sul. O trabalho tem como referência teórica principal a psicologia transpessoal e as experiências em estados ampliados de consciência que possibilitam a vivência transpessoal. Considera o ser humano como multidimensional cuja consciência se expressa através de quatro funções: pensamento, sentimento, sensação e intuição. Para a ampliação da consciência foram utilizados métodos reconhecidos pela psicologia transpessoal, no caso, a meditação, o relaxamento, a visualização dirigida e o desenho de mandalas. As mandalas foram a linguagem escolhida para a expressão das significações produzidas durante os estados ampliados de consciência. O método fenomenológico utilizado permitiu revelar que símbolos do inconsciente coletivo emergem para a consciência durante vivências em estados ampliados de consciência. A partir da interpretação reiteramos o entendimento de que existe dentro de cada ser humano uma fonte de sabedoria que está para além dos limites da personalidade, o que corresponde às pesquisas de outros exploradores da consciência humana (Wilber, Grof, Weil). Concluímos o trabalho apresentando o Projeto da Educação da Consciência, o qual se constitui numa proposta de educação da consciência humana em sua multidimensionalidade para a plena manifestação do ser.


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This research emerged from the contemporary need of a public management focused on results, in which the State must reach the effectiveness of public policies implemented, put these into practice through transformation actions. However, these actions should not be seen in isolation, cause, when implemented in a certain environment, interact with actions of various actors, generating social dynamics that will be fundamentals to achieving the expected results. The transdisciplinarity approach may enable an object be seen in its essence, considering all environmental aspects around it as well as various social dynamics that might emerge, in order to facilitate the State reach the effectiveness of their actions, providing the transformation wanted to society. For this reason, are presented in this study the basis of a management model with focus on transdisciplinarity, considering the various challenges, searched the literature on the management of public policies. To verify the adequacy of the basis of the proposed model, was done a case study of the government project called "Implantação das UPAS 24 horas" in Rio de Janeiro. In applying the basis of the model in that project, we find that the transdisciplinarity management can maximize the effectiveness of State intervention.


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Esse trabalho nasce da percepção de um campo de trabalho e de produção de subjetividade permeado por diferentes problemáticas da vida contemporânea e da própria formação histórica da profissão. Procura dar visibilidade a um modo de trabalhar na Terapia Ocupacional próximo a uma concepção de saúde que pressupõe a justaposição dos conceitos de complexidade e transdisciplinaridade, bem como a superação das certezas e verdades universais. Aproxima-se da problematização dos corpos e dos modos de subjetivação no processo terapêutico e, conseqüentemente, no campo político-social do qual emergem, potencializando a construção de uma prática voltada às diferenças e às singularidades dos sujeitos atendidos. Busca o entendimento do campo molecular pelo qual circula a ação do terapeuta ocupacional e da capacidade de invenção que transversaliza as ações do sujeito no mundo. Neste sentido, propõe um modo poético e singular de criar um processo de investigação e, simultaneamente, de atuação profissional que procura romper com o método de investigação mecanicista e dicotômico. Uma estratégia metodológica que prevê uma reflexão crítica sobre as experiências profissionais do terapeuta ocupacional através da análise de casos-pensamento. Um procedimento que emerge na zona de indiscernibilidade entre terapeuta e pesquisador e que tem como teia-conceitual os referenciais da Filosofia da Diferença, da Terapia Ocupacional, da Psicologia e da Literatura. Neste caminho, descortina-se a aliança da Terapia Ocupacional a uma clínica dos afectos. Encontro que aproxima arte e vida, clínica e poïética, cotidiano e invenção. Espaço entre corpos. Lugar de experimentação de si, produção de novos sentidos e expressão do pensamento, ou seja, um campo de problematização e criação da própria vida. Uma vida com intenso potencial de fazer variar os modos de estar no mundo, libertando os corpos de seus engessamentos e empobrecimentos.


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Documentário elaborado no âmbito da FIS - Formação Integrada para Sustentabilidade, disciplina eletiva da FGV-EAESP oferecida a alunos de graduação das escolas de Administração, Direito e Economia que promove um processo formativo fundamentado na Transdisciplinaridade e baseado em um desafio real.A turma ENLACE, 8a edição da FIS, realizou o documentário 'Imagem de Nós' na intenção de apresentar uma contribuição significativa à complexa e controversa implementação da Política Nacional de Resíduos Sólidos -- PNRS no Brasil. Para imersão no tema o grupo realizou Experiências de Campo passando por Paulínia, São José dos Campos, Porto Alegre, Brasília, Belo Horizonte, Curvelo, Uberaba e Lagoa da Prata. Visitaram projetos e iniciativas que buscam endereçar os desafios da PNRS e conversaram com os diferentes atores que trabalham neste universo: poder público, empresas, sociedade civil, catadores, especialistas e academia na tentativa de configurar uma imagem do cenário dos resíduos sólidos no país.


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Eu sou um sentimento. E, como todo sentimento, simples de sentir e complexo de traduzir em palavras. Eu sou você em um dia como todos os outros depois de uma noite como todas as outras. Eu sou você naquele dia tranquilo em que você só precisa de si mesmo para pensar na vida. Eu sou o FIS. E sou uma proposta formativa fundamentada na transdisciplinaridade que desafia alunos em dois momentos: o projeto de si mesmo em que eles refletem com os próprios botões e o projeto referência em que eles trocam experiências com diferentes comunidades para investigar desafios complexos a cada semestre. No processo formativo, ambos os projetos constituem-se como o fio condutor que pouco a pouco, convida os alunos a refletirem sobre a experiência vivida com base no autoposicionamento, no refinamento da atenção, na suspensão de julgamentos, considerando os sentimentos, o corpo, o imaginário e o simbólico. Neste trajeto, especialistas, experiência de campo, diálogos, arte, práticas contemplativas e leituras tem posição de destaque enquanto abordagens que favoreçam uma mudança do paradigma de percepção da realidade. Para mais informações, descubra: www.eletivafis.com.br É, claro, uma apresentação. Onde estão meus bons modos? A proposta da Obra Livro FIS visa transmitir o conteúdo, a experiência vivenciada, de forma a possibilitar ao leitor uma aproximação ao espaço tempo, ritmo e modos de articulação do processo formativo ocorrido. Ela quer oferecer um legado que sirva para diferentes perspectivas, amplie repertórios e convide a diferentes práticas para uma formação que seja do seu tempo. Cada livro é único em sua realização, em sua vontade comunicadora e registro estético. E, não apenas os caracteres semânticos constituem um livro, mas sim a forma do conjunto que o integra, formando um valor estético agregado. Dessa maneira, o design conversa com a narrativa e convida o leitor a sair da passividade, confrontando ideias e acrescentando à Obra Livro algo de próprio, fruto de suas experiências e indagações


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Entrevista com Amâncio Friaça para a edição 91 da Página 22. Amâncio Friaça é físico, astrônomo e professor associado da USP. Suas áreas de pesquisa são cosmologia, evolução e formação de galáxias, evolução química do Universo, evolução da complexidade no Universo, astrobiologia, transdisciplinaridade e relação entre astronomia e sociedade


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Dentistry, as a science and field of knowledge, has presented a substantial development in the last decades in the areas of research and education. The aim of this study was to evaluate the Brazilian scientific production in Dentistry, as from their methodological outlining, which characterizes the XXI Century. Five thousand two hundred and three study abstracts were evaluated, comprising works presented in the meetings of the Brazilian Society of Dentistry Research (SBPqO), during the period of 2001 to 2006. The main results identify that, as for the methodology used in the researches, there was a predominance of the studies of an individuate, interventionist and longitudinal nature; of the researches in the areas of Dentistry, Periodontology, Endodontics, Pedodontics and Collective Oral Health and experimental studies about clinical researches or with collective subjects. The inter and multidisciplinarity are pointed out in the outlining of this study, as the triad Education-Health-Research is discussed, so that they transcend in their fields of action, in the direction of the transdisciplinarity. It is concluded that, in the studied period, there was a reasonable and balanced production in Brazilian dental field


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This thesis deals with the self-knowledge importance and corporal practices and the contribution of the Transpersonal Education for the initial formation process of students of Physical Education. In this context, students are stimulated to come in contact with the bases of learning to know, to make, to live together and to be for the promotion of integral education. We give priority to holistic conception of educating based in Emergent Paradigm. In this conception, student in initial formation is led to get back the view of integral being, life and love as education basis. We had as starting point, the essential dimensions to the learning geared toward the embodiment integration, autopoiesis and trans-disciplinarity. This work presents tracks for the teacher formation of Physical Education. It deals with the unfolding of teaching experiences in 2006, in Graduation Course in Physical Education of Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, in subject of Corporal Conscience, offered to undergraduate students which can be characterized as an action-research. This process was chosen as knowledge and intervention method because it allowed knowing and acting at the same time, studying the conditions and results of accomplished experience. In shared meetings with reflected experiences, we appeal to the experiences of situations that had mobilized the corporal, emotional, mental and spiritual dimensions of participants. The data collected through observations, accounts, questionnaires and interviews of learning processes had been starting points for the beginning of dialogue along with students of Graduation Course in Physical Education. The findings had been interpreted through of hermeneutics and discourse analysis. In this research, participants are considered as protagonist and boosters of educative process. The theoretical basis was supported by Transpersonal Education which contributed for a peace culture and respectful relationship. In its initial formation process, this research protagonists had evidenced of the importance of transpersonal education, geared toward action and changing, new ways of being and living together, facing the daily conflicts from a human and rational perspective. The research emphasized the importance of a new look on the teacher formation of Physical Education to face the limits of fragmented formation. Thus, we recognize that through the teacher education process, the transpersonal education provided wide significant changes reported during research, extending and re-meaning different learning levels such as: cognitive, emotional, attitudinal, and behavioral geared toward the personal and transpersonal development, reiterating the relevance of self-knowledge for development and establishment of pedagogical practice which prioritizes the life direction. The necessity of integrating knowledge to being in the initial process of teaching formation was emphasized in all the transpersonal meetings


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The present thesis studies the appropriate education of the literary gender based in an approach of trans-disciplinary teaching. The main objectives will be to survey the degree of trans-disciplinarity of the literary reading in classrooms and to propose the literary reading as an alternative of trans-disciplinary teaching. The theoretical contributions, which sustain the lines of central argument of this thesis, are related to the critical theories on the epistemological and methodological crisis in the speech of the modernity; the emergency of an emerging paradigm under the optics of the speech of the post-modernity; the theories concerned to curriculums and their interrelations with the school teaching; the theories of the complexity and of the inter and trans-disciplinarity; theories of the reading and of the literature, more precisely the literary semiology and the aesthetics of the acceptance; theories about the pedagogic mediation starting from presupposed and trans-disciplinary principles. The methodological foundations, of the type inter and trans-disciplinary, which anchor the approach of the study is related to a line of qualitative analyses applied the teaching-learning situation accomplished during the data collection during the empiric stage of the research. The analyzed corpus is composed of episodes originated from the classes with literary texts accomplished in the months of June and December of 2005, under the orientation of a complex and trans-disciplinary didacticism. The involved subjects are students in the age group of 9 and 13 years of age from a public school in the county of Cabo de Santo Agostinho, in the State of Pernambuco. Starting from the discoveries found during the research, so much bibliographical, as that of the field, it is possible to conclude, among other things, that the literary reading, when mediated accordingly in the classroom, is a trans-disciplinary object of high degree, because the literary reading can allow and make it possible to the real reader, through a necessary process of speculation on life and its unfolding, solid reflection around the individual and collective occurrences so much in simpler instances as in more complex ones


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La séparation entre les deux cultures (Snow, 1995) a battu la compréhension du monde, a influencé l'éducation à tous les niveaux et a fragmenté les êtres humains dans leur façon de penser et de produire des connaissances. L'accumulation des connaissances héritées dès la naissance de la science moderne au XVIIe siècle, n'a pas été suffisantes pour relever les nouveaux défis du monde contemporain (Morin, 2000, 2001, 2002a). Maintenant c est le temps de chercher une nouvelle compréhension du monde et des nouveaux façon de comprendre et résoudre les événements et problèmes de l'âge moderne. La Pédagogie de la fraternité écologique "est défendue et construite à partir d'un point de référence cosmologique nouvelle, basée sur le grand récit de l'univers, et inspirés par la vie fraternelle, l'amour, la poésie et la sagesse de saint François d'Assise (Italie , sec. XII-XIII) et l'expérience des connaissances traditionnelles et la «logique du sensible» (Lévi-Strauss) de Francisco da Silva Lucas, un résident de la communauté de Areia Branca, sur les rives du lac Piató dans la ville de Assu, Rio Grande do Norte. Une épistémologie fondée sur le grand récit de l'Univers rachetera des relations fraternelles entre l'homme et la nature. À partir de ces références j ai elaboré une nouvelle formation pour les éducateurs, «formation interdisciplinaire pour enseigner de l'éducation», dans lequel je développe ce que j'appelle «Architecture transdisciplinaire de savoir pour la formation des enseignants, fondé sur les principes de la complexité et de la transdisciplinarité. Nous comprenons que notre rôle est plus large intégrant l'homme dans l'histoire de l'univers, car le bien de la terre et le bienêtre de la communauté humaine sur terre peut être le point que rejoindra l'enseignement de l'avenir


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The health transition experienced in Brazilian health care model requires a metamorphosis in human and society, placing new demands on health and education. The Faculty of Science, Culture and Extension of Rio Grande do Norte (Facex), aware of their responsibilities to the Health System, which brings the principle of comprehensiveness as its structural axis, dared to implement a course of nursing in complex thinking and Experiential Pedagogy Humanescente with curriculum inter / transdisciplinary. For deployment of proprosta was not enough to reform thinking of educators, there was a need corporalizar new teaching practices that are aimed at the integral formation of human beings. In this context, emerged the workshop on Human Education autopoietic, self-forming area of the educator, where he developed an Action Research Existential (PA-E) which enabled experience, describe and analyze how the human autopoietic educators could contribute to the practice educational humanescente transdisciplinary curriculum project. Were worked out in meetings, knowledge necessary to practice the transdisciplinary 1st Meeting - learn to create; 2nd Meeting - learn to recognize the laws of nature with emphasis on complexity theory, 3rd Meeting - learn to organize, 4th meeting - namely autoestruturar themselves; 5th Meeting - know how to choose, 6th Meeting - knowing innovate 7th Meeting - namely exchange. Next an autobiographical perspective, we chose the metaphorical possibility to narrate the ways and strategies covered by the author and apprentice in the company of the Little Prince de Saint-Exupery, in search of a sensible pedagogical practice complex, which promotes re-enchant transdisicplinar education. The route involved five methodological connections: a literature review which relate to training for care in undergraduate nursing: the study of learning processes that drive the formation humanopoiética, emphasizing the relationship that involves the complexity and embodiment in the educational process transdisciplinary, highlighting the analysis of what is to learn from the findings of biosciences and recent cognitive theories of Maturana and Varela, the description of the interdisciplinary curriculum of the nursing course of Facex and Training Workshop, Human autopoietic, with emphasis on Experiential Education Humanescente; the report of seven meetings of the Workshops (cocoon), recording the experiences and listening to educators (luminescent butterflies), the final reflections with learning opportunized. Experientiality lived through, the expressions and words, educators say the influence of workshops for their teaching practices, highlighting it as a space for selforganizing, creating, learning and enchantment, and can identify the workshop as a place of transformation necessary for deployment an interdisciplinary curriculum. The knowledge emerging from the study indicate the need for permanent spaces of self, in which the educator learns from its body, between cognitive processes and vital, and in the experiences of their formative process the opportunity to act on the dimensions of knowing and being


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Les connaissances de la tradition et position de la Science dehors pour un non-hiérarchique dialoguez qui frappe pour les distinguer mais ils sont undésavouer inséparable étant donné les compléments ils composent. Cet essai assume la possibilité de ce roi de dialogue dans un place spéciale: la classe. Sur ce qui vient au connaissance de la tradition, le centre remarquable est pour la construction de bateaux du travail manuel, una pratique culturellement déployé dans la ville d'Abaetetuba, dans le État de Pará, Brésil. En revanche, la Science est concentrée par le le contenu d'école a adopté dans l'Ensino Fundamental (École primaire). La construction du dialogue est faite en utilisant des activités de l'enseignement qui accentuez des aspects géométriques (solide, géométrique, angles et symétries) aussi bien que par information qui implique le tableau, poésie, histoire, géographie et physique - les deux inspiré dans le chiffre de bateau résumé dans un CD-ROM interactif. Les activités ont eu lieu dans D'Escola Ensino Pedro Teixeira Fondamental (Abaetetuba-Pa), avec étudiants du 6e niveau (plus spécifiquement avec un groupe de 13 étudiants) d'août à octobre2004. Ethnomathématiques et transdisciplinarité sont le support théorique sous-jacent du projet. Dans résumé, c'est possible pour dire que l'interaction entre Science et Tradition, à travers activités au-delà lesquelles vont le le contenu a restreint à mathématiques d'école, contribuées à,: identifiez le contenu a appris pas sur dans série antérieure; renouveler le rôle joué par école dans ses fonctions didactique pédagogiques; réduire le isolement entre information passée historique et les étudiants présent culturel; indiquer des obstacles à l'érudition des mathématiques intéresser aux aspects cognitifs et behavioristes; et provoquer un participation affective qui rôle principal à la qualité d'apprendre l'école contenu aussi bien que les connaissances de la tradition


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This study shows the movement of educators ludopoiese ecosystem of the Center for Early Childhood Education Marise Paiva-CEIMAP. We used the metaphorof dance as an opportunity to stimulate scientific creativity. Ecosystem Thought, complex thinking, the theory of autopoiesis and Flow Theory, constituted the main theoretical steps to understand the phenomenon of ludopoiese, from the look of your totalidadem with the following objectives: 1 - Identify and interpret the process of self ludopoiética CEIMAP of Early Childhood Educators in the actions of the play, care for and educate in school life; 2 - Analyze Ecosystem Thought from ludopoiéticos how these processes affect and / or possible changes and transformations in practice humanescenteseducational CEIMAP. The theoretical metodógicos steps to address the proposed objectives are grounded in existential action research part of the appreciation of the complexity of the real, considering the human being a whole dynamic. In this sense the game of sand, recreational experiences, the systematic studies and video training were explored with a view to the transdisciplinary relevance of everyday phenomena. New knowledge acquired in accordance with the directions given indicating the movement of the ecosystem studied ludopoiese educators, involved in four main streams: love, play, care for and raise it from love streamline interdependently. The ludopoiese eachteacher would then be fed by this web generated by love that permeates all other educational activities, nurturing and maintaining a constant creative self-organization of knowledge and know-how to be teachers. Thus, every network that generates andstream lines the system emerges ludopoiético biology of love, the open dialogue and playing in the wishing well to the student, the aesthetic beauty of caring and educating, as a human conditionand relevant as possible to live / live not only in teaching children, but in other educational contexts of teaching and teacher education