919 resultados para Traffic Signal Control, Adaptive Signal Control, Genetic Algorithms, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Microsimulation Model


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Traffic congestion in urban roads is one of the biggest challenges of 21 century. Despite a myriad of research work in the last two decades, optimization of traffic signals in network level is still an open research problem. This paper for the first time employs advanced cuckoo search optimization algorithm for optimally tuning parameters of intelligent controllers. Neural Network (NN) and Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) are two intelligent controllers implemented in this study. For the sake of comparison, we also implement Q-learning and fixed-time controllers as benchmarks. Comprehensive simulation scenarios are designed and executed for a traffic network composed of nine four-way intersections. Obtained results for a few scenarios demonstrate the optimality of trained intelligent controllers using the cuckoo search method. The average performance of NN, ANFIS, and Q-learning controllers against the fixed-time controller are 44%, 39%, and 35%, respectively.


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An optimal design of Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) traffic signal controller is presented in this paper. The proposed controller aims to adjust a set of green times for traffic lights in a single intersection with the purpose of minimizing travel delay time and traffic congestion. The ANFIS controller is trained, to learned how to set green times for each traffic phase. This intelligent controller uses the Cuckoo Search (CS) algorithm to tune its parameters during the learning pried. Evaluating the performance of the proposed controller in comparison with the performance of a FLS controller (FLC) with predefined rules and membership functions, and also three fixed-Time controllers, illustrates the better performance of the optimal ANFIS controller against the other benchmark controllers.


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This paper presents an application to traffic lights control in congested urban traffic, in real time, taking as input the position and route of the vehicles in the involved areas. This data is obtained from the communication between vehicles and infrastructure (V2I). Due to the great complexity of the possible combination of traffic lights and the short time to get a response, Genetic Algorithm was used to optimize this control. According to test results, the application can reduce the number of vehicles in congested areas, even with the entry of vehicles that previously were not being considered in these roads, such as parked vehicles. © 2012 IEEE.


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This work is directed towards optimizing the radiation pattern of smart antennas using genetic algorithms. The structure of the smart antennas based on Space Division Multiple Access (SDMA) is proposed. It is composed of adaptive antennas, each of which has adjustable weight elements for amplitudes and phases of signals. The corresponding radiation pattern formula available for the utilization of numerical optimization techniques is deduced. Genetic algorithms are applied to search the best phase-amplitude weights or phase-only weights with which the optimal radiation pattern can be achieved. ^ One highlight of this work is the proposed optimal radiation pattern concept and its implementation by genetic algorithms. The results show that genetic algorithms are effective for the true Signal-Interference-Ratio (SIR) design of smart antennas. This means that not only nulls can be put in the directions of the interfering signals but also simultaneously main lobes can be formed in the directions of the desired signals. The optimal radiation pattern of a smart antenna possessing SDMA ability has been achieved. ^ The second highlight is on the weight search by genetic algorithms for the optimal radiation pattern design of antennas having more than one interfering signal. The regular criterion for determining which chromosome should be kept for the next step iteration is modified so as to improve the performance of the genetic algorithm iteration. The results show that the modified criterion can speed up and guarantee the iteration to be convergent. ^ In addition, the comparison between phase-amplitude perturbations and phase-only perturbations for the radiation pattern design of smart antennas are carried out. The effects of parameters used by the genetic algorithm on the optimal radiation pattern design are investigated. Valuable results are obtained. ^


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As traffic congestion continues to worsen in large urban areas, solutions are urgently sought. However, transportation planning models, which estimate traffic volumes on transportation network links, are often unable to realistically consider travel time delays at intersections. Introducing signal controls in models often result in significant and unstable changes in network attributes, which, in turn, leads to instability of models. Ignoring the effect of delays at intersections makes the model output inaccurate and unable to predict travel time. To represent traffic conditions in a network more accurately, planning models should be capable of arriving at a network solution based on travel costs that are consistent with the intersection delays due to signal controls. This research attempts to achieve this goal by optimizing signal controls and estimating intersection delays accordingly, which are then used in traffic assignment. Simultaneous optimization of traffic routing and signal controls has not been accomplished in real-world applications of traffic assignment. To this end, a delay model dealing with five major types of intersections has been developed using artificial neural networks (ANNs). An ANN architecture consists of interconnecting artificial neurons. The architecture may either be used to gain an understanding of biological neural networks, or for solving artificial intelligence problems without necessarily creating a model of a real biological system. The ANN delay model has been trained using extensive simulations based on TRANSYT-7F signal optimizations. The delay estimates by the ANN delay model have percentage root-mean-squared errors (%RMSE) that are less than 25.6%, which is satisfactory for planning purposes. Larger prediction errors are typically associated with severely oversaturated conditions. A combined system has also been developed that includes the artificial neural network (ANN) delay estimating model and a user-equilibrium (UE) traffic assignment model. The combined system employs the Frank-Wolfe method to achieve a convergent solution. Because the ANN delay model provides no derivatives of the delay function, a Mesh Adaptive Direct Search (MADS) method is applied to assist in and expedite the iterative process of the Frank-Wolfe method. The performance of the combined system confirms that the convergence of the solution is achieved, although the global optimum may not be guaranteed.


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This paper deals with the phase control for Neurospora circadian rhythm. The nonlinear control, given by tuning the parameters (considered as controlled variables) in Neurospora dynamical model, allows the circadian rhythms tracking a reference one. When there are many parameters (e.g. 3 parameters in this paper) and their values are unknown, the adaptive control law reveals its weakness since the parameters converging and control objective must be guaranteed at the same time. We show that this problem can be solved using the genetic algorithm for parameters estimation. Once the unknown parameters are known, the phase control is performed by chaos synchronization technique.


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In general, simple and traditional methods are applied to resolve traffic conflicts at railway junctions. They are, however, either inefficient or computationally demanding. A simple genetic algorithm is presented to enable a search for a near optimal resolution to be carried out while meeting the constraints on generation evolution and minimising the search time.


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Signalling layout design is one of the keys to railway operations with fixed-block signalling system and it also carries direct effect on overall train efficiency and safety. Based on an analysis to system objectives, this paper presents an optimization model with two objectives in order to devise an efficient signalling layout scheme. Taking into account the present railway line design practices in China, the paper describes steps of the computer-based signalling layout optimisation with real-coded genetic algorithms. A computer-aided system, based on train movement simulator, has also been employed to assist the optimisation process. A case study on a practical railway line has been conducted to make comparisons between the proposed GA-based approach and the current practices. The results illustrate the improved performance of the proposed approach in reducing signal block joints and shortening minimum train service headway.


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Deciding the appropriate population size and number of is- lands for distributed island-model genetic algorithms is often critical to the algorithm’s success. This paper outlines a method that automatically searches for good combinations of island population sizes and the number of islands. The method is based on a race between competing parameter sets, and collaborative seeding of new parameter sets. This method is applicable to any problem, and makes distributed genetic algorithms easier to use by reducing the number of user-set parameters. The experimental results show that the proposed method robustly and reliably finds population and islands settings that are comparable to those found with traditional trial-and-error approaches.


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This paper investigates the platoon dispersion model that is part of the 2010 Highway Capacity Manual that is used for forecasting downstream traffic flows for analyzing both signalized and TWSC intersections. The paper focuses on the effect of platoon dispersion on the proportion of time blocked, the conflicting flow rate, and the capacity flow rate for the major street left turn movement at a TWSC intersection. The existing HCM 2010 methodology shows little effect on conflicting flow or capacity for various distances downstream from the signalized intersection. Two methods are suggested for computing the conflicting flow and capacity of minor stream movements at the TWSC intersection that have more desirable properties than the existing HCM method. Further, if the existing HCM method is retained, the results suggest that the upstream signals model be dropped from the HCM method for TWSC intersections.


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In this paper, we propose a self Adaptive Migration Model for Genetic Algorithms, where parameters of population size, the number of points of crossover and mutation rate for each population are fixed adaptively. Further, the migration of individuals between populations is decided dynamically. This paper gives a mathematical schema analysis of the method stating and showing that the algorithm exploits previously discovered knowledge for a more focused and concentrated search of heuristically high yielding regions while simultaneously performing a highly explorative search on the other regions of the search space. The effective performance of the algorithm is then shown using standard testbed functions, when compared with Island model GA(IGA) and Simple GA(SGA).


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In this paper, we propose a self Adaptive Migration Model for Genetic Algorithms, where parameters of population size, the number of points of crossover and mutation rate for each population are fixed adaptively. Further, the migration of individuals between populations is decided dynamically. This paper gives a mathematical schema analysis of the method stating and showing that the algorithm exploits previously discovered knowledge for a more focused and concentrated search of heuristically high yielding regions while simultaneously performing a highly explorative search on the other regions of the search space. The effective performance of the algorithm is then shown using standard testbed functions, when compared with Island model GA(IGA) and Simple GA(SGA).