217 resultados para Tractors.


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This study evaluates the degree of segmentation of the market for agricultural machinery and equipment in the EU. We focus on agricultural tractors, the most common and biggest investment in machinery and equipment in the agricultural sector. By using country price data for individual tractor models, we test the law of one price, i.e. the existence of a common price for tractors across EU member states. We find that significant price differences exist, yet unlike most other studies we find that large price deviations are penalised within a short time. The study also shows that transport costs are an important source of price differences, as domestic production leads to lower prices on the domestic market and as price convergence is negatively correlated with distance. Finally, price differences should not solely be understood from a geographical perspective, as evidence supports the idea that farmers’ buying power is significant in explaining price differences within countries.


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Cover title.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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An assessment is made of the atmospheric emissions from the life cycle of fuel ethanol coupled with the cogeneration of electricity from sugarcane in Brazil. The total exergy loss from the most quantitative relevant atmospheric emission substances produced by the life cycle of fuel ethanol is 3.26E+05 kJ/t of C(2)H(5)OH, Compared with the chemical exergy of 1 t of ethanol (calculated as 34.56E + 06 kJ). the exergy loss from the life cycle`s atmospheric emission represents 1.11% of the product`s exergy. The activity that most contributes to atmospheric emission chemical exergy losses is the harvesting of sugarcane through the methane emitted in burning. Suggestions for improved environmental quality and greater efficiency of the life cycle of fuel ethanol with cogenerated energy are: harvesting the sugarcane without burning, renewable fuels should be used in tractors, trucks and buses instead of fossil fuel and the transportation of products and input should be logistically optimized. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Agriculture in limited resource areas is characterized by small farms which an generally too small to adequately support the needs of an average farm family. The farming operation can be described as a low input cropping system with the main energy source being manual labor, draught animals and in some areas hand tractors. These farming systems are the most important contributor to the national economy of many developing countries. The role of tillage is similar in dryland agricultural systems in both the high input (HICS) and low input cropping systems (LICS), however, wet cultivation or puddling is unique to lowland rice-based systems in low input cropping systems. Evidence suggest that tillage may result in marginal increases in crop yield in the short term, however, in the longer term it may be neutral or give rise to yield decreases associated with soil structural degradation. On marginal soils, tillage may be required to prepare suitable seedbeds or to release adequate Nitrogen through mineralization, but in the longer term, however, tillage reduces soil organic matter content, increases soil erodibility and the emission of greenhouse gases. Tillage in low input cropping systems involves a very large proportion of the population and any changes: in current practices such as increased mechanization will have a large social impact such as increased unemployment and increasing feminization of poverty, as mechanization may actually reduce jobs for women. Rapid mechanization is likely to result in failures, but slower change, accompanied by measures to provide alternative rural employment, might be beneficial. Agriculture in limited resource areas must produce the food and fiber needs of their community, and its future depends on the development of sustainable tillage/cropping systems that are suitable for the soil and climatic conditions. These should be based on sound biophysical principles and meet the needs of and he acceptable to the farming communities. Some of the principle requirements for a sustainable system includes the maintenance of soil health, an increase in the rain water use efficiency of the system, increased use of fertilizer and the prevention of erosion. The maintenance of crop residues on the surface is paramount for meeting these requirements, and the competing use of crop residues must be met from other sources. These requirements can be met within a zonal tillage system combined with suitable agroforestry, which will reduce the need for crop residues. It is, however, essential that farmers participate in the development of any new technologies to ensure adoption of the new system. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Compaction is one of the most destructive factors of soil quality, however the effects on the microbial community and enzyme activity have not been investigated in detail so far. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of soil compaction caused by the traffic of agricultural machines on the soil microbial community and its enzyme activity. Six compaction levels were induced by tractors with different weights driving over a Eutrustox soil and the final density was measured. Soil samples were collected after corn from the layers 0-0.10 and 0.10-0.20 m. The compaction effect on all studied properties was evident. Total bacteria counts were reduced significantly (by 22-30 %) and by 38-41 % of nitrifying bacteria in the soil with highest bulk density compared to the control. On the other hand, fungi populations increased 55-86 % and denitrifying bacteria 49-53 %. Dehydrogenase activity decreased 20-34 %, urease 44-46 % and phosphatase 26-28 %. The organic matter content and soil pH decreased more in the 0-0.10 than in the 0.10-0.20 m layer and possibly influenced the reduction of the microbial counts, except denitrifying bacteria, and all enzyme activities, except urease. Results indicated that soil compaction influences the community of aerobic microorganisms and their activity. This effect can alter nutrient cycling and reduce crop yields.


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Diplomityössä käsitellään pyöräkuormainkaivureita valmistavan yrityksen konepajatuotannon kehittämistä aihiovalmistuksen, hitsauksen ja koneistuksen osalta. Pääpaino kehittämistoimissa on hitsauksessa. Lähtökohtana tuotannonkehittämisen tarpeelle ovat tuotannon kasvu, kustannustehokkuuden lisääminen sekä pula ammattitaitoisesta työvoimasta. Diplomityössä selvitetään yrityksen vanhan konekannan päivittämismahdollisuuksia ja säästöjen hakemista tehokkaampia valmistusmenetelmiä käyttöönottamalla. Pohjatyönä tulevaisuuden tuotannon tehostamiselle selvitettiin nykyiset valmistuskustannukset. Työajankäytön historiatiedot löytyivät yrityksen tietojärjestelmästä, joita tarkennettiinkentältä kerätyin tiedoin. Myös koneiden käyttökustannukset tuntihinnat eri työvaiheille. selvitettiin ja näin saatiin määritettyä Lännen Tractors Oy:lle löytyi hitsaavassa tuotannossa kehitystoimenpiteitä, mitkä tekemällä voidaan tuotantoa tehostaa ilman investointeja. Tuotannon kehittäminen jaettiin kahteen vaiheeseen: 1. vaihe, missä ei investoida vaan keskitytään nykyisten menetelmien kehittämiseen ja vanhojen koneiden tehokkaampaan hyödyntämiseen ja 2.vaihe, missä tarkastellaan mahdollisten investointien kannattavuutta sekä selvitetään alihankinnan mandollisuutta. Tuotannon tehostamisen 1. vaiheen toimenpiteillä saadaan hitsauskustannuksia pienennettyä jopa 20 %. 2. vaiheen oman tuotannon tehostamiseksi koneistuksen eri tehtiin investointilaskelmat robottihitsaussolun ja vaihtoehtojen takaisinmaksuajasta sekä sisäisestä korkokannasta. Uuden robottihitsaussolun takaisinmaksuaika on n. 3 vuotta. Näiden laskelmien perusteella mahdollisuudet valmistaa komponentteja taloudellisesti. investoinneilla voidaan pyöräkuormainkaivureiden saavuttaa hitsattuja


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L’objectiu projecte és desenvolupar un sistema d’ajut al guiatge universal adaptable a qualsevol vehicle que permeti incrementar significativament l’eficiència de les feines a realitzar per la maquinària al camp. El sistema proposat es pot configurar d’acord amb les característiques de la maquinària o de la tasca a realitzar i és capaç de guiar en línia recta i crear paral·leles a la passada recta de referència. Un altre objectiu és millorar el rendiment, la fiabilitat i la usabilitat del programari de monitoratge inicial instal·lat al tractor, com també caracteritzar el receptor GPS AgGPS 332 de Trimble® per a comprovar la precisió de l’aparell. Els resultats obtinguts en la millora del programa de monitoratge són molt satisfactoris a l’haver corregit imprecisions de funcionament que en limitaven l’usabilitat. Els resultats obtinguts en la caracterització del receptor AgGPS 332 permeten valorar millor quin tipus de correcció diferencial és més convenient per a la precisió de treball requerida segons el seu cost de posada en marxa i de funcionament.Els resultats obtinguts en la validació de l’ajut al guiatge, han validat el guiatge a 10 metres vista com un ajut al guiatge equivalent al guiatge manual quan la velocitat de treball és de 5 km/h, el tractorista té referències visuals i no està fatigat. Els resultats obtinguts pels guiatges a 3 i 50 metres no són satisfactoris a 5 km/h. Tanmateix, durant el procés de disseny, la realització dels assajos i durant l’anàlisi de resultats s’han identificat algunes mancances i limitacions i es proposen una sèrie de millores per tal de solucionar-les.


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La selección del tractor más adecuado para una determinada explotación frutícola requiere considerar dos aspectos fundamentales. En primer lugar, el fruticultor debe valorar la conveniencia económica de la adquisición frente a la posibilidad de contratar a empresas de servicios (sino en todas, sí para aquellas operaciones de mayor coste); en segundo lugar, la potencia del tractor deberá ser coherente en relación a las máquinas agrícolas que se le acoplen.