989 resultados para Trabalho Precoce


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In Brazilian scene the child labor is a serious and relevant theme regarding issues that involve infancy, arousing the interest and concerning of public and private institutions, and organized civil society. Thus, the child labor is forbidden by the law, considered that the child worker have a distinguished life experience, especially because it is demanded them the early mature of some skill, generating implications on their physical, emotional, cognitive, social and psychological development. Observing those issues, we proposed think the child labor, over and above those considered the worst forms of one and more found in literature, what lead us to think the child labor in the advertising. In that way, this research aimed to investigate the insertion and development conditions of children who work in advertisements, and the possible effects on their lives in the face of that insertion. Participated of this study: three advertising agencies, six video producers companies, one child model s agent and five children with their respective families. Those children were four boys and two girls, with ages between seven and eleven years old, which one that have accomplished four or more advertisements, in Natal city, Rio Grande do Norte. Based on social-historical perspective, we used the semi-structured interview as methodological instrument, which underlays the comprehension of the data obtained in field research processes. This study revealed that when children are inserted in the advertising activities they are submitted to irregular and adverse work situations, what occurs in others productive activities mentioned in the literature. The data still exposed that the family is the main responsible to the children insertion in the advertisement work; moreover, there is an ambiguousness of wishes in relation of that activity. On the other hand, we realized that the legal content concerning to the child labor forbidding, carries contradictory aspects in face of the ECA s 149 article, that one, under some conditions, allows that a child take part in the activities of advertising context. This highlights the necessity of a rigorous evaluation of the children insertion in the advertising, in order to ensure the whole children and adolescents protection. This study put in evidence the complexity that involves the child labor in this context, mainly, due to the exposition and manipulation of the childish image on the media. Besides, we understand that the discussion on this subject should be stimulated and, therefore, enlarged this on over and above those considered the worst forms of child labor


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Early childhood caries, especially in its severe form, which is characterized by an acute and aggressive nature, can have negative impacts on thequality of life of a child, due to effects such as difficulty in chewing, decreased appetite, weight loss, insomnia, changes in behavior and a decreased performance in school, among others. Moreover, the quality of life of the child`s family can also be affected, as the pain and discomfort caused by this type of caries result in loss of working days of parents, spending on dental treatments, changes in sleep patterns and stress. The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of severe early childhood caries in the Oral Health-Related Quality of Life (OHRQoL) of public daycares`s preschool children through the Escala de Impacto da Saúde Bucal na Primeira Infância, a Brazilian version of the Early Childhood Oral Health Impact Scale (ECOHIS). A single calibrated examiner (kappa=1.0) evaluated, through the dmfs index, the oral health of 116 children aged between 3 and 5, which were included in one of three study groups: "caries-free", "not-severe early childhood caries" and "severe early childhood caries". The parents responded to ECOHIS, to assess their perception regarding the OHRQoL of their children, and a questionnaire on socioeconomic conditions. The OHRQoL was measured through the total scores and domains of ECOHIS. Descriptive analysis, Mann-Whitney test, Kruskal-Wallis test, chi-square test and Poisson multiple regression with robust variance were used. Among the children observed, 38.8% were caries-free, 27.6% showed not-severe early childhood caries and 33.6% showed severe early childhood caries. Regarding the total score of ECOHIS, severe early childhood caries had a greater negative impact on OHRQoL, compared to caries-free and not-severe early childhood caries groups (p <0.001). Regarding the child subscale, there was significant difference between the "severe early childhood caries" group and the other groups in all domains, except for theone of self-image / social interaction. In the family subscale domains, there was statistical significance between the severe early childhood caries and the caries-free groups in all domains (p <0.001), whereas between the "severe early childhood caries and not-severe early childhood caries groups there was a statistically significant difference only in the domain of parental anguish (p <0.001). Multivariate analysis showed that early childhood caries and the parent`s age were significantly associated to OHRQoL (p <0.05), independently of the other variables in the model. The presence of severe early childhood caries resulted in greater negative impact on OHRQoL (AdjPR= 6.016; 95%CI = 3.12 11.56; p<0.001), while older parents reported better OHRQoL (AdjPR = 0.603; 95%CI = 0.428 - 0.850; p = 0.004). The presence of severe early childhood caries had a negative impact on OHRQoL of preschool children and their families.


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JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: Estudos introduziram novo método para avaliação da pré-carga, baseado na análise da variação da pressão sistólica (VPS) durante ventilação artificial. O objetivo desta pesquisa é avaliar se a VPS e sua derivada delta down (ddown) são indicadoras precoces de hipovolemia e guias de reposição volêmica com solução hiperosmótica e hiperoncótica. MÉTODO: Doze cães foram submetidos a sangramentos parciais de 5% da volemia até se atingir 20% da volemia (14 ml.kg-1). Antes (controle) e após cada sangramento foram realizadas análises hemodinâmicas, respiratórias e sangüíneas. Após, os cães foram submetidos à reposição com solução de NaCl a 7,5% em dextran 70 a 3,75% (SHD) (4 ml.kg-1) e novas análises dos atributos estudados foram realizadas aos 5 e 30 minutos após a reposição. RESULTADOS: A pressão arterial média diminuiu durante o sangramento e aumentou após a reposição, sem retornar aos valores do controle. As pressões da artéria pulmonar e do átrio direito (PAD) diminuíram antes e aumentaram após a reposição para valores semelhantes aos do controle. A pressão da artéria pulmonar ocluída (PAPO) diminuiu após o primeiro sangramento e manteve-se em valores abaixo aos do controle, mesmo após a reposição. O índice cardíaco não se alterou, mas aumentou após a reposição, para valores superiores aos do controle. O índice sistólico (IS) diminuiu antes e aumentou após a reposição, em níveis superiores aos do controle. Os índices de resistência vascular sistêmica (IRVS) e pulmonar (IRVP) não se alteraram antes, mas diminuíram após a reposição, com o IRVS em níveis inferiores aos do controle, e o IRVP em níveis semelhantes aos do controle. Os índices de trabalho sistólico dos ventrículos direito (ITSVD) e esquerdo (ITSVE) diminuíram durante o sangramento, mas aumentaram após a reposição, com o ITSVD em níveis superiores aos do controle e o ITSVE em níveis semelhantes aos do controle. A VPS e ddown aumentaram progressivamente durante o sangramento e diminuíram após a reposição, mas mantendo-se em valores superiores aos do controle. As maiores correlações de VPS e ddown foram com IS, PAPO, PAD e ITSVE. CONCLUSÕES: No cão, nas condições empregadas, a VPS e sua derivada ddown são indicadoras precoces de hipovolemia e guias sensíveis de reposição volêmica com SHD.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Serviço Social - FCHS


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Ciências Sociais - FFC


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O objetivo do presente trabalho e analisar a influencia do enriquecimento ambiental sobre a acuidade visual e a distribuição das redes perineuronais (RPNs) no córtex visual primário de camundongos submetidos a privação monocular durante o período critico pos-natal. Camundongos suíços albinos fêmeas foram submetidos a sutura da pálpebra direita no 10o dia pos-natal (M, n=16), enquanto que os animais do grupo binocular não foram submetidos a nenhum procedimento cirúrgico (B, n=16). Ao completarem 21 dias, os animais foram subdivididos em: ambiente padrão e ambiente enriquecido, constituindo os grupos M.AP, M.AE, B.AP e B.AE. Após três meses, os animais foram submetidos ao teste de acuidade visual, perfundidos e secções coronais de seus cérebros processadas para histoquímica da lectina Wisteria floribunda e posterior quantificação através do método estereologico do fracionador óptico. Os animais do grupo B.AP apresentaram acuidade visual de 0.48 ciclos/grau, enquanto que aqueles alojados em ambiente enriquecido (B.AE) apresentaram um melhor desempenho do teste, atingindo 0.996 ciclos/grau. A acuidade visual foi significantemente menor nos animais submetidos a privação monocular (M.AP 0.18 ciclos/grau; M.AE 0.4 ciclos/grau). Os resultados estereologicos revelaram que o ambiente enriquecido aumenta o numero de RPNs tipo 1 e de RPNs total nas camadas supragranular e granular em ambos os hemisférios nos camundongos submetidos a privação monocular (ANOVA dois critérios, p<0.05), sendo que essa diferença na camada granular e decorrente principalmente do aumento das redes perineuronais da matriz extracelular no hemisfério direito. Na camada infragranular, os animais do grupo M.AE apresentaram um aumento apenas no numero de RPNs tipo 1.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)