75 resultados para Toxicant


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Subteratogenic and other low-level chronic exposures to toxicant mixtures are an understudied threat to environmental and human health. It is especially important to understand the effects of these exposures for contaminants, such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) a large group of more than 100 individual compounds, which are important environmental (including aquatic) contaminants. Aquatic sediments constitute a major sink for hydrophobic pollutants, and studies show PAHs can persist in sediments over time. Furthermore, estuarine systems (namely breeding grounds) are of particular concern, as they are highly impacted by a wide variety of pollutants, and estuarine fishes are often exposed to some of the highest levels of contaminants of any vertebrate taxon. Acute embryonic exposure to PAHs results in cardiac teratogenesis in fish, and early life exposure to certain individual PAHs and PAH mixtures cause heart alterations with decreased swimming capacity in adult fish. Consequently, the heart and cardiorespiratory system are thought to be targets of PAH mixture exposure. While many studies have investigated acute, teratogenic PAH exposures, few studies have longitudinally examined the impacts of subtle, subteratogenic PAH mixture exposures, which are arguably more broadly applicable to environmental contamination scenarios. The goal of this dissertation was to highlight the later-life consequences of early-life exposure to subteratogenic concentrations of a complex, environmentally relevant PAH mixture.

A unique population of Fundulus heteroclitus (the Atlantic killifish or mummichog, hereafter referred to as killifish), has adapted to creosote-based polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) found at the Atlantic Wood Industries (AW) Superfund site in the southern branch of the Elizabeth River, VA, USA. This killifish population survives in a site heavily contaminated with a mixture of PAHs from former creosote operations. They have developed resistance to the acute toxicity and teratogenic effects caused by the mixture of PAHs in sediment from the site. The primary goal of this dissertation was to compare and contrast later-life outcomes of early-life, subteratogenic PAH mixture exposure in both the Atlantic Wood killifish (AW) and a naïve reference population of killifish from King’s Creek (KC; a relatively uncontaminated tributary of the Severn River, VA). Killifish from both populations were exposed to subteratogenic concentrations of a complex PAH-sediment extract, Elizabeth River Sediment Extract (ERSE), made by collecting sediment from the AW site. Fish were reared over a 5-month period in the laboratory, during which they were examined for a variety of molecular, physiological and behavioral responses.

The central aims of my dissertation were to determine alterations to embryonic gene expression, larval swimming activity, adult behavior, heart structure, enzyme activity, and swimming/cardiorespiratory performance following subteratogenic exposure to ERSE. I hypothesized that subteratogenic exposure to ERSE would impair cardiac ontogenic processes in a way that would be detectable via gene expression in embryos, and that the misregulation of cardiac genes would help to explain activity changes, behavioral deficits, and later-life swimming deficiencies. I also hypothesized that fish heart structure would be altered. In addition, I hypothesized that the AW killifish population would be resistant to developmental exposures and perform normally in later life challenges. To investigate these hypotheses, a series of experiments were carried out in PAH-adapted killifish from Elizabeth River and in reference killifish. As an ancillary project to the primary aims of the dissertation, I examined the toxicity of weaker aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AHR) agonists in combination with fluoranthene (FL), an inhibitor of cytochrome P4501A1 (CYP1A1). This side project was conducted in both Danio rerio (zebrafish) and the KC and AW killifish.

Embryonic gene expression was measured in both killifish populations over an ERSE dose response with multiple time points (12, 24, 48, and 144 hours post exposure). Genes known to play critical roles in cardiac structure/development, cardiac function, and angiogenesis were elevated, indicating cardiac damage and activation of cardiovascular repair mechanisms. These data helped to inform later-life swimming performance and cardiac histology studies. Behavior was assessed during light and dark cycles in larvae of both populations following developmental exposure to ERSE. While KC killifish showed activity differences following exposure, AW killifish showed no significant changes even at concentrations that would cause overt cardiac toxicity in KC killifish. Juvenile behavior experiments demonstrated hyperactivity following ERSE exposure in KC killifish, but no significant behavioral changes in AW killifish. Adult swimming performance via prolonged critical swimming capacity (Ucrit) demonstrated performance costs in the AW killifish. Furthermore, swimming performance decline was observed in KC killifish following exposure to increasing dilutions of ERSE. Lastly, cardiac histology suggested that early-life exposure to ERSE could result in cardiac structural alteration and extravasation of blood into the pericardial cavity.

Responses to AHR agonists resulted in a ranking of relative potency for agonists, and determined which agonists, when combined with FL, caused cardiac teratogenesis. These experiments showed interesting species differences for zebrafish and killifish. To probe mechanisms responsible for cardiotoxicity, a CYP1A-morpholino and a AHR2-morpholino were used to mimic FL effects or attempt to rescue cardiac deformities respectively. Findings suggested that the cardiac toxicity elicited by weak agonist + FL exposure was likely driven by AHR-independent mechanisms. These studies stand in contrast to previous research from our lab showing that moderate AHR agonist + FL caused cardiac toxicity that can be partially rescued by AHR-morpholino knockdown.

My findings will form better characterization of mechanisms of PAH toxicity, and advance our understanding of how subteratogenic mixtures of PAHs exert their toxic action in naïve killifish. Furthermore, these studies will provide a framework for investigating how subteratogenic exposures to PAH mixtures can impact aquatic organismal health and performance. Most importantly, these experiments have the potential to help inform risk assessment in fish, mammals, and potentially humans. Ultimately, this research will help protect populations exposed to subtle PAH-contamination.


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Nas últimas décadas tem-se assistido a uma preocupação crescente relativamente às possíveis consequências da exposição a compostosxenóbioticos capazes de modular ou causar disrupção do sistema endócrino, os denominados Compostos Disruptores Endócrinos (CDEs). A maioria dos estudos efectuados tem-se centrado principalmente nos efeitos dos CDEs em vertebrados, enquanto que os seus efeitos em invertebrados têmsido negligenciados, embora este grupo represente mais de 95% de todas asespécies animais. Isópodes como o Porcellio scaber, combinam características associadas às mudas e aos processos reprodutivos mediados por mecanismos endócrinosconhecidos com um modo de vida terrestre, tornando-os potenciais espécies sentinela para estudos de disrupção endócrina (DE) em ambientes terrestres. Neste estudo, isópodes machos adultos, machos e fêmeas juvenis e casais foram expostos a concentrações crescentes dedois CDEs, vinclozolina (Vz) e bisfenol A (BPA). Testou-se a hipótese nula que a Vz e o BPA não interferem com o desenvolvimento e reprodução deste isópode terrestre. Foi investigadaa possível ligação entre os efeitos causados pelos compostos propostos e DE assim como a ligação a outros potenciais mecanismos de toxicidade.Parâmetros como concentração de 20-hidroxiecdisona (20E), muda, crescimento, rácios sexuais ediversos parâmetros reprodutivos foram estudados. Adicionalmente, de modo a estudar os alvos moleculares destes tóxicos, analisou-se a expressão proteica do intestino, hepatopâncreas e testículos do isópode após exposição aos químicos. Os resultados demonstram que a Vz e o BPA estimulam o aumento dos níveis de 20E de um modo dependente da dose. Excepção feita para a concentração mais baixa de BPA testada (10 mg/kg solo), para a qual concentrações significativamente mais altas de 20E foram determinadas, sugerindo a ocorrência dos “efeitos de baixas doses típicos de DE” já demonstrados por outros autores. O BPA também distorceu o rácio sexual favorecendo asfêmeas na concentração mais baixa. A mortalidade devido à ecdise incompleta foi relacionada com o hiper-ecdisonismo nas concentrações mais elevadas de Vz. Mais ainda, a Vz tende a atrasar a muda e o BPA a induzi-la. Não obstante, ambos os compostos provocam toxicidade no desenvolvimento,uma vez que foi encontrada uma diminuição generalizada nos parâmetros de crescimento. Os juvenis mostraram ser mais sensíveis à exposição aos tóxicos que os adultos. Estes compostos provocaram ainda toxicidade reprodutiva, com um decréscimo generalizado do “output” reprodutivo. A toxicidadecausada pelos ecdisteróides e o seu papel na síntese de vitelogenina são alguns dos factores chave que poderão influenciar negativamente a reprodução.A Vz e o BPA afectaram a expressão de proteínas envolvidas nometabolismo energético e induziram várias respostas de stress. Interferiram ainda com proteínas intimamente ligadas com o sucesso reprodutivo. Conclui-se assim,que ambos os CDEs propostos provocam toxicidade nodesenvolvimento e na reprodução de P. scaber, tendo sido evidenciada umaligação a DE. Alvos moleculares de natureza não-endócrina foram também revelados, através da expressão diferencial de algumas proteínaspreviamente descritas para invertebrados aquáticos e mesmo alguns vertebrados.


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Os sistemas aquáticos naturais podem estar sujeitos frequentemente a entrada de tóxicos, quer seja através da lixiviação dos campos agrícolas ou da descarga por parte de unidades industriais. Avaliar o impacto potencial destes contaminantes nos sistemas aquáticos é muito importante, porque pode promover consequências sérias no balanço ecológico dos ecossistemas. Os efeitos de níveis sub-letais destes tóxicos nas populações aquáticas são detectados, em muitos casos, somente após diversas gerações, dependendo da espécie e do contaminante. O comportamento animal é considerado como sendo a primeira linha de defesa perante estímulos ambientais, e pode ser uma representação de alterações fisiológicas no organismo, sendo portanto um indicador excelente de alterações ambientais. O desenvolvimento dos sistemas de aviso prévio que integram parâmetros comportamentais pode ajudar a prever mais rapidamente possíveis alterações ao nível das populações naturais, do que a utilização de testes ecotoxicológicos padrão com a mesma finalidade. O conhecimento acerca de possíveis implicações devido a alterações comportamentais, em organismos bentónicos e em populações do campo sujeitas a tóxicos, é ainda escasso. Sabendo isto, neste estudo pretendeu-se investigar como o comportamento de Chironomus riparius – usando um biomonitor em tempo real – e outros parâmetros tais como crescimento, emergência de adultos, bioacumulação e biomarcadores, são afectados pela exposição a imidacloprid e ao mercúrio, que foram seleccionados como contaminantes. Os resultados demonstraram que a exposição às concentrações sub-letais de imidacloprid afecta o crescimento e o comportamento dos quironomídeos e que estes organismos podem recuperar de uma exposição curta ao insecticida. O comportamento que corresponde à ventilação de C. riparius revelou-se como um parâmetro mais sensível do que a locomoção e do que as respostas bioquímicas, quando as larvas foram sujeitas ao imidacloprid. Larvas de C. riparius expostas a concentrações sub-letais de mercúrio apresentaram uma tendência de diminuição de actividade comportamental, em testes com concentrações crescentes do tóxico; o crescimento das larvas foi também prejudicado, e as taxas de emergência de adultos e o tempo de desenvolvimento apresentaram retardamento. Estes organismos podem bioacumular rapidamente o mercúrio em condições de não alimentação e apresentam uma lenta depuração deste metal. Estes efeitos podem, em último caso, conduzir a prováveis repercussões ao nível da população e das comunidades. As reduções em actividades comportamentais, mesmo em concentrações baixas, podem diminuir a quantidade de tempo gasta na procura de alimento, produzindo efeitos aos níveis morfo-fisiológicos, e assim afectar severamente o desempenho dos quironomídeos no ambiente. O uso destes factores comportamentais como um parâmetro ecotoxicológico sub-letal relevante ao nível da toxicologia aumentará a versatilidade dos testes, permitindo uma resposta comportamental mensurável e quantitativa ao nível do organismo, utilizando uma avaliação não destrutiva, e assim certificando que esta aproximação pode ser usada em testes ecotoxicológicos futuros.


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The introduction of chemicals into the environment by human activities may represent a serious risk to environmental and human health. Environmental risk assessment requires the use of efficient and sensitive tools to determine the impact of contaminants on the ecosystems. The use of zebrafish for the toxicity assessment of pharmaceuticals, drugs, and pollutants, is becoming well accepted due to zebrafish unique advantages for the screening of compounds for hazard identification. The aim of the present work is to apply toxicogenomic approaches to identify novel biomarkers and uncovered potential modes of action of classic and emergent contaminants able to disrupt endocrine systems, such as the Retinoic Acid Receptor, Retinoid X Receptor and the Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor. This study relies on different nuclear and cytosolic protein receptors and other conditional (ligand- or stress- activated) transcriptional factors that are intimately involved in the regulation of defensome genes and in mechanisms of chemical toxicity. The transcriptomic effects of organic compounds, endogenous compounds, and nanoparticles were analysed during the early stages of zebrafish development. Studying the gene expression profiles of exposed and unexposed organisms to pollutants using microarrays allowed the identification of specific gene markers and to establish a "genetic code" for the tested compounds. Changes in gene expression were observed at toxicant concentrations that did not cause morphological effects. Even at low toxicant concentrations, the observed changes in transcript levels were robust for some target genes. Microarray responses of selected genes were further complemented by the real time quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR) methodology. The combination of bio-informatic, toxicological analyses of differential gene expression profiles, and biochemical and phenotypic responses across the treatments allowed the identification of uncovered potential mechanisms of action. In addition, this work provides an integrated set of tools that can be used to aid management-decision making by improving the predictive capability to measure environmental stress of contaminants in freshwater ecosystems. This study also illustrates the potential of zebrafish embryos for the systematic, large-scale analysis of chemical effects on developing vertebrates.


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The present work describes the optimization of a short-term assay, based on the inhibition of the esterase activity of the alga Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata, in a microplate format. The optimization of the staining procedure showed that the incubation of the algal cells with 20 μmolL−1 fluorescein diacetate (FDA) for 40 min allowed discrimination between metabolic active and inactive cells. The shortterm assay was tested using Cu as toxicant. For this purpose, algal cells, in the exponential or stationary phase of growth, were exposed to the heavy metal in growing conditions. After 3 or 6 h, cells were subsequently stained with FDA, using the optimized procedure. For Cu, the 3- and 6-h EC50 values, based on the inhibition of the esterase activity of algal cells in the exponential phase of growth, were 209 and 130 μg L−1, respectively. P. subcapitata cells, in the stationary phase of growth, displayed higher effective concentration values than those observed in the exponential phase. The 3- and 6-h EC50 values for Cu, for cells in the stationary phase, were 443 and 268 μgL−1, respectively. This short-term microplate assay showed to be a rapid endpoint for testing toxicity using the alga P. subcapitata. The small volume required, the simplicity of the assay (no washing steps), and the automatic reading of the fluorescence make the assay particularly well suited for the evaluation of the toxicity of a high number of environmental samples.


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The potential of ochratoxin A (OTA) to damage brain cells was studied by using a three-dimensional cell culture system as model for the developing brain. Aggregating cell cultures of foetal rat telencephalon were tested either during an early developmental period, or during a phase of advanced maturation, over a wide range of OTA concentrations (0.4 nM to 50 microM). By monitoring changes in activities of cell type-specific enzymes (ChAt and GAD, for cholinergic and GABAergic neurones, respectively, GS for astrocytes and CNP for oligodendrocytes), the concentration-dependent toxicity and neurodevelopmental effects of OTA were determined. OTA proved to be highly toxic, since a 10-day treatment at 50 nM caused a general cytotoxicity in both mature and immature cultures. At 10 nM of OTA, cell type-specific effects were observed: in immature cultures, a loss in neuronal and oligodendroglial enzyme activities, and an increase in the activity of the astroglial marker glutamine synthetase were found, Furthermore, at 2 and 10 nM of OTA, a clustering of microglial cells was observed. In mature cultures, OTA was somewhat less potent, but caused a similar pattern of toxic effects. A 24 h-treatment with OTA resulted in a concentration-dependent decrease in protein synthesis, with IC50 values of 25 nM and 33 nM for immature and mature cultures respectively. Acute (24 h) treatment at high OTA concentrations (10 to 50 microM) caused a significant increase in reactive oxygen species formation, as measured by the intracellular oxidation of 2',7'-dichlorofluorescin. These results suggest that OTA has the potential to be a potent toxicant to brain cells, and that its effects at nanomolar concentrations are primarily due to the inhibition of protein synthesis, whereas ROS seem not to be involved in the toxicity mediated by a chronic exposure to OTA at such low concentrations.


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Although it is widely assumed that temperature affects pollutant toxicity, few studies have actually investigated this relationship. Moreover, such research as has been done has involved constant temperatures; circumstances which are rarely, if ever, actually experienced by north temperate, littoral zone cyprinid species. To investigate the effects of temperature regime on nickel toxicity in goldfish (Carassius auratus L.), 96- and 240-h LCSO values for the heavy metal pollutant, nickel (NiCI2.6H20), were initially determined at 2DoC (22.8 mg/L and 14.7 mg/L in artificially softened water). Constant temperature bioassays at 10°C, 20°C and 30°C were conducted at each of 0, 240-h and 96-h LCSO nickel concentrations for 240 hours. In order to determine the effects of temperature variation during nickel exposure it was imperative that the effects of a single temperature change be investigated before addressing more complex regimes. Single temperature changes of + 10°C or -10°C were imposed at rates of 2°C/h following exposures of between 24 hand 216 h. The effects of a single temperature change on mortality, and duration of toxicant exposure at high and low temperatures were evaluated. The effects of fluctuating temperatures during exposure were investigated through two regimes. The first set of bioassays imposed a sinewave diurnal cycle temperature (20.±.1DOC) throughout the 10 day exposure to 240-h LeSO Ni. The second set of investigations approximated cyprinid movement through the littoral zone by imposing directionally random temperature changes (±2°C at 2-h intervals), between extremes of 10° and 30°C, at 240-h LC50 Ni. Body size (i.e., total length, fork length, and weight) and exposure time were recorded for all fish mortalities. Cumulative mortality curves under constant temperature regimes indicated significantly higher mortality as temperature and nickel concentration were increased. At 1DOC no significant differences in mortality curves were evident in relation to low and high nickel test concentrations (Le., 16 mg/L and 20 mg/L). However at 20°C and 30°C significantly higher mortality was experienced in animals exposed to 20 mg/L Ni. Mortality at constant 10°C was significantly lower than at 30°C with 16 mg/L and was significantly loWer than each of 2DoC and 39°C tanks at 20 mg/L Ni exposure. A single temperature shift from 20°C to 1DoC resulted in a significant decrease in mortality rate and conversely, a single temperature shift from 20°C to 30°C resulted in a significant increase in mortality rate. Rates of mortality recorded during these single temperature shift assays were significantly different from mortality rates obtained under constant temperature assay conditions. Increased Ni exposure duration at higher temperatures resulted in highest mortality. Diurnally cycling temperature bioassays produced cumulative mortality curves approximating constant 20°C curves, with increased mortality evident after peaks in the temperature cycle. Randomly fluctuating temperature regime mortality curves also resembled constant 20°C tanks with mortalities after high temperature exposures (25°C - 30°C). Some test animals survived in all assays with the exception of the 30°C assays, with highest survival associated with low temperature and low Ni concentration. Post-exposure mortality occurred most frequently in individuals which had experienced high Ni concentrations and high temperatures during assays. Additional temperature stress imposed 2 - 12 weeks post exposure resulted in a single death out of 116 individuals suggesting that survivors are capable of surviving subsequent temperature stresses. These investigations suggest that temperature significantly and markedly affects acute nickel toxicity under both constant and fluctuating temperature regimes and plays a role in post exposure mortality and subsequent stress response.


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Aquaculture has developed to become one of the fastest growing food producing sectors in the world.Today India is one among the major shrimp producing countries in the world.There are extensive and intensive shrimp culture practices. In extensive shrimp culture, shrimps are stocked at low densities (< 25 PLs m'2)in large ponds or tidal enclosures in which little or no management is exercised or possible. Farmers depend almost entirely on natural conditions in extensive cultures. Intensive shrimp culture is carried out in high densities (>200 PLs m'2). Much of the world shrimp production still comes from extensive culture.There is a growing demand for fish and marine products for human and animal consumption. This demand has led to rapid growth of aquaculture, which some times has been accompanied by ecological impacts and economic loss due to diseases. The expansion of shrimp culture always accompanies local environmental degradation and occurrence of diseases.Disease out breaks is recognised as a significant constraint to aquaculture production. Environmental factors, water quality, pollution due to effluent discharge and pathogenic invasion due to vertical and horizontal transmission are the main causes of shrimp disease out breaks. Nutritional imbalance, toxicant and other pollutants also account for the onset of diseases. pathogens include viruses, bacteria, fungi and parasites.Viruses are the most economically significant pathogens of the cultured shrimps world wide. Disease control in shrimp aquaculture should focus first on preventive measures for eliminating disease promoting factors.ln order to design prophylactic and proactive measures against shrimp diseases, it is mandatory to understand the immune make up of the cultivable species, its optimum culture conditions and the physico chemical parameters of the rearing environment. It has been proven beyond doubt that disease is an end result of complex interaction of environment, pathogen and the host animal. The aquatic environment is abounded with infectious microbes.The transmission of disease in this environment is extremely easy, especially under dense, culture conditions. Therefore, a better understanding of the immune responses of the cultured animal in relation to its environmental alterations and microbial invasions is essential indevising strategic measures against aquaculture loss due to diseases. This study accentuate the importance of proper and regular health monitoring in shrimps employing the most appropriate haematological biomarkers for application of suitable prophylactic measures in order to avoid serious health hazards in shrimp culture systems.


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The thesis is Studies on the Effect or the Obganophosphorus Pesticide Ekalux(R) EC 25 on the Bacterial Flora or Villorita Cyprinoides Var.Cochinensis (Hanley). For the present investigation, the black clam Villorita gyprinoides var. cochinensis (Hanley), a most common clam genus present in this estuarine system has been selected as test organaism and Ekalux (R) EC 25 as toxicant. The aspects dealt with are 1. Total heterotrophic bacterial population, 2. Generic composition, 3. Hydrolytic enzyme producing bacteria, 4. Antibiotic resistance, 5. Heavy metal resistance, 6. The effect of pesticide concentration on the growth of the bacteria and 7. Effect of temperature, pH and sodium chloride on the growth and phosphate release of selected isolates.The samples for the experiment were collected from the Vembanad Lake, near Kumbalam Island during the period of September 1985 to May '86. The THB of the estuarine water and clams contained 6.5 x I04/ml and 2.975 x l06/g respectively, immediately after collection. Untreated water and clam samples showed enormous increase in THB from 0 hr population. The treated samples (water and clams) contained higher THB than 0 hr. In general, THB was observed to increase tremendously in the samples treated with pesticide when compared to their native flora. With reference to various concentrations of pesticides, THB recorded an increase with increase of concentration in water and clam samples.


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Poisoning by pesticides from agricultural fields is a serious water pollution problem and its environmental long-term effect may result in the incidence of poisoning of fish and other aquatic life forms (jyothi and Narayan, 1999). Fishes like Heteropneustesfbssilis and C/arius batrac/nus are especially prone to serious pesticide pollution as their habitat is mostly the agriculture area. Though only few studies are conducted in this area, it can be assessed from the local information that, population of such fish is on the verge of vulnerability due to extensive use of pesticides. The knowledge of sublethal effects of xenobiotic compounds on hematological parameters, enzyme activities and metabolite concentrations is very important to delineate the fish health status and provide a future understanding of ecological impacts. These pesticides act by causing inhibition of cholinesterase enzymes (ChE) by formation of enzyme inhibitor complex (O'Brien, 1976) and damaging the nervous system. These effects may result in metabolic disorders. Associated to cholinesterase activities, a study of other enzymes such as phosphatases and aminotransferases close to intermediary metabolite determination provides a wider view of metabolism. Interest in toxicological aspects has grown in recent years and research is now increasingly focused on mechanistic aspects of oxidative damage and cellular responses in biological system. The term ‘biomarker’ is generally used in a broad sense to include almost any measurement reflecting an interaction between a biological system and a potential hazard, which may be chemical, physical or biological (WHO, 1993). As biomarker stands for immediate responses, they are used as early warning signals of biological effects caused by environmental pollutants. The present work attempts to assess the toxicity of organophosphorus insecticide monocrotophos on the experimental organism selected for this study namely stinging catfish (Heteropneustesfossi/is) (Bloch), and to probe into the stress responses of the organism


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The pollutants discharged into the estuaries are originate from two main sources-industrial and sewage. The former may be toxic which includes heavy metals, residues from antifouling paint particles and pesticides, while large discharges of sewage will contain pathogenic microorganisms. The contamination is enough to destroy the amenities of the waterfront, and the toxic substances may completely destroy the marine life and damage to birds, fishes and other marine organisms. Antifouling biocides are a type of chemical used in marine structure to prevent biofouling. These antifouling biocides gradually leach from the ships and other marine structures into water and finally settled in sediments. Once a saturation adsorption is reached they desorbed into overlying water and causes threat to marine organisms. Previous reports explained the imposex and shell thickening in bivalves owing to the effect of biocides. So bivalves are used as indicator organisms to understand the status of pollution. The nervous system is one of the best body part to understand the effect of toxicant. Acetylcholine esterase enzyme which is the main neurotransmitter in nervous was used to understand the effect of pollutants. Present study uses Acetylcholine esterase enzyme as pollution monitoring indicator


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As zinc (Zn) is both an essential trace element and potential toxicant, the effects of Zn fixation in soil are of practical significance. Soil samples from four field sites amended with ZnSO4 were used to investigate ageing of soluble Zn under field conditions over a 2-year period. Lability of Zn measured using 65Zn radioisotope dilution showed a significant decrease over time and hence evidence of Zn fixation in three of the four soils. However, 0.01 M CaCl2 extractions and toxicity measurements using a genetically modified lux-marked bacterial biosensor did not indicate a decrease in soluble/bioavailable Zn over time. This was attributed to the strong regulatory effect of abiotic properties such as pH on these latter measurements. These results also showed that Zn ageing occurred immediately after Zn spiking, emphasising the need to incubate freshly spiked soils before ecotoxicity assessments. Ageing effects were detected in Zn-amended field soils using 65Zn isotopic dilution as a measure of lability, but not with either CaCl2 extractions or a lux-marked bacterial biosensor.


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DNA microarrays can be used to measure environmental stress responses. If they are to be predictive of environmental impact, we need to determine if altered gene expression translates into negative impacts on individuals and populations. A large cDNA microarray (14000 spots) was created to measure molecular stress responses to cadmium in Daphnia magna,the most widely used aquatic indicator species, and relate responses to population growth rate (pgr). We used the array to detect differences in the transcription of genes in juvenile D. magna (24 h old) after 24 h exposure to a control and three cadmium concentrations (6, 20, and 37 mu g Cd2+ L-1). Stress responses at the population level were estimated following a further 8 days exposure. Pgr was approximately linear negative with increasing cadmium concentration over this range. The microarray profile of gene expression in response to acute cadmium exposure begins to provide an overview of the molecular responses of D. magna, especially in relation to growth and development. Of the responding genes, 29% were involved with metabolism including carbohydrate, fat and peptide metabolism, and energy production, 31% were involved with transcription/translation, while 40% of responding genes were associated with cellular processes like growth and moulting, ion transport, and general stress responses (which included oxidative stress). Our production and application of a large Daphnia magna microarray has shown that measured gene responses can be logically linked to the impact of a toxicant such as cadmium on somatic growth and development, and consequently pgr.


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In this study, we assessed the influence of prey quality and prey biomass during a standardized 3-week test on adult survival and reproductive output of the predatory mite Hypoaspis aculeifer when fed one of six different diets: springtails (Folsomia candida and Folsomia fimetaria), a storage mite (Caloglyphus cf. michaeli), an oligochaete (Enchytraeus crypticus), a nematode (Turbatrix silusiae), and a 1:1:1 mix of F. candida:F.fimetaria:E. crypticus. Our results revealed that a single prey species may be nutritionally sufficient for a 3-week period, as H. aculeifer performed equally well, or better, on a diet based on a 1:1:1 mix of F. candida:F. fimetaria:E. crypticus. However, when fed C. cf. michaeli, H. aculeifer had a poor reproductive output (< 200 juveniles) and a reduced survival (60-70%). Thus, investigators should validate their choice of prey prior to testing H. aculeifer performance during toxicant exposure. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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1. Chemical effects on organisms are typically assessed using individual-level endpoints or sometimes population growth rate (PGR), but such measurements are generally made at low population densities. In contrast most natural populations are subject to density dependence and fluctuate around the environmental carrying capacity as a result of individual competition for resources. As ecotoxicology aims to make reliable population projections of chemical impacts in the field, an understanding of how high-density or resource-limited populations respond to environmental chemicals is essential. 2. Our objective was to determine the joint effects of population density and chemical stress on the life history and PGR of an important ecotoxicological indicator species, Chironomus riparius, under controlled laboratory conditions. Populations were fed the same ration but initiated at different densities and exposed to a solvent control and three concentrations of C-14-cypermethrin in a sediment-water test system for 67 days at 20 +/- 1 degreesC. 3. Density had a negative effect on all the measured life-history traits, and PGR declined with increasing density in the controls. Exposure to C-14-cypermethrin had a direct negative effect on juvenile survival, presumably within the first 24 h because the chemical rapidly dissipated from the water column. Reductions in the initial larval densities resulted in an increase in the available resources for the survivors. Subsequently, exposed populations emerged sooner and started producing offspring earlier than the controls. C-14-cypermethrin had no effect on estimated fecundity and adult body weight but interacted with density to reduce the time to first emergence and first reproduction. As a result, PGR increased with cypermethrin concentration when populations were initiated at high densities. 4. Synthesis and applications. The results showed that the effects of C-14-cypermethrin were buffered at high density, so that the joint effects of density and chemical stress on PGR were less than additive. Low levels of chemical stressors may increase carrying capacity by reducing juvenile competition for resources. More and perhaps fitter adults may be produced, similar to the effects of predators and culling; however, toxicant exposure may result in survivors that are less tolerant to changing conditions. If less than additive effects are typical in the field, standard regulatory tests carried out at low density may overestimate the effects of environmental chemicals. Further studies over a wide range of chemical stressors and organisms with contrasting life histories are needed to make general recommendations.