984 resultados para Tourist resorts


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Esta tese aborda o quadro conceptual e metodológico referente à triangulação entre Turismo Residencial, Motivações e Destino Turístico. A questão de partida inseriu-se na expansão do Turismo Residencial nomeadamente em espaços como os Resorts Integrados, no Polo de Desenvolvimento do Oeste. Estamos perante um colectivo de turistas interessados em alcançar valores relacionados com o bem-estar e com a qualidade de vida, imbricados na lógica representativa dos estilos de vida num destino turístico onde a abundância e a diversidade dos recursos naturais endógenos, bem como a riqueza do património cultural, histórico e arquitectónico, tornaram visível a emergência de um turismo como alternativa estratégica para a satisfação dos objectivos de desenvolvimento da região. Para testar as hipóteses do trabalho foi utilizada uma metodologia que abrangeu vários métodos e técnicas de investigação que incluíram a aplicação de questionários aos turistas residenciais que são proprietários de uma segunda residência em Resorts Integrados (124) e aos representantes de instituições e empresas públicas e privadas ligadas ao fenómeno turístico (84) no destino em análise. Os questionários aplicados permitiram relacionar e avaliar a compatibilidade entre os dois grupos de inquiridos. Os turistas residenciais inquiridos são turistas originários de mercados externos, estão maioritariamente no ativo das suas funções laborais e compram uma segunda residência com o intuito de adquirir um estilo de vida assente em dimensões que muitas vezes não estão disponíveis na primeira habitação. São consideradas habitações dedicadas ao tempo de lazer e turismo em família, mas também se conciliam com a rentabilização da mesma através do arrendamento em determinados períodos do ano. No que diz respeito ao destino turístico, a compra de uma segunda residência coaduna-se com os principais motivos manifestados pelos turistas residenciais, através da permanência nas habitações e através do envolvimento que estabelecem com o destino turístico, não se limitando ao perímetro dos Resorts Integrados, no que diz respeito aos serviços consumidos durante a sua estada. Por outro lado, os representantes das entidades e instituições revelam conhecimento e predisposição para se envolverem na definição de uma estratégia concertada que possibilite o desenvolvimento deste fenómeno turístico na região, no entanto existe alguma necessidade em sensibilizar estes inquiridos para os impactes negativos que decorrem deste processo, inseridos na lógica do desenvolvimento sustentável na atividade turística, que se quer estruturada em princípios de qualidade de forma a influenciar os vários intervenientes, tendo em vista a proteção do ambiente e a preservação da identidade cultural da comunidade. O cruzamento dos dados recolhidos junto dos dois grupos de inquiridos revela que os factores eleitos são maioritariamente idênticos no que diz respeito aos destinos concorrentes e aos serviços comerciais utilizados dentro e fora do Resort Integrado, sendo que neste último o seu grau de prioridade diverge, o que pode deixar transparecer a existência de algumas diferenças entre o percepcionado pelos dois grupos. O resultado desta investigação evidencia a importância da problemática apresentada neste estudo.


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When considering spaces of sex-work such as Patpong in Bangkok, Thailand, the inclination is to be drawn into habitual debates concerning the legitimacy of sex-work and the clear objectification of sex-workers. While these concerns are valid and real, there are significant absences in terms of the theoretical mapping of the space, such as the affect of the presence of law, bodies, space and the sexual encounter itself. Law emerges as the most significant presence, since it both forms the transactional surface of Patpong and produces the confusion and revilement that results from the confluence of cold legal exchange with the tactile intimacy of the sexual encounter. This text explores the ethnographic space of Patpong in order to understand ways in which law’s transactional, effective surface is both embodied through subjectivication and spatially emplaced, yet also disrupted through the affective agency of the bodies and spaces it enfolds in order to produce this surface. This exploration will point to the limitations of law’s effective surface and suggest ways in which law might be located within a regime of affect, which returns the law to the body it subjectivises.


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The Polytechnic Touring Association (PTA) was a London-based, originally philanthropic turned commercial travel firm whose historical origins coincided with the arrival of the Kodak camera in 1888 – thus, of popular (tourist) photography. This article examines the PTA’s changing relationship with tourist photographers, and how this influenced the company’s understanding of what role photography could play in promoting the tours, in the late nineteenth and early twenty century. This inquiry is advanced on the basis of the observation that, during this time, the PTA’s passage from viewing tourists as citizens to educate, to customers to please, paralleled the move from using photography-based images to mixed media. Such a development was certainly a response to unprecedented market demands; this article argues that it should also be considered in relation to the widening of photographic perceptions engendered by the democratization of the medium, to which the PTA responded, first as educator, then as service provider. In doing so, the article raises several questions about the shifting relationship between “high”, or established, and “low”, or emerging, forms of culture, as mass photography and the mass marketing of tourism developed.


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Local Tourist Systems (LTS) can be analyzed according to an investigation structure that derives from industrial economics on industrial districts, local productive systems or learning regions. LTS concept is a useful analytical tool that can seize the resorts diversity and organization. Resorts can be conceived both as clusters or industrial districts, either with a perfect agreement between productive sphere and local community or a mere industrial juxtaposition without any economic or social connection. On the other hand tourist clusters analysis has cross referred almost exclusively to socio-economic criteria. Environmental issues were almost disregarded. Approaches swing from the “greening” of products and practices to initiatives focused on an integrated approach, linking environment and tourist development. This paper tries to discuss how to favor – inside a tourist destination - the creation of clusters grounded on sustainable tourism. The case studies (the 5 Alentejo Natural Reserves: Estuário do Sado; Lagoas de Santo André e da Sancha; Vale do Guadiana; Sudoeste Alentejano e Costa Vicentina; Serra de S. Mamede) are analyzed under the light of how microstructures groups can allow a territorial sustainable tourist development. The issues of “resources and competences” and “governance” ar


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Despite China's rapid growth in inbound tourism, the nature of its Canadian tourist market has been insufficiently studied. In response to this need, the objectives of this study are to identify China's destination image in Canadian students' minds, their possible internal motivations for visiting China as well as examining demographic influences on people's destination image formation. The study reviews image formation process and travel motivation categorisation, discusses their relationship, and implements Baloglu and McCleary's (1999) perceptual and affective image formation model and "push and pull factors" theory as its framework. A self-administered survey was applied to 424 undergraduate students in a Canadian university in early 2004. Exploratory factor analyses were conducted to identify perceived images and travel motivation. Summated means were calculated to illustrate the affective attitudes. A series of f-test and ANOVA tests were employed to examine the influence of demographics. An open-ended question format was adopted to analyse other images, motivations and visitation barriers that students may have. Findings demonstrate that cultural and natural attractions are the predominant image which the Canadian students have of China'; some stereotypes and negative images still influence the students' perception; travel service quality is largely unknown; increasing knowledge and seeking excitement and fun are the significant motivators in the likelihood of the Canadian students choosing to visit China; and personal interests may be a factor that significantly influences an individual's destination image and travel motivation. Raising awareness and increasing familiarity through promotion are suggested as methods to create a positive destination image of China.