883 resultados para Touch Screen


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OBJECTIVES: To develop a method for objective assessment of fine motor timing variability in Parkinson’s disease (PD) patients, using digital spiral data gathered by a touch screen device. BACKGROUND: A retrospective analysis was conducted on data from 105 subjects including65 patients with advanced PD (group A), 15 intermediate patients experiencing motor fluctuations (group I), 15 early stage patients (group S), and 10 healthy elderly subjects (HE) were examined. The subjects were asked to perform repeated upper limb motor tasks by tracing a pre-drawn Archimedes spiral as shown on the screen of the device. The spiral tracing test was performed using an ergonomic pen stylus, using dominant hand. The test was repeated three times per test occasion and the subjects were instructed to complete it within 10 seconds. Digital spiral data including stylus position (x-ycoordinates) and timestamps (milliseconds) were collected and used in subsequent analysis. The total number of observations with the test battery were as follows: Swedish group (n=10079), Italian I group (n=822), Italian S group (n = 811), and HE (n=299). METHODS: The raw spiral data were processed with three data processing methods. To quantify motor timing variability during spiral drawing tasks Approximate Entropy (APEN) method was applied on digitized spiral data. APEN is designed to capture the amount of irregularity or complexity in time series. APEN requires determination of two parameters, namely, the window size and similarity measure. In our work and after experimentation, window size was set to 4 and similarity measure to 0.2 (20% of the standard deviation of the time series). The final score obtained by APEN was normalized by total drawing completion time and used in subsequent analysis. The score generated by this method is hence on denoted APEN. In addition, two more methods were applied on digital spiral data and their scores were used in subsequent analysis. The first method was based on Digital Wavelet Transform and Principal Component Analysis and generated a score representing spiral drawing impairment. The score generated by this method is hence on denoted WAV. The second method was based on standard deviation of frequency filtered drawing velocity. The score generated by this method is hence on denoted SDDV. Linear mixed-effects (LME) models were used to evaluate mean differences of the spiral scores of the three methods across the four subject groups. Test-retest reliability of the three scores was assessed after taking mean of the three possible correlations (Spearman’s rank coefficients) between the three test trials. Internal consistency of the methods was assessed by calculating correlations between their scores. RESULTS: When comparing mean spiral scores between the four subject groups, the APEN scores were different between HE subjects and three patient groups (P=0.626 for S group with 9.9% mean value difference, P=0.089 for I group with 30.2%, and P=0.0019 for A group with 44.1%). However, there were no significant differences in mean scores of the other two methods, except for the WAV between the HE and A groups (P<0.001). WAV and SDDV were highly and significantly correlated to each other with a coefficient of 0.69. However, APEN was not correlated to neither WAV nor SDDV with coefficients of 0.11 and 0.12, respectively. Test-retest reliability coefficients of the three scores were as follows: APEN (0.9), WAV(0.83) and SD-DV (0.55). CONCLUSIONS: The results show that the digital spiral analysis-based objective APEN measure is able to significantly differentiate the healthy subjects from patients at advanced level. In contrast to the other two methods (WAV and SDDV) that are designed to quantify dyskinesias (over-medications), this method can be useful for characterizing Off symptoms in PD. The APEN was not correlated to none of the other two methods indicating that it measures a different construct of upper limb motor function in PD patients than WAV and SDDV. The APEN also had a better test-retest reliability indicating that it is more stable and consistent over time than WAV and SDDV.


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Objective: To develop a method for objective quantification of PD motor symptoms related to Off episodes and peak dose dyskinesias, using spiral data gathered by using a touch screen telemetry device. The aim was to objectively characterize predominant motor phenotypes (bradykinesia and dyskinesia), to help in automating the process of visual interpretation of movement anomalies in spirals as rated by movement disorder specialists. Background: A retrospective analysis was conducted on recordings from 65 patients with advanced idiopathic PD from nine different clinics in Sweden, recruited from January 2006 until August 2010. In addition to the patient group, 10 healthy elderly subjects were recruited. Upper limb movement data were collected using a touch screen telemetry device from home environments of the subjects. Measurements with the device were performed four times per day during week-long test periods. On each test occasion, the subjects were asked to trace pre-drawn Archimedean spirals, using the dominant hand. The pre-drawn spiral was shown on the screen of the device. The spiral test was repeated three times per test occasion and they were instructed to complete it within 10 seconds. The device had a sampling rate of 10Hz and measured both position and time-stamps (in milliseconds) of the pen tip. Methods: Four independent raters (FB, DH, AJ and DN) used a web interface that animated the spiral drawings and allowed them to observe different kinematic features during the drawing process and to rate task performance. Initially, a number of kinematic features were assessed including ‘impairment’, ‘speed’, ‘irregularity’ and ‘hesitation’ followed by marking the predominant motor phenotype on a 3-category scale: tremor, bradykinesia and/or choreatic dyskinesia. There were only 2 test occasions for which all the four raters either classified them as tremor or could not identify the motor phenotype. Therefore, the two main motor phenotype categories were bradykinesia and dyskinesia. ‘Impairment’ was rated on a scale from 0 (no impairment) to 10 (extremely severe) whereas ‘speed’, ‘irregularity’ and ‘hesitation’ were rated on a scale from 0 (normal) to 4 (extremely severe). The proposed data-driven method consisted of the following steps. Initially, 28 spatiotemporal features were extracted from the time series signals before being presented to a Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) classifier. The features were based on different kinematic quantities of spirals including radius, angle, speed and velocity with the aim of measuring the severity of involuntary symptoms and discriminate between PD-specific (bradykinesia) and/or treatment-induced symptoms (dyskinesia). A Principal Component Analysis was applied on the features to reduce their dimensions where 4 relevant principal components (PCs) were retained and used as inputs to the MLP classifier. Finally, the MLP classifier mapped these components to the corresponding visually assessed motor phenotype scores for automating the process of scoring the bradykinesia and dyskinesia in PD patients whilst they draw spirals using the touch screen device. For motor phenotype (bradykinesia vs. dyskinesia) classification, the stratified 10-fold cross validation technique was employed. Results: There were good agreements between the four raters when rating the individual kinematic features with intra-class correlation coefficient (ICC) of 0.88 for ‘impairment’, 0.74 for ‘speed’, 0.70 for ‘irregularity’, and moderate agreements when rating ‘hesitation’ with an ICC of 0.49. When assessing the two main motor phenotype categories (bradykinesia or dyskinesia) in animated spirals the agreements between the four raters ranged from fair to moderate. There were good correlations between mean ratings of the four raters on individual kinematic features and computed scores. The MLP classifier classified the motor phenotype that is bradykinesia or dyskinesia with an accuracy of 85% in relation to visual classifications of the four movement disorder specialists. The test-retest reliability of the four PCs across the three spiral test trials was good with Cronbach’s Alpha coefficients of 0.80, 0.82, 0.54 and 0.49, respectively. These results indicate that the computed scores are stable and consistent over time. Significant differences were found between the two groups (patients and healthy elderly subjects) in all the PCs, except for the PC3. Conclusions: The proposed method automatically assessed the severity of unwanted symptoms and could reasonably well discriminate between PD-specific and/or treatment-induced motor symptoms, in relation to visual assessments of movement disorder specialists. The objective assessments could provide a time-effect summary score that could be useful for improving decision-making during symptom evaluation of individualized treatment when the goal is to maximize functional On time for patients while minimizing their Off episodes and troublesome dyskinesias.


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A challenge for the clinical management of advanced Parkinson’s disease (PD) patients is the emergence of fluctuations in motor performance, which represents a significant source of disability during activities of daily living of the patients. There is a lack of objective measurement of treatment effects for in-clinic and at-home use that can provide an overview of the treatment response. The objective of this paper was to develop a method for objective quantification of advanced PD motor symptoms related to off episodes and peak dose dyskinesia, using spiral data gathered by a touch screen telemetry device. More specifically, the aim was to objectively characterize motor symptoms (bradykinesia and dyskinesia), to help in automating the process of visual interpretation of movement anomalies in spirals as rated by movement disorder specialists. Digitized upper limb movement data of 65 advanced PD patients and 10 healthy (HE) subjects were recorded as they performed spiral drawing tasks on a touch screen device in their home environment settings. Several spatiotemporal features were extracted from the time series and used as inputs to machine learning methods. The methods were validated against ratings on animated spirals scored by four movement disorder specialists who visually assessed a set of kinematic features and the motor symptom. The ability of the method to discriminate between PD patients and HE subjects and the test-retest reliability of the computed scores were also evaluated. Computed scores correlated well with mean visual ratings of individual kinematic features. The best performing classifier (Multilayer Perceptron) classified the motor symptom (bradykinesia or dyskinesia) with an accuracy of 84% and area under the receiver operating characteristics curve of 0.86 in relation to visual classifications of the raters. In addition, the method provided high discriminating power when distinguishing between PD patients and HE subjects as well as had good test-retest reliability. This study demonstrated the potential of using digital spiral analysis for objective quantification of PD-specific and/or treatment-induced motor symptoms.


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A migração de materiais educacionais para dispositivos portáteis, tais como computadores do tipo tablet, torna possível oferecer altos níveis de interatividade na apresentação de animações e, dessa forma, pesquisas são necessárias para avaliar o valor pedagógico de incorporar recursos sofisticados de interatividade em lições para dispositivos portáteis. Estudantes de Engenharia (no Experimento 1) e estudantes de nível superior de outras áreas (no Experimento 2) estudaram por 5 minutos uma animação mostrando, em um computador do tipo tablet, os seis passos de um procedimento de manutenção para um dispositivo mecânico chamado Tomada de Força. A animação envolveu um baixo nível de interatividade, no qual os estudantes eram capazes de reproduzir, pausar, avançar e voltar a animação por meio de botões acionados em tela sensível ao toque (touch screen); um alto nível de interatividade, no qual os estudantes podiam também tocar e deslizar um dedo na tela para rotacionar a animação ou ainda tocar a tela com dois dedos abrindo-os ou fechando-os para ampliar ou reduzir a animação; ou nenhuma interatividade (apenas no Experimento 2). De forma geral, em ambos os experimentos, os estudantes que utilizaram alto nível de interatividade reportaram maior interesse, mas não mostraram melhor aprendizagem, comparados aos grupos de baixa ou nenhuma interatividade. Entretanto, no Experimento 2, estudantes que se classificaram como alunos verbais demonstraram maior interesse e obtiveram pontuações mais altas de aprendizagem com alta interatividade, em vez de baixa ou nenhuma interatividade. Esse padrão, contudo, não foi encontrado entre os alunos visuais. Também no Experimento 2, os alunos verbais e os alunos com baixo nível de autorregulação de aprendizagem, que manifestaram alto nível de interesse, obtiveram pontuações mais altas de aprendizagem do que os alunos visuais e os alunos com alto nível de autorregulação de aprendizagem, que manifestaram baixo nível de interesse, respectivamente.


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A obtenção de relações de controle Tipo S e Tipo R em tarefas de emparelhamento ao modelo por identidade (IDMTS) podem viabilizar o desenvolvimento de um repertório preciso de observação em relação a todos os estímulos (S+ e S-). Neste trabalho, uma seqüência de procedimentos foi utilizada com vistas a gerar ou identificar possíveis relações de controle presentes em treinos e testes de IDMTS. Este trabalho objetivou: a) verificar a viabilidade do uso do procedimento de máscara (comparação vazio) para identificação ou determinação de relações de controle em tarefas de IDMTS com macacos-prego e b) avaliar a eficácia desse procedimento em testes de relação de controle. Participaram deste estudo dois macacos-prego (Cebus apella) machos, com história experimental. Utilizou-se uma câmara experimental com um microcomputador equipado com tela sensível ao toque para apresentação dos estímulos e registro das respostas. No Experimento I, os sujeitos foram submetidos a treino de IDMTS com dupla escolha, treino com utilização do procedimento de máscara e enviezamento os quais visavam gerar controle Tipo S e R. Então, testes de relação de controle com máscara e estímulos novos foram efetuados. No Experimento II, foram realizados treinos de IDMTS com quatro estímulos e quatro escolhas simultâneas e testes de relações de controle via procedimento de máscara. Os resultados dos Experimentos I e II sugerem que o procedimento de máscara não foi efetivo para produzir controle Tipo S e Tipo R simultaneamente, assim como o procedimento de enviezamento foi parcialmente efetivo para gerar o controle por seleção esperado. O procedimento com quatro escolhas foi mais eficaz que os demais para produzir o controle Tipo S. Pesquisa posterior incluindo maior preparação para o funcionamento das comparações vazias efetivamente como máscaras deve ser conduzida. Pesquisas nesta linha de investigação poderão elucidar variáveis de procedimento que eventualmente possam estar envolvidas nas dificuldades de obtenção, por exemplo, de formação de classes de equivalência em sujeitos não-humanos.


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O presente trabalho tem o intuito de Investigar possíveis correlações entre a morfologia da micróglia do hipocampo e giro denteado e o desempenho cognitivo individual em teste de memória espacial no Cebus apella. Devido ao bom desempenho do Cebus apella em tarefas cognitivas hipocampo-dependentes, utilizou-se testes selecionados da Bateria Cambridge de Testes Neuropsicológicos (CANTAB) utilizada previamente com sucesso tanto em primatas do Velho Mundo quanto em humanos. Empregou-se o teste motor de adaptação a tela para checar a adaptação dos indivíduos à tela sensível ao toque e o teste de aprendizado pareado (TAP) para avaliar aprendizado e memória espacial. Para o estudo da correlação entre o desempenho individual no TAP da bateria CANTAB e a morfologia da micróglia, foi necessário reconstruir e analisar parâmetros morfométricos selecionados a partir de micróglias reconstruídas dos terços médio e externo da camada molecular do giro denteado e do lacunosum molecular de CA1, empregando microscopia tridimensional. A definição dos limites da formação hipocampal foi feita empregando-se critérios arquitetônicos previamente definidos. Para imunomarcação seletiva de micróglias foi utilizado o anticorpo policlonal (anti-Iba1) dirigido contra a proteína adaptadora ligante de cálcio ionizado Iba-1. A partir de procedimentos de estatística multivariada identificou-se a ocorrência de agrupamentos microgliais baseados em parâmetros morfométricos que permitiram a distinção de pelo menos dois grandes grupos microgliais em todos os indivíduos. Os resultados comportamentais expressos em taxa de aprendizado e alguns dos parâmetros morfométricos da micróglia dos terços externo e médio da camada molecular do giro denteado revelaram significativas correlações, lineares e não lineares. Em contraste, nenhuma correlação dessa natureza foi encontrada no lacunosum molecular de CA1. Nós sugerimos baseado no presente e em trabalhos anteriores que a correlação entre desempenho cognitivo e a complexidade estrutural da glia não é um atributo exclusivo dos astrócitos e que a morfologia da micróglia da camada molecular do giro denteado pode estar associada ainda que de forma indireta ao desempenho individual em testes de memória espacial.


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Estudos anteriores realizados no Laboratório de Psicologia Experimental da UFPA demonstraram que o treino por encadeamento era mais eficiente na formação de classes sequenciais, demonstrando maior precisão dos participantes nos testes que documentaram as propriedades de uma relação ordinal, especialmente no teste de substitutabilidade. Com base nesse estudo e através de um procedimento de encadeamento para formar oito sequências independentes com estímulos visuais, procurou-se avaliar os efeitos de uma história de treino com estímulos usuais e não usuais e se os membros das classes seqüenciais emergentes eram também equivalentes. Participaram deste estudo três indivíduos portadores de necessidades educacionais especiais, alunos da APAE (Associação de Pais e Amigos dos Excepcionais), todos experimentalmente ingênuos. As sessões experimentais foram realizadas em uma sala da APAE, cinco vezes por semana. Foi utilizado um computador com tela sensível ao toque com um programa especialmente desenvolvido para este estudo. O procedimento contou com fases de treino e testes e foi dividido em duas condições: na Condição I foi utilizado o treino por encadeamento de respostas com quatro conjuntos de estímulos usuais seguido de teste de seqüenciação, testes com pares de estímulos não adjacentes, teste de substitutabilidade de estímulos e de equivalência. Na Condição II foi utilizado o mesmo procedimento da Condição I com quatro novos conjuntos de estímulos não usuais. Os resultados mostraram que asseqüências ensinadas apresentaram as propriedades de uma relação de ordinalidade, durante os testes de substitutabilidade de estímulos. Os participantes foram capazes de formar uma nova seqüência a partir do treino de duas seqüências independentes sugerindo assim a emergência de classes seqüenciais, em ambas as condições experimentais, demonstrando que os estímulos usuais podem ter exercido uma função básica de ordinalidade e ter facilitado o responder seqüencial com os novos estímulos. A emergência de relações de equivalência sugerem também que os estímulos são funcionalmente equivalentes. Estes resultados ampliam e estendem os resultados de estudos anteriores para uma outra população e confirmam empiricamente o que vem sendo apontado pela literatura da área.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Recent statistics have demonstrated that two of the most important causes of failures of the UAVs (Uninhabited Aerial Vehicle) missions are related to the low level of decisional autonomy of vehicles and to the man machine interface. Therefore, a relevant issue is to design a display/controls architecture which allows the efficient interaction between the operator and the remote vehicle and to develop a level of automation which allows the vehicle the decision about change in mission. The research presented in this paper focuses on a modular man-machine interface simulator for the UAV control, which simulates UAV missions, developed to experiment solution to this problem. The main components of the simulator are an advanced interface and a block defined automation, which comprehend an algorithm that implements the level of automation of the system. The simulator has been designed and developed following a user-centred design approach in order to take into account the operator’s needs in the communication with the vehicle. The level of automation has been developed following the supervisory control theory which says that the human became a supervisor who sends high level commands, such as part of mission, target, constraints, in then-rule, while the vehicle receives, comprehends and translates such commands into detailed action such as routes or action on the control system. In order to allow the vehicle to calculate and recalculate the safe and efficient route, in term of distance, time and fuel a 3D planning algorithm has been developed. It is based on considering UASs representative of real world systems as objects moving in a virtual environment (terrain, obstacles, and no fly zones) which replicates the airspace. Original obstacle avoidance strategies have been conceived in order to generate mission planes which are consistent with flight rules and with the vehicle performance constraints. The interface is based on a touch screen, used to send high level commands to the vehicle, and a 3D Virtual Display which provides a stereoscopic and augmented visualization of the complex scenario in which the vehicle operates. Furthermore, it is provided with an audio feedback message generator. Simulation tests have been conducted with pilot trainers to evaluate the reliability of the algorithm and the effectiveness and efficiency of the interface in supporting the operator in the supervision of an UAV mission. Results have revealed that the planning algorithm calculate very efficient routes in few seconds, an adequate level of workload is required to command the vehicle and that the 3D based interface provides the operator with a good sense of presence and enhances his awareness of the mission scenario and of the vehicle under his control.


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Questa tesi fornisce una realizzazione di alcuni test neuropsicologici, scelti in collaborazione di un neuropsicologo, che cercano di sostituire foglio e penna con touch screen e dita. L'obiettivo è quello di ricreare il test senza aggiungere agenti esterni derivanti dalla nuova interfaccia, per far sì che la fruizione del test sia buona almeno quanto quella del corrispettivo non digitale. Il risultato finale dovrebbe apportare dei vantaggi sostanziali al processo di somministrazione di questi test.


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Negli ultimi anni il mondo del mobile computing ha avuto una vera e propria crescita esponenziale grazie soprattutto all'entrata in scena dello smartphone. In realtà, per essere più precisi, è bene bene sottolineare che gli smartphone esistevano già da tempo ma il loro utilizzo era in particolar modo indirizzato ai professionisti per il quale era, ma continua ad essere tutt'oggi, un valido supporto in campo lavorativo, basti pensare all'importanza della comunicazione via e-mail e non solo. Seppur comunque fossero già presenti da tempo, i primi smartphone non godevano di certo di un touch-screen sofisticato come quello odierno nè in essi erano presenti funzionalità tipiche dei dispositivi che troviamo ad oggi sul mercato. Una svolta decisiva è stata segnata dall'introduzione dell'iPhone e successivamente dell'AppStore, grazie a questi la programmazione per i dispositivi mobile ha preso sempre più piede diventando un vero e proprio business. In un secondo momento alla programmazione nativa si affiancarono le tecnologie web. Questo mio lavoro di tesi si pone l'obiettivo di studiare in primis la struttura, caratteristiche e peculiarità del sistema operativo iOS e analizzare il framework PhoneGap al fine di riuscire a confrontarne i vari aspetti fondamentali anche attraverso lo sviluppo di piccole applicazioni. Così facendo, quindi scendendo nei dettagli di quelle che possono essere le differenze rilevanti, mi pongo l'obiettivo di valutarne relativi pro e contro al fine di fare una scelta del tutto personale tra iOS e PhoneGap.


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Nell'ottica di trovare modalità sempre più intuitive per movimentare manipolatori industriali l’obiettivo della tesi è quello di realizzare una mobile app su piattaforma Android in grado appunto di movimentare un generico manipolatore industriale. L'applicazione sviluppata fornisce all'utente un’interfaccia semplice e intuitiva che permette, dopo un’opportuna configurazione iniziale, di controllare il moto di un manipolatore industriale attraverso l’uso del touch screen e degli elementi grafici dell’interfaccia. Oltre a istruire un manipolatore l’applicazione offre anche delle funzionalità per il salvataggio e la gestione di determinate configurazioni che il manipolatore può assumere nello spazio. Il grande vantaggio dell’applicazione è quello di fornire un’interfaccia universale per la movimentazione di qualsiasi manipolatore. Si può affermare quindi che essa fornisce un livello di astrazione superiore. In questo progetto di tesi è stato effettuato il testing dell'applicazione sviluppata sia con il manipolatore industriale Comau Smart Six, robot antropomorfo a 6 gradi di libertà, sia con un manipolatore simulato in Unity 3D. Sono stati raccolti dei dati, in particolare dei grafici, che mettono in relazione i comandi impartiti al manipolatore e i dati ricevuti da questo, in modo da ricavarne dei parametri che misurano l'efficienza e la correttezza dell'applicazione.


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Pictorial representations of three-dimensional objects are often used to investigate animal cognitive abilities; however, investigators rarely evaluate whether the animals conceptualize the two-dimensional image as the object it is intended to represent. We tested for picture recognition in lion-tailed macaques by presenting five monkeys with digitized images of familiar foods on a touch screen. Monkeys viewed images of two different foods and learned that they would receive a piece of the one they touched first. After demonstrating that they would reliably select images of their preferred foods on one set of foods, animals were transferred to images of a second set of familiar foods. We assumed that if the monkeys recognized the images, they would spontaneously select images of their preferred foods on the second set of foods. Three monkeys selected images of their preferred foods significantly more often than chance on their first transfer session. In an additional test of the monkeys' picture recognition abilities, animals were presented with pairs of food images containing a medium-preference food paired with either a high-preference food or a low-preference food. The same three monkeys selected the medium-preference foods significantly more often when they were paired with low-preference foods and significantly less often when those same foods were paired with high-preference foods. Our novel design provided convincing evidence that macaques recognized the content of two-dimensional images on a touch screen. Results also suggested that the animals understood the connection between the two-dimensional images and the three-dimensional objects they represented.


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New designs of user input systems have resulted from the developing technologies and specialized user demands. Conventional keyboard and mouse input devices still dominate the input speed, but other input mechanisms are demanded in special application scenarios. Touch screen and stylus input methods have been widely adopted by PDAs and smartphones. Reduced keypads are necessary for mobile phones. A new design trend is exploring the design space in applications requiring single-handed input, even with eyes-free on small mobile devices. This requires as few keys on the input device to make it feasible to operate. But representing many characters with fewer keys can make the input ambiguous. Accelerometers embedded in mobile devices provide opportunities to combine device movements with keys for input signal disambiguation. Recent research has explored its design space for text input. In this dissertation an accelerometer assisted single key positioning input system is developed. It utilizes input device tilt directions as input signals and maps their sequences to output characters and functions. A generic positioning model is developed as guidelines for designing positioning input systems. A calculator prototype and a text input prototype on the 4+1 (5 positions) positioning input system and the 8+1 (9 positions) positioning input system are implemented using accelerometer readings on a smartphone. Users use one physical key to operate and feedbacks are audible. Controlled experiments are conducted to evaluate the feasibility, learnability, and design space of the accelerometer assisted single key positioning input system. This research can provide inspiration and innovational references for researchers and practitioners in the positioning user input designs, applications of accelerometer readings, and new development of standard machine readable sign languages.