991 resultados para Total of bases


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The objective of this study was to apply factor analysis to describe lactation curves in dairy buffaloes in order to estimate the phenotypic and genetic association between common latent factors and cumulative milk yield. A total of 31 257 monthly test-day milk yield records from buffaloes belonging to herds located in the state of São Paulo were used to estimate two common latent factors, which were then analysed in a multi-trait animal model for estimating genetic parameters. Estimates of (co)variance components for the two common latent factors and cumulated 270-d milk yield were obtained by Bayesian inference using a multiple trait animal model. Contemporary group, number of milkings per day (two levels) and age of buffalo cow at calving (linear and quadratic) as covariate were included in the model as fixed effects. The additive genetic, permanent environmental and residual effects were included as random effects. The first common latent factor (F1) was associated with persistency of lactation and the second common latent factor (F2) with the level of production in early lactation. Heritability estimates for Fl and F2 were 0.12 and 0.07, respectively. Genetic correlation estimates between El and F2 with cumulative milk yield were positive and moderate (0.63 and 0.52). Multivariate statistics employing factor analysis allowed the extraction of two variables (latent factors) that described the shape of the lactation curve. It is expected that the response to selection to increase lactation persistency is higher than the response obtained from selecting animals to increase lactation peak. Selection for higher total milk yield would result in a favourable correlated response to increase the level of production in early lactation and the lactation persistency.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Statement of problem. Adverse reactions to the materials used for the fabrication and reline of removable denture bases have been observed.Purpose. The purpose of this study was to systematically review the published literature on the cytotoxicity of denture base and hard reline materials.Material and methods. MEDLINE via PubMed, Google Scholar, and Scopus databases for the period January 1979 to December 2009 were searched with the following key words: (biocompatibility OR cytotoxic* OR allergy OR burning mouth OR cell culture techniques) and (acrylic resins OR denture OR monomer OR relin* OR denture liners). The inclusion criteria included in vitro studies using either animal or human cells, in which the cytotoxicity of the denture base and hard chairside reline resins was tested. Studies of resilient lining materials and those that evaluated other parameters such as genotoxicity and mutagenicity were excluded. Articles published in the English language and in peer-reviewed journals focusing on the cytotoxicity of these materials were reviewed.Results. A total of 1443 articles were identified through the search. From these, 20 studies were judged to meet the selection criteria and were included in the review. In the majority of the studies, continuous cell lines were exposed to eluates of specimens made from the materials, and mitochondrial activity was used to estimate cell viability. The tested acrylic resins were grouped according to 5 major categories: (1) heat-polymerized; (2) microwave-polymerized; (3) autopolymerizing; (4) light-polymerized; and (5) hard chairside reliners.Conclusions. This review provided some evidence that the heat-polymerized resins showed lower cytotoxic effects than autopolymerizing denture base acrylic resins and light or dual polymerized reline resins. However, because of the large number of variables in the reviewed literature, a definitive conclusion could not be drawn. (J Prosthet Dent 2012;107:114-127)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Estudaram-se as variáveis eritrométricas, leucométricas e a concentração de proteína total (PT) de éguas gestantes das raças Brasileiro de Hipismo (BH) e Bretão. Utilizaram-se 175 éguas sadias, com 3 a 13 anos de idade. Dentre as éguas utilizadas, 89 foram da raça BH, divididas em 14 não-prenhes e 75 prenhes, e 86 éguas da raça Bretão divididas em 11 não-prenhes e 75 prenhes. As éguas foram subdivididas em quatro grupos por raça: grupo controle (éguas não-prenhes, n=14 para BH e n=11 para Bretão); grupo I (primeiro período de gestação, 25-110 dias, n=25 para BH e Bretão), grupo II (segundo período de gestação, 111-210 dias, n=25 para BH e Bretão); e grupo III (terceiro período de gestação, 211-340 dias, n=25 para BH e Bretão). Os valores médios de cada variável eritrométrica, leucométrica e de proteína total foram obtidos para cada raça e, posteriormente, realizou-se comparação entre as mesmas. O número de hemácias (He), volume globular (VG) e teor de hemoglobina (Hb) aumentaram no segundo período de gestação e diminuíram no último período tanto para a raça BH, como para a raça Bretão. Além disso, essas mesmas variáveis apresentaram diferença estatística significativa tanto nas éguas não-prenhas como nas prenhes durante os três períodos gestacionais. Os valores médios obtidos de leucócitos e neutrófilos segmentados aumentaram a partir do segundo período de gestação para as duas raças estudadas.


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This experiment was developed in order to evaluation the efficiency of pheromone to control the pink bollworm and the total time of its release in cotton field. The experiment was installed in field conditions, in Chapadao do Sul/SP/Brazil, from January to April, 1998. The treatments consisted of 2 areas, being one of 30ha, where it was applied the pheromone and another of 10ha that was chosen as control area and did not receive pheromone. In the treated area, the laboratory synthesized sex pheromone (PB-Rope) was used thought of dispensers that allowed the slow and gradual release of the active substance. A total of 250 dispenser per hectare were evenly hand distributed in the area. The dispensers were wrapped around the plants. Both areas (treated area and untreated area) were monitored by delta trap. For evaluation of the boll damage, the treatment area was divided into 4 sub-areas. Twenty five green bolls were collected at random from each sub-area at 48 and 65 days after pheromone treatment. Bolls were cracked open by hand, and number of the bolls with symptoms of pink bollworm attacks was recorded. For evaluation of the productivity four areas were demarcated in each treatment, where all fibers and seeds harvested were weighted. Release rate of pheromone from dispenser was evaluated through of the weigh of the dispensers. Were marked and weighed in analytic scale, 20 dispensers contend the pheromone, being placed 10 dispensers under the cotton plants in treated area and other 10 dispensers in an open area. To every 15 days the dispensers were retired and weighed in analytic scale and soon after put back in the field in the same places. The results showed that only one application of mating disrupt pheromone, used in a dosage of 250 dispenser/ha, reached 80% of control for pink bollworm. the release period of pheromone from dispenser, after the application, was 120 days.


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The objective of this study was to evaluate the shelf-life of peeled giant river prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii stored directly in contact with ice (DCI), and without direct contact with ice (WCI). The prawns from DCI treatment showed an intense leaching of non-protein nitrogen (NPN) and total volatile bases nitrogen (TVB-N), thus suggesting that NPN or TVB-N should not be used as freshness indicators of peeled tails stored directly in contact with ice. Loss of flavor and a quick texture tactile decrease with time occurred in both treatments. The shelf-life of peeled tails prepared from M. rosenbergii was 7 days for DCI and 10 days WCI. © 2006 by The Haworth Press, Inc. All rights reserved.


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This study analyzed the spatial distribution of Yellow Sigatoka Leaf Spot relative to soil fertility and plant nutritional status using geostatistics. The experimental area comprised 1.2 ha, where 27 points were georeferenced and spaced on a regular grid 18 × 18 m. The severity of Yellow Sigatoka, soil fertility and plant nutritional status were evaluated at each point. The spherical model was adjusted for all variables using restricted maximum likelihood. Kriging maps showed the highest infection rate of Sigatoka occurred in high areas of the field which had the highest concentration of sand, while the lowest disease was found in lower areas with lower silt, organic matter, total exchangeable bases, effective cation exchange capacity, base saturation, Ca and Mg in soil, and foliar sulfur (S). These results may help farmers manage Yellow Sigatoka disease more effectively, with balanced fertilization and reduced fungicide application. This practice minimizes the environmental impact and cost of production while contributing to production sustainability.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi realizar a caracterização físico-química e microbiológica do surimi obtido de resíduos da filetagem de piramutaba. Os resultados da caracterização físico-química dos resíduos e surimi foram: umidade (76,37 e 79,11%), lipídios totais (5,35 e 0,74%), proteínas (14,92 e 10,79%), cinzas (3,03 e 2,35%), pH (6,9 e 7,4), valor calórico (109,15 e 77,86 kcal.g-1) e atividade de água (ambos 0,98), respectivamente. Os resultados dos valores de bases voláteis totais foi de 7,29 mgN/100-1 g (resíduos) e carboidratos de 7,01% (surimi). Os valores de lipídios totais e proteínas foram reduzidos durante o preparo do surimi, provavelmente, devido a sucessivas lavagens durante o processamento. Os resíduos e o surimi foram analisados microbiologicamente estando em conformidade com os parâmetros exigidos. Os resultados mostraram que houve uma perda da cor vermelha (parâmetro a*) e amarela (parâmetro b*). Por outro lado, o parâmetro L* (luminosidade) aumentou após o processamento do surimi. Conclui-se que os resíduos de piramutaba podem ser empregados como matéria-prima de qualidade na elaboração de surimi e como fonte de nutrientes para a alimentação humana, constituindo-se também como uma alternativa para destino dos resíduos, antes lançados no ambiente.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The use of cover crops has been suggested as an effective method to maintain and/or increase the organic matter content, while maintaining and/or enhancing the soil physical, chemical and biological properties. The fertility of Cerrado soils is low and, consequently, phosphorus levels as well. Phosphorus is required at every metabolic stage of the plant, as it plays a role in the processes of protein and energy synthesis and influences the photosynthetic process. This study evaluated the influence of cover crops and phosphorus rates on soil chemical and biological properties after two consecutive years of common bean. The study analyzed an Oxisol in Selvíria (Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil), in a randomized block, split plot design, in a total of 24 treatments with three replications. The plot treatments consisted of cover crops (millet, pigeon pea, crotalaria, velvet bean, millet + pigeon pea, millet + crotalaria, and millet + velvet bean) and one plot was left fallow. The subplots were represented by phosphorus rates applied as monoammonium phosphate (0, 60 and 90 kg ha-1 P2O5). In August 2011, the soil chemical properties were evaluated (pH, organic matter, phosphorus, potential acidity, cation exchange capacity, and base saturation) as well as biological variables (carbon of released CO2, microbial carbon, metabolic quotient and microbial quotient). After two years of cover crops in rotation with common bean, the cover crop biomass had not altered the soil chemical properties and barely influenced the microbial activity. The biomass production of millet and crotalaria (monoculture or intercropped) was highest. The biological variables were sensitive and responded to increasing phosphorus rates with increases in microbial carbon and reduction of the metabolic quotient.


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Soil CO2 emission (F-CO2) is influenced by chemical, physical and biological factors that affect the production of CO2 in the soil and its transport to the atmosphere. F-CO2 varies in time and space depending on environmental conditions, including the management of the agricultural area. The aim of this study was to investigate the spatial variability structure of F-CO2 and soil attributes in a mechanically harvested sugarcane area (green harvest) using fractal dimension (D-F) derived from isotropic variograms at different scales (fractograms). F-CO2 showed an overall average of 1.51 mu mol CO2 m(-2) s(-1) and correlated significantly (P < 0.05) with soil physical attributes, such as soil bulk density, air-filled pore space, macroporosity and microporosity. Topologically significant DF values were obtained from the characterization of F-CO2 at medium and large scales (above 20 m), with values of 2.92 and 2.90, respectively. The variations in D-F with scales indicate that the spatial variability structure of F-CO2 was similar to that observed for soil temperature and total pore volume and was the inverse of that observed for other soil attributes, such as soil moisture, soil bulk density, microporosity, air-filled pore space, silt and clay content, pH, available phosphorus and the sum of bases. Thus, the spatial variability structure of F-CO2 presented a significant relationship with the spatial variability structure for most soil attributes, indicating the possibility of using fractograms as a tool to better describe the spatial dependence of variables along the scale. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The objective of this study was to estimate variance components and genetic parameters for accumulated 305-day milk yield (MY305) over multiple ages, from 24 to 120 months of age, applying random regression (RRM), repeatability (REP) and multi-trait (MT) models. A total of 4472 lactation records from 1882 buffaloes of the Murrah breed were utilized. The contemporary group (herd-year-calving season) and number of milkings (two levels) were considered as fixed effects in all models. For REP and RRM, additive genetic, permanent environmental and residual effects were included as random effects. MT considered the same random effects as did REP and RRM with the exception of permanent environmental effect. Residual variances were modeled by a step function with 1, 4, and 6 classes. The heritabilities estimated with RRM increased with age, ranging from 0.19 to 0.34, and were slightly higher than that obtained with the REP model. For the MT model, heritability estimates ranged from 0.20 (37 months of age) to 0.32 (94 months of age). The genetic correlation estimates for MY305 obtained by RRM (L23.res4) and MT models were very similar, and varied from 0.77 to 0.99 and from 0.77 to 0.99, respectively. The rank correlation between breeding values for MY305 at different ages predicted by REP, MT, and RRM were high. It seems that a linear and quadratic Legendre polynomial to model the additive genetic and animal permanent environmental effects, respectively, may be sufficient to explain more parsimoniously the changes in MY305 genetic variation with age.