332 resultados para Tms


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Combining transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) and electroencephalography (EEG) constitutes a powerful tool to directly assess human cortical excitability and connectivity. TMS of the primary motor cortex elicits a sequence of TMS-evoked EEG potentials (TEPs). It is thought that inhibitory neurotransmission through GABA-A receptors (GABAAR) modulates early TEPs (<50 ms after TMS), whereas GABA-B receptors (GABABR) play a role for later TEPs (at ∼100 ms after TMS). However, the physiological underpinnings of TEPs have not been clearly elucidated yet. Here, we studied the role of GABAA/B-ergic neurotransmission for TEPs in healthy subjects using a pharmaco-TMS-EEG approach. In Experiment 1, we tested the effects of a single oral dose of alprazolam (a classical benzodiazepine acting as allosteric-positive modulator at α1, α2, α3, and α5 subunit-containing GABAARs) and zolpidem (a positive modulator mainly at the α1 GABAAR) in a double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover study. In Experiment 2, we tested the influence of baclofen (a GABABR agonist) and diazepam (a classical benzodiazepine) versus placebo on TEPs. Alprazolam and diazepam increased the amplitude of the negative potential at 45 ms after stimulation (N45) and decreased the negative component at 100 ms (N100), whereas zolpidem increased the N45 only. In contrast, baclofen specifically increased the N100 amplitude. These results provide strong evidence that the N45 represents activity of α1-subunit-containing GABAARs, whereas the N100 represents activity of GABABRs. Findings open a novel window of opportunity to study alteration of GABAA-/GABAB-related inhibition in disorders, such as epilepsy or schizophrenia.


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While some aspects of social processing are shared between humans and other species, some aspects are not. The former seems to apply to merely tracking another's visual perspective in the world (i.e., what a conspecific can or cannot perceive), while the latter applies to perspective taking in form of mentally “embodying” another's viewpoint. Our previous behavioural research had indicated that only perspective taking, but not tracking, relies on simulating a body schema rotation into another's viewpoint. In the current study we employed Magnetoencephalography (MEG) and revealed that this mechanism of mental body schema rotation is primarily linked to theta oscillations in a wider brain network of body-schema, somatosensory and motor-related areas, with the right posterior temporo-parietal junction (pTPJ) at its core. The latter was reflected by a convergence of theta oscillatory power in right pTPJ obtained by overlapping the separately localised effects of rotation demands (angular disparity effect), cognitive embodiment (posture congruence effect), and basic body schema involvement (posture relevance effect) during perspective taking in contrast to perspective tracking. In a subsequent experiment we interfered with right pTPJ processing using dual pulse Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (dpTMS) and observed a significant reduction of embodied processing. We conclude that right TPJ is the crucial network hub for transforming the embodied self into another's viewpoint, body and/or mind, thus, substantiating how conflicting representations between self and other may be resolved and potentially highlighting the embodied origins of high-level social cognition in general.


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Nel corso degli ultimi decenni si è assistito a un aumento di malattie e disturbi che colpiscono il sistema nervoso,specialmente il cervello. Si è dunque resa necessaria la ricerca e l'analisi di tecniche di stimolazione transcranica a fini sperimentali, clinici e di diagnosi. Tra queste spiccano per la loro versatilità la TMS e la tDCS, le quali hanno già trovato e possono ancora trovare la loro applicazione in numerosi ambiti anche molto differenti tra loro, tra cui quello motorio, verbale, della memoria o per disturbi neurodegenerativi. L'analisi approfondita delle loro applicazioni può non solo portare a meglio comprendere i limiti che le due tecniche hanno al giorno d'oggi e quindi portare a un miglioramento delle stesse, ma anche ad una comprensione più accurata del funzionamento del sistema nervoso, tutt'ora ancora alquanto oscuro nella sua complessità. Infine, confrontando le due tecniche si può meglio definire anche quali possano essere gli ambiti in cui l'una e l'altra sono più vantaggiose o possano dare contributi più incisivi.


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Presentation from the MARAC conference in Roanoke, VA on October 7–10, 2015. S8 - Minimal Processing and Preservation: Friends or Foes?


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 Objective: Neuroimaging and electrophysiological research have revealed a range of neural abnormalities in autism spectrum disorder (ASD), but a comprehensive understanding remains elusive. We utilized a novel methodology among individuals with ASD and matched controls, combining transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) with concurrent electroencephalogram (EEG) recording (TMS-EEG) to explore cortical function and connectivity in three sites implicated in the neuropathophysiology of ASD (dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, primary motor cortex, and temporoparietal junction). As there is evidence for neurobiological gender differences in ASD, we also examined the influence of biological sex.

Methods: TMS pulses were applied to each of the three sites (right lateralized) during 20-channel EEG recording.

Results: We did not identify any differences in the EEG response to TMS between ASD and control groups. This finding remained when data were stratified by sex. Nevertheless, traits and characteristics associated with ASD were correlated with the neurophysiological response to TMS.

Conclusion: While TMS-EEG did not appear to clarify the neuropathophysiology of ASD, the relationships identified between the neurophysiological response to TMS and clinical characteristics warrant further investigation.


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Transactive memory system (TMS) theory explains how expertise is recognized and coordinated in teams. Extending current TMS research from a group information-processing perspective, our article presents a theoretical model that considers TMS development from a social identity perspective. We discuss how two features of communication (quantity and quality) important to TMS development are linked to TMS through the group identification mechanism of a shared common team identity. Informed by social identity theory, we also differentiate between intragroup and intergroup contexts and outline how, in multidisciplinary teams, professional identification and perceived equality of status among professional subgroups have a role to play in TMS development. We provide a theoretical discussion of future research directions aimed at testing and extending our model.


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It has been well established that organic compounds with adjacent hydroxyl groups in Bayer process liquor can inhibit gibbsite precipitation by acting as seed poisons. The degree of inhibition is a function of the number and stereochemistry of the hydroxyl groups. Seed poisons generally adsorb strongly onto hydrate surfaces, implying that surface coverage is the mechanism for yield inhibition. There are examples however of organics that strongly adsorb but do not lead to yield inhibition. There is a possibility that this apparent contradiction may be an artifact of differences in conditions between the adsorption and precipitation experiments. The present work investigates the adsorption and inhibition effects of a range of compounds under strictly similar conditions to clarify the role of adsorption on yield inhibition.


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In explaining how communication quality predicts TMS in multidisciplinary teams, we drew on the social identity approach to investigate the mediating role of team identification and the moderating role of professional identification. Recognizing that professional identification could trigger intergroup biases among professional subgroups, or alternatively, could bring resources to the team, we explored the potential moderating role of professional identification in the relationship between team identification and TMS. Using data collected from 882 healthcare personnel working in 126 multidisciplinary hospital teams, results supported our hypothesis that perceived communication quality predicted TMS through team identification. Furthermore, findings provided support for a resource view of professional subgroup identities with results indicating that high levels of professional identification compensated for low levels of team identification in predicting TMS. We provide recommendations on how social identities may be used to promote TMS in multidisciplinary teams.


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Theoretical accounts suggest that mirror neurons play a crucial role in social cognition. The current study used transcranial-magnetic stimulation (TMS) to investigate the association between mirror neuron activation and facialemotion processing, a fundamental aspect of social cognition, among healthy adults (n = 20). Facial emotion processing of static (but not dynamic) images correlated significantly with an enhanced motor response, proposed to reflect mirror neuron activation. These correlations did not appear to reflect general facial processing or pattern recognition, and provide support to current theoretical accounts linking the mirror neuron system to aspects of social cognition. We discuss the mechanism by which mirror neurons might facilitate facial emotion recognition.


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Impairments in social cognitive functioning are well documented in schizophrenia, however the neural basis of these deficits is unclear. A recent explanatory model of social cognition centers upon the activity of mirror neurons, which are cortical brain cells that become active during both the performance and observation of behavior. Here, we test for the first time whether mirror neuron functioning is reduced in schizophrenia. Fifteen individuals with schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder and fifteen healthy controls completed a transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) experiment designed to assess mirror neuron activation. While patients demonstrated no abnormalities in cortical excitability, motor facilitation during action observation, putatively reflecting mirror neuron activity, was reduced in schizophrenia. Dysfunction within the mirror neuron system may contribute to the pathophysiology of schizophrenia.


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Small additions of B to Titanium alloys refine the as-cast microstructure significantly and hence improve their mechanical performance. In this work, tensile, fracture and fatigue properties of the as-cast and HIPed Ti-6Al-4V alloy with hypoeutectic wt.% of B additions have been examined, with particular emphasis on identifying the microstructural length scale that controls the mechanical properties of these alloys.


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Tutkimuksen pääkysymyksenä on selvittää, millainen musiikkifestivaalien toiminnanjohtajien ammattikuva on. Asiaa tutkitaan haastattelemalla Kuhmon Kamarimusiikin, Sysmän Suvisoiton ja Tuusulanjärven Kamarimusiikin toiminnanjohtajia sekä tekemällä verkkokysely, joka lähetettiin kaikille Finland Festivals -järjestön jäsenfestivaalien käytännön järjestelyistä vastaaville, olipa heidän työnimekkeenään toiminnanjohtaja, pääsihteeri tms. Työn teoreettisessa osassa (Luku 2) esitellään aiheeseen liittyvät teoreettiset näkökulmat ja Arto Kallioniemen määrittelemät viisi ammattikuvan osa-aluetta. Tutkimuksessa näitä osa-alueita käytetään soveltamalla ne festivaalitoiminnanjohtajien työhön sopiviksi ja liittämällä niihin Timo Rädyn objektiivinen, subjektiivinen ja funktionaalinen ammattikäsitys. Luvussa 3 tutustutaan tutkimuksessa haastateltaviin toiminnanjohtajiin ja heidän johtamiinsa festivaaleihin. Luku 4 alkaa verkkokyselyn tulosten käsittelyllä ja jatkuu perehtymällä toiminnanjohtajien ammattikuvan osa-alueisiin haastattelujen pohjalta. Molempien osien lopussa on yhteenveto. Lisäksi luvun 4 lopussa yhdistetään verkkokyselyn ja haastattelujen tulokset. Viimeisessä luvussa (Luku 5) tutkimustulokset liitetään työn teoreettisiin lähtökohtiin. Verkkokyselyn mukaan keskimääräinen suomalainen musiikkifestivaalin toiminnanjohtaja on akateemisesti koulutettu, noin 45-vuotias nainen, jolla on päätoiminen työsuhde ja joka ansaitsee 2001-2500e/kk. Lisäksi verkkokyselyssä ja haastatteluissa paljastui, että nykyiset toiminnanjohtajat pitävät työhön sopivimpana koulutuksena taiteellista ja taloudellista korkeakoulukoulutusta. Tutkimuksessa selvitettiin myös toiminnanjohtajien työtehtävät, ammattirooli, tietopohja, ammatilliset arvot ja käsitys festivaalijohtajuudesta. Tutkimuksessa laajennetaan musiikkitieteellistä tutkimusta yhteiskunnallisen ja organisatorisen tutkimuksen puolelle. Siinä selvitetään ensi kertaa Suomessa kattavasti, millaisia ihmisiä suomalaisten musiikkifestivaalien johdossa toimii ja tutkitaan millainen koulutus toiminnanjohtajalle parhaiten sopisi. Työstä käy myös ilmi, että musiikkifestivaalin johtaminen vertautuu läheisesti muiden taiteenalojen tapahtumien johtamiseen, mutta myös hieman laajentaen muihinkin kulttuurijohtajuuden aloihin. Samalla tutkimus hahmottelee festivaalijohtajien ammattiyhteisöä.


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Titanium alloys like Ti-6A-4V are the backbone materials for aerospace, energy and chemical industries. Hypoeutectic boron addition to Ti-6Al-4V alloy produces a reduction in as-cast grain size by roughly an order of magnitude resulting in the possibility of avoiding ingot breakdown step and thereby reducing the processing cost. In the present study, ISM processed as-cast boron added Ti-6Al-4V alloy is deformed in (alpha+beta)-phase field, where alpha-lath bending seemed to be the dominating deformation mechanism.


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Fusion energy is a clean and safe solution for the intricate question of how to produce non-polluting and sustainable energy for the constantly growing population. The fusion process does not result in any harmful waste or green-house gases, since small amounts of helium is the only bi-product that is produced when using the hydrogen isotopes deuterium and tritium as fuel. Moreover, deuterium is abundant in seawater and tritium can be bred from lithium, a common metal in the Earth's crust, rendering the fuel reservoirs practically bottomless. Due to its enormous mass, the Sun has been able to utilize fusion as its main energy source ever since it was born. But here on Earth, we must find other means to achieve the same. Inertial fusion involving powerful lasers and thermonuclear fusion employing extreme temperatures are examples of successful methods. However, these have yet to produce more energy than they consume. In thermonuclear fusion, the fuel is held inside a tokamak, which is a doughnut-shaped chamber with strong magnets wrapped around it. Once the fuel is heated up, it is controlled with the help of these magnets, since the required temperatures (over 100 million degrees C) will separate the electrons from the nuclei, forming a plasma. Once the fusion reactions occur, excess binding energy is released as energetic neutrons, which are absorbed in water in order to produce steam that runs turbines. Keeping the power losses from the plasma low, thus allowing for a high number of reactions, is a challenge. Another challenge is related to the reactor materials, since the confinement of the plasma particles is not perfect, resulting in particle bombardment of the reactor walls and structures. Material erosion and activation as well as plasma contamination are expected. Adding to this, the high energy neutrons will cause radiation damage in the materials, causing, for instance, swelling and embrittlement. In this thesis, the behaviour of a material situated in a fusion reactor was studied using molecular dynamics simulations. Simulations of processes in the next generation fusion reactor ITER include the reactor materials beryllium, carbon and tungsten as well as the plasma hydrogen isotopes. This means that interaction models, {\it i.e. interatomic potentials}, for this complicated quaternary system are needed. The task of finding such potentials is nonetheless nearly at its end, since models for the beryllium-carbon-hydrogen interactions were constructed in this thesis and as a continuation of that work, a beryllium-tungsten model is under development. These potentials are combinable with the earlier tungsten-carbon-hydrogen ones. The potentials were used to explain the chemical sputtering of beryllium due to deuterium plasma exposure. During experiments, a large fraction of the sputtered beryllium atoms were observed to be released as BeD molecules, and the simulations identified the swift chemical sputtering mechanism, previously not believed to be important in metals, as the underlying mechanism. Radiation damage in the reactor structural materials vanadium, iron and iron chromium, as well as in the wall material tungsten and the mixed alloy tungsten carbide, was also studied in this thesis. Interatomic potentials for vanadium, tungsten and iron were modified to be better suited for simulating collision cascades that are formed during particle irradiation, and the potential features affecting the resulting primary damage were identified. Including the often neglected electronic effects in the simulations was also shown to have an impact on the damage. With proper tuning of the electron-phonon interaction strength, experimentally measured quantities related to ion-beam mixing in iron could be reproduced. The damage in tungsten carbide alloys showed elemental asymmetry, as the major part of the damage consisted of carbon defects. On the other hand, modelling the damage in the iron chromium alloy, essentially representing steel, showed that small additions of chromium do not noticeably affect the primary damage in iron. Since a complete assessment of the response of a material in a future full-scale fusion reactor is not achievable using only experimental techniques, molecular dynamics simulations are of vital help. This thesis has not only provided insight into complicated reactor processes and improved current methods, but also offered tools for further simulations. It is therefore an important step towards making fusion energy more than a future goal.