994 resultados para Tissue specificity


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TATA box is one of the most important transcription factor binding sites. But the exact sequences of TATA box are still not very clear yet. In this study, we conducted a dedicated analysis on the frequency distribution of TATA Box and its extension sequences on human promoters. Sixteen TATA elements derived from TATA Box motif, TATAWAWN, were classified into three distribution patterns: peak, bottom-peak and bottom. Fourteen TATA extension sequences (up to two base extensions) were predicted to be the new TATA Box elements because of their high motif factors, which indicate their statistical significance. Statistical analysis on the promoters of mouse, zebrafish and drosophila melanogaster verified seven of these elements. It was also observed that the distribution of TATA elements on the promoters of housekeeping genes are very similar with their distribution on the promoters of tissue specific genes in human.


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Male fertility in flowering plants is dependent on production of viable pollen grains within the anther. Genes expressed exclusively in the anther are likely to include those that control male fertility. On the basis of their tissue specificity, such genes have been isolated, yet in none of them has this function been demonstrated. Here we report that one such gene, Bcp1, is active in both diploid tapetum and haploid microspores and is required for pollen fertility. Perturbation of this gene in either tapetum or microspores prevents production of fertile pollen in transgenic Arabidopsis plants. When tapetum expression of this gene is perturbed, mature anthers contain dead shriveled pollen. On the other hand, when microspore expression is perturbed, anthers show 1:1 segregation of viable/aborted pollen. These findings identify a class of sporophytic/gametophytic genes controlling male fertility and, hence, reproduction in flowering plants.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The molecular mechanisms that control P element transposition and determine its tissue specificity remain incompletely understood, although much information has been compiled about this element in the last decade. This review summarizes the currently available information about P element transposition, P-M hybrid dysgenesis and P cytotype features, P element-encoded repressors, and regulation of transposition.


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Aquaporins have important roles in various physiological processes in plants, including growth, development and adaptation to stress. In this study, a gene encoding a root-specific tonoplast intrinsic aquaporin (TIP) from Eucalyptus grandis (named EgTIP2) was investigated. The root-specific expression of EgTIP2 was validated over a panel of five eucalyptus organ/tissues. In eucalyptus roots, EgTIP2 expression was significantly induced by osmotic stress imposed by PEG treatment. Histochemical analysis of transgenic tobacco lines (Nicotiana tabacum SR1) harboring an EgTIP2 promoter:GUS reporter cassette revealed major GUS staining in the vasculature and in root tips. Consistent with its osmotic-stress inducible expression in eucalyptus, EgTIP2 promoter activity was up-regulated by mannitol treatment, but was down-regulated by abscisic acid. Taken together, these results suggest that EgTIP2 might be involved in eucalyptus response to drought. Additional searches in the eucalyptus genome revealed the presence of four additional putative TIP coding genes, which could be individually assigned to the classical TIP1-5 groups. © 2013 Elsevier B.V.


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Larval tissues undergo programmed cell death (PCD) during Drosophila metamorphosis. PCD is triggered in a stage and tissue-specific fashion in response to ecdysone pulses. The understanding of how ecdysone induces the stage and tissue-specificity of cell death remains obscure. Several steroid-regulated primary response genes have been shown to act as key regulators of cellular responses to ecdysone by inducing a cascade of transcriptional regulation of late responsive genes. In this article, the authors identify Fhos as a gene that is required for Drosophila larval salivary gland destruction. Animals with a P-element mutation in Fhos possess persistent larval salivary glands, and precise excisions of this P-element insertion resulted in reversion of this salivary gland mutant phenotype. Fhos encodes the Drosophila homolog of mammalian Formin Fhos. Fhos is differentially transcribed during development and responds to ecdysone in a method that is similar to other cell death genes. Similarly to what has been shown for its mammalian counterpart, FHOS protein is translocated to the nucleus at later stages of cell death. Fhos mutants posses disrupted actin cytoskeleton dynamics in persistent salivary glands. Together, our data indicate that Fhos is a new ecdysone-regulated gene that is crucial for changes in the actin cytoskeleton during salivary gland elimination in Drosophila. genesis 50:672684, 2012. (c) 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Allergies are a complex of symptoms derived from altered IgE-mediated reactions of the immune system towards substances known as allergens. Allergic sensibilization can be of food or respiratory origin and, in particular, apple and hazelnut allergens have been identified in pollens or fruits. Allergic cross-reactivity can occur in a patient reacting to similar allergens from different origins, justifying the research in both systems as in Europe a greater number of people suffers from apple fruit allergy, but little evidence exists about pollen. Apple fruit allergies are due to four different classes of allergens (Mal d 1, 2, 3, 4), whose allergenicity is related both to genotype and tissue specificity; therefore I have investigated their presence also in pollen at different time of germination to clarify the apple pollen allergenic potential. I have observed that the same four classes of allergens found in fruit are expressed at different levels also in pollen, and their presence might support that the apple pollen can be considered allergenic as the fruit, deducing that apple allergy could also be indirectly caused by sensitization to pollen. Climate changes resulting from increases in temperature and air pollution influence pollen allergenicity, responsible for the dramatic raise in respiratory allergies (hay fever, bronchial asthma, conjunctivitis). Although the link between climate change and pollen allergenicity is proven, the underlying mechanism is little understood. Transglutaminases (TGases), a class of enzymes able to post-translationally modify proteins, are activated under stress and involved in some inflammatory responses, enhancing the activity of pro-inflammatory phospholipase A2, suggesting a role in allergies. Recently, a calcium-dependent TGase activity has been identified in the pollen cell wall, raising the possibility that pollen TGase may have a role in the modification of pollen allergens reported above, thus stabilizing them against proteases. This enzyme can be involved also in the transamidation of proteins present in the human mucosa interacting with surface pollen or, finally, the enzyme itself can represent an allergen, as suggested by studies on celiac desease. I have hypothesized that this pollen enzyme can be affected by climate changes and be involved in exhacerbating allergy response. The data presented in this thesis represent a scientific basis for future development of studies devoted to verify the hypothesis set out here. First, I have demonstrated the presence of an extracellular TGase on the surface of the grain observed either at the apical or the proximal parts of the pollen-tube by laser confocal microscopy (Iorio et al., 2008), that plays an essential role in apple pollen-tube growth, as suggested by the arrest of tube elongation by TGase inhibitors, such as EGTA or R281. Its involvement in pollen tube growth is mainly confirmed by the data of activity and gene expression, because TGase showed a peak between 15 min and 30 min of germination, when this process is well established, and an optimal pH around 6.5, which is close to that recorded for the germination medium. Moreover, data show that pollen TGase can be a glycoprotein as the glycosylation profile is linked both with the activation of the enzyme and with its localization at the pollen cell wall during germination, because from the data presented seems that the active form of TGase involved in pollen tube growth and pollen-stylar interaction is more exposed and more weakly bound to the cell wall. Interestingly, TGase interacts with fibronectin (FN), a putative SAMs or psECM component, inducing possibly intracellular signal transduction during the interaction between pollen-stylar occuring in the germination process, since a protein immunorecognised by anti-FN antibody is also present in pollen, in particular at the level of pollen grain cell wall in a punctuate pattern, but also along the shank of the pollen tube wall, in a similar pattern that recalls the signal obtained with the antibody anti TGase. FN represents a good substrate for the enzyme activity, better than DMC usually used as standard substrate for animal TGase. Thus, this pollen enzyme, necessary for its germination, is exposed on the pollen surface and consequently can easily interact with mucosal proteins, as it has been found germinated pollen in studies conducted on human mucus (Forlani, personal communication). I have obtained data that TGase activity increases in a very remarkable way when pollen is exposed to stressful conditions, such as climate changes and environmental pollution. I have used two different species of pollen, an aero allergenic (hazelnut, Corylus avellana) pollen, whose allergenicity is well documented, and an enthomophylus (apple, Malus domestica) pollen, which is not yet well characterized, to compare data on their mechanism of action in response to stressors. The two pollens have been exposed to climate changes (different temperatures, relative humidity (rH), acid rain at pH 5.6 and copper pollution (3.10 µg/l)) and showed an increase in pollen surface TGase activity that is not accompanied to an induced expression of TGase immunoreactive protein with AtPNG1p. Probably, climate change induce an alteration or damage to pollen cell wall that carries the pollen grains to release their content in the medium including TGase enzyme, that can be free to carry out its function as confirmed by the immunolocalisation and by the in situ TGase activity assay data; morphological examination indicated pollen damage, viability significantly reduced and in acid rain conditions an early germination of apple pollen, thus possibly enhancing the TGase exposure on pollen surface. Several pollen proteins were post-translationally modified, as well as mammalian sPLA2 especially with Corylus pollen, which results in its activation, potentially altering pollen allergenicity and inflammation. Pollen TGase activity mimicked the behaviour of gpl TGase and AtPNG1p in the stimulation of sPLA2, even if the regulatory mechanism seems different to gpl TGase, because pollen TGase favours an intermolecular cross-linking between various molecules of sPLA2, giving rise to high-molecular protein networks normally more stable. In general, pollens exhibited a significant endogenous phospholipase activity and it has been observed differences according to the allergenic (Corylus) or not-well characterized allergenic (Malus) attitude of the pollen. However, even if with a different intensity level in activation, pollen enzyme share the ability to activate the sPLA2, thus suggesting an important regulatory role for the activation of a key enzyme of the inflammatory response, among which my interest was addressed to pollen allergy. In conclusion, from all the data presented, mainly presence of allergens, presence of an extracellular TGase, increasing in its activity following exposure to environmental pollution and PLA2 activation, I can conclude that also Malus pollen can behave as potentially allergenic. The mechanisms described here that could affect the allergenicity of pollen, maybe could be the same occurring in fruit, paving the way for future studies in the identification of hyper- and hypo- allergenic cultivars, in preventing environmental stressor effects and, possibly, in the production of transgenic plants.


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Apple consumption is highly recomended for a healthy diet and is the most important fruit produced in temperate climate regions. Unfortunately, it is also one of the fruit that most ofthen provoks allergy in atopic patients and the only treatment available up to date for these apple allergic patients is the avoidance. Apple allergy is due to the presence of four major classes of allergens: Mal d 1 (PR-10/Bet v 1-like proteins), Mal d 2 (Thaumatine-like proteins), Mal d 3 (Lipid transfer protein) and Mal d 4 (profilin). In this work new advances in the characterization of apple allergen gene families have been reached using a multidisciplinary approach. First of all, a genomic approach was used for the characterization of the allergen gene families of Mal d 1 (task of Chapter 1), Mal d 2 and Mal d 4 (task of Chapter 5). In particular, in Chapter 1 the study of two large contiguos blocks of DNA sequences containing the Mal d 1 gene cluster on LG16 allowed to acquire many new findings on number and orientation of genes in the cluster, their physical distances, their regulatory sequences and the presence of other genes or pseudogenes in this genomic region. Three new members were discovered co-localizing with the other Mal d 1 genes of LG16 suggesting that the complexity of the genetic base of allergenicity will increase with new advances. Many retrotranspon elements were also retrieved in this cluster. Due to the developement of molecular markers on the two sequences, the anchoring of the physical and the genetic map of the region has been successfully achieved. Moreover, in Chapter 5 the existence of other loci for the Thaumatine-like protein family in apple (Mal d 2.03 on LG4 and Mal d 2.02 on LG17) respect the one reported up to now was demonstred for the first time. Also one new locus for profilins (Mal d 4.04) was mapped on LG2, close to the Mal d 4.02 locus, suggesting a cluster organization for this gene family, as is well reported for Mal d 1 family. Secondly, a methodological approach was used to set up an highly specific tool to discriminate and quantify the expression of each Mal d 1 allergen gene (task of Chapter 2). In aprticular, a set of 20 Mal d 1 gene specific primer pairs for the quantitative Real time PCR technique was validated and optimized. As a first application, this tool was used on leaves and fruit tissues of the cultivar Florina in order to identify the Mal d 1 allergen genes that are expressed in different tissues. The differential expression retrieved in this study revealed a tissue-specificity for some Mal d 1 genes: 10/20 Mal d 1 genes were expressed in fruits and, indeed, probably more involved in the allergic reactions; while 17/20 Mal d 1 genes were expressed in leaves challenged with the fungus Venturia inaequalis and therefore probably interesting in the study of the plant defense mechanism. In Chapter 3 the specific expression levels of the 10 Mal d 1 isoallergen genes, found to be expressed in fruits, were studied for the first time in skin and flesh of apples of different genotypes. A complex gene expression profile was obtained due to the high gene-, tissue- and genotype-variability. Despite this, Mal d 1.06A and Mal d 1.07 expression patterns resulted particularly associated with the degree of allergenicity of the different cultivars. They were not the most expressed Mal d 1 genes in apple but here it was hypotized a relevant importance in the determination of allergenicity for both qualitative and quantitative aspects of the Mal d 1 gene expression levels. In Chapter 4 a clear modulation for all the 17 PR-10 genes tested in young leaves of Florina after challenging with the fungus V. inaequalis have been reported but with a peculiar expression profile for each gene. Interestingly, all the Mal d 1 genes resulted up-regulated except Mal d 1.10 that was down-regulated after the challenging with the fungus. The differences in direction, timing and magnitude of induction seem to confirm the hypothesis of a subfunctionalization inside the gene family despite an high sequencce and structure similarity. Moreover, a modulation of PR-10 genes was showed both in compatible (Gala-V. inaequalis) and incompatible (Florina-V. inaequalis) interactions contribute to validate the hypothesis of an indirect role for at least some of these proteins in the induced defense responses. Finally, a certain modulation of PR-10 transcripts retrieved also in leaves treated with water confirm their abilty to respond also to abiotic stress. To conclude, the genomic approach used here allowed to create a comprehensive inventory of all the genes of allergen families, especially in the case of extended gene families like Mal d 1. This knowledge can be considered a basal prerequisite for many further studies. On the other hand, the specific transcriptional approach make it possible to evaluate the Mal d 1 genes behavior on different samples and conditions and therefore, to speculate on their involvement on apple allergenicity process. Considering the double nature of Mal d 1 proteins, as apple allergens and as PR-10 proteins, the gene expression analysis upon the attack of the fungus created the base for unravel the Mal d 1 biological functions. In particular, the knowledge acquired in this work about the PR-10 genes putatively more involved in the specific Malus-V. inaequalis interaction will be helpful, in the future, to drive the apple breeding for hypo-allergenicity genotype without compromise the mechanism of response of the plants to stress conditions. For the future, the survey of the differences in allergenicity among cultivars has to be be thorough including other genotypes and allergic patients in the tests. After this, the allelic diversity analysis with the high and low allergenic cultivars on all the allergen genes, in particular on the ones with transcription levels correlated to allergencity, will provide the genetic background of the low ones. This step from genes to alleles will allow the develop of molecular markers for them that might be used to effectively addressed the apple breeding for hypo-allergenicity. Another important step forward for the study of apple allergens will be the use of a specific proteomic approach since apple allergy is a multifactor-determined disease and only an interdisciplinary and integrated approach can be effective for its prevention and treatment.


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Leber’s hereditary optic neuropathy (LHON) and Autosomal Dominant Optic Atrophy (ADOA) are the two most common inherited optic neuropathies and both are the result of mitochondrial dysfunctions. Despite the primary mutations causing these disorders are different, being an mtDNA mutation in subunits of complex I in LHON and defects in the nuclear gene encoding the mitochondrial protein OPA1 in ADOA, both pathologies share some peculiar features, such a variable penetrance and tissue-specificity of the pathological processes. Probably, one of the most interesting and unclear aspect of LHON is the variable penetrance. This phenomenon is common in LHON families, most of them being homoplasmic mutant. Inter-family variability of penetrance may be caused by nuclear or mitochondrial ‘secondary’ genetic determinants or other predisposing triggering factors. We identified a compensatory mechanism in LHON patients, able to distinguish affected individuals from unaffected mutation carriers. In fact, carrier individuals resulted more efficient than affected subjects in increasing the mitochondrial biogenesis to compensate for the energetic defect. Thus, the activation of the mitochondrial biogenesis may be a crucial factor in modulating penetrance, determining the fate of subjects harbouring LHON mutations. Furthermore, mtDNA content can be used as a molecular biomarker which, for the first time, clearly differentiates LHON affected from LHON carrier individuals, providing a valid mechanism that may be exploited for development of therapeutic strategies. Although the mitochondrial biogenesis gained a relevant role in LHON pathogenesis, we failed to identify a genetic modifying factor for the variable penetrance in a set of candidate genes involved in the regulation of this process. A more systematic high-throughput approach will be necessary to select the genetic variants responsible for the different efficiency in activating mitochondrial biogenesis. A genetic modifying factor was instead identified in the MnSOD gene. The SNP Ala16Val in this gene seems to modulate LHON penetrance, since the Ala allele in this position significantly predisposes to be affected. Thus, we propose that high MnSOD activity in mitochondria of LHON subjects may produce an overload of H2O2 for the antioxidant machinery, leading to release from mitochondria of this radical and promoting a severe cell damage and death ADOA is due to mutation in the OPA1 gene in the large majority of cases. The causative nuclear defects in the remaining families with DOA have not been identified yet, but a small number of families have been mapped to other chromosomal loci (OPA3, OPA4, OPA5, OPA7, OPA8). Recently, a form of DOA and premature cataract (ADOAC) has been associated to pathogenic mutations of the OPA3 gene, encoding a mitochondrial protein. In the last year OPA3 has been investigated by two different groups, but a clear function for this protein and the pathogenic mechanism leading to ADOAC are still unclear. Our study on OPA3 provides new information about the pattern of expression of the two isoforms OPA3V1 and OPA3V2, and, moreover, suggests that OPA3 may have a different function in mitochondria from OPA1, the major site for ADOA mutations. In fact, based on our results, we propose that OPA3 is not involved in the mitochondrial fusion process, but, on the contrary, it may regulate mitochondrial fission. Furthermore, at difference from OPA1, we excluded a role for OPA3 in mtDNA maintenance and we failed to identify a direct interaction between OPA3 and OPA1. Considering the results from overexpression and silencing of OPA3, we can conclude that the overexpression has more drastic consequences on the cells than silencing, suggesting that OPA3 may cause optic atrophy via a gain-of-function mechanism. These data provide a new starting point for future investigations aimed at identifying the exact function of OPA3 and the pathogenic mechanism causing ADOAC.


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The columnar growth habit of apple is interesting from an economic point of view as the pillar-like trees require little space and labor. Genetic engineering could be used to speed up breeding for columnar trees with high fruit quality and disease resistance. For this purpose, this study dealt with the molecular causes of this interesting phenotype. The original bud sport mutation that led to the columnar growth habit was found to be a novel nested insertion of a Gypsy-44 LTR retrotransposon on chromosome 10 at 18.79 Mb. This subsequently causes tissue-specific differential expression of nearby downstream genes, particularly of a gene encoding a 2OG-Fe(II) oxygenase of unknown function (dmr6-like) that is strongly upregulated in developing aerial tissues of columnar trees. The tissue-specificity of the differential expression suggests involvement of cis-regulatory regions and/or tissue-specific epigenetic markers whose influence on gene expression is altered due to the retrotransposon insertion. This eventually leads to changes in genes associated with stress and defense reactions, cell wall and cell membrane metabolism as well as phytohormone biosynthesis and signaling, which act together to cause the typical phenotype characteristics of columnar trees such as short internodes and the absence of long lateral branches. In future, transformation experiments introducing Gypsy-44 into non-columnar varieties or excising Gypsy-44 from columnar varieties would provide proof for our hypotheses. However, since site-specific transformation of a nested retrotransposon is a (too) ambitious objective, silencing of the Gypsy-44 transcripts or the nearby genes would also provide helpful clues.


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OBJECTIVES: The endocannabinoid system is an endogenous lipid signalling network comprising arachidonic-acid-derived ligands, cannabinoid (CB) receptors, transporters and endocannabinoid degrading enzymes. The CB(1) receptor is predominantly expressed in neurons but is also co-expressed with the CB(2) receptor in peripheral tissues. In recent years, CB receptor ligands, including Delta(9)-tetrahydrocannabinol, have been proposed as potential anticancer agents. KEY FINDINGS: This review critically discusses the pharmacology of CB receptor activation as a novel therapeutic anticancer strategy in terms of ligand selectivity, tissue specificity and potency. Intriguingly, antitumour effects mediated by cannabinoids are not confined to inhibition of cancer cell proliferation; cannabinoids also reduce angiogenesis, cell migration and metastasis, inhibit carcinogenesis and attenuate inflammatory processes. In the last decade several new selective CB(1) and CB(2) receptor agents have been described, but most studies in the area of cancer research have used non-selective CB ligands. Moreover, many of these ligands exert prominent CB receptor-independent pharmacological effects, such as activation of the G-protein-coupled receptor GPR55, peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma and the transient receptor potential vanilloid channels. SUMMARY: The role of the endocannabinoid system in tumourigenesis is still poorly understood and the molecular mechanisms of cannabinoid anticancer action need to be elucidated. The development of CB(2)-selective anticancer agents could be advantageous in light of the unwanted central effects exerted by CB(1) receptor ligands. Probably the most interesting question is whether cannabinoids could be useful in chemoprevention or in combination with established chemotherapeutic agents.


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The invariant chain associated with the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II molecules is a non-polymorphic glycoprotein implicated in antigen processing and class II molecule intracellular transport. Class II molecules and invariant chain (In) are expressed primarily by B lymphocytes and antigen-presenting cells such as macrophages and can be induced by interferon gamma (IFN-$\gamma$) in a variety of cell types such as endothelial cells, fibroblasts, and astrocytes. In this study the cis-acting sequences involved in the constitutive, tissue-specific, and IFN-$\gamma$ induced expression of the human In gene were investigated and nuclear proteins which specifically bound these sequences were identified.^ To define promoter sequences involved in the regulation of the human In gene, 790 bp 5$\sp\prime$ to the initiation of transcription were subcloned upstream of the gene encoding chloramphenicol acetyl transferase (CAT). Transfection of this construct into In expressing and non-expressing cell lines demonstrated that this 790 bp In promoter sequence conferred tissue specificity to the CAT gene. Deletion mutants were created in the promoter to identify sequences important for transcription. Three regulatory regions were identified $-$396 to $-$241, $-$241 to $-$216, and $-$216 to $-$165 bp 5$\sp\prime$ to the cap site. Transfection into a human glioblastoma cell line, U-373 MG, and treatment with IFN-$\gamma$, demonstrated that this 5$\sp\prime$ region is responsive to IFN-$\gamma$. An IFN-$\gamma$ response element was sublocalized to the region $-$120 to $-$61 bp. This region contains homology to the interferon-stimulated response element (ISRE) identified in other IFN responsive genes. IFN-$\gamma$ induces a sequence-specific DNA binding factor which binds to an oligonucleotide corresponding to $-$107 to $-$79 bp of the In promoter. This factor also binds to an oligonucleotide corresponding to $-$91 to $-$62 of the interferon-$\beta$ gene promoter, suggesting this factor may be member of the IRF-1/ISGF2, IRF-2, ICSBP family of ISRE binding proteins. A transcriptional enhancer was identified in the first intron of the In gene. This element, located in a 2.6 kb BamHI/PstI fragment, enhances the IFN-$\gamma$ response of the promoter in U-373 MG. The majority of the In enhancer activity was sublocalized to a 550 bp region $\sim$1.6 kb downstream of the In transcriptional start site. ^


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The IFNL4 gene is negatively associated with spontaneous and treatment-induced clearance of hepatitis C virus infection. The activity of IFNλ4 has an important causal role in the pathogenesis, but the molecular details are not fully understood. One possible reason for the detrimental effect of IFNλ4 could be a tissue-specific regulation of an unknown subset of genes. To address both tissue and subtype specificity in the interferon response, we treated primary human hepatocytes and airway epithelial cells with IFNα, IFNλ3 or IFNλ4 and assessed interferon mediated gene regulation using transcriptome sequencing. Our data show a surprisingly similar response to all three subtypes of interferon. We also addressed the tissue specificity of the response, and identified a subset of tissue-specific genes. However, the interferon response is robust in both tissues with the majority of the identified genes being regulated in hepatocytes as well as airway epithelial cells. Thus we provide an in-depth analysis of the liver interferon response seen over an array of interferon subtypes and compare it to the response in the lung epithelium.


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A novel method of P-element mutagenesis is described for the isolation of mutants affecting the development of the Drosophila compound eye. It exploits the interaction between the Bride of Sevenless (Boss) ligand and the Sevenless (Sev) receptor tyrosine kinase that triggers the formation of the UV-sensitive photoreceptor neuron, R7. Transposition of a boss cDNA transgene, in an otherwise boss mutant background, was used as a “phenotypic trap” in live flies to identify enhancers expressed during a narrow time window in eye development. Using a rapid behavioral screen, more than 400,000 flies were tested for restoration of R7. Some 1,800 R7-containing flies were identified. Among these, 21 independent insertions with expression of the boss reporter gene in the R8 cell were identified by a external eye morphology and staining with an antibody against Boss. Among 900 lines with expression of the boss reporter gene in multiple cells assessed for homozygous mutant phenotypes, insertions in the marbles, glass, gap1, and fasciclin II genes were isolated. This phenotypic enhancer-trap facilitates (i) the isolation of enhancer-traps with a specific expression pattern, and (ii) the recovery of mutants disrupting development of specific tissues. Because the temporal and tissue specificity of the phenotypic trap is dependent on the choice of the marker used, this approach can be extended to other tissues and developmental stages.