934 resultados para Time duration.


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A new method, based on linear correlation and phase diagrams was successfully developed for processes like the sedimentary process, where the deposition phase can have different time duration - represented by repeated values in a series - and where the erosion can play an important rule deleting values of a series. The sampling process itself can be the cause of repeated values - large strata twice sampled - or deleted values: tiny strata fitted between two consecutive samples. What we developed was a mathematical procedure which, based upon the depth chemical composition evolution, allows the establishment of frontiers as well as the periodicity of different sedimentary environments. The basic tool isn't more than a linear correlation analysis which allow us to detect the existence of eventual evolution rules, connected with cyclical phenomena within time series (considering the space assimilated to time), with the final objective of prevision. A very interesting discovery was the phenomenon of repeated sliding windows that represent quasi-cycles of a series of quasi-periods. An accurate forecast can be obtained if we are inside a quasi-cycle (it is possible to predict the other elements of the cycle with the probability related with the number of repeated and deleted points). We deal with an innovator methodology, reason why it's efficiency is being tested in some case studies, with remarkable results that shows it's efficacy. Keywords: sedimentary environments, sequence stratigraphy, data analysis, time-series, conditional probability.


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The laser produced plasma from the multi-component target YBa2CU3O7 was analyzed using Michelson interferometry and time resolved emission spectroscopy. The interaction of 10 ns pulses of 1.06 mum radiation from a Q-switched Nd:YAG laser at laser power densities ranging from 0.55 GW cm-2 to 1.5 GW cm-2 has been studied. Time resolved spectral measurements of the plasma evolution show distinct features at different points in its temporal history. For a time duration of less than 55 ns after the laser pulse (for a typical laser power density of 0.8 GW cm-2, the emission spectrum is dominated by black-body radiation. During cooling after 55 ns the spectral emission consists mainly of neutral and ionic species. Line averaged electron densities were deduced from interferometric line intensity measurements at various laser power densities. Plasma electron densities are of the order of 1017 cm-3 and the plasma temperature at the core region is about 1 eV. The measurement of plasma emission line intensities of various ions inside the plasma gave evidence of multiphoton ionization of the elements constituting the target at low laser power densities. At higher laser power densities the ionization mechanism is collision dominated. For elements such as nitrogen present outside the target, ionization is due to collisions only.


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Cubicle should provide good resting comfort as well as clean udders. Dairy cows in cubicle houses often face a restrictive environment with regard to resting behaviour, whereas cleanliness may still be impaired. This study aimed to determine reliable behavioural measures regarding resting comfort applicable in on-farm welfare assessments. Furthermore, relationships between cubicle design, cow sizes, management factors and udder cleanliness (namely teats and teat tips) were investigated. Altogether 15 resting measures were examined in terms of feasibility, inter-observer reliability (IOR) and consistency of results per farm over time. They were recorded during three farm visits on farms in Germany and Austria with cubicle, deep litter and tie stall systems. Seven measures occurred to infrequently to allow reliable recording within a limited observation time. IOR was generally acceptable to excellent except for 'collisions during lying down', which only showed good IOR after improvement of the definition. Only three measures were acceptably repeatable over time: 'duration of lying down', 'percentage of collisions during lying down' and 'percentage of cows lying partly or completely outside lying area'. These measures were evaluated as suitable animal based welfare measures regarding resting behaviour in the framework of an on-farm welfare assessment protocol. The second part of the thesis comprises a cross-sectional study on resting comfort and cow cleanliness including 23 Holstein Friesian dairy herds with very low within-farm variation in cubicle measures. Height at withers, shoulder width and diagonal body length were measured in 79-100 % of the cows (herd size 30 to115 cows). Based on the 25 % largest animals, compliance with recommendations for cubicle measures was calculated. Cleanliness of different body parts, the udder, teats and teat tips was assessed for each cow in the herd prior to morning milking. No significant correlation was found between udder soiling and teat or teat tip soiling on herd level. The final model of a stepwise regression regarding the percentage of dirty teats per farm explained 58.5 % the variance and contained four factors. Teat dipping after milking which might be associated with an overall clean and accurate management style, deep bedded cubicles, increasing cubicle maintenance times and decreasing compliance concerning total cubicle length predicted lower teat soiling. The final model concerning teat tip soiling explained 46.0 % of the variance and contained three factors. Increasing litter height in the rear part of the cubicle and increased alley soiling which is difficult to explain, predicted for less soiled teat tips, whereas increasing compliance concerning resting length was associated with higher percentages of dirty teat tips. The dependent variable ‘duration of lying down’ was analysed using again stepwise regression. The final model explained 54.8 % of the total variance. Lying down duration was significantly shorter in deep bedded cubicles. Further explanatory though not significant factors in the model were neck-rail height, deep bedding or comfort mattresses versus concrete floor or rubber mats and clearance height of side partitions. In the attempt to create a more comprehensive lying down measure, another analysis was carried out with percentage of ‘impaired lying down’ (i.e. events exceeding 6.3 seconds, with collisions or being interrupted) as dependent variable. The explanatory value of this final model was 41.3 %. An increase in partition length, in compliance concerning cubicle width and the presence of straw within bedding predicted a lower proportion of impaired lying down. The effect of partition length is difficult to interpret, but partition length and height were positively correlated on the study farms, possibly leading to a bigger zone of clear space for pelvis freedom. No associations could be found between impaired lying down and teat or teat tip soiling. Altogether, in agreement with earlier studies it was found that cubicle dimensions in practice are often inadequate with regard to the body dimensions of the cows, leading to high proportions of impaired lying down behaviour, whereas teat cleanliness is still unsatisfactory. Connections between cleanliness and cow comfort are far from simplistic. Especially the relationship between cubicle characteristics and lying down behaviour apparently is very complex, so that it is difficult to identify single influential factors that are valid for all farm situations. However, based on the results of the present study the use of deep bedded cubicles can be recommended as well as improved management with special regard to cubicle and litter maintenance in order to achieve both better resting comfort and teat cleanliness.


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A insuficiência renal crónica (IRC) é uma das doenças renais que afecta com mais incidência os animais de companhia, sendo a doença renal frequentemente mais diagnosticada no gato. O objetivo deste estudo consistiu determinar a distribuição de ocorrência dos diferentes níveis de estadiamento em pacientes diagnosticados com doença renal crónica, identificar os sinais mais comuns na apresentação clínica, avaliar os parâmetros bioquímicos e clínicos abrangidos no estadiamento e substadiamento, caracterizar os diversos estadios de doença de acordo com as características individuais (sexo, raça e idade), e determinar a existência de relação entre os parâmetros anteriores com o desenvolvimento e duração temporal de doença. O estudo contemplou uma amostra aleatória de 100 gatos com Insuficiência Renal Crónica (IRC) apresentados à consulta ou internados no Hospital Veterinário do Restelo, no período compreendido de Abril de 2011 a Maio de 2012 inclusive. Os animais foram estadiados e subestadiados segundo os valores propostos pela International Renal Interest Society (IRIS). O estudo serviu ainda, para compreender algumas limitações associadas aos exames complementares necessários ao estadiamento e subestadiamento da doença, que podem limitar um diagnóstico precoce. No estudo foi possível verificar que da distribuição de faixas etárias, os geriátricos são mais afectados, assim como o sinal clínico mais apresentado pelos pacientes foi PU/PD, seguido de anorexia e vómito. A maioria dos felinos encontra-se no estádio II (azotémia renal ligeira), vindo o número de indivíduos a diminuir com o aumento do grau dos estadios de doença.


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We introduce the perspex machine which unifies projective geometry and the Turing machine, resulting in a supra-Turing machine. Specifically, we show that a Universal Register Machine (URM) can be implemented as a conditional series of whole numbered projective transformations. This leads naturally to a suggestion that it might be possible to construct a perspex machine as a series of pin-holes and stops. A rough calculation shows that an ultraviolet perspex machine might operate up to the petahertz range of operations per second. Surprisingly, we find that perspex space is irreversible in time, which might make it a candidate for an anisotropic spacetime geometry in physical theories. We make a bold hypothesis that the apparent irreversibility of physical time is due to the random nature of quantum events, but suggest that a sum over histories might be achieved by sampling fluctuations in the direction of time flow. We propose an experiment, based on the Casimir apparatus, that should measure fluctuations of time flow with respect to time duration- if such fluctuations exist.


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A novel concept of quantum turbulence in finite size superfluids, such as trapped bosonic atoms, is discussed. We have used an atomic (87)Rb Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) to study the emergence of this phenomenon. In our experiment, the transition to the quantum turbulent regime is characterized by a tangled vortex lines formation, controlled by the amplitude and time duration of the excitation produced by an external oscillating field. A simple model is suggested to account for the experimental observations. The transition from the non-turbulent to the turbulent regime is a rather gradual crossover. But it takes place in a sharp enough way, allowing for the definition of an effective critical line separating the regimes. Quantum turbulence emerging in a finite-size superfluid may be a new idea helpful for revealing important features associated to turbulence, a more general and broad phenomenon. [GRAPHICS] Amplitude versus elapsed time diagram of magnetically excited BEC superfluid, presenting the evolution from the non-turbulent regime, with well separated vortices, to the turbulent regimes, with tangled vortices (C) 2011 by Astro Ltd. Published exclusively by WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA


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O refluxo gastroesofágico (RGE) tem sido diagnosticado em uma elevada proporção de lactentes com apnéia e episódios de ALTE (apparent life threatening events) ou eventos com aparente risco de vida, entretanto, a relação entre eles per-manece pouco entendida. A proposta deste estudo é avaliar a coexistência de apnéia e refluxo gastroesofágico em um grupo de lactentes durante o sono e vigília, através da utilização da polissonografia e, pela inclusão de um canal para aferição do pH na porção distal do esôfago, determinar a relação temporal entre estes dois eventos e aferir a associação entre ALTE e RGE. Método: A população em estudo constituiu-se de lactentes com história clínica compatível com eventos sugestivos de RGE, além de alguma anormalidade do ponto de vista ventilatório, os quais realizaram polissonografia com a inclusão de um canal para registro contínuo do pH esofágico. Os estudos polissonográficos foram analisados individualmente, em três etapas assim constituídas: Etapa 1 - realização do escore dos eventos respiratórios e dos estágios de sono e vigília, com o pesquisador cego para a ocorrência de RGE; Etapa 2 - indicação do escore isolado dos eventos de RGE; Etapa 3 - reintrodução de canal do pH e estabelecimento da correlação temporal entre os dois eventos, levando-se em consideração o período compreendido entre um minuto antes da queda do pH abaixo de 4,0, até um minuto após a elevação do pH acima de 4,0. A relação entre a história clínica de ALTE e a ocorrência de RGE durante o estudo polissonográfico também foi aferida. A partir de dados publicados na literatura, foi calculada uma amostra de 88 indivíduos (lactentes). A amostra final constituiu-se de 89 pacientes. Resultados: Quarenta pacientes apresentaram RGE e quarenta e nove não. Ambos os grupos tinham composição semelhante quanto à idade, peso, duração total do estudo polissonográfico, duração do tempo total de sono durante o estudo e história de ALTE. Ocorreu uma média de 2,82 episódios de RGE por paciente (1-20 episódios/ paciente). Os episódios de RGE foram mais freqüentes e longos durante o sono que durante os períodos de vigília. O número de eventos obstrutivos/minuto de sono (densidade de apnéias) foi significativamente maior durante os períodos de RGE (mediana 0,4), se comparados aos períodos sem RGE (mediana 0,2), p = 0,002. Em relação às apnéias centrais, não houve diferença estatisticamente significativa, p = 0, 039. Em 62% dos períodos de RGE, houve associação temporal com eventos obstrutivos, dos quais a apnéia obstrutiva precedeu o RGE em 67% dos casos. A correlação entre história de ALTE e a presença de RGE não foi estatisticamente significativa. Conclusões: Os resultados sugerem que a apnéia obstrutiva em lacten-tes está freqüentemente associada com RGE do ponto de vista de temporalidade, e é mais provável que ela ocorra precedendo um episódio de refluxo. Especula-se que a apnéia obstrutiva no lactente possa, em algumas circunstâncias, ser a causa e não a conseqüência do RGE.


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CONTEXTO E OBJETIVO: A associação entre ropivacaína e clonidina agiria menos que a ropivacaína isolada na mãe e no feto? Foram pesquisados os efeitos materno-fetais de duas técnicas farmacológicas: pequena dose de ropivacaína ou dose menor de ropivacaína mais clonidina na analgesia peridural para parto. TIPO DE ESTUDO E LOCAL: Estudo prospectivo, Departamento de Anestesiologia, Faculdade de Medicina de Botucatu, Universidade Estadual Paulista. MÉTODOS: Trinta e duas parturientes, estado físico de acordo com a American Society of Anesthesiologists I e II, foram aleatoriamente submetidas à analgesia peridural com 15 ml de ropivacaína 0,125% (grupo R) ou 15 ml de ropivacaína 0,0625% mais clonidina, 75 µg (grupo RC). Foram avaliados: intensidade da dor, nível do bloqueio sensitivo, latência, intensidade do bloqueio motor, duração da analgesia de parto e da analgesia peridural. Os neonatos foram avaliados pelo Apgar e método de Amiel-Tison (capacidade neurológica e adaptativa). RESULTADOS: Não houve diferenças significativas entre grupos para dor, nível de bloqueio sensitivo, duração da analgesia peridural e Apgar. Para latência, duração da analgesia de parto e bloqueio motor, grupo R < grupo RC. O escore da capacidade neurológica e adaptativa de meia e duas horas foi maior para o grupo R. Cem por cento dos neonatos do grupo R e 75% dos do grupo RC estavam neurologicamente saudáveis ao exame de 24 horas. CONCLUSÃO: Pequena dose de ropivacaína e dose menor mais clonidina aliviaram a dor materna durante o parto. Neonatos de mães que receberam apenas ropivacaína mostraram melhores escores da capacidade neurológica e adaptativa.


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A Brazilian dictionary states that "ulcer", from the Latin word ulcuserise, is a superficial lesion on skin or mucous membrane characterized by an inflammatory process and loss of tissue. Ulcers are a relatively frequent problem that may be worsen by infection or long-time duration. In these cases, they can represent a serious public health issue, since the increased case number contributes to the burden on the public health service. In recent decades, wound treatment has advanced in technological and scientific aspects regarding both development of new products and techniques. Ongoing research in this area is providing new products for wound treatment. Among newly tested substances that have presented successful results is fibrin glue, a snake venom derivative that promotes reduction of infection and edema as well as bleeding control and pain decrease. Thus, the present study aimed to evaluate fibrin glue effects on ulcers of venous origin in 24 patients that were divided into two groups. The first one (G1) consisted of 11 patients treated without the adhesive while the second group (G2) was composed of 13 persons who were under therapy with the adhesive. The results of this study revealed that patients treated with fibrin glue evolved to a satisfactory healing when compared to the other group. Therefore, fibrin glue is an appropriate alternative for treating leg ulcers with several advantages: easy application, less pain, early hospital discharge, not transmiting diseases, lower cost than the adhesive currently available in Brazil and, finally, it is a Brazilian technology.


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Objective To assess cardiopulmonary and analgesic effects after administration of ropivacaine into the caudal epidural space of cattle.Study design Prospective, single-dose trial.Animals Eight healthy mixed breed cows aged 8 +/- 5 years and weighing 507 +/- 112 kg.Methods Caudal epidural anesthesia was produced in cows with 0.75% ropivacaine (0.11 mg kg(-1)). Onset time, duration and cranial spread of analgesia were recorded. Heart rate (HR), respiratory rate (f(R)), rectal temperature (RT), and mean arterial blood pressure (MAP) were measured prior to epidural administration (T-0) and at 15, 30, 60, 120, 180 and 240 minutes after epidural administration (T-15, T-30, T-60, T-120, T-180 and T-240). Arterial blood acid-base balance (pH, standard bicarbonate and base excess), gas tension (PaO2, PaCO2, SaO(2)) and electrolytes (Na+, K+, iCa(2+), Cl-) were recorded at T-0, T-30, T-60, T-120, T-180 and T-240. Ataxia was evaluated at T-0, T-30, T-60, T-120, T-180 and T-240 and at 1 hour intervals thereafter until analgesia was no longer present in each animal.Results Epidurally administered ropivacaine induced variable analgesia extending bilaterally from the coccyx to S3. Time to onset of analgesia and mean duration in the perineal area were 15 +/- 4 and 359 +/- 90 minutes, respectively. Respiratory rate and RT increased from T-120 to T-240 when compared to the value at T-0. Ionized calcium and chloride concentrations increased at T-180 and T-240 when compared to T-0. The other variables were not significantly different from baseline values (p > 0.05). Four animals were mildly ataxic.Conclusion and clinical relevance Ropivacaine (0.75%, 0.11 mg kg(-1)) can be administered by caudal epidural injection to produce prolonged bilateral perineal analgesia with minimal ataxia and cardiopulmonary changes in standing cattle.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The aim of the present work is to analyze the histological changes on hamster buccal mucosa caused by the topical use of 7,12-dimethylbenzanthracene (DMBA) and exposition to a 220 μJ/pulse nitrogen laser light (@ 337 nm) at an average power of 2,3 mW. Twenty-one hamsters divided into two experimental groups were treated six times with DMBA. One hamster was kept as control. Group I was composed by ten hamsters and was submitted only to DMBA. Group II, also with ten hamsters, received the same treatment as group I and was exposed to the laser radiation. The time duration of each irradiation section was 10 seconds. All the treatment happened in alternated days. The histological analysis took place twice, after the end of the treatment and after sixty days. Both experimental groups presented dilatation of vessels, thickening of the epithelial tissue and the presence of inflammatory infiltrates. The preliminary results indicates that in group II the number of dilated vessels and its new area are much more significant than in group I.


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An upconversion random laser (RL) operating in the ultraviolet is reported for Nd 3+ doped fluoroindate glass powder pumped at 575 nm. The RL is obtained by the resonant excitation of the Nd 3+ state 2G 7/2 followed by energy transfer among two excited ions such that one ion in the pair decays to a lower energy state and the other is promoted to state 4D 7/2 from where it decays emitting light at 381 nm. The RL threshold of 30 kW/cm 2 was determined by monitoring the photoluminescence intensity as a function of the pump laser intensity. The RL pulses have time duration of 29 ns that is 50 times smaller than the decay time of the upconversion signal when the sample is pumped with intensities below the RL laser threshold. © 2011 Optical Society of America.


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Pós-graduação em Ciências Biológicas (Biologia Vegetal) - IBRC