913 resultados para TiO2 nanoparticules


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Nanocomposite thin films consisting of a dielectric matrix, such as titanium oxide (TiO2), with embedded gold (Au) nanoparticles were prepared and will be analysed and discussed in detail in the present work. The evolution of morphological and structural features was studied for a wide range of Au concentrations and for annealing treatments in air, for temperatures ranging from 200 to 800 °C. Major findings revealed that for low Au atomic concentrations (at.%), there are only traces of clustering, and just for relatively high annealing temperatures, T ≥ 500 °C. Furthermore, the number of Au nanoparticles is extremely low, even for the highest annealing temperature, T = 800 °C. It is noteworthy that the TiO2 matrix also crystallizes in the anatase phase for annealing temperatures above 300 °C. For intermediate Au contents (5 at.% ≤ CAu ≤ 15 at.%), the formation of gold nanoclusters was much more evident, beginning at lower annealing temperatures (T ≥ 200 °C) with sizes ranging from 2 to 25 nm as the temperature increased. A change in the matrix crystallization from anatase to rutile was also observed in this intermediate range of compositions. For the highest Au concentrations (> 20 at.%), the films tended to form relatively larger clusters, with sizes above 20 nm (for T ≥ 400 °C). It is demonstrated that the structural and morphological characteristics of the films are strongly affected by the annealing temperature, as well as by the particular amounts, size and distribution of the Au nanoparticles dispersed in the TiO2 matrix.


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High performance concrete (HPC) offers several advantages over normal-strength concrete, namely, high mechanical strength and high durability. Therefore, HPC allows for concrete structures with less steel reinforcement and a longer service life, both of which are crucial issues in the eco-efficiency of construction materials. Nevertheless international publications on the field of concrete containing nanoparticles are scarce when compared to Portland cement concrete (around 1%) of the total international publications. HPC nanoparticle-based publications are even scarcer. This article presents the results of an experimental investigation on the mechanical properties and durability of HPC based on nano-TiO2 and fly ash. The durability performance was assessed by means of water absorption by immersion, water absorption by capillarity, ultrasonic pulse velocity, electric resistivity, chloride diffusion and resistance to sulphuric acid attack. The results show that the concretes containing an increased content of nano-TiO2 show decreased durability performance. The results also show that concrete with 1% nano-TiO2 and 30% fly ash as Portland cement replacement show a high mechanical strength (C55/C67) and a high durability. However, it should be noted that the cost of nano-TiO2 is responsible for a severe increase in the cost of concrete mixtures.


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Nanoparticles, a new tool to deter crime? The detection of fingermarks at a crime scene or on evidence related with a criminal affair constitutes one of the main tasks of the investigators. Fingerprints, due to their uniqueness and invariability in time, remain a key element of an identification process (being for suspects or victims). The main difficulty resides in the fact that, most of the time, fingermarks are not visible through naked eye due to their chemical composition and the small amount of material that is left on the scene. There are said to be latent and their detection requires the application of specific techniques (optical or chemical). If numerous efficient techniques currently exist, there is a continuing quest for developing new techniques or reagents with an enhanced sensitivity towards secretions and with an increased efficiency. This article gives an outline about some currently performed researches based on the use of functionalized nanoparticles to detect latent fingermarks.


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La gran demanda energètica i la problemàtica dels combustibles fòssils i d‟altres recursos per a obtenir energia posen de manifest la necessitat de desenvolupar tecnologies netes, sostenibles i econòmicament viables de generació d‟energia. En aquest àmbit, les cel·les solars sensibilitzades amb colorant (Dye Sensitized Solar Cells, DSSC), que transformen l‟energia solar a energia elèctrica, són una solució factible. A més, el desenvolupament de mètodes per a construir aquestes cel·les a baixa temperatura permetria fabricar-les sobre substrats plàstics, fet que els donaria un valor afegit i permetria una producció en continu, ràpida i amb baix cost tant, econòmic, com d‟impacte ambiental. Aquest treball presenta el desenvolupament d‟un mètode de producció a baixa temperatura (140 ºC) de DSSC, amb eficiència de 5,9 % sobre substrats FTO/vidre. Aquest valor és superior a la majoria de les eficiències reportades a la bibliografia de DSSC construïdes a baixa temperatura. Les capes mesoporoses que formen els elèctrodes de les DCCS es dipositen per doctor blade a partir d‟una pasta composta per nanopartícules de TiO2, de 4-8 nm, recobertes d‟àcid 3,6,9-trioxadecanoic, per nanopartícules de Degussa P25, de 20-25 nm, i com a dissolvents només s‟utilitza aigua i etanol. L‟aplicació d‟un tractament a 140 ºC permet eliminar la matèria orgànica de la superfície de les nanopartícules de 4-8 nm i unir-les a les de Degussa P25. Aquest fet permet obtenir capes mesoporoses sinteritzades de 6 μm de gruix. A més, l‟aplicació d‟un post-tractament, en el qual s‟utilitza l‟àcid hexafluoro titànic (IV), produeix un lleuger increment en l‟eficiència. Endemés, l‟obtenció de capes primes de TiO2 sobre substrats plàstics és un tema d‟actualitat a causa de la falta de mètodes de deposició a baixa temperatura. En aquest context, s‟ha sintetitzat, mitjançant processos respectuosos amb el medi ambient nanopartícules de TiO2 cristal·lí modificades superficialment amb lauril gal·lat i àcid 3,6,9-trioxodecanoic. Les nanopartícules poden ser dispersades en dissolvents orgànics i aigua respectivament, fet que permet obtenir suspensions estables i de fàcil manipulació. Aquestes poden ser utilitzades com a precursores per a obtenir capes primes a baixa temperatura de TiO2 cristal·lí. En concret, les capes primes formades per nanopartícules de TiO2 modificades amb àcid 3,6,9-trioxodecanoic s‟han utilitzat com a blocking layer en les DSSC construïdes a baixa temperatura.


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Se desarrollaron catalizadores de TiO2 dopados con nitrógeno para conseguir actividad fotocatalítica bajo irradiación visible. En este trabajo se reporta la síntesis de TiO2-N, usando urea y nitrato de amonio (NH4NO3) como precursores de nitrógeno, tanto a partir de un TiO2 generado in situ (método sol-gel) como mediante la modificación de un TiO2 comercial. Así mismo, se varió la concentración de urea para encontrar el valor óptimo de nitrógeno, lo cual se comprobó mediante la oxidación fotocatalítica de ácido oxálico bajo irradiación con luz visible. Los materiales sintetizados se caracterizaron por medio de análisis elemental, y por reflectancia difusa UV-visible, encontrándose nitrógeno en todas las muestras, y un valor del ancho de banda prohibida en el rango 2-2,8 eV. Lamentablemente, se detectó una pérdida de nitrógeno cuando los fotocatalizadores eran reutilizados, lo cual causó una disminución de su actividad después de cada reacción, ya sea en presencia de oxígeno, o en ausencia de éste mientras se generaba hidrógeno. Entre los dopantes investigados el NH4NO3 mostro una mejor eficiencia en la producción de hidrógeno. Además, los resultados experimentales revelaron claramente que la deposición de platino en la superficie de los catalizadores TiO2-N desempeña un papel fundamental en el aumento de la generación de hidrógeno. Sin embargo, esta mejora dependía claramente del método de preparación de las muestras, obteniéndose mejores resultados con el TiO2-p25.


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Se prepararon partículas de nanocomposites basados en TiO2 y nanotubos de carbono multicapa platinizados para la obtención de combustibles solares. Se evaluó la actividad fotocatalítica del material en la producción de hidrógeno, en procesos de degradación de ácido fórmico, y en la obtención de hidrocarburos a partir de la reducción de CO2 en agua. Los nanocomposites fueron sintetizados por medio de la técnica sol-gel. Se estudió el efecto de la proporción y el diámetro de los nanotubos de carbono en la actividad del material bajo iluminación ultravioleta y visible. Se estudió el efecto de la adición de RuO2 (0,5% wt.) en la actividad bajo iluminación visible. Los materiales fueron caracterizados por ATR, XRD, BET, HRTEM y SEM. Se obtuvieron sólidos macroporosos, con contenido de fase anatasa superior al 99% y tamaño cristalino comprendido entre 15 y 21 nm. Los resultados cinéticos mostraron una producción óptima de hidrógeno para el composite TiO2/(5wt.%)MWCNT/Pt(60-80 nm), con eficiencia cuántica y eficiencia energética de 1,27% y 0,27%, respectivamente. En el caso de radiación visible, la producción de hidrógeno fue nula para los composites TiO2/MWCNT/Pt, mientras que para el sistema RuO2/TiO2/MWCNT/Pt se observó que la adicción de MWCNT inhibía la actividad fotocatalítica del composite RuO2/TiO2 en la región del visible. Por otra parte, en los ensayos de reducción de CO2 no se detectó ningún producto de reacción.


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Nanocrystalline TiO2 modified with Nb has been produced through the sol-gel technique. Nanopowders have been obtained by means of the hydrolysis of pure alkoxides with deionized water and peptization of the resulting hydrolysate with diluted acid nitric at 100 C. The addition of Nb stabilizes the anatase phase to higher temperatures. XRD spectra of the undoped and the Nb-doped samples show that the undoped sample has been almost totally converted to rutile at 600 C, meanwhile the doped samples present still a low percentage of rutile phase. Nanocrystalline powders stabilized at 600 C with grain sizes of about 17 nm have successfully been synthesized by the addition of Nb with a concentration of 2% at., which appears to be an adequate additive concentration to improve the gas sensor performances, such as it is suggested by the catalytic conversion efficiency experiments performed from FTIR measurements. FTIR absorbance spectra show that catalytic conversion of CO occurs at lower temperatures when niobium is introduced. The electrical response of the films to different concentrations of CO and ethanol has been monitored in dry and wet environments in order to test the influence of humidity in the sensor response. The addition of Nb decreases the working temperature and increases the stability of the layers. Also, large enhancement of the response time is obtained even with lower working temperatures. Moreover, humidity effects on the gas sensor response toward CO and ethanol are less important in Nb-doped samples than in the undoped ones.


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Nanocrystalline TiO2 modified with Nb has been produced through the sol-gel technique. Nanopowders have been obtained by means of the hydrolysis of pure alkoxides with deionized water and peptization of the resulting hydrolysate with diluted acid nitric at 100 C. The addition of Nb stabilizes the anatase phase to higher temperatures. XRD spectra of the undoped and the Nb-doped samples show that the undoped sample has been almost totally converted to rutile at 600 C, meanwhile the doped samples present still a low percentage of rutile phase. Nanocrystalline powders stabilized at 600 C with grain sizes of about 17 nm have successfully been synthesized by the addition of Nb with a concentration of 2% at., which appears to be an adequate additive concentration to improve the gas sensor performances, such as it is suggested by the catalytic conversion efficiency experiments performed from FTIR measurements. FTIR absorbance spectra show that catalytic conversion of CO occurs at lower temperatures when niobium is introduced. The electrical response of the films to different concentrations of CO and ethanol has been monitored in dry and wet environments in order to test the influence of humidity in the sensor response. The addition of Nb decreases the working temperature and increases the stability of the layers. Also, large enhancement of the response time is obtained even with lower working temperatures. Moreover, humidity effects on the gas sensor response toward CO and ethanol are less important in Nb-doped samples than in the undoped ones.


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We study the influence of Nb doping on the TiO2 anatase-to-rutile phase transition, using combined transmission electron microscopy, Raman spectroscopy, x-ray diffraction and selected area electron diffraction analysis. This approach enabled anatase-to-rutile phase transition hindering to be clearly observed for low Nb-doped TiO2 samples. Moreover, there was clear grain growth inhibition in the samples containing Nb. The use of high resolution transmission electron microscopy with our samples provides an innovative perspective compared with previous research on this issue. Our analysis shows that niobium is segregated from the anatase structure before and during the phase transformation, leading to the formation of NbO nanoclusters on the surface of the TiO2 rutile nanoparticles.


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Après avoir situé le contexte de la recherche et défini les enjeux principaux du travail, différents types de nanoparticules, ainsi que leurs principales caractéristiques, sont parcourues. L'élaboration de critères de sélection ayant permis de déterminer les types de nanoparticules potentiellement adaptés à !a détection de traces papillaires, l'étude s'est alors focalisée sur deux familles de composés: les quantum dots et les nanoparticules d'oxyde de silicium. Deux types de quantum dots ont été synthétisés : le tellurure de cadmium et le sulfure de zinc). Ils n'ont toutefois pas permis la détection de traces papillaires réalistes. En effet, seules des traces fraîches et enrichies en sécrétions ont pu être mises en évidence. Toutefois, des résultats ont été obtenus avec les deux types de quantum dots pour la détection de traces papillaires sanglantes. Après optimisation, les techniques rivalisent avec les méthodes couramment appliquées en routine. Cependant, l'interaction se produisant entre les traces et les nanoparticules n'a pas pu être déterminé. Les nanoparticules d'oxyde de silicium ont dès lors été appliquées dans le but de comprendre plus en détails les interactions avec les traces papillaires. Ces nanoparticules ont l'avantage d'offrir un très bon contrôle de surface, permettant ainsi une étude détaillée des phénomènes en jeu. Des propriétés de surface variables ont dès lors été obtenues en greffant diverses molécules à la surface des nanoparticules d'oxyde de silicium. Après avoir exploré différentes hypothèses d'interaction, il a pu être déterminé qu'une réaction chimique se produit lors qu'un groupement de type carboxyle est présent à la surface des particules. Ce groupement réagit avec les fonctions amines primaires des sécrétions. L'interaction chimique a ensuite pu être renforcée par l'utilisation d'un catalyseur, permettant d'accélérer la réaction. Dans la dernière partie du travail, les nanoparticules d'oxyde de silicium ont été comparées à une technique utilisée en routine, la fumigation de cyanoacrylate. Bien que des études plus approfondies soient nécessaires, il s'avère que l'application de nanoparticules d'oxyde de silicium permet une détection de très bonne qualité, moins dépendante du donneur que les techniques courantes. Ces résultats sont prometteurs en vue du développement d'une technique possédant une sensibilité et une sélectivité accrue. - Having situated the background of research and identified key issues of work, different types of nanoparticles and their main features are reviewed. The development of selection criteria lead to the identification of nanoparticles types potentially suitable for fingermarks detection. The study focused then On two families of compounds: quantum dots and silicon oxide nanoparticles. Two types of quantum dots were synthesized and characterised: cadmium telluride and zinc sulphide. Unfortunally, they did not allow the detection realistic fingermarks. Indeed, only fresh and groomed fingermarks have been detected. However, results have been obtained with both types of quantum dots for the detection of fingermarks in blood. After optimization procedures, the quantum dots based teshniques compete with the methods currently used in routine. However, the interaction occurring between fingermarks and nanoparticles could not be determined. Silicon oxide nanoparticles have therefore been applied in order to understand in detail the interactions With fingermarks. These nanoparticles have the advantage of providing a very good surface control, allowing am in-depth study of the phenomena involved. Versatile surface properties were therefore obtained by grafting various molecules on the surface of silicon oxide nanoparticles. Different hypotheses were investigated and it was determined that a chemical reaction occurred between the surface functionalised nanoparticles and the fingermark residues. The carboxyl groups on the surface of the particles react with primary amines of the secretions. Therefore, this interaction was improved by the use of a catalyst. In the last part of the work, silicon oxide nanoparticles were compared to a routinely used technique: cyanocrylate fuming. Although further studies are still needed, it appears that the application of silicon oxide nanoparticles allows fingermark detection of very good quality, with a lowered donor dependency. These results are promising for the development of techniques with greater sensitivity and selectivity.


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The present study discusses the effect of iron doping in TiO2 thin films deposited by rf sputtering. Iron doping induces a structural transformation from anatase to rutile and electrical measurements indicate that iron acts as an acceptor impurity. Thermoelectric power measurement shows a transition between n-type and p-type electrical conduction for an iron concentration around 0.13 at.%. The highest p-type conductivity at room temperature achieved by iron doping was 10(-6) S m(-1).


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En observant les dynamiques scientifiques et institutionnelles à l'oeuvre autour du développement des nanosciences et des nanotechnologies, on observe des rapprochements entre certaines disciplines, dont la chimie, et la transformation de leur identité et de leurs frontières. Ce chapitre rend compte de la manière dont la communauté des chimistes réagit à ces transformations mais aussi comment elle perçoit les alertes sur l'environnement et sur les risques toxicologiques et éco-toxicologiques potentiels et ce qu'elle en fait. On constate alors que les nanoparticules impactent la communauté chimique et contribuent à la verdir (en termes d'image dans la société comme en termes de réduction effectives des nuisances) encore un peu plus. Le texte tente de qualifier le phénomène et de répondre finalement à la question : « comment les nanoparticules poussent la chimie vers le développement durable ? »


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The aim of this paper is to describe the process and challenges in building exposure scenarios for engineered nanomaterials (ENM), using an exposure scenario format similar to that used for the European Chemicals regulation (REACH). Over 60 exposure scenarios were developed based on information from publicly available sources (literature, books, and reports), publicly available exposure estimation models, occupational sampling campaign data from partnering institutions, and industrial partners regarding their own facilities. The primary focus was on carbon-based nanomaterials, nano-silver (nano-Ag) and nano-titanium dioxide (nano-TiO2), and included occupational and consumer uses of these materials with consideration of the associated environmental release. The process of building exposure scenarios illustrated the availability and limitations of existing information and exposure assessment tools for characterizing exposure to ENM, particularly as it relates to risk assessment. This article describes the gaps in the information reviewed, recommends future areas of ENM exposure research, and proposes types of information that should, at a minimum, be included when reporting the results of such research, so that the information is useful in a wider context.


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Nanoparticles (NPs) have gained a lot of interest in recent years due to their huge potential for applications in industry and medicine. Their unique properties offer a large number of attractive possibilities in the biomedical field, providing innovative tools for diagnosis of diseases and for novel therapies. Nevertheless, a deep understanding of their interactions with living tissues and the knowledge about their possible effects in the human body are necessary for the safe use of nanoparticulate formulations. The aim of this PhD project was to study in detail the interactions of therapeutic NPs with living cells, including cellular uptake and release, cellular localization and transport across the cell layers. Moreover, the effects of NPs on the cellular metabolic processes were determined using adapted in vitro assays. We evaluated the biological effect of several NPs potentially used in the biomedical field, including titanium dioxide (Ti02) NPs, 2-sized fluorescent silica NPs, ultrasmall superparamagnetic iron oxide (USPIO) NPs, either uncoated or coated with oleic acid or with polyvinylamine (aminoPVA) and poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) - polyethylene-oxide (PLGA-PEO) NPs. We have found that the NPs were internalized by the cells, depending on their size, chemical composition, surface coating and also depending on the cell line considered. The uptake of aminoPVA-coated USPIO NPs by endothelial cells was enhanced in the presence of an external magnetic field. None of the tested USPIO NPs and silica NPs was transported across confluent kidney cell layers or brain endothelial cell layers, even in the presence of a magnetic field. However, in an original endothelium-glioblastoma barrier model which was developed, uncoated USPIO NPs were directly transferred from endothelial cells to glioblastoma cells. Following uptake, Ti02 NPs and uncoated USPIO NPs were released by the kidney cells, but not by the endothelial cells. Furthermore, these NPs induced an oxidative stress and autophagy in brain endothelial cells, possibly associated with their enhanced agglomeration in cell medium. A significant DNA damage was found in brain endothelial cells after their exposure to TiO2NPs. Altogether these results extend the existing knowledge about the effects of NPs on living cells with regard to their physicochemical characteristics and provide interesting tools for further investigation. The development of the in vitro toxicological assays with a special consideration for risk evaluation aims to reduce the use of animal experiments. -Les nanoparticules (NPs) présentent beaucoup d'intérêt dans le domaine biomédical et industriel. Leurs propriétés uniques offrent un grand nombre de possibilités de solutions innovantes pour le diagnostique et la thérapie. Cependant, pour un usage sûr des NPs il est nécessaire d'acquérir une connaissance approfondie des mécanismes d'interactions des NPs avec les tissus vivants et de leur effets sur le corps humain. Le but de ce projet de thèse était d'étudier en détail les mécanismes d'interactions de NPs thérapeutiques avec des cellules vivantes, en particulier les mécanismes d'internalisation cellulaire et leur subséquente sécrétion par les cellules, leur localisation cellulaire, leur transport à travers des couches cellulaires, et l'évaluation des effets de NPs sur le métabolisme cellulaire, en adaptant les méthodes existante d'évaluation cyto-toxico logique s in vitro. Pour ces expériences, les effets biologiques de nanoparticules d'intérêt thérapeutique, telles que des NPs d'oxyde de titane (TiO2), des NPs fluorescents de silicate de 2 tailles différentes, des NPs, d'oxyde de fer super-para-magnétiques ultra-petites (USPIO), soit non- enrobées soit enrobées d'acide oléique ou de polyvinylamine (aminoPVA), et des NPs d'acide poly(lactique-co-glycolique)-polyethylene-oxide (PLGA-PEO) ont été évalués. Les résultats ont démontré que les NPs sont internalisées par les cellules en fonction de leur taille, composition chimique, enrobage de surface, et également du type de cellules utilisées. L'internalisation cellulaire des USPIO NPs a été augmentée en présence d'un aimant externe. Aucune des NPs de fer et de silicate n'a été transportée à travers des couches de cellules épithéliales du rein ou endothéliales du cerveau, même en présence d'un aimant. Cependant, en développant un modèle original de barrière endothélium-glioblastome, un transfert direct de NPs d'oxyde de fer de cellule endothéliale à cellule de glioblastome a été démontré. A la suite de leur internalisation les NPs d'oxyde de fer et de titane sont relâchées par des cellules épithéliales du rein, mais pas des cellules endothéliales du cerveau. Dans les cellules endothéliales du cerveau ces NPs induisent en fonction de leur état d'agglomération un stress oxydatif et des mécanismes d'autophagie, ainsi que des dommages à l'ADN des cellules exposées aux NPs d'oxyde de titane. En conclusion, les résultats obtenus élargissent les connaissances sur les effets exercés par des NPs sur des cellules vivantes et ont permis de développer les outils expérimentaux pour étudier ces effets in vitro, réduisant ainsi le recours à des expériences sur animaux.