1000 resultados para Ti vector


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Gaussian mixture models (GMMs) have become an established means of modeling feature distributions in speaker recognition systems. It is useful for experimentation and practical implementation purposes to develop and test these models in an efficient manner particularly when computational resources are limited. A method of combining vector quantization (VQ) with single multi-dimensional Gaussians is proposed to rapidly generate a robust model approximation to the Gaussian mixture model. A fast method of testing these systems is also proposed and implemented. Results on the NIST 1996 Speaker Recognition Database suggest comparable and in some cases an improved verification performance to the traditional GMM based analysis scheme. In addition, previous research for the task of speaker identification indicated a similar system perfomance between the VQ Gaussian based technique and GMMs


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Robust speaker verification on short utterances remains a key consideration when deploying automatic speaker recognition, as many real world applications often have access to only limited duration speech data. This paper explores how the recent technologies focused around total variability modeling behave when training and testing utterance lengths are reduced. Results are presented which provide a comparison of Joint Factor Analysis (JFA) and i-vector based systems including various compensation techniques; Within-Class Covariance Normalization (WCCN), LDA, Scatter Difference Nuisance Attribute Projection (SDNAP) and Gaussian Probabilistic Linear Discriminant Analysis (GPLDA). Speaker verification performance for utterances with as little as 2 sec of data taken from the NIST Speaker Recognition Evaluations are presented to provide a clearer picture of the current performance characteristics of these techniques in short utterance conditions.


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This paper introduces the Weighted Linear Discriminant Analysis (WLDA) technique, based upon the weighted pairwise Fisher criterion, for the purposes of improving i-vector speaker verification in the presence of high intersession variability. By taking advantage of the speaker discriminative information that is available in the distances between pairs of speakers clustered in the development i-vector space, the WLDA technique is shown to provide an improvement in speaker verification performance over traditional Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) approaches. A similar approach is also taken to extend the recently developed Source Normalised LDA (SNLDA) into Weighted SNLDA (WSNLDA) which, similarly, shows an improvement in speaker verification performance in both matched and mismatched enrolment/verification conditions. Based upon the results presented within this paper using the NIST 2008 Speaker Recognition Evaluation dataset, we believe that both WLDA and WSNLDA are viable as replacement techniques to improve the performance of LDA and SNLDA-based i-vector speaker verification.


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The obligate endosymbiont Wolbachia pipientis is found in a wide range of invertebrates where they are best known for manipulating host reproduction. Recent studies have shown that Wolbachia also can modulate the lifespan of host insects and interfere with the development of human pathogens in mosquito vectors. Despite considerable study, very little is known about the molecular interactions between Wolbachia and its hosts that might mediate these effects. Using microarrays, we show that the microRNA (miRNA) profile of the mosquito, Aedes aegypti, is significantly altered by the wMelPop-CLA strain of W. pipientis. We found that a host miRNA (aae-miR-2940) is induced after Wolbachia infection in both mosquitoes and cell lines. One target of aae-miR-2940 is the Ae. aegypti metalloprotease gene. Interestingly, expression of the target gene was induced after Wolbachia infection, ectopic expression of the miRNA independent of Wolbachia, or transfection of an artificial mimic of the miRNA into mosquito cells. We also confirmed the interaction of aae-miR-2940 with the target sequences using GFP as a reporter gene. Silencing of the metalloprotease gene in both Wolbachia-infected cells and adult mosquitoes led to a significant reduction in Wolbachia density, as did inhibition of the miRNA in cells. These results indicate that manipulation of the mosquito metalloprotease gene via aae-miR-2940 is crucial for efficient maintenance of the endosymbiont. This report shows how Wolbachia alters the host miRNA profile and provides insight into the mechanisms of host manipulation used by this widespread endosymbiont.


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A Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV)-derived vector was used to express a native Human papillomavirus type 16 (HPV-16) L1 gene in Nicotiana benthamiana by means of infectious in vitro RNA transcripts inoculated onto N. benthamiana plants. HPV-16 L1 protein expression was quantitated by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA) after concentration of the plant extract. We estimated that the L1 product yield was 20-37 μg/kg of fresh leaf material. The L1 protein in the concentrated extract was antigenically characterised using the neutralising and conformation-specific Mabs H16:V5 and H16:E70, which bound to the plant-produced protein. Particles observed by transmission electron microscopy were mainly capsomers but virus-like particles (VLPs) similar to those produced in other systems were also present. Immunisation of rabbits with the concentrated plant extract induced a weak immune response. This is the first report of the successful expression of an HPV L1 gene in plants using a plant virus vector. © 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Development of vaccine strategies against human papillomavirus (HPV), which causes cervical cancer, is a priority. We investigated the use of virus-like particles (VLPs) of the most prevalent type, HPV-16, as carriers of foreign proteins. Green fluorescent protein (GFP) was fused to the N or C terminus of both L1 and L2, with L2 chimeras being co-expressed with native L1. Purified chimaeric VLPs were comparable in size (∼55 nm) to native HPV VLPs. Conformation-specific monoclonal antibodies (Mabs) bound to the VLPs, thereby indicating that they possibly retain their antigenicity. In addition, all of the VLPs encapsidated DNA in the range of 6-8 kb. © 2007 Springer-Verlag.


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This paper investigates advanced channel compensation techniques for the purpose of improving i-vector speaker verification performance in the presence of high intersession variability using the NIST 2008 and 2010 SRE corpora. The performance of four channel compensation techniques: (a) weighted maximum margin criterion (WMMC), (b) source-normalized WMMC (SN-WMMC), (c) weighted linear discriminant analysis (WLDA), and; (d) source-normalized WLDA (SN-WLDA) have been investigated. We show that, by extracting the discriminatory information between pairs of speakers as well as capturing the source variation information in the development i-vector space, the SN-WLDA based cosine similarity scoring (CSS) i-vector system is shown to provide over 20% improvement in EER for NIST 2008 interview and microphone verification and over 10% improvement in EER for NIST 2008 telephone verification, when compared to SN-LDA based CSS i-vector system. Further, score-level fusion techniques are analyzed to combine the best channel compensation approaches, to provide over 8% improvement in DCF over the best single approach, (SN-WLDA), for NIST 2008 interview/ telephone enrolment-verification condition. Finally, we demonstrate that the improvements found in the context of CSS also generalize to state-of-the-art GPLDA with up to 14% relative improvement in EER for NIST SRE 2010 interview and microphone verification and over 7% relative improvement in EER for NIST SRE 2010 telephone verification.


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Incidence of disease due to dengue (DENV), chikungunya (CHIKV) and yellow fever (YFV) viruses is increasing in many parts of the world. The viruses are primarily transmitted by Aedes aegypti, a highly domesticated mosquito species that is notoriously difficult to control. When transinfected into Ae. aegypti, the intracellular bacterium Wolbachia has recently been shown to inhibit replication of DENVs, CHIKV, malaria parasites and filarial nematodes, providing a potentially powerful biocontrol strategy for human pathogens. Because the extent of pathogen reduction can be influenced by the strain of bacterium, we examined whether the wMel strain of Wolbachia influenced CHIKV and YFV infection in Ae. aegypti. Following exposure to viremic blood meals, CHIKV infection and dissemination rates were significantly reduced in mosquitoes with the wMel strain of Wolbachia compared to Wolbachia-uninfected controls. However, similar rates of infection and dissemination were observed in wMel infected and non-infected Ae. aegypti when intrathoracic inoculation was used to deliver virus. YFV infection, dissemination and replication were similar in wMel-infected and control mosquitoes following intrathoracic inoculations. In contrast, mosquitoes with the wMelPop strain of Wolbachia showed at least a 10(4) times reduction in YFV RNA copies compared to controls. The extent of reduction in virus infection depended on Wolbachia strain, titer and strain of the virus, and mode of exposure. Although originally proposed for dengue biocontrol, our results indicate a Wolbachia-based strategy also holds considerable promise for YFV and CHIKV suppression.


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Recent work [S. Chaudhuri, J.T. Muckerman, J. Phys. Chem. B 109 (2005) 6952] reported that two Ti-substituted atoms on an Al(0 0 1) surface can form a catalytically active site for the dissociation of H2, but the diffusion barrier of atomic H away from Ti site is as high as 1.57 eV. By using ab initio density functional calculations, we found that two hydrogen molecules can dissociate on isolated-Ti atom doped Al(0 0 1) surface with small activation barriers (0.21 and 0.235 eV for first and second H2, respectively). Additionally, the diffusion barrier of atomic H away from Ti site is also moderate (0.47 eV). These results contribute further towards understanding the improved kinetics observed in recycling of hydrogen with Ti-doped NaAlH4.


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In this work, ab initio spin-polarised Density Functional Theory (DFT) calculations are performed to study the interaction of a Ti atom with a NaAlH4(001) surface. We confirm that an interstitially located Ti atom in the NaAlH4 subsurface is the most energetically favoured configuration as recently reported (Chem. Comm. (17) 2006, 1822). On the NaAlH4(001) surface, the Ti atom is most stable when adsorbed between two sodium atoms with an AlH4 unit beneath. A Ti atom on top of an Al atom is also found to be an important structure at low temperatures. The diffusion of Ti from the Al-top site to the Na-bridging site has a low activation barrier of 0.20 eV and may be activated at the experimental temperatures (∼323 K). The diffusion of a Ti atom into the energetically favoured subsurface interstitial site occurs via the Na-bridging surface site and is essentially barrierless.


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Ab initio density functional theory (DFT) calculations are performed to study the adsorption of H2 molecules on a Ti-doped Mg(0001) surface. We find that two hydrogen molecules are able to dissociate on top of the Ti atom with very small activation barriers (0.103 and 0.145 eV for the first and second H2 molecules, respectively). Additionally, a molecular adsorption state of H2 above the Ti atom is observed for the first time and is attributed to the polarization of the H2 molecule by the Ti cation. Our results parallel recent findings for H2 adsorption on Ti-doped carbon nanotubes or fullerenes. They provide new insight into the preliminary stages of hydrogen adsorption onto Ti-incorporated Mg surfaces.


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In this paper, the dissociative chemisorption of hydrogen on both pure and Ti-incorporated Mg(0001) surfaces are studied by ab initio density functional theory (DFT) calculations. The calculated dissociation barrier of hydrogen molecule on a pure Mg(0001) surface (1.05 eV) is in good agreement with comparable theoretical studies. For the Ti-incorporated Mg(0001) surface, the activated barrier decreases to 0.103 eV due to the strong interaction between the molecular orbital of hydrogen and the d metal state of Ti. This could explain the experimentally observed improvement in absorption kinetics of hydrogen when transition metals have been introduced into the magnesium materials.


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A significant amount of speech is typically required for speaker verification system development and evaluation, especially in the presence of large intersession variability. This paper introduces a source and utterance duration normalized linear discriminant analysis (SUN-LDA) approaches to compensate session variability in short-utterance i-vector speaker verification systems. Two variations of SUN-LDA are proposed where normalization techniques are used to capture source variation from both short and full-length development i-vectors, one based upon pooling (SUN-LDA-pooled) and the other on concatenation (SUN-LDA-concat) across the duration and source-dependent session variation. Both the SUN-LDA-pooled and SUN-LDA-concat techniques are shown to provide improvement over traditional LDA on NIST 08 truncated 10sec-10sec evaluation conditions, with the highest improvement obtained with the SUN-LDA-concat technique achieving a relative improvement of 8% in EER for mis-matched conditions and over 3% for matched conditions over traditional LDA approaches.