994 resultados para Thirteenth Century


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Esta tese desenvolvida na linha de pesquisa Política e Cultura destaca o interesse pelos fenômenos da transmissão do conhecimento intelectual. A tese reconstrói a expressão da cultura política medieval germânica pela ótica de dois poetas, Walther von der Vogelweide e Wolfram von Eschenbach, integrantes da aristocracia guerreira. Os suportes teóricos dos Sprüche, sentenças de natureza política de Vogelweide e do Parzifal de Eschenbach, foram fundamentais para compreender o posicionamento político e cultural alemão frente às transformações que afetaram a Cristandade no período de fins do século XII ao início do século XIII. Esse período foi marcado pelo confronto de Papas e Imperadores em torno do direito de exercer a autoridade no âmbito do Sacro Império Romano-Germânico. O movimento cruzadista, o renascimento urbano e a ascensão de novos atores sociais burgueses integram o conjunto dos elementos a serem levados em conta na elaboração da tese. A ideia norteadora do trabalho tornou necessário recorrer a obras literárias com objetivo de elucidar questões de natureza histórica, tendo claro que a Literatura não é um contraponto da História e o texto resultante contribua para ressignificar a produção política da cultura medieval e um melhor entendimento dos mecanismos do poder na Alemanha medieval. No plano teórico-metodológico recorremos à chamada História Cultural fornecendo uma visão integradora dos planos político, social e econômico.


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Esta dissertação aborda o tema da imigração italiana à luz do imaginário daqueles que se dirigiam em massa para o Brasil, entre o final do século XIX e início do XX, em busca de um mundo novo, perseguindo o sonho de um Paraíso Terrestre, o país imaginário da Cocanha. O tema é abordado a partir de obras literárias, como o poema francês, datado do século XIII, o Fabliau da Cocanha e da narrativa Vita e Stòria di Nanetto Pipetta, que apresenta o jovem personagem imigrante clandestino vêneto, criado por Aquiles Bernardi, e cujas aventuras eram publicadas semanalmente em capítulos no jornal gaúcho Stafetta Riograndense, nos anos 1924-1925. A trama vivida pelo personagem que dá título à obra é fio condutor das reflexões apresentadas. Para o imigrante italiano, o imaginário sobre o Brasil como o país da Cocanha encontra neste personagem sua expressão fiel, mantendo acesa a chama da esperança de uma vida melhor para si e para as gerações futuras.


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Na trajetória de desenvolvimento do português, observa-se a forte presença do movimento cristão contribuindo diretamente no seu processo de transformação. Desde o fim do Império Romano até a legitimação da língua no século XVI, o português experimentou uma forte interferência do Cristianismo, seja na criação de um vocabulário próprio ou na significação de usos vocabulares que não pertencem diretamente ao movimento cristão. A partir da seleção vocabular presente nos Sermões de Padre Antônio Vieira, é possível identificar na língua portuguesa do século XVII a presença de um léxico cristão estabelecido desde a formação da língua no século XIII. Com as transformações sociais ocorridas a partir do surgimento de inúmeras vertentes do Cristianismo, outras influências foram percebidas, demonstrando que a deriva em um idioma é algo constante e dinâmico. O acompanhamento das mudanças lexicais a partir do latim cristão até o português do século XVII demonstra a riqueza na transformação da língua ainda nos dias atuais


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This thesis, Reading Lydgate's Troy Book: Patronage, Politics and History in Lancastrian England, discusses the relationship between John Lydgate as a court poet to his patron Henry V. I contend that the Troy Book is explored as a vehicle to propagate the idea that the House of Lancaster is the legitimate successor to King Richard II in order to smooth over the usurpation of 1399. Paul Strohm's England's Empty Throne was a key influence to the approach of this thesis' topic. I examine that although Chaucer had a definitive impact on Lydgate's writing, Lydgate is able to manipulate this influence for his own ambitions. In order to enhance his own fame, Lydgate works to promote Chaucer's canon so that as Chaucer's successor, he will inherit more prestige. The Trojan war is seen in context with the Hundred Years War, and can be applied contextually to political events. Lydgate presents characters that are vulnerable to human failings, and their assorted, complicated relationships. Lydgate modernises the Troy Book to reflect and enhance his Lancastrian society, and the thesis gives a contextual view of Lydgate's writing of the Troy Book. Lydgate writes for a more varied target audience than his thirteenth-century source, Guido delle Colonne, and there is a deliberation on the female characters of the Troy Book which promulgates the theory that Lydgate takes a proactive and empathetic interest in women's roles in society. Furthermore Lydgate has never really been accepted as a humanist, and I look at Lydgate's work from a different angle; he is a self-germinating humanist. Lydgate revives antiquity to educate his fifteenth-century audience, and his ambition is to create a memorial for his patron in the vernacular, and enhance his own fame as a poet separate from Chaucer's shadow.


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This dissertation investigates the concept of motion as a fundamental aesthetic element in the devotional music, dance, and rituals performed in honor of the celebrated thirteenth-century Persian mystic poet and saint, the Mevlana Celal ed-Din Muhammad Rumi. The main focus of the study is threefold. First, it investigates the prevalence of the notion of movement in Islamic music and culture, specifically within the Sufi communities of Turkey, in order to arrive at a broader understanding of the relationship between music, aesthetics, and worldview. Secondly, it explores how musical performance functions as a form of devotion or religious worship by focusing on the musical repertories performed in honor of a single holy figure, the Mevlana Rumi. Finally, it provides an ethnographic account of contemporary developments in Sufi musical culture in Turkey and across the world by describing the recent activities of the Mevlana's devotees, which includes members of the Mevlevi Order of Islamic mystics as well as adherents of other Sufi brotherhoods and followers of so-called New Religions or New Age. The primary research for this study involved two short one-month field trips to Turkey and India in 2002 and 2003, respectively, and a longer one year expedition to Turkey in 2004 and 2005, which also included shorter stays in Cyprus, Syria, and Egypt. Additionally, the dissertation draws directly from critical theories advanced in the fields of ethnomusicology, cultural anthropology, and ethnochoreology and focuses on the kinesthetic parameters of music, dance, trance, and ritual as well as on broader forms of socio-cultural movement including pilgrimage, cultural tourism, and globalization. These forms of movement are analyzed in four broad categories of music used in worship, including classical Mevlevi music, music of the zikr ceremony, popular musics, and non-Turkish musics.


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Archaeological excavation has provided an alternative source of evidence for the development of the late medieval peasant house. It is argued that whilst there was a significant change in building techniques in the decades around 1200 with the adoption of ground-set timbers, the most important factor which led to the survival of houses was a fall in real wages during the thirteenth century. This encouraged peasants to repair existing buildings, rather than replace them with new ones. Alternative traditions of building are also investigated. Stone construction was adopted in a number of areas of England, but in spite of the durability of the material, few medieval peasant buildings of this type have survived in use because of the failure to use lime mortar. Decisions about whether to invest in a building’s renovation will depend on the capital initially expended upon it. This interpretation is considered against the data from the fifteenth century and found to conform satisfactorily. Its implications are considered for the period between 1200 and 1350. Data collected from archaeological excavations combined with the results of dendrochronology on a growing number of closely dated standing buildings suggest that there was a significant ‘cull’ of houses in the period after 1350 as new dwellings were constructed.


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It has long been recognized that the byre-house or longhouse, in which animals and humans lived in the same building and with direct contact, was a distinctive building plan. Earlier interpretations have seen it as a ubiquitous house type found throughout Britain, but gradually replaced by separate buildings for keeping animals and accommodating humans. More recent work has suggested that it was a regional variant of the common late medieval domestic plan. The use of this building type was restricted to parts of Wales, and northern and western areas of England. It is argued that the introduction of the byre-house occurs mainly in the thirteenth century as part of a wider trend to provide accommodation for livestock during the winter months. The byre-house was a one response to this need, and its adoption was not due to climatic or geographical factors. Instead, it is interpreted as reflecting localized cultural attitudes to the relationship between humans and animals.


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Alcácer do Sal é uma cidade que esteve desde sempre ligada ao rio Sado, permitindo essa mesma ligação, que nela se fossem fixando ao longo do tempo, distintos povos, provindos das mais diversas partes do mundo. Esta ocupação por parte das populações, só foi possível, porque o território era abundante em recursos naturais e, entre eles, possuía solos bastante férteis para a agricultura. Uma das comunidades que mais marcas deixou da sua presença naquele núcleo urbano, foi, sem dúvida, a muçulmana, tal como se pode verificar no topónimo que dá o nome à cidade, assim como pela presença dos vários vestígios materiais, como a imponente fortificação militar, que se ergue na colina mais alta da povoação, assim como pelas estruturas e espólios encontrados nas diversas intervenções arqueológicas realizadas naquela cidade. Tendo em conta estes aspetos, esta dissertação pretende fazer uma aproximação ao estudo do urbanismo da medina islâmica de al-Qasr, abarcando cronologicamente o século IX, altura em que os Banu Danis se fixam na cidade, até aos inícios do século XIII, correspondente à última fase de ocupação muçulmana da cidade.


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Translation of Clopton Charter Let those who are present and those in future know that I Robert de Clopton gave and granted to my son, William, one yardland which is part of the Clopton estate / manorial demesne with all its appurtenances in exchange for his homage and service , and that I have confirmed it with this charter . The yardland in question is that which he once held as heriot / heritable property . [I have given and granted it to him] to be held and kept by him and his heirs freely and undisputedly as a holding granted in return for services and as hereditable property from me and my heirs. For this he has to pay an annual rent of twelve silver pennies, in two installments per year: six on the Feast Day of St. Michael and six on the Feast Day of St. Mary in March , on the income that belongs to me and to my heirs, without neglecting income from elsewhere; together with all goods and privileges attached to the aformentioned land in the form of fields and pastures and everything which belongs to said yardland. And I, Robert, and all my heirs shall warrant all this aforementioned yardland together with all its appurtenances to said William and his heirs against all other claims in perpetuity . However, in order that this gift and grant of mine may remain firm and immovable, I have validated this charter with my seal in the presence of [the following] witnesses: the knights Sir William of Ludinton [and] Sir Robert of Valle. William of Edricheston, William of Waleford, Robert of Sidesam, Richard of Ludinton, Nicholas the scribe , and others.


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À la fin du XIIIe et au début du XIVe siècle, Édouard Ier (1239-1307), conquérant du Pays de Galles et de l'Écosse, semblait être en conflit perpétuel, que ce soit avec l’Écosse, la France ou le Pays de Galles. Il avait donc grandement besoin de financement. Or dès son règne, on sent que le Parlement avait acquis une importance particulière en Angleterre, de sorte qu’Édouard Ier devait le convaincre de lui accorder les taxes qu’il demandait. Des tensions socio-culturelles héritées de la conquête de 1066 compliquaient de beaucoup la tâche au roi qui se devait de trouver une solution pour unir toute la société anglaise contre ses ennemis. Le roi était également en conflit avec certains de ces sujets. C’était notamment le cas d’Antoine Bek, évêque palatin de Durham qui était menacé de perdre tous ses privilèges et libertés. Dans le but de se racheter auprès du roi, Bek demanda donc à Pierre de Langtoft, un moine du Nord de l’Angleterre, d’écrire une chronique dans laquelle il prêcherait l’union de toute la société anglaise contre les ennemis d’Édouard Ier. C’est celle-ci dont il est question dans ce mémoire, qui étudie la façon dont Pierre de Langtoft calomnie les ennemis du roi, surtout les Écossais et comment il utilise l’histoire pour plaider l’union de toutes les composantes de la société anglaise.


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Les médecins et autres écrivains de l’Ancien Régime qui ont décrié les effets néfastes de la mise en nourrice l’ont tenue en partie responsable de la forte mortalité infantile. L’habitude de confier l’allaitement et les soins de l’enfant à une femme autre que sa mère est présente dès le XIIIe siècle dans les milieux aristocratiques français. Bourgeois et autres citadins feront de même dès le XVIIe siècle. Transportée outre-Atlantique par les colons du Canada, la mise en nourrice a laissé de nombreuses traces dans les sources paroissiales, notariales et judiciaires de la colonie. Les démographes et historiens se sont penchés sur le phénomène dans le cadre d’études portant sur différents groupes sociaux (noblesse, « bourgeoisie ») ou populations (ville de Québec et l’ensemble du Canada sous le Régime français). Ils ont privilégié l’étude des nourrissons et de leurs familles. Ce mémoire s’intéresse à la mise en nourrice à Montréal et aux alentours des années 1680 aux années 1760. Il s’emploie d’abord à suivre le parcours de 436 nourrissons, décédés pour la plupart en bas âge : milieu socio-professionnel des parents connus, profil démographique, lieu d’accueil par une nourrice. Il étudie ensuite 245 femmes qui ont pris soin de ces enfants : leur parcours migratoire, les différents paramètres socio-démographiques de leur existence. Plusieurs de nos observations correspondent à celles d’autres chercheurs ou, du moins, ne les contredisent pas, tout en offrant une perspective montréalaise sur le phénomène. Au chapitre de l’inédit, citons l’élargissement, au XVIIIe siècle, de la gamme des professions exercées par les pères de nourrissons, ainsi que l’existence de plus d’un profil de nourrice, du point de vue de l’âge (et de la capacité à allaiter), de l’état matrimonial et du degré de vulnérabilité.


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Ce mémoire entend mettre en lumière la solution au problème du mal développée par Philippe le Chancelier dans la Summa de bono (1225-1228). À cet effet, notre analyse se polarise sur la notion du mal qui occupe à la fois le système des transcendantaux et la division du bien créé découlant du principe du souverain bien. La somme est bâtie d’après la primauté de la notion du bien transcendantal, et fut rédigée par opposition avec la doctrine manichéenne des Cathares, en vogue au XIIIe siècle, qui s’appuyait sur la prééminence de deux principes métaphysiques causant le bien et le mal, d’où devaient procéder toutes les choses de la Création. Ceci explique que nous ayons privilégié de seulement examiner les notions du bien et du mal en un sens général, car c’est au stade universel de l’ontologie du bien que l’auteur défait la possibilité du mal de nature, en amont des ramifications du bien créé, déployées, à l’envi, dans les questions de la somme où les réponses sont assignées à des problèmes spécifiques. Nous offrons ici, pour la première fois, une traduction en français d’une série de questions ayant permis de mener à bien ce projet.


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Ce mémoire porte sur l’évolution de l’antijudaïsme chez les intellectuels chrétiens parisiens, particulièrement chez Eudes de Châteauroux, lors du procès du Talmud, c’est-à-dire, entre les années 1240 – année où commence le procès – et 1248, année de la condamnation finale des textes talmudiques. Avec la création des universités au XIIe siècle prend place une curiosité intellectuelle croissante et un désir d’apprendre davantage. Parallèlement à cet essor, l’Église se renforce et une orthodoxie doctrinale commence à s’implanter, avec le désir toujours plus fort de contrôler et d’encadrer les fidèles. Lorsque Nicolas Donin dénonce le Talmud au souverain pontife, en 1239, Grégoire IX demande aux savants chrétiens de l’étudier et de l’analyser. Après examen, ces textes sont condamnés et les juifs accusés de se détourner de l’Ancien Testament pour suivre le Talmud, un livre rempli d’erreurs. Ainsi, ce que nous allons démontrer dans ce travail est que l’antijudaïsme virulent chez Eudes de Châteauroux, lors du procès du Talmud, vient d’une incompréhension des livres talmudiques.


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« Pour respecter les droits d'auteur, la version électronique de ce mémoire a été dépouillée de certains documents visuels et audio-visuels. La version intégrale du mémoire a été déposée au Service de la gestion des documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal ».


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The building fabrics of seven churches situated either on Romney Marsh or the marshland fringe were examined briefly. These revealed important differences in the relative abundance of the two principal building stones. Ragstones from the Hythe Formation occurred more frequently in the northeast, while sandstones from the Ashdown 'Beds' were more common in the west. In the Romney Marsh area, both stones were quarried mainly from their adjoining coastlines, with, up to the thirteenth century, opportunist collection of beach boulders generally preceding the exploitation or hewn stone. Other building stones, possible distribution routes and impacts of the quarrying upon coastline development were also discussed.