936 resultados para Third Golden Age of Television


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ln a context where widespread failings in the nature of terrorism research are well recognised - yet where the quantity of work is still enormous - is it possible to fairly assess whether the field is progressing or if it has become mired in mediocre research? Citation analysis is widely used to reveal the evolution and extent of progress in fields of study and to provide valuable insight into major trends and achievements. This study identifies and analyses the current 100 most cited journal articles in terrorism studies. A search was performed using Google Scholar for peer reviewed journal articles on subjects related to terrorism and counter-terrorism. The most cited papers were published across 62 journals which reflected the interdisciplinary nature of terrorism studies. Compared to other articles, the most cited papers were more likely to be the result of colloborative research and were also more likely to provide new data. 63 of the top 1-00 articles have been published since 2001. The findings are discussed in relation to the evolution of terrorism research and current debates on progress in the field.


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Trends in museum and performing arts marketing from 1975 to 1994 were analyzed and suggested that a third period was emerging; the data in this article confirm that claim. Among the latest arts marketing articles, there is a significantly greater focus on marketing strategy than on the other two categories--marketing as culture and marketing as tactics.


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Drawing upon a longitudinal, interview-based study of Australian secondary school students, this article explores young people's friendship experiences and attitudes to intimacy and the interpersonal. The discussion develops in relation to the work of Anthony Giddens on detraditionalisation and reflexivity, and Nikolas Rose on modernity and the self. First, I argue that feminism and psychotherapeutic ways of constituting and knowing the self are reconfiguring the cultural meanings of intimacy. Second, I suggest that this reworking of intimacy has differential and uneven effects and has particular consequences for the production of gendered subjectivities. Third, I raise some critical questions about the extent to which either Giddens's or Rose's account can properly capture the gendered and situated experiences of intimacy. I offer examples in which gender is being rearticulated in new yet familiar ways and note some persistent tensions in desires for connection and community versus autonomy and freedom. Carol Gilligan's work on gender differences in orientations to autonomy and connection is briefly revisited. Overall, it is argued that we need to take more account of how class, location and schooling differences influence dispositions to friendship and the interpersonal, and this is elaborated through a discussion of the 'relationship orientations' of two white Australian young men.


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This paper reports the findings relating to discharge planning from a larger study (Hegney et al 2001) that aimed to investigate options to improve care co-ordination between the aged, community, acute and primary care sectors for the elderly residents of a large provincial town. The data, which were collected from a wide variety of aged care stakeholders in the region, are consistent with previous Australian studies. First, it appears that inappropriate discharge from acute hospitals occurs in Toowoomba because there is a perceived lack of information regarding the available community care options and a lack of suitable models to support people's care needs within their own homes. Second, inappropriate discharge practices from acute hospitals occur due to a lack of knowledge and communication on the part of health professionals employed in these settings with regard to the on- going health care needs of elderly people. Third, there is little discharge planning occurring that includes the general practitioner in post-discharge care. Finally, inappropriate discharge can also be attributed to the lack of sub-acute/step-down/rehabilitation options and long waiting lists for community home care services in the region.


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While much cross-sectional data is available, there have been few longitudinal investigations of patterns of electronic media use in children. Further, the possibility of a bi-directional relationship between electronic media use and body mass index in children has not been considered. This study aimed to describe longitudinal patterns of television viewing and electronic game/computer use, and investigate relationships with body mass index (BMI).
This prospective cohort study was conducted in elementary schools in Victoria, Australia. 1278 children aged 5–10 years at baseline and 8–13 years at follow-up had their BMI calculated, from measured height and weight, and transformed to z-scores based on US 2000 growth data. Weight status (non-overweight, overweight and obese) was based on international BMI cut-off points. Weekly television viewing and electronic game/computer use were reported by parents, these were summed to generate total weekly screen time. Children were classified as meeting electronic media use guidelines if their total screen time was ≤14 hrs/wk.
Electronic media use increased over the course of the study; 40% met guidelines at baseline but only 18% three years later. Television viewing and electronic game/computer use tracked moderately and total screen time was positively associated with adiposity cross-sectionally. While weaker relationships with adiposity were observed longitudinally, baseline z-BMI and weight status were positively associated with follow-up screen time and baseline screen time was positively associated with z-BMI and weight status at follow-up. Children who did not meet guidelines at baseline had significantly higher z-BMI and were more likely to be classified as overweight/obese at follow-up.

Electronic media use in Australian elementary school children is high, increases with age and tracks over time. There appears to be a bi-directional association suggesting that interventions targeting reductions in either screen time or adiposity may have a positive effect on both screen time and adiposity.


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The estimation of possible intra- and postoperative complications for surgical removal of third molars in the mandible poses a frequent dilemma in oral surgery. In the present study, the influence of the patient's age and gender, a reduced mouth opening, and the anatomical position of the tooth in the mandible on intra- and postoperative complications were evaluated. In a total of 120 surgically removed third molars, 9.2% intraoperative complications occurred, mainly bleeding. Factors influencing the risk for intraoperative complications were a male patient, a reduced mouth opening, and distally angulated teeth. Postoperative complications were encountered in 6.7%, mainly dry sockets. For this group, a female gender, a higher age, and distally angulated teeth were identified as risk parameters. As most of the patient- and anatomy-related factors are set parameters when evaluating possible risk factors for third molar surgery, only the timepoint of surgery can be influenced by the surgeon. Regarding the increase in intra- and postoperative complications for third molar removal in higher age groups, the prophylactic third molar surgery between the age of 18 and 25 seems justified.


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Dynamics of the Pacific Plate is recorded in the systematic variation of location and the 40Ar-39Ar age of seamounts in the Western Pacific from 120 to 65 Ma ago. The seamounts are grouped into three linear zones as long as 5000 km. The seamounts become younger in the southeastern direction along the strike of these zones. Correlation between age and location of seamounts allows to divide the history of their formation into three stages. Rate of seamount growth was relatively low (2-4 cm/yr) during the first and the third stages within intervals of 120-90 and 85-65 Ma, whereas during the second stage (90-85 Ma), the seamounts were growing very fast (80-100 cm/yr). In the midst of this stage, at ~87 Ma ago, magmatic activity increased abruptly. Dynamics of seamount building is in good agreement with (1) pulses in development of the Ontong Java, Manihiki, and Caribbean-Colombian oceanic plateaus; (2) age of spreading acceleration in the mid-Cretaceous; and (3) a short period when the Izanagi Plate ceased to exist and the Kula Plate was formed. Variation in seamounts' age and location are in consistence with the hypothesis of diffuse extension of the Pacific Plate in course of its motion with formation of impaired zones of decompression melting. Direction of extension (325°-340° NW) calculated from the strike of seamount zones is consistent with the path of the Pacific Plate (330° NW) in the Late Cretaceous. Immense perioceanic volcanic belts were formed at that time along the margin of the Asian continent. The Okhotsk-Chukchi Peninsula Belt extends at a right angle to the compression vector. Three stages of this belt's evolution are synchronous with the stages of seamount formation in the Pacific Plate. Delay in origination of the East Sikhote-Alin Volcanic Belt and its different orientation were caused by counterclockwise rotation of the vector of convergence of oceanic and continental plates in the mid-Cretaceous. At the same time, i.e. 95-85 Ma ago, volcanic activity embraced the entire continental margin and tin granites were emplaced everywhere in the Eastern Asia. This short episode (90+/-5 Ma) corresponds to the mid-Cretaceous maximum of compression of the continental margin, and its age fits well a culmination in extension of the Pacific Plate.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Background - The onset of bipolar disorder is influenced by the interaction of genetic and environmental factors. We previously found that a large increase in sunlight in springtime was associated with a lower age of onset. This study extends this analysis with more collection sites at diverse locations, and includes family history and polarity of first episode. Methods - Data from 4037 patients with bipolar I disorder were collected at 36 collection sites in 23 countries at latitudes spanning 3.2 north (N) to 63.4 N and 38.2 south (S) of the equator. The age of onset of the first episode, onset location, family history of mood disorders, and polarity of first episode were obtained retrospectively, from patient records and/or direct interview. Solar insolation data were obtained for the onset locations. Results - There was a large, significant inverse relationship between maximum monthly increase in solar insolation and age of onset, controlling for the country median age and the birth cohort. The effect was reduced by half if there was no family history. The maximum monthly increase in solar insolation occurred in springtime. The effect was one-third smaller for initial episodes of mania than depression. The largest maximum monthly increase in solar insolation occurred in northern latitudes such as Oslo, Norway, and warm and dry areas such as Los Angeles, California. Limitations - Recall bias for onset and family history data. Conclusions - A large springtime increase in sunlight may have an important influence on the onset of bipolar disorder, especially in those with a family history of mood disorders.


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Globalization is eroding the livelihoods of small farmers, a significant and vulnerable class, particularly in the developing world. The cost-price squeeze stemming from trade liberalization places farmers in a race to the bottom that leads to displacement, poverty, and environmental degradation. Scholars and activists have proposed that alternative trade initiatives offer a unique opportunity to reverse this trend by harnessing the power of the markets to reward producers of goods with embedded superior cultural, environmental, and social values. Alternative trade via certification schemes have become a de facto prescription for any location where there is a need to conciliate economic interest with conservation imperatives. Partnerships among commodity production farmers, elite manufacturers and wealthy northern consumers/activists do not necessarily have win-win outcomes. Paradoxically, the partnerships of farmers with external agencies have unexpected results. These partnerships develop into dependent relationships that become unsustainable in the absence of further transfers of capital. The institutions born of these partnerships are fragile. When these fledging institutions fail, farmers are left in the same situation that they were before the partnership, with only minor improvements to show after spending considerable amounts of social and financial capital. I hypothesize that these failures are born out of a belief in a universal understanding of sustainability. A discursive emphasis on consensus, equity and mutual benefit hides the fact that what for consumers it is a matter of choice, for producers is a matter of survival. The growth in consumers’ demand for certified products creates a race for farmers to meet these standards. My findings suggest that this race generates economically perverse effects. First, producers enter into a certification treadmill. Second, the local need for economic sustainability is ignored. Third, commodity based alternative trade schemes increase the exposure of communities to global shocks. I conclude by calling for a careful reassessment of sustainable development projects that promote certification schemes. The designers and implementers of these programs must include farmers’ agenda in the planning of these programs.


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The study examines the thought of Yanagita Kunio (1875–1962), an influential Japanese nationalist thinker and a founder of an academic discipline named minzokugaku. The purpose of the study is to bring into light an unredeemed potential of his intellectual and political project as a critique of the way in which modern politics and knowledge systematically suppresses global diversity. The study reads his texts against the backdrop of the modern understanding of space and time and its political and moral implications and traces the historical evolution of his thought that culminates in the establishment of minzokugaku. My reading of Yanagita’s texts draws on three interpretive hypotheses. First, his thought can be interpreted as a critical engagement with John Stuart Mill’s philosophy of history, as he turns Mill’s defense of diversity against Mill’s justification of enlightened despotism in non-Western societies. Second, to counter Mill’s individualistic notion of progressive agency, he turns to a Marxian notion of anthropological space, in which a laboring class makes history by continuously transforming nature, and rehabilitates the common people (jomin) as progressive agents. Third, in addition to the common people, Yanagita integrates wandering people as a countervailing force to the innate parochialism and conservatism of agrarian civilization. To excavate the unrecorded history of ordinary farmers and wandering people and promote the formation of national consciousness, his minzokugaku adopts travel as an alternative method for knowledge production and political education. In light of this interpretation, the aim of Yanagita’s intellectual and political project can be understood as defense and critique of the Enlightenment tradition. Intellectually, he attempts to navigate between spurious universalism and reactionary particularism by revaluing diversity as a necessary condition for universal knowledge and human progress. Politically, his minzokugaku aims at nation-building/globalization from below by tracing back the history of a migratory process cutting across the existing boundaries. His project is opposed to nation-building from above that aims to integrate the world population into international society at the expense of global diversity.