973 resultados para Thioredoxin Reductase


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This PhD thesis is aimed at studying the possible pathways and the mechanisms that can trigger oxylipins biosynthesis, and particularly that of short chain aldehydes and alcohols, in Lactobacillus helveticus, also in the presence of oxidative stress, using a totally labelled linoleic acid as precursor. In plants and fungi these molecules, involved in defence mechanisms against pathogens and in communication systems, derive from the oxidation of cellular unsaturated fatty acids (UFAs) and their accumulation is associated with stress exposure. Since some oxylipins are produced also by lactobacilli, it is possible to hypothesize that a metabolic pathway from UFAs to oxylipins, similar to what happens in plants and fungi, is present also in lactic acid bacteria. The results obtained pointed out that some volatile molecules are the result of UFAs catabolism, since they appear only when cells are incubated in their presence. Labelled linoleic acid is integrated in the membrane and subsequently transformed into aldehydes and alcohols, whose extent and carbon atoms number depend on stress exposure. The enzymes responsible for this metabolic pathway in plants and fungi (e.g. lipoxygenase, dioxygenase) seem to be absent in Lactobacillus helveticus and in other lactobacilli. Proteomic analyses show the over expression of many proteins, including thioredoxin reductase (part of the bacterial oxidative defence system), mainly in cells grown with linoleic acid without oxidative stress exposure, confirming that linoleic acid itself induces oxidative stress. 6 general oxidoreductases (class including dioxygenases and peroxidase) were found and therefore a deeper investigation on them could be productive in elucidating all steps involved in oxylipins biosynthesis in bacteria. Due to the multiple role of oxylipins (flavouring agents, antimicrobial compounds and interspecific signalling molecules) the identification of genes involved and regulating factors should have an important biotechnological impact, also allowing the overproduction of selected bioactive molecules.


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NF-κB is a major transcription factor consisting of 50(p50)- and 65(p65)-kDa proteins that controls the expression of various genes, among which are those encoding cytokines, cell adhesion molecules, and inducible NO synthase (iNOS). After initial activation of NF-κB, which involves release and proteolysis of a bound inhibitor, essential cysteine residues are maintained in the active reduced state through the action of thioredoxin and thioredoxin reductase. In the present study, activation of NF-κB in human T cells and lung adenocarcinoma cells was induced by recombinant human tumor necrosis factor α or bacterial lipopolysaccharide. After lipopolysaccharide activation, nuclear extracts were treated with increasing concentrations of selenite, and the effects on DNA-binding activity of NF-κB were examined. Binding of NF-κB to nuclear responsive elements was decreased progressively by increasing selenite levels and, at 7 μM selenite, DNA-binding activity was completely inhibited. Selenite inhibition was reversed by addition of a dithiol, DTT. Proportional inhibition of iNOS activity as measured by decreased NO products in the medium (NO2− and NO3−) resulted from selenite addition to cell suspensions. This loss of iNOS activity was due to decreased synthesis of NO synthase protein. Selenium at low essential levels (nM) is required for synthesis of redox active selenoenzymes such as glutathione peroxidases and thioredoxin reductase, but in higher toxic levels (>5–10 μM) selenite can react with essential thiol groups on enzymes to form RS–Se–SR adducts with resultant inhibition of enzyme activity. Inhibition of NF-κB activity by selenite is presumed to be the result of adduct formation with the essential thiols of this transcription factor.


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A MerR-like regulator (NmlR -Neisseria merR-like Regulator) identified in the Neisseria gonorrhoeae genome lacks the conserved cysteines known to bind metal ions in characterized proteins of this family. Phylogenetic analysis indicates that NmlR defines a subfamily of MerR-like transcription factors with a distinctive pattern of conserved cysteines within their primary structure. NmlR regulates itself and three other genes in N. gonorrhoeae encoding a glutathione-dependent dehydrogenase (AdhC), a CPx-type ATPase (CopA) and a thioredoxin reductase (TrxB). An nmlR mutant lacked the ability to survive oxidative stress induced by diamide and cumene hydroperoxide. It also had > 50-fold lower NADH-S-nitrosoglutathione oxidoreductase activity consistent with a role for AdhC in protection against nitric oxide stress. The upstream sequences of the NmlR regulated genes contained typical MerR-like operator/promoter arrangements consisting of a dyad symmetry located between the -35 and -10 elements of the target genes. The NmlR target operator/promoters were cloned into a beta-galactosidase reporter system and promoter activity was repressed by the introduction of NmlR in trans. Promoter activity was activated by NmlR in the presence of diamide. Under metal depleted conditions NmlR did not repress P-AdhC (or P-CopA) promoter activity, but this was reversed in the presence of Zn(II), indicating repression was Zn(II)-dependent. Analysis of mutated promoters lacking the dyad symmetry revealed constitutive promoter activity which was independent of NmlR. Gel shift assays further confirmed that NmlR bound to the target promoters possessing the dyad symmetry. Site-directed mutagenesis of the four NmlR cysteine residues revealed that they were essential for activation of gene expression by NmlR.


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Disulfide bonds are important structural motifs that play an essential role in maintaining the conformational stability of many bioactive peptides. Of particular importance are the conotoxins, which selectively target a wide range of ion channels that are implicated in numerous disease states. Despite the enormous potential of conotoxins as therapeutics, their multiple disulfide bond frameworks are inherently unstable under reducing conditions. Reduction or scrambling by thiol-containing molecules such as glutathione or serum albumin in intracellular or extracellular environments such as blood plasma can decrease their effectiveness as drugs. To address this issue, we describe a new class of selenoconotoxins where cysteine residues are replaced by selenocysteine to form isosteric and non-reducible diselenide bonds. Three isoforms of alpha-conotoxin ImI were synthesized by t-butoxycarbonyl chemistry with systematic replacement of one([ Sec(2,8)] ImI or [Sec(3,12)] ImI), or both([Sec(2,3,8,12)] ImI) disulfide bonds with a diselenide bond. Each analogue demonstrated remarkable stability to reduction or scrambling under a range of chemical and biological reducing conditions. Three-dimensional structural characterization by NMR and CD spectroscopy indicates conformational preferences that are very similar to those of native ImI, suggesting fully isomorphic structures. Additionally, full bioactivity was retained at the alpha(7) nicotinic acetylcholine receptor, with each seleno-analogue exhibiting a dose-response curve that overlaps with wild-type ImI, thus further supporting an isomorphic structure. These results demonstrate that selenoconotoxins can be used as highly stable scaffolds for the design of new drugs.


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Three different cDNAs, Prh-19, Prh-26, and Prh-43 [3′-phosphoadenosine-5′-phosphosulfate (PAPS) reductase homolog], have been isolated by complementation of an Escherichia coli cysH mutant, defective in PAPS reductase activity, to prototrophy with an Arabidopsis thaliana cDNA library in the expression vector λYES. Sequence analysis of the cDNAs revealed continuous open reading frames encoding polypeptides of 465, 458, and 453 amino acids, with calculated molecular masses of 51.3, 50.5, and 50.4 kDa, respectively, that have strong homology with fungal, yeast, and bacterial PAPS reductases. However, unlike microbial PAPS reductases, each PRH protein has an N-terminal extension, characteristic of a plastid transit peptide, and a C-terminal extension that has amino acid and deduced three-dimensional homology to thioredoxin proteins. Adenosine 5′-phosphosulfate (APS) was shown to be a much more efficient substrate than PAPS when the activity of the PRH proteins was tested by their ability to convert 35S-labeled substrate to acid-volatile 35S-sulfite. We speculate that the thioredoxin-like domain is involved in catalytic function, and that the PRH proteins may function as novel “APS reductase” enzymes. Southern hybridization analysis showed the presence of a small multigene family in the Arabidopsis genome. RNA blot hybridization with gene-specific probes revealed for each gene the presence of a transcript of ≈1.85 kb in leaves, stems, and roots that increased on sulfate starvation. To our knowledge, this is the first report of the cloning and characterization of plant genes that encode proteins with APS reductase activity and supports the suggestion that APS can be utilized directly, without activation to PAPS, as an intermediary substrate in reductive sulfate assimilation.


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Thioredoxin, with a redox-active disulfide/dithiol in the active site, is the major ubiquitous disulfide reductase responsible for maintaining proteins in their reduced state. In the present study, the cDNA encoding thioredoxin-1 (designated EsTrx1) was cloned from Chinese mitten crab Eriocheir sinensis by using rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE) approaches. The full-length cDNA of EsTrx1 was of 641 bp, containing a 51 untranslated region (UTR) of 17 bp, a 3' UTR of 306 bp with a poly (A) tail, and an open reading frame (ORF) of 318 bp encoding a polypeptide of 105 amino acids. The high similarity of EsTrx1 with Trx1s from other animals indicated that EsTrx1 should be a new member of the Trx1 sub-family. Quantitative real-time PCR analysis revealed the presence of EsTrx1 transcripts in gill, gonad, hepato-pancreas, muscle, heart and haemocytes. The expression of EsTrx1 mRNA in haemocytes was up-regulated after Listonella anguillarum challenge, reached the maximum level at 6 h post-stimulation, and then dropped back to the original level gradually. In order to elucidate its biological functions, EsTrx1 was recombined and expressed in E. coli BL21 (DE3). The rEsTrx1 was demonstrated to possess the expected redox activity in enzymatic analysis, and to be more potent than GSH in antioxidant capacity. These results together indicated that EsTrx1 could function as an important antioxidant in a physiological context, and perhaps is involved in the responses to bacterial challenge. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Die Aminosäure-Sequenzierung an dem als "28 kDa-Thioredoxin f" beschriebenen Protein aus der Grünalge Scenedesmus obliquus hat gezeigt, dass dieses Protein mit dem als OEE bekannten Protein 1 aus dem Photosystem II identisch ist. Die früher postulierte Möglichkeit einer Fusion eines Thioredoxins mit einem Protein unbekannter Natur oder Insertion eines Thioredoxinfragments mit der typischen -Trp-Cys-Gly-Pro-Cys-Sequenz in ein solches Protein hat sich nicht bestätigt. Durch Anwendung einer auf das 33 kDa OEE-Protein ausgerichteten Präparationsmethode konnte gezeigt werden, dass das "28 kDa-Trx f" tatsächlich in den Thylakoidmembranen lokalisiert ist. Das Protein kann so innerhalb eines Tages in hoher Reinheit aus den Thylakoidmembranfragmenten eines Algenrohhomogenats isoliert werden; dabei bleibt die Fähigkeit des OEE-Proteins das chloroplastidäre Enzym Fructosebisphosphatase (FbPase) zu stimulieren erhalten. Mit gleichen Methoden wurden die Grünalgen Chlorella vulgaris und Chlamydomonas reinhardtii auf außergewöhnliche Proteine mit Trx-f Aktivität untersucht. Die hitze- und säurestabile Proteinfraktion aus Chlorella vulgaris enthält ein Protein mit vergleichbarer Molmasse von 26 kDa, das ähnlich wie in Scenedesmus eine Stimulation der chloroplastidären Fructosebisphosphatase zeigt. In dem hitze- und säurestabilen Proteinextrakt aus Chlamydomonas reinhardtii wird solche Aktivität nicht beobachtet. Eine Probe des rekombinanten, homogenen OEE-Proteins aus Spinat wurde auf Stimulation der chloroplastidären FbPase und NADPH-abhängigen Malatdehydrogenase (MDH) untersucht. Das Spinat OEE-Protein 1 zeigt mit diesen Enzymen keine Aktivität. Da das OEE-Protein 1 in Scenedesmus starke FbPase-Stimulation zeigt, die anderen Scenedesmus-Thioredoxine mit Molmassen von 12 kDa (Trx I und II) jedoch hohe Aktivität mit der zellulären Ribonucleotidreduktase zeigen, wird postuliert, dass das OEE-Protein die Funktion des Trx-f in vivo ersetzt.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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2-Cys peroxiredoxin (Prx) enzymes are ubiquitously distributed peroxidases that make use of a peroxidatic cysteine (Cys(P)) to decompose hydroperoxides. A disulfide bond is generated as a consequence of the partial unfolding of the alpha-helix that contains Cys(P). Therefore, during its catalytic cycle, 2-Cys Prx alternates between two states, locally unfolded and fully folded. Tsa1 (thiol-specific antioxidant protein 1 from yeast) is by far the most abundant Cys-based peroxidase in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. In this work, we present the crystallographic structure at 2.8 angstrom resolution of Tsa1(C47S) in the decameric form [(alpha(2))(5)] with a DTT molecule bound to the active site, representing one of the few available reports of a 2-Cys Prx (AhpC-Prx1 subfamily) (AhpC, alkyl hydroperoxide reductase subunit C) structure that incorporates a ligand. The analysis of the Tsa1(C47S) structure indicated that G1u50 and Arg146 participate in the stabilization of the Cys(P) alpha-helix. As a consequence, we raised the hypothesis that G1u50 and Arg146 might be relevant to the Cys(P) reactivity. Therefore, Tsa1(E50A) and Tsa1(R146Q) mutants were generated and were still able to decompose hydrogen peroxide, presenting a second-order rate constant in the range of 10(6) M-1 S-1. Remarkably, although Tsa1(E50A) and Tsa1(R146Q) were efficiently reduced by the low-molecular-weight reductant DTT, these mutants displayed only marginal thioredoxin (Trx)-dependent peroxidase activity, indicating that G1u50 and Arg146 are important for the Tsa1-Trx interaction. These results may impact the comprehension of downstream events of signaling pathways that are triggered by the oxidation of critical Cys residues, such as Trx. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The enzyme catalysing the reduction of adenosine 5′-phosphosulfate (AdoPS) to sulfite in higher plants, AdoPS reductase, is considered to be the key enzyme of assimilatory sulfate reduction. In order to address its reaction mechanism, the APR2 isoform of this enzyme from Arabidopsis thaliana was overexpressed in Escherichia coli and purified to homogeneity. Incubation of the enzyme with [35S]AdoPS at 4 °C resulted in radioactive labelling of the protein. Analysis of APR2 tryptic peptides revealed 35SO2–3 bound to Cys248, the only Cys conserved between AdoPS and prokaryotic phosphoadenosine 5′-phosphosulfate reductases. Consistent with this result, radioactivity could be released from the protein by incubation with thiols, inorganic sulfide and sulfite. The intermediate remained stable, however, after incubation with sulfate, oxidized glutathione or AdoPS. Because truncated APR2, missing the thioredoxin-like C-terminal part, could be labelled even at 37 °C, and because this intermediate was more stable than the complete protein, we conclude that the thioredoxin-like domain was required to release the bound SO2–3 from the intermediate. Taken together, these results demonstrate for the first time the binding of 35SO2–3 from [35S]AdoPS to AdoPS reductase and its subsequent release, and thus contribute to our understanding of the molecular mechanism of AdoPS reduction in plants.


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Sulfate-assimilating organisms reduce inorganic sulfate for Cys biosynthesis. There are two leading hypotheses for the mechanism of sulfate reduction in higher plants. In one, adenosine 5′-phosphosulfate (APS) (5′-adenylylsulfate) sulfotransferase carries out reductive transfer of sulfate from APS to reduced glutathione. Alternatively, the mechanism may be similar to that in bacteria in which the enzyme, 3′-phosphoadenosine-5′-phosphosulfate (PAPS) reductase, catalyzes thioredoxin (Trx)-dependent reduction of PAPS. Three classes of cDNA were cloned from Arabidopsis thaliana termed APR1, -2, and -3, that functionally complement a cysH, PAPS reductase mutant strain of Escherichia coli. The coding sequence of the APR clones is homologous with PAPS reductases from microorganisms. In addition, a carboxyl-terminal domain is homologous with members of the Trx superfamily. Further genetic analysis showed that the APR clones can functionally complement a mutant strain of E. coli lacking Trx, and an APS kinase, cysC. mutant. These results suggest that the APR enzyme may be a Trx-independent APS reductase. Cell extracts of E. coli expressing APR showed Trx-independent sulfonucleotide reductase activity with a preference for APS over PAPS as a substrate. APR-mediated APS reduction is dependent on dithiothreitol, has a pH optimum of 8.5, is stimulated by high ionic strength, and is sensitive to inactivation by 5′-adenosinemonophosphate (5′-AMP). 2′-AMP, or 3′-phosphoadenosine-5′-phosphate (PAP), a competitive inhibitor of PAPS reductase, do not affect activity. The APR enzymes may be localized in different cellular compartments as evidenced by the presence of an amino-terminal transit peptide for plastid localization in APR1 and APR3 but not APR2. Southern blot analysis confirmed that the APR clones are members of a small gene family, possibly consisting of three members.


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Thioredoxin, a ubiquitous 12-kDa regulatory disulfide protein, was found to reduce disulfide bonds of allergens (convert S—S to 2 SH) and thereby mitigate the allergenicity of commercial wheat preparations. Allergenic strength was determined by skin tests with a canine model for food allergy. Statistically significant mitigation was observed with 15 of 16 wheat-sensitive animals. The allergenicity of the protein fractions extracted from wheat flour with the indicated solvent was also assessed: the gliadins (ethanol) were the strongest allergens, followed by glutenins (acetic acid), albumins (water), and globulins (salt water). Of the gliadins, the α and β fractions were most potent, followed by the γ and ω types. Thioredoxin mitigated the allergenicity associated with the major protein fractions—i.e, the gliadins (including the α, β, and γ types) and the glutenins—but gave less consistent results with the minor fractions, the albumins and globulins. In all cases, mitigation was specific to thioredoxin that had been reduced either enzymically by NADPH and NADP–thioredoxin reductase or chemically by dithiothreitol; reduced glutathione was without significant effect. As in previous studies, thioredoxin was particularly effective in the reduction of intramolecular (intrachain) disulfide bonds. The present results demonstrate that the reduction of these disulfide bonds is accompanied by a statistically significant decrease in allergenicity of the active proteins. This decrease occurs alongside the changes identified previously—i.e., increased susceptibility to proteolysis and heat, and altered biochemical activity. The findings open the door to the testing of the thioredoxin system in the production of hypoallergenic, more-digestible foods.


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Thioredoxin (Trx) and glutathione (GSH) systems are considered to be two major redox systems in animal cells. They are reduced by NADPH via Trx reductase (TR) or oxidized GSH (GSSG) reductase and further supply electrons for deoxyribonucleotide synthesis, antioxidant defense, and redox regulation of signal transduction, transcription, cell growth, and apoptosis. We cloned and characterized a pyridine nucleotide disulfide oxidoreductase, Trx and GSSG reductase (TGR), that exhibits specificity for both redox systems. This enzyme contains a selenocysteine residue encoded by the TGA codon. TGR can reduce Trx, GSSG, and a GSH-linked disulfide in in vitro assays. This unusual substrate specificity is achieved by an evolutionary conserved fusion of the TR and glutaredoxin domains. These observations, together with the biochemical probing and molecular modeling of the TGR structure, suggest a mechanism whereby the C-terminal selenotetrapeptide serves a role of a protein-linked GSSG and shuttles electrons from the disulfide center within the TR domain to either the glutaredoxin domain or Trx.


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During anaerobic growth Escherichia coli uses a specific ribonucleoside-triphosphate reductase (class III enzyme) for the production of deoxyribonucleoside triphosphates. In its active form, the enzyme contains an iron-sulfur center and an oxygen-sensitive glycyl radical (Gly-681). The radical is generated in the inactive protein from S-adenosylmethionine by an auxiliary enzyme system present in E. coli. By modification of the previous purification procedure, we now prepared a glycyl radical-containing reductase, active in the absence of the auxiliary reducing enzyme system. This reductase uses formate as hydrogen donor in the reaction. During catalysis, formate is stoichiometrically oxidized to CO2, and isotope from [3H]formate appears in water. Thus E. coli uses completely different hydrogen donors for the reduction of ribonucleotides during anaerobic and aerobic growth. The aerobic class I reductase employs redox-active thiols from thioredoxin or glutaredoxin to this purpose. The present results strengthen speculations that class III enzymes arose early during the evolution of DNA.


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Introduction. Peroxiredoxin (PRDX) and thioredoxin (TRX) are antioxidant proteins that control cellular signalling and redox balance, although their response to exercise is unknown. This study aimed to assess key aspects of the PRDX-TRX redox cycle in response to three different modes of exercise. Methods. Healthy males (n = 10, mean ± SD: 22 ± 3 yrs) undertook three exercise trials on separate days: two steady-state cycling trials at moderate (60% VO2MAX; 27 min, MOD) and high (80% VO2MAX; 20 min, HIGH) intensities, and a low-volume high-intensity interval training trial (10 × 1 min 90% VO2MAX, LV-HIIT). Peripheral blood mononuclear cells were assessed for TRX-1 and over-oxidised PRDX (isoforms I-IV) protein expression before, during, and 30 min following exercise (post + 30). The activities of TRX reductase (TRX-R) and the nuclear factor kappa B (NF-κB) p65 subunit were also assessed. Results. TRX-1 increased during exercise in all trials (MOD, + 84.5%; HIGH, + 64.1%; LV-HIIT, + 205.7%; p < 05), whereas over-oxidised PRDX increased during HIGH only (MOD, - 28.7%; HIGH, + 202.9%; LV-HIIT, - 22.7%; p < .05). TRX-R and NF-κB p65 activity increased during exercise in all trials, with the greatest response in TRX-R activity seen in HIGH (p < 0.05). Discussion. All trials stimulated a transient increase in TRX-1 protein expression during exercise. Only HIGH induced a transient over-oxidation of PRDX, alongside the greatest change in TRX-R activity. Future studies are needed to clarify the significance of heightened peroxide exposure during continuous high-intensity exercise and the mechanisms of PRDX-regulatory control.