241 resultados para Thigh


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Various leg exercises have been recommended to prevent deep vein thrombosis (DVT), a condition where a blood clot forms in the deep veins, especially during long-haul flights. Accessing the benefit of each of these exercises in avoiding the DVT, which can be fatal, is important in the context of suggesting the correct and the most beneficial exercises. Present work aims at demonstrating the fiber Bragg grating (FBG)-based sensing methodology for measuring surface strains generated on the skin of the calf muscle to evaluate the suggested airline exercises to avoid DVT. As the dataset in the experiment involves multiple subjects performing these exercises, an inertial measurement unit has been used to validate the repetitiveness of each of the exercises. The surface strain on the calf muscle obtained using the FBG sensor, which is a measure of the calf muscle deformation, has been compared against the variation of blood velocity in the femoral vein of the thigh measured using a commercial electronic-phased array color Doppler ultrasound system. Apart from analyzing the effectiveness of suggested exercises, a new exercise which is more effective in terms of strain generated to avoid DVT is proposed and evaluated. (C) 2013 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE)


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A distinct new species of gecko of the genus Hemidactylus is described from the Kanker district of Chhattisgarh State, east-central India. This large-sized (SVL average 81.33 +/- 13.40 to at least 98.0 mm) Hemidactylus is characterized by a dorsum with small granules, intermixed with 10-12 rows of irregularly arranged, slightly larger, rounded, weakly-keeled tubercles at midbody; 10-12 and 13-15 subdigital lamellae on the first and fourth digits, respectively, of both manus and pes; a single enlarged postcloacal tubercle on either side of the tail; 10-12 femoral pores on each thigh separated by 5-8 poreless scales; 12-14 supralabials and 10-12 infralabials.


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A distinct new species of gecko of the genus Hemidactylus is described from the Kanker district of Chhattisgarh State, east-central India. This large-sized (SVL average 81.33 +/- 13.40 to at least 98.0 mm) Hemidactylus is characterized by a dorsum with small granules, intermixed with 10-12 rows of irregularly arranged, slightly larger, rounded, weakly-keeled tubercles at midbody; 10-12 and 13-15 subdigital lamellae on the first and fourth digits, respectively, of both manus and pes; a single enlarged postcloacal tubercle on either side of the tail; 10-12 femoral pores on each thigh separated by 5-8 poreless scales; 12-14 supralabials and 10-12 infralabials.


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A doença Inflamatória Intestinal (DII) é uma desordem caracterizada pela inflamação crônica do trato gastrointestinal. Os dois principais tipos de DII são a Retocolite Ulcerativa (RCU) e a Doença de Crohn (DC) e ambas cursam com importantes alterações no estado nutricional (EN). O objetivo deste estudo foi identificar as diferenças na composição corporal entre pacientes com DC, RCU e indivíduos saudáveis, além de comparar o estado nutricional dos três grupos de pacientes, ajustando para fatores que podem interferir no EN, como o uso atual de corticosteróides, a atividade física, a atividade de doença, a idade e o sexo. Foi realizado um estudo transversal que incluiu 101 pacientes com DII (50 com DC e 51 com RCU) e 35 indivíduos saudáveis, selecionados no Ambulatório do Hospital Universitário Pedro Ernesto (HUPE) da Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UERJ). Foram colhidas informações sócio-demográficas e pessoais, tais como: prática de atividade física, tabagismo, doenças pregressas e procedimentos cirúrgicos prévios. Outras informações necessárias à pesquisa foram coletadas em prontuário médico. A avaliação antropométrica foi realizada por meio das seguintes medidas: peso corporal; altura; circunferências do braço, da cintura (CC) e do quadril; dobras cutâneas do tríceps, subescápula, supra-ilíaca e da coxa; e circunferência muscular do braço (CMB). A análise da composição corporal foi realizada por meio da bioimpedância elétrica (BIA), utilizando-se o aparelho Biodynamics modelo 450. As variáveis laboratoriais analisadas foram: glicose, hemograma completo, perfil lipídico, proteínas totais, albumina, globulina, velocidade de hemossedimentação e proteína C reativa. O peso, o índice de massa corporal, a CC e o percentual de gordura corporal calculado a partir da aferição das dobras cutâneas, foram menores nos pacientes com DC, quando comparados aos indivíduos saudáveis e/ou aos pacientes com RCU. A CMB foi menor nos pacientes com DC e RCU quando comparados aos indivíduos saudáveis, porém sem apresentar diferenças entre os dois grupos de pacientes. Por BIA, verificou-se que os pacientes com DC apresentaram valores de massa magra, massa celular corpórea, massa extracelular, água corporal total e água extracelular menores quando comparados aos indivíduos saudáveis. Os níveis séricos de colesterol total, proteínas totais e albumina, e a contagem total de hemácias foram menores nos indivíduos com DC quando comparados aos indivíduos do grupo controle e/ou aos indivíduos do grupo da RCU. Os pacientes com RCU exibem composição corporal semelhante à da população saudável. Em contraposição, os pacientes com DC apresentam EN amplamente comprometido com depleção de gordura corporal e massa magra em relação aos demais indivíduos


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A Doença Inflamatória Intestinal (DII) é uma desordem caracterizada pela inflamação difusa do trato gastrointestinal. Os dois principais tipos de DII são a Retocolite Ulcerativa (RCU) e a Doença de Crohn (DC) e ambas cursam com alterações no estado nutricional (EN). O objetivo deste estudo foi comparar a composição corporal, obtida por meio de diferentes métodos, em pacientes com DC e RCU em atendimento ambulatorial, avaliando possíveis diferenças nos grupos de doentes entre si e quando comparados a indivíduos saudáveis. Foi realizado um estudo transversal incluindo 101 pacientes com DII, sendo 50 com DC (GDC) e 51 com RCU (GRCU), além de 35 indivíduos saudáveis (GCON), selecionados no Ambulatório do Hospital Universitário Pedro Ernesto (HUPE) da Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UERJ). Informações sócio-demográficas e pessoais, como prática de exercício físico, tabagismo, doenças pregressas e procedimentos cirúrgicos prévios foram coletadas. A avaliação antropométrica consistiu de: peso; altura; circunferências do braço, da cintura e do quadril; circunferência muscular do braço (CMB) e pregas cutâneas do tríceps, bíceps, peitoral, axilar, subescapular, suprailíaca, supraespinhal, abdominal, perna e coxa. O percentual de gordura corporal (% GC) foi estimado a partir de equações que utilizam o somatório de pregas cutâneas e por meio de bioimpedância elétrica (BIA). Para estimar o percentual de gordura subcutânea foi utilizado o somatório de dez dobras. As variáveis laboratoriais analisadas foram: hemograma completo, proteínas totais, albumina, globulina, velocidade de hemossedimentação e proteína C reativa. As análises estatísticas foram realizadas utilizando-se o software STATA versão 10.0. A classificação do EN, por meio do índice de massa corporal (IMC), evidenciou baixa prevalência de desnutrição nos três grupos avaliados. Ao analisar diretamente as medidas antropométricas de peso e IMC, observou-se que os pacientes com DC apresentaram valores significativamente menores do que os indivíduos do grupo controle. A avaliação da CMB mostrou que os pacientes do GDC e GRCU apresentaram depleção de massa magra em comparação aos indivíduos do GCON, porém sem apresentar diferenças entre os dois grupos de pacientes com DII. Em relação ao %GC obtido por BIA não foram verificadas diferenças entre os três grupos de estudo. Ao se verificar o %GC com a utilização das fórmulas de Peterson, Durnin & Womersley e Jackson & Pollock (que utiliza o somatório de três dobras) observou-se que os pacientes com DC apresentaram tecido adiposo significativamente depletado em relação aos indivíduos do GCON e do GRCU. Ao compararmos os %GC obtidos por diferentes métodos de estimativa, observou-se que as equações de Jackson & Pollock (que utilizam o somatório de três e sete dobras) apresentaram resultados significativamente menores quando comparados aos das equações de Peterson e Durnin & Womersley, nos dois grupos de pacientes. Os níveis séricos de proteínas totais e albumina, e a contagem total de hemácias foram menores nos indivíduos com DC quando comparados aos indivíduos do grupo controle e/ou aos indivíduos do grupo com RCU. Os pacientes com DC apresentaram comprometimento importante do EN em comparação aos pacientes com RCU e, notadamente, em relação aos indivíduos saudáveis.


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Legged locomotion of biological systems can be viewed as a self-organizing process of highly complex system-environment interactions. Walking behavior is, for example, generated from the interactions between many mechanical components (e.g., physical interactions between feet and ground, skeletons and muscle-tendon systems), and distributed informational processes (e.g., sensory information processing, sensory-motor control in central nervous system, and reflexes) [21]. An interesting aspect of legged locomotion study lies in the fact that there are multiple levels of self-organization processes (at the levels of mechanical dynamics, sensory-motor control, and learning). Previously, the self-organization of mechanical dynamics was nicely demonstrated by the so-called Passive Dynamic Walkers (PDWs; [18]). The PDW is a purely mechanical structure consisting of body, thigh, and shank limbs that are connected by passive joints. When placed on a shallow slope, it exhibits natural bipedal walking dynamics by converting potential to kinetic energy without any actuation. An important contribution of these case studies is that, if designed properly, mechanical dynamics can generate a relatively complex locomotion dynamics, on the one hand, and the mechanical dynamics induces self-stability against small disturbances without any explicit control of motors, on the other. The basic principle of the mechanical self-stability appears to be fairly general that there are several different physics models that exhibit similar characteristics in different kinds of behaviors (e.g., hopping, running, and swimming; [2, 4, 9, 16, 19]), and a number of robotic platforms have been developed based on them [1, 8, 13, 22]. © 2009 Springer London.


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In the present paper microwave radiation has been used to introduce N-sulfo and O-sulfo groups into chitosan with a thigh degree of substitution and low-molecular weight. The sulfation of chitosan was performed in microwave ovens. It was found that microwave heating is a convenient way to obtain a wide range of products of different degrees of substitution and molecular weight only by changing reaction time or/and radiation power. Moreover, microwave radiation accelerated the degradation of sulfated chitosan, and the molecular weight of sulfated chitosan was considerably lower than that obtained by traditional heating. There are no differences in the chemical structure of sulfated chitosan obtained by microwave and by conventional technology. FTIR and C-13 NMR spectral analyses demonstrated that a significantly shorter time is required to obtain a satisfactory degree of substitution and molecular weight by microwave radiation than by conventional technology. In this present paper, we also determined antioxidant activity of low-molecular-weight and high-sulfate-content chitosans (LCTS). The results showed LCTS could scavenge superoxide and hydroxyl radical. Its IC50 is 0.025 and 1.32mg/mL, respectively. It is a potential antioxidant in vitro. (C) 2004 Published by Elsevier Ltd.


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La termometría es una técnica no invasiva que permite cuantificar los cambios en la temperatura cutánea y evaluarla de forma cuantitativa. El aumento significativo de la temperatura puede indicar la existencia de patología. Se ha demostrado que la actividad muscular induce procesos de transferencia de calor entre los músculos y las capas superficiales de tejido. En este estudio queremos cuantificar los cambios de temperatura que se producen en los músculos del pie y miembro inferior tras una carrera de 30 km, para ello hemos utilizado una cámara termográfica de alta resolución. Contamos con la colaboración voluntaria de 32 sujetos sanos a los que procedimos a tomar fotografías de la planta del pie, parte anterior de la pierna, parte posterior de la pierna, parte anterior del muslo y parte posterior del muslo en dos etapas, primero antes de la carrera y segunda toma después de la carrera de 30 km, de esta manera pudimos valorar si había o no variación de temperatura en las zonas seleccionadas. Tras el análisis de los datos obtenidos encontramos significativas variaciones térmicas en Talón, cabeza primer metatarsiano, cabeza segundo metatarsiano, cabeza tercer metatarsiano, cabeza cuarto metatarsiano, cabeza quinto metatarsiano, apófisis estiloides quinto metatarsiano, arco longitudinal interno, maléolo interno, maléolo externo, peroneo lateral largo, vasto interno, vasto externo, recto femoral, tensor de la fascia lata, inserción cuádriceps, gemelo interno, tendón de Aquiles y Biceps femoral.


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Explored the facial and cry characteristics that adults use when judging an infant's pain. Sixteen women viewed videotaped reactions of 36 newborns subjected to noninvasive thigh rubs and vitamin K injections in the course of routine care and rated discomfort. The group mean interrater reliability was high. Detailed descriptions of the infants' facial reactions and cry sounds permitted specification of the determinants of distress judgments. Several facial variables (a brow bulge, eyes squeezed shut, and deepened nasolabial fold constellation, and taut tongue) accounted for 49% of the variance in ratings of affective discomfort after controlling for ratings of discomfort during a noninvasive event. In a separate analysis not including facial activity, several cry variables (formant frequency, latency to cry) also accounted for variance (38%) in ratings. When the facial and cry variables were considered together, cry variables added little to the prediction of ratings in comparison to facial variables. Cry would seem to command attention, but facial activity, rather than cry, can account for the major variations in adults' judgments of neonatal pain.


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Evaluation of pain in neonates is difficult due to their limited means of communication. The aim was to determine whether behavioural reactions of cry and facial activity provoked by an invasive procedure could be discriminated from responses to non-invasive tactile events. Thirty-six healthy full-term infants (mean age 2.2 h) received 3 procedures in counterbalanced order: intramuscular injection, application of triple dye to the umbilical stub, and rubbing thigh with alcohol. Significant effects of procedure were found for total face activity and latency to face movement. A cluster of facial actions comprised of brow bulging, eyes squeezed shut, deepening of the naso-labial furrow and open mouth was associated most frequently with the invasive procedure. Comparisons between the 2 non-invasive procedures showed more facial activity to thigh swabbing and least to application of triple dye to the umbilical cord. Acoustic analysis of cry showed statistically significant differences across procedures only for latency to cry and cry duration for the group as a whole. However, babies who cried to two procedures showed higher pitch and greater intensity to the injection. There were no significant differences in melody, dysphonation, or jitter. Methodological difficulties for investigators in this area were examined, including criteria for the selection of cries for analysis, and the logical and statistical challenges of contrasting cries induced by different conditions when some babies do not always cry. It was concluded that facial expression, in combination with short latency to onset of cry and long duration of first cry cycle typifies reaction to acute invasive procedures.


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Musculoskeletal conditions are a common reason for consultation to General Practitioners (GPs)/family physicians in primary care. Osteochondromas are the most common benign bone tumours and usually occur in the metaphyseal region of long bones. Despite the distal femur being the commonest location to find these benign bone tumours, this is the first case report in the literature specifically describing vastus medialis muscle pain as the presenting symptom due to underlying bursa formation secondary to local pressure effects.

Twenty nine year old female of white British ethnic origin, presenting to a primary care clinic with a three year history of intermittent left distal medial thigh pain.

The benign bone tumour, femoral exostosis/osteochondroma, was diagnosed via Magnaetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and treated conservatively, with surgical excision an option if not resolving. GPs/family physicians need to be aware of this diagnosis and that femoral exostosis/osteochondroma can present to primary care physicians, particularly within the second decade of life.


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RESUMO - A dor, incómodo ou desconforto ao nível músculo-esquelético, sobretudo devido a situações e/ou postos de trabalho com elevadas exigências ao nível postural, de aplicação de força, de repetitividade ou por incorrecta distribuição das pausas, é aceite como um indicador de situações de risco passíveis de se encontrarem na génese de lesões músculo- -esqueléticas ligadas ao trabalho (LMELT) (Stuart-Buttle, 1994). No sentido de avaliar a prevalência de sintomas de LME, efectuou-se um estudo numa grande empresa da indústria de componentes para automóveis na região de Lisboa durante o ano de 2001. Utilizou-se um instrumento de recolha de informação construído a partir de uma adaptação do questionário nórdico músculo-esquelético (QNM) (Kuorinka et al., 1987). Com o apoio do serviço de saúde ocupacional da referida empresa, o questionário foi entregue a todos os trabalhadores, obtendo-se uma taxa de respondentes de 63,2% (n = 574). A população em estudo é maioritariamente do sexo feminino (83,9%), tem idades compreendidas entre os 18 e os 65 anos e a classe modal situa-se entre os 26 e os 33 anos (23,3%). Os resultados evidenciam uma alta prevalência de sintomatologia de LME e diferenças significativas de sintomas entre as categorias profissionais (1) operadores de máquina de costura, (2) trabalhadores dos armazéns e de transporte de mercadorias e (3) trabalhadores da logística, qualidade e escritórios. Os operadores apresentam índices superiores e diferentes (p < 0,05) de sintomatologia nos últimos doze meses ao nível da região cervical, ombros, cotovelos, ancas/coxas, pernas/joelhos e tornozelos/pés e nos punhos nos últimos sete dias. No presente estudo, a análise dos dados obtidos parece indicar que a natureza e as características da actividade de trabalho do grupo profissional operadores de máquina de costura (flexão cervical > 20°, trabalho muscular predominantemente estático ao nível da articulação dos ombros, elevação dos membros superiores > 45°, ortostatismo e exigências elevadas ao nível dos punhos/mãos) estão implicadas no desencadear da sintomatologia auto- -referida.


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We propose a new method, based on inertial sensors, to automatically measure at high frequency the durations of the main phases of ski jumping (i.e. take-off release, take-off, and early flight). The kinematics of the ski jumping movement were recorded by four inertial sensors, attached to the thigh and shank of junior athletes, for 40 jumps performed during indoor conditions and 36 jumps in field conditions. An algorithm was designed to detect temporal events from the recorded signals and to estimate the duration of each phase. These durations were evaluated against a reference camera-based motion capture system and by trainers conducting video observations. The precision for the take-off release and take-off durations (indoor < 39 ms, outdoor = 27 ms) can be considered technically valid for performance assessment. The errors for early flight duration (indoor = 22 ms, outdoor = 119 ms) were comparable to the trainers' variability and should be interpreted with caution. No significant changes in the error were noted between indoor and outdoor conditions, and individual jumping technique did not influence the error of take-off release and take-off. Therefore, the proposed system can provide valuable information for performance evaluation of ski jumpers during training sessions.


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Introduction: Coordination is a strategy chosen by the central nervous system to control the movements and maintain stability during gait. Coordinated multi-joint movements require a complex interaction between nervous outputs, biomechanical constraints, and pro-prioception. Quantitatively understanding and modeling gait coordination still remain a challenge. Surgeons lack a way to model and appreciate the coordination of patients before and after surgery of the lower limbs. Patients alter their gait patterns and their kinematic synergies when they walk faster or slower than normal speed to maintain their stability and minimize the energy cost of locomotion. The goal of this study was to provide a dynamical system approach to quantitatively describe human gait coordination and apply it to patients before and after total knee arthroplasty. Methods: A new method of quantitative analysis of interjoint coordination during gait was designed, providing a general model to capture the whole dynamics and showing the kinematic synergies at various walking speeds. The proposed model imposed a relationship among lower limb joint angles (hips and knees) to parameterize the dynamics of locomotion of each individual. An integration of different analysis tools such as Harmonic analysis, Principal Component Analysis, and Artificial Neural Network helped overcome high-dimensionality, temporal dependence, and non-linear relationships of the gait patterns. Ten patients were studied using an ambulatory gait device (Physilog®). Each participant was asked to perform two walking trials of 30m long at 3 different speeds and to complete an EQ-5D questionnaire, a WOMAC and Knee Society Score. Lower limbs rotations were measured by four miniature angular rate sensors mounted respectively, on each shank and thigh. The outcomes of the eight patients undergoing total knee arthroplasty, recorded pre-operatively and post-operatively at 6 weeks, 3 months, 6 months and 1 year were compared to 2 age-matched healthy subjects. Results: The new method provided coordination scores at various walking speeds, ranged between 0 and 10. It determined the overall coordination of the lower limbs as well as the contribution of each joint to the total coordination. The difference between the pre-operative and post-operative coordination values were correlated with the improvements of the subjective outcome scores. Although the study group was small, the results showed a new way to objectively quantify gait coordination of patients undergoing total knee arthroplasty, using only portable body-fixed sensors. Conclusion: A new method for objective gait coordination analysis has been developed with very encouraging results regarding the objective outcome of lower limb surgery.


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Critical illness is characterised by nutritional and metabolic disorders, resulting in increased muscle catabolism, fat-free mass loss, and hyperglycaemia. The objective of the nutritional support is to limit fat-free mass loss, which has negative consequences on clinical outcome and recovery. Early enteral nutrition is recommended by current guidelines as the first choice feeding route in ICU patients. However, enteral nutrition alone is frequently associated with insufficient coverage of the energy requirements, and subsequently energy deficit is correlated to worsened clinical outcome. Controlled trials have demonstrated that, in case of failure or contraindications to full enteral nutrition, parenteral nutrition administration on top of insufficient enteral nutrition within the first four days after admission could improve the clinical outcome, and may attenuate fat-free mass loss. Parenteral nutrition is cautious if all-in-one solutions are used, glycaemia controlled, and overnutrition avoided. Conversely, the systematic use of parenteral nutrition in the ICU patients without clear indication is not recommended during the first 48 hours. Specific methods, such as thigh ultra-sound imaging, 3rd lumbar vertebra-targeted computerised tomography and bioimpedance electrical analysis, may be helpful in the future to monitor fat-free mass during the ICU stay. Clinical studies are warranted to demonstrate whether an optimal nutritional management during the ICU stay promotes muscle mass and function, the recovery after critical illness and reduces the overall costs.