993 resultados para The Taming of the Shrew


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"Index to the most striking passages and beauties of Shakespeare": v. 15, p. [283]-314.


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v. 1. Some account of the life, &c. of William Shakespeare / Nicholas Rowe. Dr. Johnson's preface. Farmer's essay on Shakespeare. The tempest. Two gentlemen of Verona.--v. 2. Midsummer-night's dream. Merry wives of Windsor. Twelfth night. Much ado about nothing.--v. 3. Measure for measure. Love's labour's lost. Merchant of Venice.--v. 4. As you like it. All's well that ends well. Taming of the shrew.--v. 5. Winter's tale. Macbeth. King John.--v. 6. King Richard II. King Henry IV, Parts I and II.--v. 7. King Henry V. King Henry VI, Parts I and II.--v. 8 King Henry VI, Part III. King Richard III. King Henry VIII.--v. 9. Troilus and Cressida. Coriolanus. Julius Caesar.--v. 10. Antony and Cleopatra. King Lear. Hamlet.--v. 11. Cymbeline. Timon of Athens. Othello.--v. 12. Romeo and Juliet. Comedy of errors. Titus Andronicus. Pericles.


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v. 1. The tempest. The midsummer-night's dream. The two gentlemen of Verona. Merry wives of Windsor. Measure for measure. Much ado about nothing.--v. 2. The merchant of Venice. Love's labour's lost. As you like it. Taming the shrew. All's well that ends well. Twelfthnight; or, What you will.--v. 3. Comedy of errors. Winter's tale. King John. King Richard II. 1st part of K. Henry IV. 2d part of K. Henry IV.--v. 4. K. Henry V. 1st part of K. Henry VI. 2d part of K. Henry VI. 3d part of K. Henry VI. K. Richard III.--v. 5. K. Henry VIII. K. Lear. Macbeth. Timon of Athens. Titus Andronicus.--v. 6. Coriolanus Julius Cæsar. Antomy and Cleopatra. Cymbeline.--v. 7. Troilus and Cressida. Romeo and Juliet. Hamlet, Prince of Denmark. Othello. A table of the several editions of Shakespeare's plays, collected by the editor (p. [495]-[503])


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Edited by Oliver W. B. Peabody; based on Singer's edition, "carefully compared" with the folio of 1623; with the life by Dr. Symmons, revised, and "New facts" by Collier. The first critical American edition. cf. Preface and J. Sherzer, American editions of Shakespeare (Modern lang. assoc. Publ., v. 22, pp. 658-659)


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v. 1. Life, etc. The tempest. The two gentlemen of Verona. The merry wives of Windsor. Measure for measure.--v. 2. The comedy of errors. Much ado about nothing. Love's labour's lost. A midsummer night's dream. The merchant of Venice.--v. 3. As you like it. The taming of the shrew. All's well that ends well. Twelfth-night. The winter's tale.--v. 4. King John. King Richard II. King Henry IV. Pts. I-II. King Henry V.--v. 5. King Henry VI. Pts. I-III. King Richard III. King Henry VIII.--v. 6. Triolus and Cressida. Coriolanus. Titus Andronicus. Romeo and Juliet. Timon of Athens. Julius Caesar.--v. 7. Macbeth. Hamlet. King Lear. Othello. Antony and Cleopatra. Cymbeline.--v. 8. Pericles. The two noble kinsmen. Venus and Adonis. Lucrece. Sonnets. A lover's complaint. The passionate pilgrim. The phoenix and turtle.--v. 9. Glossary.


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"The text ... from MacBeth [v. 31] onwards has been edited by Mr. Walter Raleigh" note in v. 38.


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Added title-pages, engraved (with vignette) : The plays of William Shakspeare, illustrated with engravings by George B. Ellis, from the designs of R. Smirk, R. A.


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At head of title: The Dr. Johnson edition.


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Small mammals were sampled in two natural habitats (montane stunted evergreen forests and montane grassland) and four anthropogenic habitats (tea, wattle, bluegum and pine plantation) in the Upper Nilgiris in southern India. Of the species trapped, eight were in montane evergreen forests and three were in other habitats. Habitat discrimination was studied in the rodents Rattus rattus and Mus famulus and the shrew Suncus montanus in the montane forest habitat. Multivariate tests on five variables (canopy cover, midstorey density, ground cover, tree density, canopy height) showed that R. rattus uses areas of higher tree density and lower canopy cover. Suncus montanus and M. famulus use habitat with higher tree density and ground cover and lower canopy height. Multivariate tests did not discriminate habitat use between the species. Univariate tests, however, showed that M. famulus uses areas of higher tree density than R. rattus and S. montanus. Rattus rattus was the dominant species in the montane forest, comprising 60.9% of total density, while the rodent Millardia meltada was the dominant species in the grassland. Studies of spatial interaction between these two species in habitats where they coexisted showed neither overlap nor avoidance between the species. Rattus rattus, however, did use areas of lower ground cover than did M. meltada. The analysis of spatial interactions between the species, habitat discrimination and use, and the removal experiments suggest that interspecific competition may not be a strong force in structuring these small mammal communities. There are distinct patterns in the use of different habitats by some species, but microhabitat selection and segregation is weak. Other factors such as intraspecific competition may play a more important role in these communities.


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T.p. in green and black; illustrated lining papers.


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"Five hundred copies. Copy no. 18 printed for Wm. C. Habberley."


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Vols. 2-10 have title: The works of Shakespeare. An added t.p. with this title appears also in v. 1, following the "Table of his editions."


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Prefatory note signed: Q. D.


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v. 1. Portia; the heiress of Belmont. The thane's daughter. Helena, the physician's orphan. Desdemona, the magnifico's child. Meg and Alice: the merry wives of Windsor.--v. 2. Isabella, the votaress. Katharina and Bianca; the shrew and the demure. Ophelia; the rose of Elsinore. Rosalind and Celia; the friends. Juliet; the white dove of Verona.