93 resultados para Testicles
Estudamos o comportamento da artéria testicular e seus ramos, bem como o número e distribuição dos vasos penetrantes, em 30 pares de testículos de eqüinos da raça Puro-Sangue Inglês, adultos, mediante análise de esquemas de modelos obtidos pela corrosão após injeção de acetato de vinil. Verificamos que a artéria testicular apresenta 5 diferentes tipos de arranjos vasculares, isto é: a artéria testicular emite número variável de ramos, de 2 a 10 ramos mediais e de 3 a 11 ramos laterais (35 vezes - 58,4%); ou cede de 3 a 8 ramos adicionais e ao nível da metade de seu percurso, na borda livre do órgão, divide-se em um ramo medial e outro lateral (12 vezes - 20,0%); ou divide a irrigação do órgão com ramos denominados de complementares, 1 ramo (6 vezes - 10,0%) e 3 ramos (1 vez - 1,6%); ou ainda fornece os ramos medial e lateral, com predominância do lateral (3 vezes - 5,0%) ou do medial (3 vezes - 5,0%). Quanto à distribuição dos vasos penetrantes nos diferentes quadrantes, observamos que em mediana, por ordem, os testículos direitos apresentam o maior número de vasos penetrantes no quadrante craniomedial (13,0), seguido pelos quadrantes craniolateral (10,5), caudolateral (7,0) e caudomedial (6,5). Nos testículos esquerdos, também o quadrante craniomedial mostra o maior número de vasos penetrantes (12,5), seguido pelos quadrantes craniolateral (10,0), e com equivalência os quadrantes caudomedial e caudolateral (7,0). Anastomoses (8 vezes - 13,3%) foram localizadas todas na face ventral do órgão. Comparando o número de vasos penetrantes dos testículos direitos e esquerdos, verificamos que não existem diferenças estatisticamente significativas nos eqüinos da raça Puro-Sangue Inglês.
Técnicas de biópsia, caracterizadas pela remoção de segmentos de órgãos e tecidos para análise histopatológica, não são indicadas no auxílio diagnóstico de alterações testiculares para animais ameaçados de extinção, por não serem totalmente isentas de riscos. Neste sentido, é de grande interesse que se desenvolvam técnicas de biópsia testicular cada vez mais seguras e com o mínimo de conseqüências negativas. Com este intuito três onças pintadas (Panthera onca) foram submetidas a exames de Citologia Aspirativa por Agulha Fina (CAAF). Amostras foram obtidas através da punção aspirativa dos testículos, esfregaços foram confeccionados, corados com Panótico e analisados sob Microscopia Óptica. Simultaneamente foram realizadas coletas de sêmen para avaliação do volume, pH, concentração, motilidade, vigor e morfologia espermáticas. Quanto à avaliação espermática, os animais apresentaram valores semelhantes aos encontrados na literatura quanto ao volume, pH, motilidade, vigor e morfologia espermáticas. Quanto a concentração espermática os animais apresentaram valores abaixo dos encontrados na literatura. Nos exames de CAAF, todas as gerações de células germinativas foram identificadas, indicando espermatogênese normal em todos os animais, com exceção das espermátides finais duplas que ainda não foram relatadas como achados em punções testiculares de outras espécies, o que vem confirmar a elevada porcentagem de células teratológicas encontradas nesses animais. Desta forma, podemos concluir que a CAAF testicular é um método diagnóstico auxiliar importante na detecção de alterações testiculares em casos de sub ou infertilidade, podendo ser utilizados na rotina de investigação do trato reprodutivo masculino, quando o exame histopatológico, por ser um método altamente invasivo, é desaconselhável.
Aiming to determine the relationship between the frequency of testicular shape and the andrological aspects in young Nellore bulls, 18,676 animals were assessed. All andrological examinations were performed between the years 2000 and 2008. Animals were classified as able for breeding, able for breeding in natural mating system, unable for breeding and discarded. The testicular shape was classified as long, fairly long, oval-long, spherical-oval, and spherical. The analysis of Pearson correlations was performed for testicular shape with scrotal circumference, testicular volume, progressive motility, sperm vigor, major defects, minor defects and total defects. Testicles with oval shape prevailed (99.61%). It was obseved that 76.34; 66.34; 64.34; 58.33 and 50.00% of the animals were classified as sound for breeding for shapes long, fairly long, oval-long, spherical-oval, and spherical, respectively. Correlations between testicular shape with scrotal circumference, testicular volume, progressive motility, sperm vigor, major, minor and total defects were 0.26; 0.08; 0.00; 0.11; -0.02; 0.02 and -0.01, respectively. Testicular shape had no influence upon the andrological examination results. Testicles of long shape were prevalent within the population.
Extracellular matrix protein laminin binds specifically to yeast forms of Paracoccidioides brasiliensis and enhances adhesion of the fungus to the surface of epithelial Madin-Darby canine kidney cells in vitro. Immunoblotting of fungal extracts showed that the gp43 glycoprotein is responsible for adhesion. This was confirmed by binding assays using purified gp43, with a K-d of 3.7 nM. The coating of P. brasiliensis yeast forms with laminin before injection into hamster testicles enhanced the fungus virulence, resulting in a faster and more severe granulomatous disease. These results indicate that interaction of fungi with extracellular matrix elements may constitute a basis for the evolution of fungal infection toward regional spreading and dissemination.
The objective of this work was to caracterize the morphological characterization of the development stages of male reproduction apparel of bullfrog Rana catesbeiana from intensive Anfigranja system. During the period of one year, 657 bullfrog males were removed from regrowing and reproduction sections in Anfigranja system to study basic aspects of the reproduction of this specie. The collections were realized monthly and, in that occasion, the body and testicles weights for each animal were recorded and their macroscopic gonadal characteristics, registred. Testicles from 274 males were removed and histologically analyzed. From the macro and microscopic gonadal characteristics, analysis set of the testicles, five stages of gonadal maturation for the male of Rana catesbeiana were determined: juvenile, beginning of maturation, intermediate maturation, advanced maturation and spent.
The reproductive cycle in anurans may be either continuous or discontinuous. These differences may be connected to seasonal climate changes and/or to anthropic activity. Forty adult male individuals of the Dendropsophus minutus species were collected during one year, in the municipality of Chapada dos Guimaraes (Mato Grosso, Brazil). The testicles were studied under light and transmission electron microscopy. No variations were observed when the diameter of the seminiferous tubules and the thickness of the interstitial tissue were studied. However, changes in spermatogenesis were conspicuous and indicated that the reproductive cycle of D. minutus in Chapada dos Guimaraes is discontinuous and seems related to variations in air temperature and rainfall.
Testicles of 30 mongrel cats were analyzed histologically and morphometrically, divided into three groups: G1 (1-2 years old), G2 (over 2 and up to 4 years old) and G3 (over 4 and up to 6 years old). After orchiectomy and histopathology, the morphometric parameters studied were: thickness of the tunica albuginea (72 mu m) and seminiferous epithelium (77.19 mu m), perimeter (53.81; 90.57 mu m), (54.80; 101.07 mu m); area (174.23; 494.55 mu m(2)), (176.68; 629.70 mu m(2)); maximum diameter (14.94; 28.02 mu m), (14.76; 31.66 mu m); minimum diameter (13.25; 21.92 mu m), (13.30; 24.52 mu m); and shape factor (index for regularity of the format) (1.36; 1.36), (1.39; 1.35) of the nucleus and cytoplasm of spermatogonia and Leydig cells, respectively. The results can be used for comparative studies and contribute knowledge concerning the height of the seminiferous epithelium, thickness of the tunica albuginea and size of spermatogonia and Leydig cells.
Aspects of spermatogenesis and nucleolar behavior were analyzed in Brachymetra albinerva, Cylindrostethus palmaris, Halobatopsis platensis, Limnogonus aduncus (Gerridae), Martarega sp (Notonectidae), Rhagovelia whitei, and Rhagovelia sp (Veliidae). The testicles are rounded (Veliidae), elongated (Gerridae) or spiral (Notonectidae) and have a transparent membrane covering them. The complement chromosome was 2n = 23 (22A + X0, L. aduncus and Rhagovelia sp), 25 (24A + X0, B. albinerva and H. platensis), 26 (22A + 2m + XY, Martarega sp), 29 (28A + X0, C. palmaris), or 39 (38A + X0, R. whitei) chromosomes, and the only species with a different sex chromosome system was Martarega sp, which showed an XY system and m-chromosomes. The meiotic behavior of all species was similar: holocentric chromosomes and heteropyknotic material at prophase, interstitial and/or terminal chiasmata, and first reductional division for the autosomes and the reverse for the sex chromosomes. The only difference observed was related to the very large size of Martarega sp cells in all stages of spermatogenesis. With regard to nucleolar behavior, the species did not show differences, except for Martarega sp with larger nucleoli than the other species. The only species in which it was clearly possible to identify the nucleolar organizer region was L. aduncus, in the region of a terminal autosome. It was also confirmed that the telomeric associations do not occur at random. In the other species, specific staining was very discrete, and the nucleolar organizer region location was not at all evident.
The purpose of this study was to examine in rats the histologic alterations of the submandibular glands and testicles induced by soy diets and zinc deficient diet. The zinc deficiency produced testicles alterations including seminiferous tubulus atrophy, germinative epithelium degeneration, spermatogenesis alterations and a significant atrophy of the submandibular glands which presented no much delimitated acines. The soy diet without complementations also compromised the spermatogenesis by showing seminiferous tubulus atrophied and a reduction of the germinative epithelium. The soy diet complemented by saline and vitaminic mixtures didn't produced testicles alterations but its induced in the submandibular glands a hypertrophy of the ductal component mainly in relation to the granular component.
Sequelae due to testicular biopsy such as hemorrhage, adhesion and fibrosis may be limiting factors to the use of this surgical procedure. Fibrin glue (FG) derived from snake venom was used to minimize these sequelae, as well as to evaluate its healing property in tunica vaginalis and scrotal skin of rams. Applicability of fibrin glue derived from snake venom was tested in different tissues of other animals such as in sciatic nerve and colon of rats and skin of rabbits. In the present study, 30 healthy adult rams were used. They were divided into 3 groups of 10 animals each as follows: G1: fibrin glue group (application of fibrin glue on puncture sites and skin incisions after bilateral testicular biopsy with a Tru-Cut needle); G2: swab/nylon group (hemostasis by compression with a swab on puncture sites and skin suturing with nylon after biopsy) and G3: control group (the animals were not subjected either to biopsy or to surgery). On the 20th day after biopsy, the presence of adhesion strands between the sites of skin incision and testicle was evaluated by palpation Adhesion strands were found in three testicles (15%) in G1 and in two testicles (10%) in G2. One hundred days after biopsy, orchiectomy was carried out and the material collected was assessed for subcutaneous (SC) and/or tunica vaginalis adhesions. G3 did not present any abnormality. Groups G1 and G2 presented four testicles each (20%) with adhesion between the tunics at biopsy site. On the other hand, subcutaneous adhesions were found once (5%) in G1 and three times (15%) in G2. Fibrin glue showed to be of easy application, required short postoperative monitoring, presented fast and good-quality healing property and tended to reduce formation of subcutaneous adhesion.
Triatomines are of great concern in public health because they are vectors of Chagas' disease. This study presents an analysis of the species Triatoma melanosoma. The cytogenetic characteristics of triatomines include holocentric chromosomes, post-reductional meiosis in the sex chromosomes and nucleolar fragmentation in the meiotic cycle. The methodology utilized consisted of the techniques of lacto-acetic orcein staining and silver ion impregnation. The organs analyzed were adult testicles. The results enabled to classify the chromosomes by number and size, being three large, eight medium and one small heterochromosome. The three largest chromosomes and the heterochromosomes showed heteropyknotic chromatin in meiosis. The heterochromosomes in 8.05% of the cells in metaphase I behaved as pseudobivalents, contrasting with 91.95% of the cells with individualized sex chromosomes, confirming the achiasmatic nature of these chromosomes. However, the pseudobivalents occurred prominently in metaphase II (78.38%), this fact probably is related to the post-reductional nature of the sex chromosomes. The nucleolus in T. melanosoma persisted until the diplotene phase after which it began to fragment. Nucleolar corpuscles were observed in metaphases I and II and during anaphases I and II, these characteristics being related to the phenomenon of nucleolar persistence. In the initial spermatids, peripheral silver ion impregnation occurred, which could be analogous to the pre-nucleolar corpuscles observed after fragmentation. Thus, this study extends our knowledge of the characteristics of triatomines, in particular, heteropyknotic degree, kinetic activity, formation of sex chromosome achiasmatic pseudobivalency, confirmation of the fragmentation phenomenon, and post-meiotic nucleolar reactivation. ©FUNPEC-RP.
The ovine brucellosis caused by Brucella ovis has tropism for reproductive tissues but until now the mechanism of bacterial persistence is not understood. Cytokine expression profiles were studied for 8 months in rams after being experimentally infected with the rough virulent strain of B. ovis (R- B. ovis) to study the pathogenesis of B. ovis and immune mechanism possibly associated to bacteria tropism and persistence. The messenger RNA (mRNA) expression levels of interleukin-1α (IL-1α), IL-1β, IL-6, IL-10, IL-12, interferon-γ (INF-γ) and tumour necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) cytokines were quantified by real-time quantitative RT-PCR (qRT-PCR) in reproductive tissues (epididymus, testicles, ampolae, vesicular glands and bulbourethral glands), and non-reproductive (liver, spleen and kidneys) tissues at 30, 60, 120 and 240 days post infection (dpi). During the acute phase of infection at 30. dpi, the host immune response was most notable demonstrating an up-regulation of several cytokines in reproductive tissues, including the epididymus (IL-6, IL-1β and IL-1α), testicles (INF-γ and IL-12), bulbourethral glands (IL-6 and TNF-α) and ampolae (INF-γ, IL-10, IL-1β and IL-1α). During the development of infection, cytokine gene expression levels decreased, providing evidence of immunosuppression and evidence of immune evasion that favoured persistence of chronic R- B. ovis infection. During the chronic phase of R- B. ovis infection (120 and 240. dpi), cytokine production was down-regulated in the epididymus (IL-1β and IL-1α), testicles (INF-γ and IL-12), and ampolae (INF-γ, IL-10, IL-1β and IL-1α), with the exception of the bulbourethral glands (IL-6 and TNF-α) and epididymus (IL-6); in these tissues, R- B. ovis infection resulted in up-regulation of the pro-inflammatory cytokine IL-6. Herein, we report cytokine expression profiles in tissues of rams experimentally infected with the rough strain of B. ovis, which are associated with bacterial persistence and macrophage activation. © 2012 Elsevier B.V.
This study evaluated whether pentoxifylline (PTX) present in the flushing extender influenced the function of equine epididymal spermatozoa after recovery and after thawing. For this experiment, 58 testicles from 29 Brazilian Jumping Horses were used. Cauda epididymides of each stallion were separated and flushed with a skim milk extender, with or without 7.18 mM PTX and then subjected to the freezing process. Samples flushed with the extender containing PTX showed a significant increase in total motility, progressive motility, straight line velocity, curvilinear velocity, and percentage of rapid sperm immediately after the recovery of epididymal sperm and after 15 minutes of incubation at 37°C (P < .05). However, the presence of PTX in the flushing extender did not affect the post-thaw motility parameters or plasma membrane integrity (P > .05). The results of this study showed that the PTX present in the flushing extender improved motility parameters of recently recovered epididymal sperm and had no deleterious effects on plasma membrane integrity and freezability of equine epididymal sperm. © 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)