62 resultados para Termitidae


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Constrictotermes cyphergaster builds arboreal nests in Cerrado sensu stricto of Brazil; inquiline termites and termitophiles frequently inhabit their nests. Measurements of the nests and the support trees (nest width and diameter; tree trunk circumference and inclination), colony size of C. cyphergaster and of Inquilinitermes and number of termitophiles were studied at the Parque Estadual da Serra de Caldas Novas. These variables were subjected to a Principal Component Analysis, producing four principal components. The first principal component refers to a multidimensional axis of nest size, encompassing variables related to nest and colony size, such as abundance per caste of C. cyphergaster and I. microcerus, number of termitophile species and the measurements of the nest. The number of soldiers and workers of C. cyphergaster and soldiers of Inquilinitermes increased proportionally to the axis of nest size, while the number of Inquilinitermes workers increased more quickly then the increase in the nest size. Both Inquilinitermes occurred mainly in larger nests. Almost half of the nests (47,5%) were inhabited by I. microcerus and 10% by I. fur.


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Suicidal altruism has been reported for some species of eusocial insects, in which the individual dies in defense of the society. The termites of the genus Ruptitermes are known for the suicidal behavior of the workers which liberate a sticky defensive secretion by body bursting. In the present paper it is given a new interpretation of the defense glands of Neotropical Ruptitermes based on the morphological analysis of three species collected at Rio Claro, SP, Brazil. Before the current study, the suicidal defensive behavior was attributed to the dehiscence of the salivary gland reservoirs. The defense or dehiscent glands of Neotropical Ruptitermes are pair structures rounded in shape that are independent of the salivary glands. The dehiscent glands consist of multiple secretory units that are kept together by thin connective tissue. Each secretory unit is composed of one cell generally with one peripheral nucleus and characteristic secretion. The three species studied here present some histological differences in the secretory units, probably related to the chemical composition of the secretion.


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Procornitermes araujoi is a mandibulate termite of the Nasutitermitinae subfamily that builds mounds in savannas of the Central and Southeastern regions of Brazil. This paper reports the occurrence of three imaginai queens in the same nest of this termite located in Rio Claro, (SP), Brazil. The associated queens were similar in size, degree of physogastry, and pigmentation. The king was not found. The polygyny and nest architecture of P. araujoi are discussed.


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Pós-graduação em Ciências Biológicas (Biologia Celular e Molecular) - IBRC


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Os Isoptera são insetos sociais cujas colônias apresentam diversas castas, as quais têm um rígido sistema de divisão de trabalho que visa otimizar a eficiência da colônia. Estas castas apresentam morfologia específica, que capacita estes indivíduos a desenvolverem determinadas tarefas com eficiência. Os cupins apresentam aparelho bucal mastigador, constituído pelas seguintes peças bucais: labro, mandíbulas, maxilas, lábio, epifaringe e hipofaringe. Sua dieta alimentar é celulósica e bastante variada, sendo que estes insetos podem se alimentar de madeira (em vários estágios de decomposição), gramíneas, plantas herbáceas, serapilheira, fungos, líquens, partes de artrópodes e húmus. O estudo desse tipo de dieta é muito difícil, uma vez que o material já se encontra bastante decomposto antes de ser ingerido pelo animal. Cornitermes cumulans é uma espécie de cupim nativa do Cerrado brasileiro, pertencente à família Termitidae, subfamília Syntermitinae, que constrói ninhos em montículos, ricos em argila, que podem atingir até 4 metros de altura. Na parte interna dos ninhos, pode-se observar galerias grandes e de aspecto arredondado e um centro celulósico de coloração escura, de textura lisa e pouco resistente, onde os cupins armazenam um alimento, que parece ser previamente mastigado e depois regurgitado. Mesmo com a grande ocorrência desta espécie de cupim nas áreas de pastagens, seus verdadeiros hábitos alimentares são ainda pouco conhecidos. As informações disponíveis são contraditórias, uma vez que não está esclarecido a qual grupo funcional C. cumulans pertence e se existe realmente uma alimentação “in situ” desta espécie no campo. Em vista do exposto, este estudo teve como objetivo geral esclarecer o hábito alimentar de C. cumulans e a natureza química do alimento armazenado no ninho para compará-lo com o alimento coletado pelos... (resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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Foraging behavior in termites varies with the feeding habits of each species but often occurs through the formation of well-defined trails that connect the nest to food sources in species that build structured nests. We studied the formation of foraging trails and the change in caste ratio during foraging in the termite Velocitermes heteropterus. This species is widespread in Cerrado vegetation where it builds epigeal nests and forages in open-air at night. Our aim was to understand the processes involved in the formation of foraging trails, from the exploration of new unmarked areas to the recruitment of individuals to food and the stabilization of traffic on the trails, as well as the participation of the different castes during these processes. Foraging trails were videotaped in the laboratory and the videos were then analyzed both manually and automatically to assess the flow of individuals and the caste ratio on the trails as well as to examine the spatial organization of traffic over time. Foraging trails were composed of minor workers, major workers, and soldiers. The flow of individuals on the trails gradually increased from the beginning of the exploration of new areas up to the discovery of the food. The caste ratio remained constant throughout the foraging excursion: major workers, minor workers and soldiers forage in a ratio of 8:1:1, respectively. The speed of individuals was significantly different among castes, with major workers and soldiers being significantly faster than minor workers. Overall, our results show that foraging excursions in V. heteropterus may be divided in three different phases, characterized by individual speeds, differential flows and lane segregation.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnologico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Forty-four cuticular hydrocarbon components from workers of the termites Nasutitermes corniger (Motschulsky) and N. ephratae (Holmgren) from three localities in Panama were characterized by capillary gas chromatography-electron impact mass spectrometry. Both species contain qualitatively identical homologous series of n-alkanes; 2-, 3-, 11-,13-,14-, and 15-methylalkanes; 11,15-, 12,16-, and 13,17-dimethylalkanes; and 11,15,19- and 13, 17,21-trimethylalkanes. Both species also contain a single alkene, 9-hentriacontene. The two species, however, are readily distinguished chemically by differences among the relative abundances of 11 of their major hydrocarbon components.


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An identification key based on characters of the soldier caste is provided for species of Angularitermes. Soldiers of previously described species in the genus, A. clypeatus, A. nasutissimus, A. orestes, A. pinocchio and A. tiguassu, are illustrated along with a new species, Angularitermes coninasus, n. sp., that is described and illustrated from soldier and worker castes. Samples of the new species were collected from epigeal nests at the Brazilian Amazon rainforest. The soldier of A. coninasus, n. sp. is distinguished from its congeners by having a short conical frontal tube, much wider at its base.