973 resultados para Teoría causal
A sensitive, specific polymerase chain reaction-based assay was developed for the detection of the causal agent of ratoon stunting disease of sugarcane, Clavibacter xyli subsp. xyli. This assay uses oligonucleotide primers derived from the internal transcribed spacer region between the 16S and 23S rRNA genes of the bacterial rRNA operon. The assay is specific for C. xyli subsp. xyli and does not produce an amplification product from the template of the closely related bacterium C. xyli subsp. cynodontis, nor from other bacterial species. The assay was successfully applied to the detection of C. xyli subsp. xyli in fibrovascular fluid extracted from sugarcane and was sensitive to approximately 22 cells per PCR assay. A multiplex PCR test was also developed which identified and differentiated C. xyli subsp. xyli and C. xyli subsp. cynodontis in a single PCR assay.
Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), characterized by restless, inattentive and hyperactive behaviours, is a relatively common childhood disorder that affects approximately 5% of the general population. There has been controversy about whether ADHD increases risks of developing substance use disorders. The available evidence suggests that, in the absence of conduct disorder, ADHD is not associated with an increased risk of substance use problems in males. There is only limited evidence on the role of ADHD in the aetiology of substance use disorders among females. While ADHD has traditionally been considered as a childhood disorder, it may also occur in adults; research needs to examine the extent to which ADHD in adulthood increases the risk of substance use disorders.
According to Hugh Mellor in Real Time II (1998, Ch. 12), assuming the logical independence of causal facts and the 'law of large numbers', causal loops are impossible because if they were possible they would produce inconsistent sets of frequencies. I clarify the argument, and argue that it would be preferable to abandon the relevant independence assumption in the case of causal loops.
Obesity affects aspects of glucose homeostasis such as insulin secretion and insulin sensitivity. Hormones secreted by adipocytes like leptin mediate the metabolic consequences of obesity. Incretin hormones like glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) increase insulin secretion in response to changes in blood glucose concentration and have been proposed to regulate insulin secretion in fasting, overweight dogs. The aim of this study was to examine hormonal mechanisms by which adiposity alters glucose homeostasis, plasma insulin concentration, and insulin sensitivity in spontaneously overweight dogs.
Background: Vitamin D-resistant rickets type-IIA (VDRR-IIA) is a rare, congenital, metabolic disorder characterized by hypocalcemia, rickets, and alopecia. There are reports correlating calcium-metabolic disorders with basal ganglia calcification (BGC) and neuropsychiatric symptoms. Objective: The authors document and discuss the relationships of these phenomena. Method: The authors describe a patient born with VDRR-IIA who subsequently developed BGC at age 15, and catatonic symptoms of progressive severity at age 16. Results: There appeared to be a positive correlation between the severity of BGC and neuropsychiatric symptoms. Discussion: This is the first time VDRR-IIA, BGC, and catatonia have been reported in a patient, and the authors discuss the relationship among the conditions. (Psychosomatics 2009; 50: 420-424)
We examine constraints on quantum operations imposed by relativistic causality. A bipartite superoperator is said to be localizable if it can be implemented by two parties (Alice and Bob) who share entanglement but do not communicate, it is causal if the superoperator does not convey information from Alice to Bob or from Bob to Alice. We characterize the general structure of causal complete-measurement superoperators, and exhibit examples that are causal but not localizable. We construct another class of causal bipartite superoperators that are not localizable by invoking bounds on the strength of correlations among the parts of a quantum system. A bipartite superoperator is said to be semilocalizable if it can be implemented with one-way quantum communication from Alice to Bob, and it is semicausal if it conveys no information from Bob to Alice. We show that all semicausal complete-measurement superoperators are semi localizable, and we establish a general criterion for semicausality. In the multipartite case, we observe that a measurement superoperator that projects onto the eigenspaces of a stabilizer code is localizable.
Previous studies have shown that a negative relationship exists between transpiration efficiency (TE) and carbon isotope discrimination (Delta) and between TE and specific leaf area (SLA) in Stylosanthes scabra, A glasshouse experiment was conducted to confirm these relationships in an F-2 population and to study the causal nature of these relationships through quantitative trait loci (QTL) analysis, One hundred and twenty F-2 genotypes from a cross between two genotypes within S. scabra were used. Three replications for each genotype were maintained through vegetative propagation, Water stress was imposed by maintaining plants at 40% of field capacity for about 45 d. To facilitate QTL analysis, a genetic linkage map consisting of 151 RAPD markers was developed, Results from this study show that Delta was significantly and negatively correlated with TE and biomass production. Similarly, SLA showed significant negative correlation with TE and biomass production, Most of the QTL for TE and Delta were present on linkage groups 5 and 11. Similarly, QTL for SLA, transpiration and biomass productivity traits were clustered on linkage groups 13 and 24, One unlinked marker was also associated with these traits, There were several markers coincident between different traits, At all the coincident QTL, the direction of QTL effects was consistent with phenotypic data, At the coincident markers between TE and Delta, high alleles of TE were associated with low alleles of Delta. Similarly, low alleles of SLA were associated with high alleles of biomass productivity traits and transpiration. At the coincident markers between trans-4-hydroxy-N-methyl proline (MHP) and relative water content (RWC), low alleles of MHP were associated with high alleles of RWC, This study suggests the causal nature of the relationship between TE and Delta. Phenotypic data and QTL, data show that SLA was more closely associated with biomass production than with TE, This study also shows that a cause-effect relationship may exist between SLA and biomass production.
Conditions have been developed for genetic transformation and insertional mutagenesis in Leifsonia xyli subsp. xyli (Lxx), the causal organism of ratoon stunting disease (RSD), one of the most damaging and intractable diseases of sugarcane internationally. Transformation frequencies ranged from 1 to 10 colony forming units (CFU)/mug of plasmid DNA using Clavibacter/Escherichia coli shuttle vectors pCG188, pDM302, and pDM306 and ranged from 50 to 500 CFU/mug using cosmid cloning vectors pLAFR3 and pLAFR5-km. The transformation/transposition frequency was 0 to 70 CFU/mug of DNA, using suicide vectors pUCD623 and pSLTP2021 containing transposable elements Tn4431 and Tn5, respectively. It was necessary to grow Lxx in media containing 0.1% glycine for electroporation and to amplify large plasmids in a dam(-)/dcm(-) E. coli strain and purify the DNA by anion exchange. To keep selection pressure at an optimum, the transformants were grown on nitrocellulose filters (0.2-mum pore size) on media containing the appropriate antibiotics. Transposon Tn4431 containing a promoterless lux operon from Vibrio fischeri and a tetracycline-resistance gene was introduced on the suicide vector pUCD623. All but 1% of the putative transposon mutants produce light, indicating transposition into functional Lxx genes. Southern blot analysis of these transformants indicates predominantly single transposon insertions at unique sites. The cosmid cloning vector pLAFR5-km was stably maintained in Lxx. The development of a transformation and transposon mutagenesis system opens the way for molecular analysis of pathogenicity determinants in Lxx.
Background: For research on physical activity interventions to progress systematically, the mechanisms of action must be studied. In doing so, the research methods and their associated concepts and terminology become more complex. It is particularly important to clearly distinguish among determinants, correlates, mediators, moderators, and confounder variables used in physical activity research. This article examines the factors that are correlated with and that may have a causal relationship to physical activity. Methods and Results: We propose that the term correlate be used, instead of determinant, to describe statistical associations or correlations between measured variables and physical activity. Studies of the correlates of physical activity are reviewed. The findings of these studies can help to critique existing theories of health behavior change and can provide hypotheses to be tested in intervention studies from which it is possible to draw causal inferences. Mediator, moderator, and confounder variables can act to influence measured changes in physical activity. Intervening causal variables that are necessary to complete a cause-effect pathway between an intervention and physical activity are termed mediators. The relationship between an intervention and physical activity behaviors may vary for different groups; the strata by which they vary are levels of moderators of the relationship. Other factors may distort or affect the observed relationships between program exposure and physical activity, and are known as confounders. Conclusions: Consistent use of terms and additional research on mediators and moderators of intervention effects will improve our ability to understand and influence physical activity.
RESUMO Este trabalho trata da influência da Estratégia Socioambiental Baseada em (RBSS [Resourcebased Socio-environmental Strategy]) na variável dependente ambiguidade causal. Esta, sob a ótica da Visão Baseada em Recursos da Firma (Resource-based View of the Firm - RBV), funciona como um mecanismo de isolamento que impede a imitação pelos concorrentes. A RBSS foi operacionalizada a partir dos construtos orientação socioambiental, engajamento com stakeholders, aperfeiçoamento ambiental e capital humano. Os dados foram analisados com regressão linear. Como resultados, as hipóteses que trataram de orientação socioambiental e engajamento com stakeholders foram suportadas parcialmente, e aquelas que trataram de aperfeiçoamento ambiental e capital humano não foram suportadas.
Discute-se a base de construção do conceito de risco, a partir da descrição do modelo de inferência causal de Rubin, desenvolvido no âmbito da estatística aplicada, e incorporado por uma vertente da epidemiologia. A apresentação das premissas da inferência causal torna visível as passagens lógicas assumidas na construção do conceito de risco, permitindo entendê-lo "por dentro". Esta vertente tenta demonstrar que a estatística é capaz de inferir causalidade ao invés de simplesmente evidenciar associações estatísticas, estimando em um modelo o que é definido como o efeito de uma causa. A partir desta distinção entre procedimentos de inferência causal e de associação, busca-se distinguir também o que seria a dimensão epidemiológica dos conceitos, em contrapartida a uma dimensão simplesmente estatística. Nesse contexto, a abordagem dos conceitos de interação e confusão toma-se mais complexa. Busca-se apontar as reduções que se operam nas passagens da construção metodológica do risco. Tanto no contexto de inferências individuais, quanto populacionais, esta construção metodológica impõe limites que precisam ser considerados nas aplicações teóricas e práticas da epidemiologia.
INTRODUCTION: At a time when a great number of diseases can be prevented by changing one's habits and life style, investigations have focused on understanding what adults and children believe to be desirable health practices and uncovering the factors associated with successful adherence to such practices. For these, causal attributions for health and illness were investigated among 96 Brazilian elementary school students. METHODS: Ninety six subjects, aged 6 to 14, were interviewed individually and their causal attributions were assessed through 14 true-false items (e.g. people stay well [healthy] because they are lucky). The relationship between the children's causal attributions and demographic characteristics were also examined. RESULTS: Overall, the results were consistent with previous researches. "Taking care of oneself" was considered the most important cause of good health. "Viruses and germs" and "lack of self-care" were the most selected causes of illness. Analyses revealed significant relationship between subjects' causal attribution and their age, school grade level, socioeconomic status and gender. CONCLUSIONS: The study findings suggest that there may be more cross-cultural similarities than differences in children's causal attributions for health and illness. Finding ways to help individuals engage in appropriate preventive-maintenance health practices without developing an exaggerated notion that the individuals can control their own health and illness is a challenge which remains to be addressed by further research.
A key aspect of decision-making in a disaster response scenario is the capability to evaluate multiple and simultaneously perceived goals. Current competing approaches to build decision-making agents are either mental-state based as BDI, or founded on decision-theoretic models as MDP. The BDI chooses heuristically among several goals and the MDP searches for a policy to achieve a specific goal. In this paper we develop a preferences model to decide among multiple simultaneous goals. We propose a pattern, which follows a decision-theoretic approach, to evaluate the expected causal effects of the observable and non-observable aspects that inform each decision. We focus on yes-or-no (i.e., pursue or ignore a goal) decisions and illustrate the proposal using the RoboCupRescue simulation environment.