968 resultados para Temporary public servants


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Les relations de travail et d'emploi sont devenues des enjeux importants en Chine. La Chine a ratifié 25 conventions internationales du travail et a travaillé en étroite collaboration avec l'OIT pour améliorer la sécurité et la santé au travail. Malgré ces efforts, la Chine est souvent critiquée pour des violations du travail. Face à ces problèmes, un système législatif d'administration de travail a été développé au niveau national. Mais l’application de ces règlements demeure problématique.. En particulier, les difficultés rencontrées par les inspecteurs du travail dans l'application de ces lois constituent un élément clé du problème. Notre mémoire s'intéresse essentiellement au rôle de l'inspecteur du travail dans l'administration publique de la sécurité du travail en Chine. Ces fonctionnaires jouent un rôle important et peuvent parfois exercer leur discrétion en tant qu'acteurs de première ligne, faisant d'eux de vrais décideurs politiques. Par conséquent, la compréhension de leur rôle et de leur discrétion dans l'application des normes du travail en Chine est cruciale. Notre mémoire est centré sur une étude de cas qualitative d'un bureau d'inspection du travail dans la région de Beijing. Dans le cadre de notre recherche nous avons examiné le rôle des inspecteurs du travail au moyen d’entretiens semi-structurés, d’une recherche documentaire ainsi qu’à l’occasion d’une brève observation des inspecteurs sur lors de la visite d’un lieu de travail. Les résultats démontrent que la définition du pouvoir discrétionnaire des inspecteurs du travail de première ligne en Chine est un enjeu très complexe. L’étude de cas permet cependant d’élaborer un cadre permettant l’identification des facteurs critiques déterminants pour l'évaluation et la compréhension de la nature du pouvoir discrétionnaire de l'inspecteur du travail en application de la loi.


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Los Estados modernos requieren establecer reglas de juegos claras y transparentes, que permitan que la adquisición de bienes y servicios cumplan su función social, enmarcada en criterios de racionalidad económica y de equidad. Dichas reglas implican una concientización ética en torno a lo público, que exige eliminar la idea de que el estado es un terreno apropiado para la captura de exageradas rentas y utilidades privadas. Es por ello que se requiere con urgencia establecer en nuestras leyes herramientas cuyo propósito sea impedir que los recursos del estado se pierdan en los sobreprecios. En consecuencia, es necesario enfrentar el tema del sobreprecio no solo desde el punto de vista de las responsabilidades imputables a los servidores públicos y contratistas involucrados en la ocurrencia de este fenómeno, sino también, desde la validez y eficacia del contrato celebrado y/o adjudicado y/o ejecutado con sobreprecios y además, buscando dentro de nuestra legislación mecanismos que ayuden a resarcir los perjuicios ocasionados por ésta situación


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Determinar la prevalencia de síntomas de estrés y su relación en la calidad de vida de los servidores públicos de una Entidad del Estado Colombiano, 2014. Se realizó un Estudio de corte transversal, a 234 servidores públicos de una entidad del estado colombiano, se utilizó una ficha de datos sociodemográficos, el cuestionario de síntomas de estrés de la batería de riesgos psicosociales Ministerio de Protección Social y el SF 36 en su versión validada en Colombia. En la relación entre la escala de estrés con las dimensiones de calidad de vida y las subescalas defuncionamiento físico y subescala de salud mental no se encontraron diferencias significativas (p>0.05) (Tabla 2). Se encontró tendencia entre el menor nivel de estrés (muy bajo) y los otros niveles de estrés con mayor calidad de vida en las dimensiones de rol físico, funcionamiento físico, vitalidad y cerca de mostrar diferencias significativas en salud mental (p=0.097). Los sucesos vitales más frecuentes que se relacionan con el estrés en la muestra de servidores públicos, son fundamentalmente alto en síntomas fisiológicos, de comportamiento social y laboral, síntomas intelectuales y psicoemocionales. En cuanto a calidad de vida encontramos en la evaluación de la escala todas las dimensiones presentaron puntajes promedio mayores de 50, excepto en funcionamiento físico. Las dimensiones con promedios mayores de 80 fueron: dolor corporal, rol emocional, salud mental y funcionamiento Social.


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El retiro del servicio de los empleados públicos aparece como una facultad reglada en las normas del empleo público que, cuando se da alguna de las hipótesis legales que lo hacen procedente, facultan al nominador para ejercer sus atribuciones legales, persiguiendo, ante todo, razones del servicio: su mejora, renovación, eficiencia y moralidad, entre otras. A partir del concepto de una buena administración del Estado, establecer la procedencia y elementos estructurales de una política de prevención del daño antijurídico en relación con el retiro del servicio de servidores públicos que, conforme al ordenamiento jurídico gozan de una especial protección constitucional. Conocer el concepto, el alcance, la regulación y desarrollo jurisprudencial de esta trascendental atribución para el servicio público, resulta indispensable para la debida aplicación del derecho, del ejercicio de las atribuciones públicas por parte de la Administración, y para la prevención del daño antijurídico.


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El retiro del servicio de los empleados públicos aparece como una facultad reglada en las normas del empleo público que, cuando se da alguna de las hipótesis legales que lo hacen procedente, facultan al nominador para ejercer sus atribuciones legales, persiguiendo, ante todo, razones del servicio: su mejora, renovación, eficiencia y moralidad, entre otras. El problema jurídico a resolver con el presente trabajo se plantea a partir del concepto de una buena administración del Estado, establecer la procedencia y elementos estructurales de una política para la prevención del daño antijurídico por el retiro del servicio de servidores públicos que, conforme al ordenamiento jurídico, gozan de una especial protección constitucional o legal. Conocer el concepto, el alcance, la regulación y desarrollo jurisprudencial de esta trascendental atribución para el servicio público, resulta indispensable para la debida aplicación del derecho, del ejercicio de las atribuciones públicas por parte de la Administración, y para la prevención del daño antijurídico.


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E-Governance as a concept defines and assesses the impact of technologies on the practices and administration of governments and the relationships between public servants and society. E-government solutions have the ability to reduce the costs of providing


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This study addresses the debate in the literature regarding the dimensionality of the job performance construct. The sample comprised 647 public servants from a state-based law enforcement organisation. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses delineate a four:factor structure, consisting of in-role behaviour, organisational citizenship behaviour directed towards (1) individuals or (2) the organisation, and a distinct latent variable deemed counter-productive work behaviour (CWB). The pattern of correlations among the four performance dimensions and between the performance dimensions and attitudes support the construct and discriminant validity of the four performance dimensions. Further, the .findings propose that CWB is a core, not discretionary, dimension of performance.


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A national innovation system is concerned with the full process of converting new knowledge into commercially viable results. Governments are policy-active in trying to create productive national innovation systems. This paper reviews ways of thinking about entrepreneurship as the commercialisation component of Australia’s innovation system. The paper explores the impact and relevance of selected existing Australian Commonwealth, and to a lesser extent State government, programs for the commercialisation channels so identified, using four frameworks for the analysis: financial, management/start-up, innovation and entrepreneurial. The analysis indicates program initiatives covering the later development and commercialization phases, but serious gaps in the support available for the entrepreneurship phase involving the act of new entry. This gap is covered by research provider business development people and to a limited extent by incubator and State government initiatives. A critical issue has been and is access to smaller amounts of seed finance. The critical human component is the education of public servants and politicians about the nature and operation of entrepreneurship.


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This article explores Indigenous contributions to shaping public and policy agendas through their use of the news media. It reports on research conducted for the Australian News Media and Indigenous Policy-making 1988–2008 project that is investigating relationships between the representation of Indigenous peoples in public media and the development of Indigenous affairs policies. Interviews with Indigenous policy advocates, journalists and public servants identified the strategies that have been used by individuals and Indigenous organisations to penetrate policy debates and influence public policy. The article concludes that in the face of a neo-liberal policy agenda amplified through mainstream media, particular Indigenous voices nevertheless have had a significant impact, keeping alive debate about issues such as the importance of bilingual education programs and community involvement in the delivery of primary health care.


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 The My School website in Australia offers moderately nuanced comparisons between any school and sixty other socio-educationally similar schools. Detrimental effects on poor-performing schools are small because it is forbidden to use these comparisons to construct league tables. More generally, however, the website promotes practices of auditing employees. As such it undermines teachers’ sense of integrity and any sense that they are professionals who society respects enough to entrust with an important task. It is not surprising that very few teachers use it, and it would seem not many parents use it either. A left-of-centre government established the website despite opposition by the teacher unions but with the support of News Corporation. New Public Management and an accompanying great increase in auditing offer a deeper explanation for why the website was established. Public servants and political leaders of both the left and the right support the transparency about school performance so My School is likely to continue. An alliance between teacher unions, parents and community groups might see education policy switch tracks from the present market orientation to a welfare orientation.


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Dr Brian Coffey contends that Dr Sue Briggs' commentary - 'From advocates to zealots' (PUBLIC ADMISTRATION Today, issue 27: July-September 2011) - on bureaucratic types in environmental agencies - 'raises an important issue: the need for reformers to understand the characteristics of public servants'.


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his study investigates the dynamic interplay between news media and the Northern Territory’s policy of bilingual education for indigenous children living in some remote communities. It provides evidence to support the argument that the media-related practices of a range of policy actors resulted in policy processes being shaped to a significant degree by ‘media logic’. The research is based on depth interviews and uses the spoken words of participants to gain access to the local experiences and perspectives of those invested in developing, influencing and communicating the bilingual education policy. Through the analysis of more than 20 interviews with journalists, public servants, academics, and politicians as well as indigenous and non-indigenous bilingual education advocates, I have identified a range of media-related practices that have enabled policy actors to penetrate the policy debate, define problems for policymaking and public discussion through the news media, and thereby exert particular forms of influence in the policy process. The study also provides a ‘southern theory’ analysis of the Yolngu public sphere and a Bourdesian understanding of the journalism sub-field of indigenous reporting in the Northern Territory. It shows that issues of physical and cultural remoteness and the need for journalists to develop cultural competence are the hallmarks of this reporting specialization. It also identifies marked differences in journalists’ relationships with government, academic and indigenous sources and how these differences play out in the way participants understand the production and reception of media texts. This research makes an innovative contribution to Australian Journalism Studies by demonstrating how indigenous epistemologies and knowledges offer fresh perspectives and insights about news media and indigeneity that can be brought into balance with northern theories to build what Connell (2007) has called ‘southern theory’. This dovetails with another key outcome, which is the development of an academic form of journalism that serves indigenous peoples’ self-determinist aims for scholarly research, based in indigenous perspectives and research methodologies.


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This research aims to identify the influence of the organizational climate on the motivation of public servants of Alfredo da Matta Foundation. To fulfill such aim, concepts of public administration, motivation and organizational climate have been broached. Two questionnaires were performed through the data collecting, one of them to evaluate the organizational climate, and the other to evaluate the motivational profile based on the motivational theories of Maslow and Herzberg. The analysis of the results indicated a positive perception of public servants in relation to the organizational climate predominant in the organizational, and that it has some relation with the motivational dynamics of the public servants in question.


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This dissertation analyses the implementation of the telework project of the Marks Directorate at the Industrial Property National Institute, an agency of the Brazilian federal administration. The analysis focuses on the public servants and their expectations, since the work developed at the Marks Directorate is mainly based on the intellectual capital of its staff. This research first addresses the subject by describing the current technical and sociological context. In which information society and globalization's impact on labour's evolution, and information and communication technology's impact on e-government development are both considered as having important roles. A review of the state of the art on telework research is presented as the basis of the analyses, including a definition of telework and its most relevant aspects. National and international cases of telework, both in the public and private sector, are used as examples in the analyses. The matter of performance control and evaluation is also briefly addressed. In order to assess the viability of the implementation of telework, a review of the activities developed at the Marks Directorate is performed. Emphasis is given to the modernization of examining procedures, without disregarding administrative facts, such as the new career plan and its performance evaluation procedures, that might affect the telework project. The case study is conducted by means of a survey with open and closed questions served in a questionnaire. The analyses of the results leads to the conclusion that telework can be successfully implemented in the Marks Directorate, being also an opportunity to study the adaptation of a working practice originating at the private sector and applied in public administration, taking into account their differences.


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This study aimed to focus on aspects of public administration concerning the implementation of the public policy of complementary blood collection by the itinerant and scheduled PPCCIPS services either trough off local unity or mobile unit blood collection operations, which are managed by the State Institute of Hematology Arthur de Siqueira Cavalcanti - HEMORIO. The case study method was used in that public health institutional field, in search for a better understanding of responsibilities and management related to collection, serology, fractionation, storage and distribution of blood supply to almost all public hospitals and clinics, summed up to agreements with the single health system of the State of Rio de Janeiro. Bibliographic references, documentary and field data obtained through interviews and systematic observation in the public servants of HEMORIO workplaces, were treated by the analysis of the content method and the results of this research revealed the complexity of those services, and needs in outstanding aspects of infrastructure, equipment, logistics and personnel, which are critical for the achievement of the increased public collection of blood in the Rio de Janeiro State, endorsing the suggestions for the implementation of PPCCIPS in HEMORIO. The main point found in this research results concern the immanent ethical commitment of that public service personnel, including staff members and low ranking members as well, perceived due to a brief philosophical overlook on that personnel¿s attitudes. An important strategic aspect was revealed by the need for excellence of midia communications and education programs to implement the community involvement in the whole process. Final reflections point out that personnel posture is considered vital for the quality of the expected care of the technical activities and also for the quality of its final products release to the local public, fluminense, which is the irreplaceable human blood, and their derivatives. Despite the author¿s effort in this dissertation there is much more to be studied on that crucial theme.