986 resultados para Temporal fluctuations


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Extensive, and collocated measurements of the mass concentrations (M-B) of aerosol black carbon (BC) and (M-T) of composite aerosols were made over the Arabian Sea, tropical Indian Ocean and the Southern Ocean during a trans-continental cruise experiment. Our investigations show that MB remains extremely low(<50 ng m(-3)) and remarkably steady (in space and time) in the Southern Ocean (20 degrees S to 56 degrees S). In contrast, large latitudinal gradients exist north of similar to 20 degrees S; M-B increasing exponentially to reach as high as 2000 ng m(-3) in the Arabian Sea (similar to 8 degrees N). Interestingly, the share of BC showed a distinctly different latitudinal variation, with a peak close to the equator and decreasing on either side. Large fluctuations were seen in M-T over Southern Ocean associated with enhanced production of sea-salt aerosols in response to sea-surface wind speed. These spatio-temporal changes in M-B and its mixing ratio have important implications to regional and global climate.


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Combustion instability events in lean premixed combustion systems can cause spatio-temporal variations in unburnt mixture fuel/air ratio. This provides a driving mechanism for heat-release oscillations when they interact with the flame. Several Reduced Order Modelling (ROM) approaches to predict the characteristics of these oscillations have been developed in the past. The present paper compares results for flame describing function characteristics determined from a ROM approach based on the level-set method, with corresponding results from detailed, fully compressible reacting flow computations for the same two dimensional slot flame configuration. The comparison between these results is seen to be sensitive to small geometric differences in the shape of the nominally steady flame used in the two computations. When the results are corrected to account for these differences, describing function magnitudes are well predicted for frequencies lesser than and greater than a lower and upper cutoff respectively due to amplification of flame surface wrinkling by the convective Darrieus-Landau (DL) instability. However, good agreement in describing function phase predictions is seen as the ROM captures the transit time of wrinkles through the flame correctly. Also, good agreement is seen for both magnitude and phase of the flame response, for large forcing amplitudes, at frequencies where the DL instability has a minimal influence. Thus, the present ROM can predict flame response as long as the DL instability, caused by gas expansion at the flame front, does not significantly alter flame front perturbation amplitudes as they traverse the flame. (C) 2012 The Combustion Institute. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Long-term surveys of entire communities of species are needed to measure fluctuations in natural populations and elucidate the mechanisms driving population dynamics and community assembly. We analysed changes in abundance of over 4000 tree species in 12 forests across the world over periods of 6-28years. Abundance fluctuations in all forests are large and consistent with population dynamics models in which temporal environmental variance plays a central role. At some sites we identify clear environmental drivers, such as fire and drought, that could underlie these patterns, but at other sites there is a need for further research to identify drivers. In addition, cross-site comparisons showed that abundance fluctuations were smaller at species-rich sites, consistent with the idea that stable environmental conditions promote higher diversity. Much community ecology theory emphasises demographic variance and niche stabilisation; we encourage the development of theory in which temporal environmental variance plays a central role.


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Accuracy in tree woody growth estimates is important to global carbon budget estimation and climate-change science. Tree growth in permanent sampling plots (PSPs) is commonly estimated by measuring stem diameter changes, but this method is susceptible to bias resulting from water-induced reversible stem shrinkage. In the absence of bias correction, temporal variability in growth is likely to be overestimated and incorrectly attributed to fluctuations in resource availability, especially in forests with high seasonal and inter-annual variability in water. We propose and test a novel approach for estimating and correcting this bias at the community level. In a 50-ha PSP from a seasonally dry tropical forest in southern India, where tape measurements have been taken every four years from 1988 to 2012, for nine trees we estimated bias due to reversible stem shrinkage as the difference between woody growth measured using tree rings and that estimated from tape. We tested if the bias estimated from these trees could be used as a proxy to correct bias in tape-based growth estimates at the PSP scale. We observed significant shrinkage-related bias in the growth estimates of the nine trees in some censuses. This bias was strongly linearly related to tape-based growth estimates at the level of the PSP, and could be used as a proxy. After bias was corrected, the temporal variance in growth rates of the PSP decreased, while the effect of exceptionally dry or wet periods was retained, indicating that at least a part of the temporal variability arose from reversible shrinkage-related bias. We also suggest that the efficacy of the bias correction could be improved by measuring the proxy on trees that belong to different size classes and census timing, but not necessarily to different species. Our approach allows for reanalysis - and possible reinterpretation of temporal trends in tree growth, above ground biomass change, or carbon fluxes in forests, and their relationships with resource availability in the context of climate change. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Local heterogeneity is ubiquitous in natural aqueous systems. It can be caused locally by external biomolecular subsystems like proteins, DNA, micelles and reverse micelles, nanoscopic materials etc., but can also be intrinsic to the thermodynamic nature of the aqueous solution itself (like binary mixtures or at the gas-liquid interface). The altered dynamics of water in the presence of such diverse surfaces has attracted considerable attention in recent years. As these interfaces are quite narrow, only a few molecular layers thick, they are hard to study by conventional methods. The recent development of two dimensional infra-red (2D-IR) spectroscopy allows us to estimate length and time scales of such dynamics fairly accurately. In this work, we present a series of interesting studies employing two dimensional infra-red spectroscopy (2D-IR) to investigate (i) the heterogeneous dynamics of water inside reverse micelles of varying sizes, (ii) supercritical water near the Widom line that is known to exhibit pronounced density fluctuations and also study (iii) the collective and local polarization fluctuation of water molecules in the presence of several different proteins. The spatio-temporal correlation of confined water molecules inside reverse micelles of varying sizes is well captured through the spectral diffusion of corresponding 2D-IR spectra. In the case of supercritical water also, we observe a strong signature of dynamic heterogeneity from the elongated nature of the 2D-IR spectra. In this case the relaxation is ultrafast. We find remarkable agreement between the different tools employed to study the relaxation of density heterogeneity. For aqueous protein solutions, we find that the calculated dielectric constant of the respective systems unanimously shows a noticeable increment compared to that of neat water. However, the `effective' dielectric constant for successive layers shows significant variation, with the layer adjacent to the protein having a much lower value. Relaxation is also slowest at the surface. We find that the dielectric constant achieves the bulk value at distances more than 3 nm from the surface of the protein.


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ENGLISH: In the eastern Pacific Ocean nearly all of the commercial catches of yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) and skipjack (Katsuwonus pelamis) are taken by two types of vessels, baitboats, which use pole and line in conjunction with live-bait, and purse-seiners. From its inception until very recently (1959), this fishery was dominated by baitboats. This method of fishing has been described by Godsil (1938) and Shimada and Schaefer (1956). From 1951 through 1958 baitboats caught between 66.4 and 90.8 per cent of the yellowfin and between 87.2 and 95.3 per cent of the skipjack landed by the California-based fleet. These vessels fished for tuna throughout the year and covered virtually all of the area from southern California to northern Chile. The purse-seine fishery for tunas developed out of the round-haul net fisheries for California sardines and other species. Scofield (1951) gives a detailed description of the development of gear and fishing methods. Prior to 1959 many of the seiners engaged in other fisheries during the fall and early winter months and consequently most of the fishing effort for tuna occurred in the period February-August. The vessels were quite small, averaging approximately 120 tons carrying capacity (Broadhead and Marshall, 1960), in comparison to the baitboats, of which the most numerous size-class was 201-300 tons. The seiners were naturally more restricted in range than the baitboats and most of their effort was restricted to the northern grounds. During the period 1959-61 most of the large baitboats were converted for purse-seining and the existing seiner fleet was modernized. These developments increased the range of the seiner fleet and resulted in a wider and more nearly even spatial and temporal distribution of effort. By the early part of 1961, the purse-seine fleet approximated the level of the preconversion baitboat fleet in amount of effort applied and area covered. The changes in the purse-seine fishery and the fishing methods employed in the modernized fleet are described by Orange and Broadhead (1959), Broadhead and Marshall (1960), McNeely (1961) and Broadhead (1962). The change in the relative importance of the two gears is illustrated by the decline in the proportion of the total logged tonnage landed by California-based baitboats, in comparison to the proportion landed by seiners. In 1959 baitboats landed 49.5 per cent of the yellowfin and 87.8 per cent of the skipjack. In 1960 these percentages were 22.9 and 74.7 respectively and in 1961 the decline continued to 12.6 per cent of the yellowfin and 30.0 per cent of the skipjack (Schaefer, 1962). In previous Bulletins of this Commission (Griffiths, 1960; Calkins, 1961) the baitboat catch and effort statistics were used to compute two indices of population density and an index of concentration of fishing effort and the fluctuations of these indices were analyzed in some detail. Due to the change in the relative importance of the two gears it is appropriate to extend this investigation to include the purse-seine data. The objectives of this paper are to compute two indices of population density and an index of concentration of fishing effort and to examine the fluctuations in these indices before and after the changes in the fishery. A further objective is to compare the purse-seine indices with those of the baitboats for the same time periods. SPANISH: En el Océano Pacífico Oriental casi todas las capturas comerciales del atún aleta amarilla (Thunnus albacares) y del barrilete (Katsuwonus pelamis) son efectuadas por dos tipos de barcos, los barcos de carnada que emplean la caña y el anzuelo en conjunto con la carnada viva, y los barcos rederos. Desde su comienzo hasta hace poco tiempo (1959), esta pesquería estaba dominada por los barcos de carnada. El método de pesca usado por estos barcos ha sido descrito por Godsil (1938) y por Shimada y Schaefer (1956). De 1951 a 1958, los barcos de carnada pescaron entre el 66.4 y el 90.8 por ciento del atún aleta amarilla y entre el 87.2 y el 95.3 por ciento del barrilete descargados por la flota que tiene su base en California. Estos barcos pescaron atún durante todo el año y cubrieron virtualmente toda el área de California meridional hasta la parte norte de Chile. La pesquería del atún con redes de cerco se originó en las pesquerías de las sardinas de California y otras especies, con redes que se remolcaban circularmente. Scofield (1951) dá una descripción detallada del desarrollo de los métodos y del equipo de pesca. Antes de 1959 muchos de los rederos se dedicaban a otras pesquerías durante los meses del otoño y a principios del invierno y consecuentemente, la mayor parte del esfuerzo depesca para la producción del atún ocurría en el período febrero-agosto. Las embarcaciones eran bastante pequeñas, con un promedio de aproximadamente 120 toneladas de capacidad para el transporte (Broadhead y Marshall, 1960) en comparación con los barcos de carnada, de los cuales la clase de tamaño más numerosa era de 201 a 300 toneladas. Los rederos estaban naturalmente más restringidos en su radio de acción que los barcos de carnada y la mayor parte de su esfuerzo se limitaba a las localidades del norte. Durante el período 1959-61, la mayoría de los grandes barcos de carnada fueron convertidos al sistema de pesca con redes de cerco, y se modernizó la flota existente de los rederos. Estos cambios aumentaron el alcance de la flota de los barcos rederos dando como resultado una distribución más amplia y casi más uniforme del esfuerzo espaciado y temporal. En la primera parte del año 1961, la flota de rederos se aproximó al nivel de la preconversión de la flota de clipers, en la cantidad de esfuerzo aplicado y al área comprendida. Los cambios en la pesquería con red y los métodos de pesca empleados en la flota modernizada, han sido descritos por Orange y Broadhead (1959), Broadl1ead y Marshall (1960), McNeely (1961) y Broadhead (1962). El cambio en la importancia relativa de los dos sistemas de pesca está ilustrado por la declinación en la proporción del tonelaje total registrado, como descargado por los barcos de carnada que tienen su base en California, comparado con la proporción desembarcada por los barcos rederos. En 1959 los clipers descargaron el 49.5 por ciento del atún aleta amarilla y el 87.8 por ciento del barrilete. En 1960 estos porcentajes fueron del 22.9 y 74.7 respectivamente, y en 1961 continuó la reducción hasta el 12.6 por ciento del atún aleta amarilla y el 30.0 por ciento del barrilete (Schaefer, 1962). En Boletines anteriores de la Comisión (Griffiths, 1960; Calkins, 1961) las estadísticas de la pesca y el esfuerzo de los clipers se utilizaron para computar dos índices de la densidad de población y un índice de la concentración del esfuerzo de pesca, y se analizaron algo detalladamente las fluctuaciones de estos índices. Debido al cambio en la importancia relativa de los dos sistemas de pesca, es conveniente extender esta investigación para incluir los datos correspondientes a los barcos rederos. Los objetivos del presente estudio son de computar dos índices de la densidad de población y un índice de la concentración del esfuerzo de pesca, y examinar las fluctuaciones en estos índices, antes y después de los cambios en la pesquería. Otro objetivo es de comparar los índices de los barcos rederos, con aquellos de los clipers en los mismos períodos de tiempo.


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Catch rates in the South African rock lobster (Jasus lalandii) fishery declined after 1989 in response to reduced adult somatic growth rates and a consequent reduction in recruitment to the fishable population. Although spatial and temporal trends in adult growth are well described, little is known about how juvenile growth rates have been affected. In our study, growth rates of juvenile rock lobster on Cape Town harbor wall were compared with those recorded at the same site more than 25 years prior to our study, and with those on a nearby natural nursery reef. We found that indices of somatic growth measured during 1996–97 at the harbor wall had declined significantly since 1971–72. Furthermore, growth was slower among juvenile J. lalandii at the harbor wall than those at the natural nursery reef. These results suggest that growth rates of juvenile and adult J. lalandii exhibit similar types of spatiotemporal patterns. Thus, the recent coastwide decline in adult somatic growth rates might also encompass smaller size classes.


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Plankton collected by the Continuous Plankton Recorder (CPR) survey were investigated for the English Channel, Celtic Sea and Bay of Biscay from 1979 to 1995. The main goal was to study the relationship between climate and plankton and to understand the factors influencing it. In order to take into account the spatial and temporal structure of biological data, a three-mode principal component analysis (PCA) was developed. It not only identified 5 zones characterised by their similar biological composition and by the seasonal and inter-annual evolution of the plankton, it also made species associations based on their location and year-to-year change. The studied species have stronger year-to-year fluctuations in abundance over the English Channel and Celtic Sea than the species offshore in the Bay of Biscay. The changes in abundance of plankton in the English Channel are negatively related to inter-annual changes of climatic conditions from December to March (North Atlantic Oscillation [NAO] index and air temperature). Thus, the negative relationship shown by Fromentin and Planque (1996; Mar Ecol Prog Ser 134:111-118) between year-to-year changes of Calanus finmarchicus abundance in the northern North Atlantic and North Sea and NAO was also found for the most abundant copepods in the Channel. However, the hypothesis proposed to explain the plankton/NAO relationship is different for this region and a new hypothesis is proposed. In the Celtic Sea, a relationship between the planktonic assemblage and the air temperature was detected, but it is weaker than for the English Channel. No relationship was found for the Bay of Biscay. Thus, the local physical environment and the biological composition of these zones appear to modify the relationship between winter climatic conditions and the year-to-year fluctuations of the studied planktonic species. This shows, therefore, that the relationship between climate and plankton is difficult to generalise.


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Satellite ocean-colour sensors have life spans lasting typically five-to-ten years. Detection of long-term trends in chlorophyll-a concentration (Chl-a) using satellite ocean colour thus requires the combination of different ocean-colour missions with sufficient overlap to allow for cross-calibration. A further requirement is that the different sensors perform at a sufficient standard to capture seasonal and inter-annual fluctuations in ocean colour. For over eight years, the SeaWiFS, MODIS-Aqua and MERIS ocean-colour sensors operated in parallel. In this paper, we evaluate the temporal consistency in the monthly Chl-a time-series and in monthly inter-annual variations in Chl-a among these three sensors over the 2002–2010 time period. By subsampling the monthly Chl-a data from the three sensors consistently, we found that the Chl-a time-series and Chl-a anomalies among sensors were significantly correlated for >90% of the global ocean. These correlations were also relatively insensitive to the choice of three Chl-a algorithms and two atmospheric-correction algorithms. Furthermore, on the subsampled time-series, correlations between Chl-a and time, and correlations between Chl-a and physical variables (sea-surface temperature and sea-surface height) were not significantly different for >92% of the global ocean. The correlations in Chl-a and physical variables observed for all three sensors also reflect previous theories on coupling between physical processes and phytoplankton biomass. The results support the combining of Chl-a data from SeaWiFS, MODIS-Aqua and MERIS sensors, for use in long-term Chl-a trend analysis, and highlight the importance of accounting for differences in spatial sampling among sensors when combining ocean-colour observations.


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The nonlinear nature of the rf absorption in a helicon-produced plasma was recently evidenced by the observation that the helicon wave damping as well as the level of short-scale electrostatic fluctuations excited in the helicon plasma increases with rf power. Correlation methods using electrostatic probes as well as microwave back-scattering at the upper-hybrid resonance allow identifying the fluctuations as ion-sound and Trivelpiece– Gould waves satisfying the frequency and wavenumber matching conditions for the parametric decay instability of the helicon pump wave. Furthermore, the growth rates and thresholds deduced from their temporal growth are in good agreement with theoretical predictions for the parametric decay instability that takes into account realistic damping rates for the decay waves as well as a non-vanishing parallel wavenumber of the helicon pump. The close relationship between the rf absorption and the excitation of the fluctuations was investigated in more detail by performing time- and space-resolved measurements of the helicon wave field and the electrostatic fluctuations.


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The temporal fluctuation of the average slope of a ricepile model is investigated. It is found that the power spectrum S(f) scales as 1/f(alpha) with alpha approximate to 1.3 when grains of rice are added only to one end of the pile. If grains are randomly added to the pile, the power spectrum exhibits 1/f(2) behavior. The profile fluctuations of the pile under different driving mechanisms are also discussed.


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The Rapid Oscillations in the Solar Atmosphere instrument reveals solar atmospheric fluctuations at high frequencies. Spectra of variations of the G-band intensity (IG ) and Ca II K-line intensity (IK ) show correlated fluctuations above white noise to frequencies beyond 300 mHz and 50 mHz, respectively. The noise-corrected G-band spectrum for f = 28-326 mHz shows a power law with exponent -1.21 ± 0.02, consistent with the presence of turbulent motions. G-band spectral power in the 25-100 mHz ("UHF") range is concentrated at the locations of magnetic bright points in the intergranular lanes and is highly intermittent in time. The intermittence of the UHF G-band fluctuations, shown by a positive kurtosis ?, also suggests turbulence. Combining values of IG , IK , UHF power, and ? reveals two distinct states of the solar atmosphere. State 1, including almost all the data, is characterized by low IG , IK , and UHF power and ? ˜ 6. State 2, including only a very small fraction of the data, is characterized by high IG , IK , and UHF power and ? ˜ 3. Superposed epoch analysis shows that the UHF power peaks simultaneously with spatio-temporal IG maxima in either state. For State 1, IK shows 3.5 minute chromospheric oscillations with maxima occurring 21 s after IG maxima implying a 150-210 km effective height difference. However, for State 2 the IK and IG maxima are simultaneous; in this highly magnetized environment sites of G-band and K-line emission may be spatially close together.


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Knowledge about the diet of fish-eating predators is critical when evaluating conflicts with the fishing industry. Numerous primary studies have examined the diet of grey seals Halichoerus grypus and common seals Phoca vitulina in a bid to understand the ecology of these predators. However, studies of large-scale spatial and temporal variation in seal diet are limited. Therefore this review combines the results of seal diet studies published between 1980 and 2000 to examine how seal diet varies at a range of spatial and temporal scales. Our results revealed extensive spatial variation in gadiform, perciform and flatfish consumption, likely reflecting variation in prey availability. Flatfish and gadiform consumption varied between years, reflecting changes in fish assemblages as a consequence of factors such as varying fishing pressures, climate change and natural fluctuations in populations. Perciform and gadiform consumption varied seasonally: in addition there was a significant interaction between season and seal species, indicating that grey and common seals exhibited different patterns of seasonal variation in their consumption of Perciformes and Gadiformes. Multivariate analysis of grey seal diet revealed spatial variation at a much smaller scale, with different species dominating the diet in different areas. The existence of spatial and temporal variation in seal diet emphasizes that future assessments of the impact of seal populations should not be based on past or localized estimates of diet and highlights the need for up-to-date, site specific estimates of diet composition in the context of understanding and resolving seal/fisheries conflict. © 2012 Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom.


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In the present study, the land use over Kerala State and its spatial and temporal variations, spatio-temporal variations of water budget elements, climatic shifts, incidence of droughts and the influence of inter-annual fluctuations of rainfall on area. production and yield of selected crops, have been studied in detail. The thesis consists of seven chapters including the introduction. The first section of the Second Chapter deals with the importance of agrocliinatological studies in general and its application in agricultural land use in particular. It also gives an overview of the short term climatic fluctuations, water balance studies, crop weather relationships, land use patterns and various agricultural indices. This includes a detailed review of available literature in this field. The basic concepts. data used and the methodology adopted in the study forms, the second section of this Chapter. The Third Chapter gives the details of the physical features of the State such as the relief, geology, geomorphologysoils, drainage, and vegetation. The agroclimatology of the State is discussed in detail in Chapter Four. The first Section presents annual and seasonal variations of temperature and rainfall of the State along with a discussion on the water balance of the State. The secondSection of this Chapter deals with the influence of rainfall and water balance elements on various crops. The district-wise general land use pattern of theState and its spatio-temporal variations are discussed in Chapter Five. The first Section of Chapter Six gives an overview of the agricultural land use pattern of the State, cropping patterns, cropping intensity, crop combination and their spatio-temporal variations. The inter-annual variability of water balances of various stations of the State computed using the method of Thornthwaite (1948) and Thornthwaite & Mather (1955) is presented in the second Section of Chapter Six. This also includes a discussion of how the climatic shifts have occurred over the State and the influence of variations of climatic and water balance elements on the crops. The Seventh Chapter gives the summary of the work carried out and the results obtained from the study. Interpretations of the results, conclusions and suggestions made,based on the observations of the study are incorporated in this Chapter.


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Ozone present in the atmosphere not only absorbs the biologically harmful ultraviolet radiation but also is an important ingredient of the climate system. The radiative absorption properties of ozone make it a determining factor in the structure of the atmosphere. Ozone in the troposphere has many negative impacts on humans and other living beings. Another significant aspect is the absorption of outgoing infrared radiation by ozone thus acting as a greenhouse gas. The variability of ozone in the atmosphere involves many interconnections with the incoming and outgoing radiation, temperature circulation etc. Hence ozone forms an important part of chemistry-climate as well as radiative transfer models. This aspect also makes the quantification of ozone more important. The discovery of Antarctic ozone hole and the role of anthropogenic activities in causing it made it possible to plan and implement necessary preventive measures. Continuous monitoring of ozone is also necessary to identify the effect of these preventive steps. The reactions involving the formation and destruction of ozone are influenced significantly by the temperature fluctuations of the atmosphere. On the other hand the variations in ozone can change the temperature structure of the atmosphere. Indian subcontinent is a region having large weather and climate variability which is evident from the large interannual variability of monsoon system over the region. Nearly half of Indian region comprises the tropical region. Most of ozone is formed in the tropical region and transported to higher latitudes. The formation and transport of ozone can be influenced by changes in solar radiation and various atmospheric circulation features. Besides industrial activities and vehicular traffic is more due to its large population. This may give rise to an increase in the production of tropospheric ozone which is greenhouse gas. Hence it becomes necessary to monitor the atmospheric ozone over this region. This study probes into the spatial distribution and temporal evolution of ozone over Indian subcontinent and discusses the contributing atmospheric parameters.