932 resultados para Tempo-presente


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Paulo Egydio Martins conta neste livro sua participação ou visão dos acontecimentos que lhe foram dados viver ou testemunhar. Expõe valores que o nortearam na vida pública e privada. Descreve as realizações de seu governo, como as ações na área da Saúde, a criação do Instituto do Coração, a criação da Unesp – Universidade Estadual Paulista, a construção da rodovia dos Bandeirantes e a criação do Seade – Sistema Estadual de Análise de Dados. Narra sua origem e extensa ramificação familiar, dramas e sonhos, viagens, missões diplomáticas e comerciais, apresenta amigos, personalidades políticas e empresariais. Conta a sua versão da polêmica invasão da puc, interpreta a história a partir de documentos que guardou ciosamente e com os instrumentos que a memória lhe permite. No tempo presente, acerta suas contas com o passado.


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Os objetivos desse texto são bastante singelos. Ele deseja ressaltar a possibilidade e importância da utilização das moedas e cédulas do sistema monetário como objetos de estudo – como documentos – da história da República no Brasil. Além disso, quer apontar alguns caminhos de análise das representações que elas evocam enquanto elementos fundamentais de um processo de construção de identidade nacional. Finalmente, procura enfatizar como tal abordagem e uso da moeda brasileira podem ser contemplados no ensino de história nas escolas, que se utilizariam de uma fonte que, literalmente, está na mão dos estudantes. O sentido desta reflexão é apenas o de chamar a atenção de pesquisadores e professores de história para algumas questões que costumam passar despercebidas e, com tal atitude, suscitar algum debate.


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Os direitos autorais encontram-se no centro do mundo. Se antes interessavam apenas a quem publicava livros, gravava músicas ou produzia filmes, hoje os direitos autorais dizem respeito a todos os que acessam a internet. Afinal, o recente desenvolvimento tecnológico passou a permitir que obras culturais sejam produzidas e distribuídas diariamente no universo digital. Contudo, as leis de direitos autorais no Brasil não estão adequadas às práticas do tempo presente. Por isso, iniciativas inovadoras, que surgem em conformidade com a lei e que têm por objetivo aproximar o artista do público, vêm ganhando importância. Este livro é sobre uma dessas iniciativas - as licenças Creative Commons. Por meio das licenças Creative Commons o autor pode comunicar ao público o modo como ele permite que sua obra seja usada. A partir de uma variedade de seis licenças (que permitem desde a simples cópia até a exploração comercial da obra, conforme escolha do autor), as obras licenciadas podem fomentar a educação, incentivar a criação de obras derivadas ou permitir projetos colaborativos. Tudo de acordo com a vontade do autor e em favor de um mundo mais criativo.


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This paper aims at studying UFRN Parafolclórico Group, whose aesthetic formation is subjected to our analysis, specially at its two last performances, that is, Flor do Lírio (Lily Flower), 2004, and Debaixo do Barro do Chão (Under the Mud of the Ground), 2008. Three targets are envisaged here: to analyze the aesthetic ideas backing Parafolclórico Group exhibitions; to evaluate how their many folk elements interact with different artist languages in order to compose a certain choreography; and finally, to identify the aesthetic conformation placed behind the two different choreographs of the last performances, their trends and innermost features that differentiate them. In accordance with the Analysis of Contents (BARDIN, 2006), interviews have been made with the choreographers and the staff of the spectacles, resulting in elucidating answers to the understanding of their thematic axis. On the first chapter we called attention to motivating subjects as recollection, personal experiences, bibliography research, research in loco regarded as propelling forces of the creative works. Herein, folk culture is depicted as a dynamic process opening a frank dialogue with contemporary events and reinforcing their continuity. On the second chapter, we approached the aesthetic conformation and the scenic elements (costumes, light, scenario, make-up), integrating the studied spectacles and disseminating folk songs in various ways. As what concerns the subjects discourse, we have obtained support in authors like Robatto (1994); Lobo; Navas (2008); Burke (1989); Canclini (2006); Dufrenne (2005); Medeiros (2005); Pavis (2005); Silva (2005), among others. Those authors have provided us with an indispensable theoretic support which, added to the interviews, convinced us that the Parafolclórico Group s aesthetic conception tends to identify itself with the artist languages and other techniques of that Group. It also made sure that the Group s course aims at an aesthetic conception which is not limited to popular culture manifestations, like dance, but admits to play with other media in order to communicate its art. In view of this situation, we arrived to two conclusions: first: the group s interchanges emphasize the dynamic character of popular culture which, by establishing contacts with different realities, receives influences capable of extending its own continuity; second: the contemporary state of arts also improves multiple interchanges opening way, so, for many accomplishments in their field. Therefore, UFRN Parafolclórico Group inserts itself in the contemporary scenery by performing new evaluations of the popular dances as long as it puts them in contact with different technical, aesthetic, artist and culture combinations


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Plongés dans le temps présent, les dessins humoristiques, par la capacité de représenter, de suggérer et de communiquer une idée, marquent présence à l école et dans la salle de classe. Caractérisés par l utilisation d éléments comiques, satiriques et irôniques, outre la nature persuasive, ces dessins possibilitent le lecteur de faire une lecture critique des événements sociaux et politiques de notre société. En tant que langage visuel, structuré dans les formes verbale et icônique, de même que par le caractère analogique de représentation, les dessins humoristiques constituent un excellent recours pédagogique. Toutefois, ils sont longtemps restés inaperçus par l école et, seul récemment, ils sont devenus objet d investigation de la part des historiens. Dans ce sens, nous nous sommes proposés, dans cette étude, à analyser l utilisation de ces dessins par les professeurs d histoire des écoles publiques nommées Centros Paraibanos de Educação Solidária (CEPES), de João Pessoa, capitale de l Etat de Paraíba, en vue d appréhender et de discuter la façon dont ces professeurs font usage de ces dessins dans leur pratique pédagogique. Par le moyen des actions des professeurs, conçues comme des arts de faire, selon Certeau, et par l identification des usages qui se caractérisent comme des tactiques, nous avons essayé de percevoir comment se réalise le rapport humour et histoire, en salle de classe. La systématisation, la catégorisation et la narration des pratiques pédagogiques observées ont été réalisées par l analyse des questionnaires et des interviews appliqués aux professeurs et élèves, ainsi qu à l observation des classes. Notre recherche s est fondée sur les théories de Roger Chartier et Michel de Certeau, dont les concepts de représentation et d appropriation, d usages et de tactiques nous ont aidé à comprendre la forme par laquelle les sujets incorporés au quotidien de la salle de classe se sont appropriés de la dimension imagétique à travers l humour. A partir des concepts d usage et d appropriation nous avons identifié dans les actions et les parlers, la façon dont les dessins humoristiques sont travaillés par les professeurs. Conçus comme des registres visuels qui relatent des questions sociales, politiques et économiques, ces dessins sont perçus comme des registres visuels qui relatent des questions sociales, politiques et économiques, identifant, ainsi, les adversités du présent, dans le monde social


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O objetivo deste trabalho é investigar como as representações discursivas do locutor e dos alocutários são construídas no discurso de renúncia ao mandato de senador, proferido por Antonio Carlos Magalhães (ACM), na 62ª sessão deliberativa ordinária, em 30/5/2001. A perspectiva teórica que adotamos situa-se no campo da Linguística do Texto, com foco na abordagem da Análise Textual dos Discursos ATD (Adam, 2011). A noção de representação discursiva apresentada pela ATD constitui um dos aspectos da dimensão semântica do texto e baseia-se parcialmente nos trabalhos de Grize sobre a esquematização (1990, 1996). Complementamos as categorias de análise com contribuições que nos permitem detalhar a expressão linguística, textual, e discursiva das representações discursivas (Neves, 2006; Castilho 2010; Rodrigues, Passeggi, Silva Neto, 2010; Rodrigues et al. 2012; Passeggi, 2012). O enfoque metodológico é qualitativo, descritivo e interpretativista (Minayo, 1994; Trivinõs; 1987; Gil, 2002). Os procedimentos de análise utilizam as categorias semânticas de referenciação, predicação, modificação (de referentes e predicações), localização espacial e temporal, conexão e comparação. A representação discursiva do locutor (ACM) é constituída pelo conjunto de representações mais específicas, expressas nas referenciações e nas suas modificações: vítima; político; sigla; baiano, nordestino; presidente do senado; senador confiante; condenado. ACM, como protagonista, assume sempre a sua voz no discurso, manifesta seus pontos de vista e posiciona-se como sujeito ativo, consciente da importância do seu papel político e social, que o torna alvo e vítima das ações dos adversários. Complementando essa referenciação, as predicações e suas modificações se expressam através de verbos de ação, em especial, verbos na 1ª pessoa do singular que marcam o tempo presente, real e conclusivo de ações que constroem um cenário positivo para si mesmo. A localização temporal e espacial, indica as ações realizadas pelos participantes nas diversas etapas temporais selecionadas pelo texto, articuladas a três espaços principais: o Senado Federal, o Brasil e, naturalmente, a Bahia. Por sua vez, conectores adversativos (sobretudo, mas ), explicativos e condicionais acompanham e estruturam o ritmo argumentativo do discurso de renúncia de ACM


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This research of qualitative nature, aimed to analyze the formation and knowledges of the teachers of Street Dance from the State of São Paulo. Reviewing the literarature it was approached the conceptions of culture, "Hip Hop Culture", and Street Dance. Also, some studies referred to the professional formation in dance and Physical Education; acting in dance by the teacher of Physical Education; and professional academic formation and/or experimental. The approaching method was the story of the time at present. The technique: interview semi-structured. According to the analysis of the statements: a) we noticed that no one of the interviewers show academic formation in dance; a small part is graduated in Physical Education, and the majority act as authorized teachers by the CREF and/ or DRT; b) we verified that the teaching of Street Dance is determined by experimental knowledges. The Street Dance shows itself as a process of constitution, and the formation and the knowledges to its teaching did not show systematization.


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In this research, characterized as a qualitative study, we aimed to analyze the Job Profiles, Objectives and Curriculum Flows specified in Pedagogical Projects of the undergraduate Courses of Physical Education of public, state and federal universities, in the São Paulo state. We also analyzed their articulations and adequacy to the Institutional Pedagogical Project and Institutional Development Plan. The latest Resolutions of Physical Education in Higher Education and conceptualizations of the Pedagogical Project of Course are presented. The method of approach is current History. There was a documental research in order to analyze the official documents. A limited offering of public courses when compared to private institutions was verified and also, there was a greater offering of bachelor degree courses (expanded and generalized formation) concerning health, sport and leisure fields. Courses defined specifically for teachers' formation and educational gap between the pedagogical discourses and the curriculum structures were also presented. In conclusion, this research indicates the necessity of a change in the curricular mentality in order to implement the pedagogical discourses of courses.


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The abandonment of newborn children is a reality nowadays. This reality enables us to discuss this issue in other temporalities, in all kinds of societies. Thus, this work aims to demonstrate how the population that lived at Freguesia de Nossa Senhora da Apresentação, a civil parish at a Rio Grande do Norte captaincy, socially placed the abandoned newborn during in the eighteenth century. These newborn were called exposed ones at the time and were inserted in a regional Exposed Circle. The research also discussed how the local Council assembly sheltered these newborn. For research development the following manuscript documents were used: baptism, wedding and demise documents at Freguesia de Nossa Senhora da Apresentação as well as the first Book of Records if the matrix church at this civil parish. The research also considered the terms of the Council assembly. Some printed documents were used such as Philippine Ordainments, the First Constitutions of the Archbishop in 1707 including the Lunario contents as well as texts from André João Antonil and Henry Koster. In the analysis reference work related to Social History was used. Thus, it is possible confirm that there was construction of socially accepted places for these exposed on behalf of the colonist at the region


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This dissertation aims to analyze the social direction in which the Student Movement in Social Work in Brazil (ENESSO) has gone through. This is done considering how the functioning of the National Executive, the Brazilian Social Work Student union has operated. The research analyzed their political position regarding the university as well as professional education in the period of 2003 to 2008. The study s theoretical and methodological object was obtained according to its structural, juncture, and time determinants. All of the mentioned elements considered the contemporary capital crisis and its implications towards the State and Society emphasizing specifically the changes that occurred in the University regarding professional education. For the purpose of data collection and production, a documental and field research was realized. Thus, interviews were done considering one manager of each management period of the ENESSO group in the time span of 2003 to 2008. Some subjects that represented the Brazilian Social Work Teaching and Research Association (ABEPSS) as well as were also interviewed. These subjects have had a relevant role in partnership with these entities and represented students in the contemporary scene. Results suggest that ENESSO has developed work that defends a project of a public, free and laic quality university. This entity also defends a project that considers the 1996 Curricular Guidelines. Currently, there is internal dispute in the social direction of the MESS, this is seen amongst political groups that diverge in opinions related to the analysis done by the Lula government regarding the political role that the National Student Union-UNE has taken in the counter-reform of higher education. This current juncture is seen as extremely individualist and it results as in unfavorable for the collective organization of the working class, especially regarding student movement. MESS has been going through a moment of profound instability and this dimension is being expressed by the absence of national coordinator for the 2008/2009 management period at ENESSO. Even though there are difficulties, it is possible to point out partnership of the entities that represent the national Social Work in Brazil. These partnerships are all related to a struggle and search for the development of a professional project that leads towards the sociability awareness that goes beyond capital.


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This study examines the determinations of the structural crisis of capital in the democratic control effected on the councils of rights and policies. Therefore the research aimed to apprehend and analyze the conjunctural and structural determinations and cyclical changes that incide on democratic control established by the Federal Constitution of 1988. The specific objectives turned to: (1) identify and analyze the theoretical and political fundamentals of democratic control in the production of social service in ENPESS 2010, in the productions of CFESS and the journal social services and society, (2) apprehend and analyze the possibilities, limits, contradictions and social direction of democratic control in contemporaneity and (3) identify and analyze the major political forces that constitute support and opposition to the exercise of democratic control. To approximate to the intended objectives the way theoretical and methodological covered was based in a perspective of totality that allows the apprehension of the object of study in their contradictory dimensions of universality, particularity and singularity. The results enabled to develop critical analysis of theoretical production of the Brazilian social service on the subject, having as snip studies of the journals social service and society; works of ENPESS 2010 and CFESS positioning. It was found, so in analysis undertaken, the spaces of democratic control suffer inflections of capital that shape their practices and social direction. In theoretical productions chosen, identified the prevalence of democratic control studied under an endogenous perspective to participatory canals, with incipient connections to the structural/conjunctural determinations of a historical period of crisis and seeks to restore the hegemony of capital. The positioning of the CFESS tends to recognition of democratic control in its contradictory dynamics recognizing the limits imposed by the sociability of the capital at the present time


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As relações entre pós-modernidade e educação tem sido objeto de inúmeras pesquisas, bem como de certa polêmica no âmbito da Filosofia da Educação, a começar pela própria conceituação da pós-modernidade até chegar às posições filosóficas engendradas por ela. em quase todas essas pesquisas e polêmicas, A condição pós-moderna, de Jean François Lyotard, se configura como uma referência importante, porém raramente as obras subseqüentes a essa são mencionadas, deixando uma parte de seu legado filosófico de fora de tais discussões e, particularmente, de suas eventuais contribuições para a educação. Tendo em vista esse limiar dos estudos sobre o assunto, o presente artigo procura desenvolver uma interpretação acerca do pensamento lyotardiano, privilegiando a análise das obras subseqüentes ao seu livro mais polêmico, com o objetivo de situar o seu projeto filosófico para além de um marco da pós-modernidade e de discutir as suas contribuições à Filosofia da Educação na atualidade. Mediante tal interpretação, recupera-se um projeto filosófico que lança alguns 'desafios' à Filosofia da Educação referentes ao deslocamento de sua problemática epistemológica para a estética, nutrida por um pensamento capaz de elucidar a face complexa e obscura da educação, a sua sombra inumana, e o diferendo constitutivo do ensino, inapreensíveis pela linguagem e pela comunicação. Assim, esperamos que tal projeto possa ser compreendido não por aquilo que traz de polêmico à Filosofia da Educação, mas pelo que a desafia no tempo presente, como uma reescrita da modernidade.