939 resultados para Tellurium oxide glasses
A Li(2)O-B(2)O(3)-Al(2)O(3) glass system, un-doped and doped with LiF, and/or TiO(2) was synthesized by the fusion method and its physical properties were investigated by thermoluminescence (TL), X-ray diffraction (XRD), electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR), atomic force microscopy (AFM) and differential thermal analysis (DTA). The samples were subjected to gamma-rays from a colbalt-60 ((60)Co) source. These techniques provided evidence of LiF and LiF doped with Ti crystal formation in the glass system. A TL glow peak at about 433 K was sensitive to (60)Co gamma-rays and showed good linearity with doses and consequently could be used to quantify radiation doses. Crown Copyright (C) 2011 Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The surface modification and crystallization process of BaO-B2O3-SiO2 glass compositions when exposed to CO2 laser irradiation was evaluated as a function of the laser power, irradiation time and surface condition. The glass surface was modified by the application of laser power exceeding 0.40 W and an irradiation time of more than 300 s. Micro-Raman and X-ray diffraction measurements revealed at high laser power the formation of beta-BaB2O4 (beta-BBO) crystalline phase. The crystallization of the irradiated region was enhanced when beta-BBO micrometer sized particles were dispersed on the surface of the glass sample. The intensity of the second harmonic generation observed in the crystallized region was found to depend mainly on the condition of the glassy surface prior to glass irradiation. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Borate glasses present an absorption coefficient very close to that of human tissue. This fact makes some borates ideal materials to develop medical and environmental dosimeters. Glass compositions with calcium tetraborate (CaB4O7) and calcium metaborate (CaB2O4), such as the xCaB(4)O(7) - (100-x)CaB2O4 System (0 <= x <= 100 wt%) were obtained by the traditional melting/quenching method. A phenomenon widely known as the 'boron anomaly' was observed in our thermal analysis measurements, as indicated by the increase of T, and the appearance of a maximum value in the composition with 40 wt% of CaB2O4. The Dy doped and Li co-doped 80CaB(4)O(7)-20CaB(2)O(4) (Wt%) glass samples were studied by the thermoluminescence technique. The addition of Dy improved the signal sensitivity in about three times with respect to the undoped glass sample. The addition of Li as a co-dopant in this glass caused a shift to a lower temperature of about 20 degrees C in the main glow peak. The structural analysis of the 80CaB(4)O(7)-20CaB(2)O(4) (wt%) undoped and doped samples were studied through infrared absorption. We have noted an increase in the coordination number of the boron atoms from 3 to 4, i.e., the conversion of the BO3 triangular structural units into BO4 tetrahedra. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The crystal nucleation rates of a metastable phase (chi) on the surface of a near stoichiometric cordierite glass were determined for temperatures between 839 and 910 degrees C (T-g similar to 800 degrees C). The surface nucleation kinetics of that phase on our glass, as well as on a stoichiometric glass (2 MgO-2Al(2)O(3)-5SiO(2)) studied by other authors, were analysed in terms of the classical nucleation theory; for the first time. It was shown that the effective interfacial energy for surface nucleation is substantially lower than that for homogeneous volume nucleation in silicate glasses, vindicating the assumption of heterogeneous nucleation on free glass surfaces. The average wetting angle between the nucleating crystals and the active solid particles was estimated to be around 46 degrees C. The pre-exponential constant was several orders of magnitude higher than the theoretical values as found for volume homogeneous nucleation in oxide glasses.
The evolution of Eu3+ doped SnO2 xerogels to the cassiterite structure observed during sintering was studied by means of Eu3+ spectroscopy, XRD and EXAFS at the Sn K-edge. Eu3+ ions adsorbed at the surface of colloidal particles present a broad distribution of sites, typical of oxide glasses. With sintering at 300°C, this distribution is still broadened. Crystallization is clearly observed by the three techniques with increasing sintering temperature. It is found that the addition of Eu3+ limits the crystallite growth.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Samples of 40SiO(2)center dot 30Na(2)O center dot 1Al(2)O(3)center dot(29 - x)B2O3 center dot xFe(2)O(3) (mol%), with 0.0 <= x <= 17.5, were prepared by the fusion method and investigated by electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR), optical absorption (OA) and Mossbauer spectroscopy (MS). The EPR spectra of the as-synthesized samples exhibit two well-defined EPR signals around g = 4.27 and g = 2.01 and a visible EPR shoulder around g = 6.4, assigned to isolated Fe3+ ion complexes (g = 4.27 and g = 6.4) and Fe3+-based clusters (g = 2.01). Analyses of both EPR line intensity and line width support the model picture of Fe3+-based clusters built in from two sources of isolated ions, namely Fe2+ and Fe3+; the ferrous ion being used to build in iron-based clusters at lower x-content (below about x = 2.5%) whereas the ferric ion is used to build in iron-based clusters at higher x-content (above about x = 2.5%). The presence of Fe2+ ions incorporated within the glass template is supported by OA data with a strong band around 1100 nm due to the spin-allowed E-5(g)-T-5(2g) transition in an octahedral coordination with oxygen. Additionally, Mossbauer data (isomer shift and quadrupole splitting) confirm incorporation of both Fe2+ and Fe3+ ions within the template, more likely in tetrahedral-like environments. We hypothesize that ferrous ions are incorporated within the glass template as FeO4 complex resulting from replacing silicon in non-bridging oxygen (SiO3O-) sites whereas ferric ions are incorporated as FeO4 complex resulting from replacing silicon in bridging-like oxygen silicate groups (SiO4). (C) 2012 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
Silver containing heavy metal oxide glasses and glass ceramics of the system WO3-SbPO4-PbO-AgCl with different AgCl contents have been prepared and their thermal, structural and optical properties characterized. Glass ceramics containing metallic silver nanoparticles have been prepared by annealing glass samples at temperatures above the glass transition and analyzed by transmission electron microscopy and energy dispersive X-ray microanalysis. The presence of the metallic clusters has been also confirmed by the observation of a surface plasmon resonimce band in the visible range. Cyclic voltammetric measurements indicated the presence of metallic silver into the glasses, even before to perform the thermal treatment.
Concretions of iron and manganese oxides and hydrous oxidesóobjects commonly called manganese nodulesóare widely distributed not only on the deep-sea floor but also in shallow marine environments1. Such concretions were not known to occur north of Cape Mendocino in the shallow water zones bordering the North-East Pacific Ocean until the summer of 1966 when they were recovered by one of us (J. W. M.) in dredge samples from Jervis Inlet, a fjord approximately 50 miles north-west of Vancouver, British Columbia.
Les sources laser à large bande possédant les caractéristiques requises pour émettre sur la plage spectrale correspondant à la seconde fenêtre de transmission atmosphérique (3 à 5 μm) exercent un attrait considérable pour divers domaines tels que la télédétection de polluants atmosphériques et les contremesures infrarouges. Les supercontinua générés à l’intérieur de fibres optiques représentent une option intéressante pour réaliser ce type de sources laser. En effet, ils possèdent une intensité élevée, un large contenu spectral, une excellente directionnalité de faisceau, ainsi qu’un bon potentiel pour constituer des sources lumineuses compactes et robustes. Toutefois, la génération d’un tel supercontinuum implique certains défis à relever sur le plan de la conception des fibres optiques employées. En fait, ces fibres optiques doivent présenter de faibles pertes de propagation sur la plage spectrale de 3 à 5 μm, posséder un paramètre de non-linéarité élevé et permettre le pompage en régime anomal de dispersion à des longueurs d’onde pour lesquelles des sources laser compactes sont offertes commercialement. En matière de robustesse, ces fibres doivent également démontrer de bonnes propriétés mécaniques ainsi qu’une stabilité chimique appropriée vis-à-vis de la corrosion causée par l’humidité. Dans le cadre de cette thèse, un nouveau type de fibres composites à saut d’indice fortement contrasté a été développé pour atteindre ces objectifs de génération de supercontinuum. Ce type de fibres combine respectivement un verre de tellurite et un verre de germanate pour son coeur et sa gaine permettant ainsi d’atteindre une différence d’indice de réfraction d’environ 0.3 entre ces deux dernières structures. Grâce à cet important saut d’indice, ces fibres peuvent fortement confiner les modes optiques à l’intérieur de leur coeur, ce qui leur donne la possibilité d’atteindre un niveau élevé de non-linéarité et d’optimiser leurs caractéristiques de dispersion chromatique pour la génération du supercontinuum. D’autre part, leur section transversale toute solide leur confère aussi une meilleure stabilité environnementale comparativement à celle démontrée par les fibres optiques microstructurées à base de verres d’oxydes de métaux lourds, de verres de chalcogénure et de verres fluorés. Toutefois, leur fabrication nécessite l’appariement de verres dont les propriétés thermomécaniques concordent suffisamment ensemble pour permettre leur fibrage. Les travaux effectués ici démontrent la production de fibres optiques composites et leur potentiel pour la génération du supercontinuum dans l’infrarouge moyen.